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#1 Jun 13 2004 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
Okay. Here is how it is. Ive played Online RPG's for as long as I can remember. But it seams that now, many are changing. I do not play beta for this game so I can not really tell the truth but it seams every game is following the same path. Maybe I am wrong but please read this and Blizzard, if it is true change these things and I will promise you many more people playing this game.

I am a long time everquest player as of recently where I switched to FFXI(how lame), so many of my ideas may refer to everquest but I am sure many other games are the same.

Items--Ok heres how it is. Plain fact is games now have nothing to offer but the "best" gear, the "okay" gear and the "sucky" gear. Everquest and many other games didnt have this, they had ways that you could change your character and be unique and still be awsome. Now it seams ok spend 1 hour and you can get the best items....whats up with that? I know you want slower or newer players to be able to play high end but many will probly not make it and if they do they will learn and they should the hard way. I looked at the item database and it disapoints me as does FFXI. Theirs to few items. And each has its main stats for a character. Maybe add some stuff to the game such as year long quests that involve going deep into a dungeon and killing something that takes 100 people. Just some ideas.

Its more than just the items though. Theirs no Risk/Reward. Ok so you made your point its a soloing game thats cool.....WHAT??? its a Online RPG! Whats the point of soloing!? your soposed to party and interact with people.

Make the game more diverse. If your making it so you must quest this is a sad move. People will only play one character as they will wish not to do the quests all over or take away from their "sleeping" time.

These are just some of my ideas, please post your own and don't bash on me too badly ^^

BTW FFXI sucks, lvl 75 in the best gear.....nothing else to do in the game but sit and have people look at you.
#2 Jun 13 2004 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
526 posts
Arlozzz wrote:
Items--Ok heres how it is. Plain fact is games now have nothing to offer but the "best" gear, the "okay" gear and the "sucky" gear. Everquest and many other games didnt have this, they had ways that you could change your character and be unique and still be awsome. Now it seams ok spend 1 hour and you can get the best items....whats up with that? I know you want slower or newer players to be able to play high end but many will probly not make it and if they do they will learn and they should the hard way. I looked at the item database and it disapoints me as does FFXI. Theirs to few items. And each has its main stats for a character. Maybe add some stuff to the game such as year long quests that involve going deep into a dungeon and killing something that takes 100 people. Just some ideas.

The item database only goes up to level like... 43 max i think. there is a new patch expected very soon for WoW. and will increase the level cap, so expect to see more items soon.
as for your quest that takes 100 people. I have heard there are quests in the game where you do have to get quite a few people to do, or an entire city. as for the year long quests, im not sure of on those. but, they may be in there. but, beta testers cant get them.

Arlozzz wrote:

Its more than just the items though. Theirs no Risk/Reward. Ok so you made your point its a soloing game thats cool.....WHAT??? its a Online RPG! Whats the point of soloing!? your soposed to party and interact with people.

You dont have to go through the whole game solo, its mainly there so you can do something while u find a pt. try doing that in FFXI.

Arlozzz wrote:

Make the game more diverse. If your making it so you must quest this is a sad move. People will only play one character as they will wish not to do the quests all over or take away from their "sleeping" time.

they may not just play one character, they may make one for each race and try the different quests offered in each city, or at least one of each faction as i noticed that being an Undead i can activate quests that Orcs can, just takes me a while to get to them.

Arlozzz wrote:

BTW FFXI sucks, lvl 75 in the best gear.....nothing else to do in the game but sit and have people look at you.

did you get to rank 10? did you complete every quest in every city (aside from AF of course)? did you get every job to level 75? trust me, there are more things to do, its just if your willing to invest the time to do them.

theres my thoughts, i hope i didnt bash on you at all, im just stateing what i know or have heard. i really mean no offence in any of this.
#3 Jun 13 2004 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
As to me being level 75, Ive have done every possible quest for my class. I am level 75paladin/50warrior/50ninja. I am rank 10. I see no point to raise all my characters to level 75 when I already know theirs nothing waiting there for me to do. And quifim sucks haha i don't feel like lvling there again
#4 Jun 13 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Jeesh...tell me your secret lol, you sure you dont have anything to keep you interested? tradeskills? dynamis? <insert other high level thing i dont know too much about>?
#5 Jun 13 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
526 posts
Arlozzz wrote:
As to me being level 75, Ive have done every possible quest for my class. I am level 75paladin/50warrior/50ninja. I am rank 10. I see no point to raise all my characters to level 75 when I already know theirs nothing waiting there for me to do. And quifim sucks haha i don't feel like lvling there again

wow, you did all that and you only have two posts on this forum? either you made a new login for this topic, or you didnt know that you could use the old login with the WoW site...

you could always just go farm a boatload of gil by camping a couple NMs and then sell the gil online (even though i disagree with this, its still done) if you can find a website that pays for gil, it can be done.

Im kinda suprised that you leveled those fighter classes and didnt go for monk, or dark knight.... just what i notice though.
#6 Jun 13 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
Well, Ive never posted on Ala before. As for Dynamis its fun sometimes but I mean really, Im in full Valor Gear. Only thing I need to do is get upgrade for Excalaber. As for not leveling MNK/DRK is because I only planed on playing Paladin and the two subs that are ever used for it is warrior in pt and ninja solo so thats my reason. I looked at some beta player's post that played EQ II/ WoW. Looks like EQ II is going to blow WoW out of the water. (no offence)
#7 Jun 13 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
469 posts
You mean the "unbiased article" from the guy who has been following EQ2 for months and works for IGN as a mod on the EQ2 boards. Yeah. Real crippling.
#8 Jun 13 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah thats the one. Im not sure if its all true, and I sure both games are trying to hide the "Cool" stuff till it comes out....but from what it sounds WoW might have a hard time with compitition.
#9 Jun 16 2004 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
Well i bet it isnt just me but for the EQ2 vs. WoW thingie ill go for WoW ... just cuz i played EQ for 5 Years already and the system cant be all that new to attract me that much again..
#10 Jun 19 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
yeah it does kinda stink to be a power gamer in some cases arlozzz lol. As for the whole EQ2 WoW thing im going by a month by month basis on this issue. Before reading into EQ2 I was all set for WoW, then after doing my research i found that EQ2 was shaping up to be everything i could ever want in an MMORPG. Now that being said some of my views on WoW have changed too in the passing time. The main thing everyone has to tell themselves is that


PS: I might also mention a quote for those considering EQ2
#11 Jun 20 2004 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
469 posts
VampyreKnight wrote:
PS: I might also mention a quote for those considering EQ2
But it's still run by SoE. So it might as well be.
#12 Jun 20 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
different times, different places, same company. Also you it might be good to know that the class system they are implementing is leading to a point where they wont have an uber class every 3 months like they did before, but i guess my Sig explains my stand on "speculations".
#13 Jun 20 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
Most people that say "it's Sony, so it's the same as before" are not arguing from a perspective of the game proper being identical. They mean that there are certain things they expect from Sony that they don't care for, especially in the customer service department.
Additionally, they worry about how Sony will cater to the masses, and at the same time how much they will implement timesink factors in some new form. Some people don't understand that timesinks are a necessary part of MMORPGs to keep you playing, although perhaps Sony has carried it too far in the past, when they implement quests and zones that require hours and hours of sheer work just to get to for bragging rights and the uber gear -- every expansion, every real expansion, has had some locked pinnacle zone that involves an assload of work to reach.
I don't know if I agree with these people or not. But I also know that this is their mentality. If Blizzard somehow got bought by Sony from Vivendi, most of those people wouldn't play WoW either.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#14 Jun 20 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Yeah i get that people dont think its the same identical gameplay. I'm just saying that any creature with a brain can put there hand on the fire once, get burned, and learn from it(the burning being so many people being fed up with the GM, customer service, and the ever present "nerf bat" set up behind the front door that they used every 3 months to "balance" the good classes that came through the door of Sony that they left the game).

As for some people being sceptical on the timesinks and catering to the masses one game will never cater to the masses, but with WoW and EQ2 they are doing a better job with this in which both offer soloable content, and in EQ2s case is still based off of grouping but does not "center" on it.
In WoW you can solo to your hearts content as long as you dont play too long(unless you dont mind not gaining exp at a the same rate)
In EQ2 there will be soloable content(Since its not out yet you dont know how it works) in which you will be able to look for a group and still be productive(Id also like to add that they have already stated that at any level it will take a maximum of 1 minute to get your mana/hp full.).

In other words, neither game will have you wasting your time waiting for groups for an hour just to kill the same thing for 2 hours, maybe leveling, and disbanding.

There are a good 6months(dont quote me on when EQ2 will be out) for both of these games to change, evolve, and be tested.

The reason i say that neither of these games are out yet so dont judge them is because think of it like this, in EQ people were happy with verant at the beggining for the most part, but slowly it began to digress and the game state got worse, and as varant integrated with sony the GM and customer service stunk, not to mention the fact that they removed server GMs and just had a group of roving GMs that answered one servers questions on one day of the month.Now whos to say that EQ2 will have the same service? No one. whos to say that WoW will have the best service out there, No one yet. Words can say anything, but having the game actually out will be what will matter.

I could find the proof if only i could find the pudding....but i guess ill have to wait a while to get that pudding.

...great i just made myself hungry.
#15 Jun 20 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
168 posts
When you say MMORPGs are changing, I assume you refer to the trend toward catering to the casual player. While it may seem drastic to someone who plays hardcore, I submit that most MMORPGs have catered to no one BUT the hardcore crowd until now, so any change in policy would seem drastic. It's really not as bad as people make it out to be.

Items--Ok heres how it is. Plain fact is games now have nothing to offer but the "best" gear, the "okay" gear and the "sucky" gear. Everquest and many other games didnt have this, they had ways that you could change your character and be unique and still be awsome. Now it seams ok spend 1 hour and you can get the best items....whats up with that? I know you want slower or newer players to be able to play high end but many will probly not make it and if they do they will learn and they should the hard way. I looked at the item database and it disapoints me as does FFXI. Theirs to few items. And each has its main stats for a character. Maybe add some stuff to the game such as year long quests that involve going deep into a dungeon and killing something that takes 100 people. Just some ideas.

The beautiful thing about WoW is that you can play well even with crappy gear. Even the classes which are generally gear-dependent can make do even completely naked for a while (which was proved after the recent item wipe for phase 3 of the beta). Sure, you're not going to be killing elite mobs with a naked melee, but with a little skill and some gumption I was able to hunt for xp AND replacement gear for all my characters, melee and caster alike.

I am so sick of people who say "you need to learn the hard way" to make it to high-end. This is absolutely not true, even in Everquest. Over the course of three years playing EQ I met some real morons in the lower levels ... and guess what? Nine tenths of them made it to the high and and were still morons. Hardcore gaming rules don't cure stupidity! As the adage says, "Nothing is idiot-proof to a determined idiot."

Even so, people who have no clue how to play the game will advance more slowly in WoW unless they find parties to carry them along, just as they could in EQ or any other game.

As to raiding, Blizzard has said it will be implemented; although not, I think, on such a ridiculous scale as 100-person raids. The level cap just got bumped up to 45; I don't imagine they will address much raiding until the level cap is at 60 as it will be in retail.

Its more than just the items though. Theirs no Risk/Reward. Ok so you made your point its a soloing game thats cool.....WHAT??? its a Online RPG! Whats the point of soloing!? your soposed to party and interact with people.

No, you're supposed to have the option of partying up and interacting with people. Some (but not all) quests in WoW are designed for the soloer, although you can party for any quest if you choose. Either way you will most likely have the general channel at least running ... so you are interacting with others passively even while soloing. If you think MMORPGs should exist solely for grouping, speak to some of the warriors and monks in EQ who have spent months collectively sitting LFG and accomplishing nothing because they couldn't solo for xp in the meanwhile!

Choices are good!

Make the game more diverse. If your making it so you must quest this is a sad move. People will only play one character as they will wish not to do the quests all over or take away from their "sleeping" time.

With the exception of a very few quests whose rewards are spells/abilities, there is nothing that says you *have* to quest in WoW. Creatures at similar levels to any given quest have a random chance of dropping comparable gear to quest rewards, and often better. You can enter instances even if you do not have the related quests; all you need is a party invite. In fact, if your passion is mob-killing, you can probably hunt elite mobs exclusively and level faster than you could by questing.

Personally, I prefer a mix of the two. Again, choices! I have nothing against a good old-fashioned xp grind wherein I slaughter piles and piles of the enemies of the Alliance (or the Horde, as you like it), but every once in a while I like to open that quest log and enjoy a bit of storyline.

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