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5.2 pet battle changes - let the QQ begin!Follow

#1 Feb 05 2013 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Ok, first of all, here are the CURRENT wowhead 5.2 PTR notes. Feel free to scroll through. There are SOME good changes which I like, and which I'll list. In brief:
-Pet bandages now stack to 25 and are BoA
-Battle stones can now be rewarded from PvP battles
-Pet tamer battle dailies now have a chance to reward Lesser Charms of Good Fortune
-Pet battles now award character exp if you're within 5 levels of the pets you fight
-New rare, ELITE pet battles are added to the game
-(Didn't see this in the patch notes, but from a blue post) Scourged Whelpling respawn times are now fixed. They were extremely bugged before, hence the rarity.

Well, that's about it for the good. Now the bad...

If you have a favorite pet that's pretty powerful, odds are it will be nerfed. TO THE GROUND! Among these, there's...
- Mr. Bigglesworth
- Flayer Youngling
- Fluxfire Feline
- ... Heck, anything with the following abilities, all of which are nerfed:
Ice Tomb,
Elementium Bolt
Stun Seed,
Supercharge (TO THE GROUND!)
Frost Shock
Deep Freeze
Ghostly Bite (TO THE GROUND!),
Spectral Strike,
Blocking abilities that last for 2 turns like Decoy and the new Ice Barrier,
Feign Death

ALL of those have either decreased damage, last for a shorter period of time, or have a larger cooldown (as high as 8 rounds in some cases, like Decoy).

The other very bad change that's going to happen is that running away from battle will damage your pets. I can understand why in general (you don't want to have someone running through groups trying to find a rare), but they fixed that problem by making it so that you need to defeat wild pets or else they won't respawn. BS, I says! On some trainer battles I typically run away 5-6 times before I have the "right" pet come up first.

So, what does everyone think? Necessary balances, or unkind nerfs to the most favored pets and/or team compositions?
#2 Feb 05 2013 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Sprite Darter Hatchling and Nether Faerie Dragon– Evanescence and Arcane Blast have swapped ability positions.

Yay. Smiley: yippee

I wasn't looking forward to choosing between arcane blast and life exchange.

Pets that had been affected by a crowd-control ability will now be granted Resilience, making them immune to crowd control for a short while.

Yay. Smiley: yippee

No more pet-swapping endless CC stuff.

The other very bad change that's going to happen is that running away from battle will damage your pets. I can understand why in general (you don't want to have someone running through groups trying to find a rare), but they fixed that problem by making it so that you need to defeat wild pets or else they won't respawn. BS, I says! On some trainer battles I typically run away 5-6 times before I have the "right" pet come up first.

Sad panda time. Smiley: frown

Any idea how much damage? I mean too much and it's really annoying, too little and I just farm pets with my fawn... Smiley: lol

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#3 Feb 05 2013 at 3:13 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:

The other very bad change that's going to happen is that running away from battle will damage your pets. I can understand why in general (you don't want to have someone running through groups trying to find a rare), but they fixed that problem by making it so that you need to defeat wild pets or else they won't respawn. BS, I says! On some trainer battles I typically run away 5-6 times before I have the "right" pet come up first.

There was a clarification yesterday that damage will only occur when running away from a wild pet, not a tamer. With that in mind, this is a Very Good Thing (tm).

Edited, Feb 5th 2013 4:14pm by ElMuneco
#4 Feb 06 2013 at 6:12 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
ElMuneco wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:

The other very bad change that's going to happen is that running away from battle will damage your pets. I can understand why in general (you don't want to have someone running through groups trying to find a rare), but they fixed that problem by making it so that you need to defeat wild pets or else they won't respawn. BS, I says! On some trainer battles I typically run away 5-6 times before I have the "right" pet come up first.

There was a clarification yesterday that damage will only occur when running away from a wild pet, not a tamer. With that in mind, this is a Very Good Thing (tm).

Edited, Feb 5th 2013 4:14pm by ElMuneco

Oh, whew. That's a whole lot better then!
#5 Feb 06 2013 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
I still don't like the damage for running away thing. Sometimes, when you're rare hunting, you really don't want to spend the time to fight three poors every damn time. I understand the intent, I guess, is to keep people from depleting the rare spawns quickly. But, this seems like it will now mean that even if you're the only one in the area, you can't blow through the pets to find a rare. For example, I was going back through Deepholm over the weekend to fill in some rares. There was no one around. There are tons of the pets I needed to get as a rare. I probably dropped 40-50 battles to find what I was looking for. It didn't affect anyone else. So, who cares?

To me, it kind of seems like a non-solution to a problem that isn't that big of a problem. There will always be rare mobs/drops/whatever in the game that some people get more easily than others. This solution seems like a punishment that won't really fix the "problem" anyway. It seems like there will probably be easy workarounds anyway, depending on how many bandages you accumulate.

Question about the bandages...Are they BoA on the pet battle interface somehow? Or, are they like heirlooms that you have to mail back and forth?

If the bandages need to be mailed, then I'm not sure how much it'll help.

Kind of disappointed in some of the nerfs. I guess they needed to be done, but seems like a copout. Rather than find a rock to beat the scissors, just nerf the scissors.

Oh, I also read that the Minfernal spawn times won't be changed. That will make a lot of people unhappy.
#6 Feb 06 2013 at 7:48 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
ElMuneco wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:

The other very bad change that's going to happen is that running away from battle will damage your pets. I can understand why in general (you don't want to have someone running through groups trying to find a rare), but they fixed that problem by making it so that you need to defeat wild pets or else they won't respawn. BS, I says! On some trainer battles I typically run away 5-6 times before I have the "right" pet come up first.

There was a clarification yesterday that damage will only occur when running away from a wild pet, not a tamer. With that in mind, this is a Very Good Thing (tm).

Edited, Feb 5th 2013 4:14pm by ElMuneco

This solves absolutely nothing.

No offense, but...

Before: Engage Pet. No Rare? Run. Pet Despawns.
Now: Engage Pet. No Rare? Run. Pet Doesn't Despawn. Smack it with your weapon to kill it.

The only thing different is the damage part, but pfft. That's what the stacks of bandages are for, and the revive pet. Esp if you're farming low level pets, you're not going to care about a little damage, esp pets that have heals.
#7 Feb 07 2013 at 9:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Before: Engage Pet. No Rare? Run. Pet Despawns.
Now: Engage Pet. No Rare? Run. Pet Doesn't Despawn. Smack it with your weapon to kill it.


When does the game determine what spawns?

Because if decides after you engage I'm totally with you here. It wouldn't do anything but make our life harder.

But if the game spawns them when the critter spawns, but you just can see what's there until you start the encounter (think like a mining node), I see the point. It'd be like when you were grinding for the winterspring tiger, if you didn't kill some of the furbolgs you didn't need too there were less and less places to spawn the ones you wanted. Or like when someone goes mining and only takes the ore and leaves the motes behind, the node doesn't despawn and the next person gets junk. Or if you only mine the titanium and leave the saronite nodes or something.

Life is complicated.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#8 Feb 07 2013 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
1,060 posts
I believe it's when the pet spawns. My wife and I will sometimes hunt pets together, and if we'd come across a rare that one of us already had, we'd do the force disconnect method to keep the pet from despawning, allowing the other person to get the rare instead.
#9 Feb 07 2013 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,148 posts
You could just cage it and give it to the other person. :D
#10 Feb 07 2013 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
You could just cage it and give it to the other person. :D

You can't cage wild pets though, right?

Or did they finally change that? If so, Minfernals would probably go for thousands of gold on the AH.
#11 Feb 07 2013 at 7:21 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Hmm to be honest I only caged very very few pets so far and I didn't pay any attention what source they came from. If this is indeed not possible with wild pets, my bad.
#12 Feb 08 2013 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
The hp penalty is just a nuisance, really.

If someone wants to rare farm, all they have to do is swap out team after team. Tag team 3 or 4 or X number of teams of pets between the 8 minute pet mend timer, and avoid using bandages. Or, use bandages. Either way, it's not going to prevent anyone from sweeping areas looking for rares.

Dumb hp penalty is dumb.
#13 Feb 08 2013 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
I thought I read that XP will be based on the relative level of your highest level pet to the target. So no more using lvl 25 pets to power level lower level pets. :(

That may have been changed again - I hope so.

#14 Feb 08 2013 at 7:05 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Friar RareBeast wrote:
I thought I read that XP will be based on the relative level of your highest level pet to the target. So no more using lvl 25 pets to power level lower level pets. :(

That may have been changed again - I hope so.

This would be the dumbest move, ever.

Given how freaking far away Stable Masters are away from some areas, and given how there are no Stable Masters in some zones entirely, leveling pets the "old" way is very .....


What other words could we use there?

Although.. if you use Level25 pets to kill Level 23-25 pets, the XP gain should still be good? It says "relative level of your highest level pet to the target" .... 25 to 25, should still work.

Maybe they're only trying to get people to stop getting Lv10 by doing the first 3 dailies right outside of town? lol

Edited, Feb 8th 2013 8:06pm by Lyrailis
#15 Feb 11 2013 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Was thinking about this a bit over the weekend (and you'll have to forgive me if you all are light-years ahead of my observations here). The thing that really makes it a pain is that pet battles can last so long. It's not like you just kill something and move on. You wind up spending 5 minutes in a battle because there's a couple of greens, or you want to raise a defense pet, or something. It's all a bit much.

It seems like the thing to do would be to streamline the battle system a bit. If running away is going to be a punishment, it can't be a punishment to endure the battle. Or who really wants to go against someone who brings 5 alts to the same zone so he can cheese the pet-rez timer? People killed one pokemon at a time for years and never batted an eye. Not necessarily a solution, but something that takes 30 seconds or a minute would be a bit easier to suffer through if they're going to make us do it. Maybe you need to spawn more critters if each one is a single battle? Don't want people picking and choosing? Too much to animate?

Aw heck, let's just bring on the long grass already... Smiley: rolleyes
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#16 Feb 11 2013 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Was thinking about this a bit over the weekend (and you'll have to forgive me if you all are light-years ahead of my observations here). The thing that really makes it a pain is that pet battles can last so long. It's not like you just kill something and move on. You wind up spending 5 minutes in a battle because there's a couple of greens, or you want to raise a defense pet, or something. It's all a bit much.

It seems like the thing to do would be to streamline the battle system a bit. If running away is going to be a punishment, it can't be a punishment to endure the battle. Or who really wants to go against someone who brings 5 alts to the same zone so he can cheese the pet-rez timer? People killed one pokemon at a time for years and never batted an eye. Not necessarily a solution, but something that takes 30 seconds or a minute would be a bit easier to suffer through if they're going to make us do it. Maybe you need to spawn more critters if each one is a single battle? Don't want people picking and choosing? Too much to animate?

Aw heck, let's just bring on the long grass already... Smiley: rolleyes

I will agree partly on the fact that they are punishing us because of something we don't want to do that we just don't find fun. Especially when you get little to no reward outside of an incredibly crappy chance of dropping a battle stone... wooooo. You know what? I leveled several pets on Jade Forest one night, probably pet battled for a good hour, killing everything in my path.

Battle Stones: ZERO.

I got absolutely nothing out of those battles, outside of XP on a few pets.

Also, they need more farking stable masters in more towns. Seriously. Trying to level a pet in Northrend (esp if you don't already have a 25 and have to do it the slow way) is horrible, as there's only a few stable masters here and there, some zones having none at all for one faction or the other.

The thing I really don't like and would want to rant about?

Pet Breeds.

Okay, so chasing down a Blue pet takes time. Oh wait... there's this COMPLETELY HIDDEN aspect of Pet Battles having to do with breeds of the pet. Some pets, you want a certain breed. Said breed is NOT displayed in the UI unless you get an AddOn (something you would have never known about if you hadn't looked it up online). So, wait... not only do you need a Blue... but you ALSO need a Blue of a certain breed!? Gaaaaah. Was this REALLY necessary? Why not just give all pets of the same kind the same stats per quality and call it a day? Hunting blues is bad enough... trying to find a Blue-Quality Pure Strength Onyxian Whelpling? Finding _a_ Blue Onyxian Whelping is bad enough.

And here I thought Pet Battles was supposed to be something the casual player can fiddle around with when they have nothing else to do (since they won't be doing anything past LFR usually). Nothing quite says "Casual" like having to camp 7+ days for a Minfernal (Or a Strength Onyxian Whelping), yaknow... *rolls eyes*

And the Pet Tamers in Pandaria?

Cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat.

Bad enough they don't always call the pets out in the correct order (something you have no control over), but they always have purple pets (something you can't get until supposedly 5.2 and even then what you have to do to get one is probably ridiculous), but they ALSO cheat with cooldowns on their abilities. Without JUST the right pets.... Forget it. You're not gonna do it. This is going to be even worse after they nerf some of the few pets that COULD kill these stupid things.

Edited, Feb 11th 2013 3:57pm by Lyrailis
#17 Feb 11 2013 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
someproteinguy wrote:
Was thinking about this a bit over the weekend (and you'll have to forgive me if you all are light-years ahead of my observations here). The thing that really makes it a pain is that pet battles can last so long. It's not like you just kill something and move on. You wind up spending 5 minutes in a battle because there's a couple of greens, or you want to raise a defense pet, or something. It's all a bit much.

It seems like the thing to do would be to streamline the battle system a bit. If running away is going to be a punishment, it can't be a punishment to endure the battle. Or who really wants to go against someone who brings 5 alts to the same zone so he can cheese the pet-rez timer? People killed one pokemon at a time for years and never batted an eye. Not necessarily a solution, but something that takes 30 seconds or a minute would be a bit easier to suffer through if they're going to make us do it. Maybe you need to spawn more critters if each one is a single battle? Don't want people picking and choosing? Too much to animate?

Aw heck, let's just bring on the long grass already... Smiley: rolleyes

I will agree partly on the fact that they are punishing us because of something we don't want to do that we just don't find fun. Especially when you get little to no reward outside of an incredibly crappy chance of dropping a battle stone... wooooo. You know what? I leveled several pets on Jade Forest one night, probably pet battled for a good hour, killing everything in my path.

Battle Stones: ZERO.

I got absolutely nothing out of those battles, outside of XP on a few pets.

Also, they need more farking stable masters in more towns. Seriously. Trying to level a pet in Northrend (esp if you don't already have a 25 and have to do it the slow way) is horrible, as there's only a few stable masters here and there, some zones having none at all for one faction or the other.

The thing I really don't like and would want to rant about?

Pet Breeds.

Okay, so chasing down a Blue pet takes time. Oh wait... there's this COMPLETELY HIDDEN aspect of Pet Battles having to do with breeds of the pet. Some pets, you want a certain breed. Said breed is NOT displayed in the UI unless you get an AddOn (something you would have never known about if you hadn't looked it up online). So, wait... not only do you need a Blue... but you ALSO need a Blue of a certain breed!? Gaaaaah. Was this REALLY necessary? Why not just give all pets of the same kind the same stats per quality and call it a day? Hunting blues is bad enough... trying to find a Blue-Quality Pure Strength Onyxian Whelpling? Finding _a_ Blue Onyxian Whelping is bad enough.

And here I thought Pet Battles was supposed to be something the casual player can fiddle around with when they have nothing else to do (since they won't be doing anything past LFR usually). Nothing quite says "Casual" like having to camp 7+ days for a Minfernal (Or a Strength Onyxian Whelping), yaknow... *rolls eyes*

And the Pet Tamers in Pandaria?

Cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat.

Bad enough they don't always call the pets out in the correct order (something you have no control over), but they always have purple pets (something you can't get until supposedly 5.2 and even then what you have to do to get one is probably ridiculous), but they ALSO cheat with cooldowns on their abilities. Without JUST the right pets.... Forget it. You're not gonna do it. This is going to be even worse after they nerf some of the few pets that COULD kill these stupid things.

Edited, Feb 11th 2013 3:57pm by Lyrailis

I consider this a bit of an overreaction. With a stable of about 10 level 25s, I've beaten every tamer battle without issue (now I'm up to about twice that amount of pets, mostly just for fun). Major Payne? One-shot him. Aki? Simple fight. The Pandaren spirits? If you have a snail, you've basically taken out 1 and a half of their pets already.

I mean, yes, it still takes time and some strategy; but once you have the hard-counters for most pet types tamer fights are trivialized even with green quality pets. Heck, several of my hard-counters are STILL green while I wait for stones to drop (which I agree are rare as hell; I think I have about a 1/30 drop rate from bags and a 1/100 from random fights). But when you get into different breeds you're talking about min/maxing. No, your squirrel, frog, cockroach party isn't going to sweep all possible opponents; but unless you're PvPing there's no need to worry about min-maxing with breed categories. I beat all the tamers long before I even realized there were different breeds.

Yes, RNG can still ***** you on tamer fights, and yes, sometimes you need to reset the fight a few times to get the right pet to come out first. But you don't need a Minfernal or a P/P Onyxian Whelpling for PvE, and honestly, they're probably not great for PvP either (just get three Blighthawks and hope there are not many critters to fight if you want brainless PvP fights Smiley: laugh)
#18 Feb 11 2013 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
There's a easy (probably hard for Blizz) solution to the pet depletion issue while rare hunting.

Just make it so when you abandon a battle, the pets don't disappear; they only disappear when they've been defeated in battle. Make pets respawn for every new battle (i.e., random quality), but make it so a player can't just sit and respawn the same wild pet over and over. Put a timer on them for each player, so you can only engage the same spawn once every, say, 5 minutes, for example. Solves a couple problems. People that just want the pet and don't necessarily care if it's rare or not, can just grab a pet. People that want a rare can hunt for one without depleting all the pets in an area, leaving some up for other people.

The whole hp loss is just not going to fix the "problem" I think it's designed to fix.
#19 Feb 11 2013 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
While I read about the whole breed-thing about 2 weeks ago, I chose to ignore it. It just seems like way too much hassle for little gain.
What bothers me a whole lot more is the dodge/miss-chance every attack has. I don't think it changes my loose/win ratio since the NPC pets miss quite often too. But it's totally unnecessary, adding nothing to the fights. Having a fight last two rounds longer because of some misses/dodges is just unnerving.
If they would get rid of that and expand the tooltips of special abilities with an inherent miss-chance so that you know "Okay this one has a 20% miss-chance" it would be a vast improvement in my book.
#20 Feb 11 2013 at 6:27 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
While I read about the whole breed-thing about 2 weeks ago, I chose to ignore it. It just seems like way too much hassle for little gain.
What bothers me a whole lot more is the dodge/miss-chance every attack has. I don't think it changes my loose/win ratio since the NPC pets miss quite often too. But it's totally unnecessary, adding nothing to the fights. Having a fight last two rounds longer because of some misses/dodges is just unnerving.
If they would get rid of that and expand the tooltips of special abilities with an inherent miss-chance so that you know "Okay this one has a 20% miss-chance" it would be a vast improvement in my book.

Missing a charge-up attack is absolutely devastating and it is frustrating as all Hell.

Lift-Off, Burrow, Dive, etc.

Missing one of these sucks, and sucks bigtime because there goes a huge chunk of your damage, especially if you're looking to hard-counter someone else.

As to the above thing about having to do hard-counters for every pet tamer... not sure I'm really wanting to have to level 10+ pets (esp after the change) and try to remember which pets to use for which tamer (since there are a whole bunch of them).

Oh and...

Could we please please please please please get rid of the auto-summon when you switch pets around? I hate having to dismiss my companion pets every single time I change my lineup.
#21 Feb 11 2013 at 7:26 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

Missing a charge-up attack is absolutely devastating and it is frustrating as all Hell.

Lift-Off, Burrow, Dive, etc.

Absolutely agree - but the key is to know which attacks miss often. Dive/Burrow/Fly are an 80% attack on same-level mobs; subtract 5% for each rarity level the enemy has above you (so 70% on Pandaren spirits). Solution? If possible, don't use those abilities - or forfeit if they miss on the first hit.

As to the above thing about having to do hard-counters for every pet tamer... not sure I'm really wanting to have to level 10+ pets (esp after the change) and try to remember which pets to use for which tamer (since there are a whole bunch of them).

Realistically you don't NEED to have the hard-counters; they're just a guaranteed win. And once you have a level 25 or two, getting others up to 25 takes under half an hour. You're unlikely to get a Beast hard-counter unless you shell out serious cash (real life cash, btw), and the Dragonkin counter is the Scourged Whelpling, which will be rare as heck for most players until 5.2. The only ones I think are really worth it is a Snail (Elemental counter), a Flayer Youngling (Critter counter, and oh-so-amazing for leveling new pets), and some elemental pet for mechanical enemies. The rest are pretty negotiable. Yes, the Jade Owl is a hard counter to aquatic pets, but you need a stone to upgrade it, and Fly is lackluster... I can counter the number of times I've used the Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, and it's still green... and while turtles are awesome undead killers, the "hard-counter" attack ability is the lackluster Powerball, which sucks for damage even with the +50% modifier. Odss are you'll already have or can find a high-level dragon whelp to kill Flying pets, and I KNOW you can find a high-level spider for humanoids.

Could we please please please please please get rid of the auto-summon when you switch pets around? I hate having to dismiss my companion pets every single time I change my lineup.

Ok, amen to this one Smiley: lol
#22 Feb 11 2013 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
As to the above thing about having to do hard-counters for every pet tamer... not sure I'm really wanting to have to level 10+ pets (esp after the change) and try to remember which pets to use for which tamer (since there are a whole bunch of them).

But, this is the whole essence of the high level pet battles. I can understand if you don't want to do it, but you have to understand you will not be very successful if you don't have the right pets for the right battles. It's what the whole system is really. Pet type makes a huge difference, and pet quality makes a huge difference.

The breed thing even makes a difference, to an extent. I started using Battle Pet BreedID (it's on Curse) about a month ago. I find it really useful. Instead of the numbers some people talk about, it shows H, P, S, or B for Health, Power, Speed, or Balance. Pets are a combination of two, like HP for Health and Power, etc. The pets that are pure H, P, or S have higher overall stat count than a Balance pet. So, it really can make a difference in performance. The add-on also shows which breeds are available for any given pet and the stats at level 25 for each possible stat combo. For example, I just captured a rare Tiny Bog Beast (level 6). The pet can be a H/H, H/P, or H/S. At level 25 these will equate to H-1725, P-260, S-260, H-1546, P-289, S-260, or H-1546, P-260, S-289, respectively. For some pets, you may want a really fast S for a given ability, or have higher H for survivability.

Of course, there is an added PITA of tracking down the "right" breed rare, but this isn't absolutely necessary. Depending on how easily farmed a pet is, I often don't worry about it. I just grab whatever rare I can get. There are also numerous pets that only come in a limited number of breeds, too. A lot of the breeds thing, though, is just nuance that isn't really crucial to pet battling. It's just a matter of how complicated you want to make it, I guess.
#23 Feb 11 2013 at 9:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
Oh, and I think misses and dodges are kind of needed, as annoying as they are. The flip side of misses and dodges are crits, which can also swing a battle for or against. But, without some sort of RNG, it would all be really predictable and there'd be no reason to fight the battle.
#24 Feb 12 2013 at 2:03 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Hm we seem to have different angles on that one. I think you should be able to plan your pet battle and then (if you did not make any mistakes in your planing) have them unfold the way you anticipated. And not lose because your little sucker missed three times in a row. Yep, that has happened several times now and I'm rather tired of it.
Crits have a smaller impact, so I don't have that big a problem with them. But I wouldn't mourn them if they were to be removed.
Battles against Pet Trainers/wild pets should be about preparation and execution. The random element can always be found in PvP pet battles. At least after 5.2 when there will be fewer (none?) clearly overpowered pets. But that's only my take on it.

That being said, I never was and most likely never will be a fan of RNG. So my opinion is pretty biased. ;)
#25 Feb 12 2013 at 4:59 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Friar RareBeast wrote:
I thought I read that XP will be based on the relative level of your highest level pet to the target. So no more using lvl 25 pets to power level lower level pets. :(

That may have been changed again - I hope so.

This would be the dumbest move, ever.

Given how freaking far away Stable Masters are away from some areas, and given how there are no Stable Masters in some zones entirely, leveling pets the "old" way is very .....


What other words could we use there?

Although.. if you use Level25 pets to kill Level 23-25 pets, the XP gain should still be good? It says "relative level of your highest level pet to the target" .... 25 to 25, should still work.

Maybe they're only trying to get people to stop getting Lv10 by doing the first 3 dailies right outside of town? lol

Edited, Feb 8th 2013 8:06pm by Lyrailis

The only mention of experience anywhere in the patch notes is that pet battles will award PLAYER experience when your pets are within 5 levels of your opponent's pets. Absolutely nothing about pet experience.

Also, if you get a decent pet battle addon, it will tell you what abilities your opponent's pets have, and track their CD. I have yet to see a CD be "cheated", and AI pets are so predictable that it's easy to time your avoidance abilities around their heavy hits.
#26 Feb 12 2013 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
azwing wrote:
Oh, and I think misses and dodges are kind of needed, as annoying as they are. The flip side of misses and dodges are crits, which can also swing a battle for or against. But, without some sort of RNG, it would all be really predictable and there'd be no reason to fight the battle.

Yeah, as much as I hate RNG there's something to this. No RNG and you have an addon that would tell you whether or not you'd win before you started the fight. The 2 turn things drive me nuts when they miss but I like being unattackable for a round, it makes them a horrible addiction.

Also, just because it's quasi relevant and made me happy: I got a blue harpy youngling last night. Smiley: yippee

Edited, Feb 12th 2013 8:41am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
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