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Mount huntFollow

#1 Jul 23 2012 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
678 posts
So I just got back to the game after a long break (18 months or so). They always come back etc etc.

Thing is this late into the expansion I'm not at all going to try to get into raiding, so I'm just going to hunt some mounts/pets. So I'm going to get going that rolling disappointment of the green proto and Anzu hunting. Does the VP mount still drop? Then there's the new Troll ones, How is the drop rate for those? It took me almost two years of ZA to get the tiger mount, hope it's not as bad this time round.

Funny story is I also decided to buy some BoE mounts and was shocked to find I only had like 500g on my main. So I started doing a few dailies over the weekend to try to boost my gold, then remembered the whole Bank-Alt situation ...
#2 Jul 23 2012 at 8:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Welcome back and good luck.

Have had no luck with Anzu, the MC legendaries, the Onyxia mount, Attumen, one of the two Malygos mounts, the Wintergrasp mount, the green proto, the Baradin fox and the Dalaran rat for months.
Just to put you in the right mood. Smiley: lol
#3 Jul 23 2012 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
The first obvious idea is to look up an add-on for mount collections. I feel like Akis has one? I remember using that, although I kept collecting mounts that didn't appear in it (like the Darkmoon Faire Dancing Bear). But it's a good list to start with.

Only really "rare" mounts I have are the Deathcharger from Stratholme and the White Hawkstrider from MGT. Last I checked I had killed Anzu over 70 times with no luck, and Skadi a couple dozen. Random drops are random Smiley: frown

On the plus side, I DO have a Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros. Wish you could transmogrify legendary items; it's just collecting dust in my bank now Smiley: lol
#4 Jul 23 2012 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
1,080 posts
I've been using the Collectinator add-on for a while.
Just happened on it in Curse one day, but haven't really checked others out.
#5 Jul 23 2012 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Thing is this late into the expansion I'm not at all going to try to get into raiding

For all the scorn heaped on LFR/LFD, you might go ahead and take a few passes through the last set of instances. You can at least see and judge things for yourself (caveat -- PUGS are and always have been PUGS), while getting at least one character geared for a quicker start into the next expansion. Although PUGS be PUGS, I enjoyed getting to see things at something close to the appropriate level (rather than going back after everyone horribly outgears the instance). YMMV.

Since you've been gone for awhile, you might want to look at some of the upcoming changes to things like pets, mounts and achievements. Some of those things are going to have more account wide impact after MoP.
#6 Jul 23 2012 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
e getting at least one character geared for a quicker start into the next expansion.

There may be some reasons they might want to try the HoT Heroics and/or LFR DS, but this is one of the worst reasons.

Simply put, 377 crafted gear is more than enough to handle Jade Forest, and right now, last I heard, there are vendors that sell weak (but usable) gear in each zone in Pandaria; most likely the stuff that vendor has is better than Raid Finder gear anyways, or nearly just as good.

So, the most Raid Finder gear would let you do is be able to start Jade Forest or that other zone without having to first stop and buy a suit of gear off the vendor for a couple hundred gold or some-such.

Assuming such vendors remain there, that is. Even if they don't, you'd likely have a suit of armor within the first 30 quests or so anyways, kinda like how Mt. Hyjal is. I've taken characters into Hyjal that only had 16k health and quested junk -- first few quests are kinda 'meh' but with a little patience, the first few rewards has you mowing stuff down with ease soon afterwards.

Not to mention, trying to gear up through LFR is a horrible experience. You can only loot each boss once a week, and there are a LOT of ninjas and people who roll need on things they're going to vendor just to be a jerk about it.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2012 2:00pm by Lyrailis
#7 Jul 23 2012 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts

I generally try not to make a point of it, but recall that I play in an environment that might be substantially different from the experience of NE/EU players. The game is the same (cosmetic issues aside) but player behavior has its quirks.

Aside from Mag's thread on beta, information about what we can expect has been ... scant. Since I'm not on beta, I'm not making any bets on what will or will not make it to release. Through the last few expansions, higher level gear has generally held up a bit longer. Nothing more, nothing less. It has always been possible to get through HFP and its successors with fairly basic gear; however, better gear reduces the time you spend getting whacked about in the early stages of an expansion. The higher levels of crafted gear are also generally PVP gear; they're solid enough for starters, but they do lose a bit of their point budget to PVP's needs.

Not to mention, trying to gear up through LFR is a horrible experience. You can only loot each boss once a week, and there are a LOT of ninjas and people who roll need on things they're going to vendor just to be a jerk about it.

Courtesy, Lyr. I haven't played since WOW beta, but I've played since 1.1 and generally know the game. I've done the new zone thing since new zones were something that arrived in a patch. Having run a DK, a Priest, a Druid and a Hunter through the process, I may be short of your level of completion, but I had noticed what it takes to get through LFR. There is no need to write as if I don't even know what the lock outs are. I made it through, I presume that others are at least as competent as an old man with bad eyes and reflexes that don't respond as fluidly as they once might have. My hands have slowed, I haven't quite hit the level of senility that you seem to suspect.

#8 Jul 23 2012 at 1:07 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Courtesy, Lyr. I haven't played since WOW beta, but I've played since 1.1 and generally know the game. I've done the new zone thing since new zones were something that arrived in a patch. Having run a DK, a Priest, a Druid and a Hunter through the process, I may be short of your level of completion, but I had noticed what it takes to get through LFR. There is no need to write as if I don't even know what the lock outs are. I made it through, I presume that others are at least as competent as an old man with bad eyes and reflexes that don't respond as fluidly as they once might have. My hands have slowed, I haven't quite hit the level of senility that you seem to suspect.

My apologies if I didn't word what I said quite right, and caused you to misunderstand...

I never said that LFR was hard, or that one couldn't get through it, I said that doing LFR for the purpose of gearing up for the next expansion isn't very productive in any reasonable time-frame. With the ninja'ing going on, and people rolling Need to vendor the items when other people could have actually used said item, trying to gear up with LFR is not something that's generally recommended.

Now if the OP wants to do LFR to see the Content, or just to have fun with it, then by all means! They very much should try it.

And as far as the "new zone thing", well, THIS expansion, they're doing something new. I wasn't sure if you were aware that they stuck green item vendors in the zones that sells you who sets of gear for a few hundred gold to get you "up to speed"; they had never done this in WoW before. The closest they ever had, was the whole craftable suit of Plate Tank Armor at Lv70 and 80. But that's Craftable, not bought and does not include weapons. There are Level 81 weapons, but those tend to take some materials and are not easy to make.

But anyways, my apologies if you took anything I said, as offensive, it wasn't meant that way at all.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2012 3:10pm by Lyrailis
#9 Jul 23 2012 at 6:29 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Eh, well,we seem to have a "half full or half empty" situation and I'll get over it. Phrasing aside, you bring up some valid points and I'm glad to see some discussion of the upcoming transition to MoP.

For my part, OP expressed an interest in mount collecting as an alternative to gearing up for raiding. I can see why that might be the case. I've been forced to switch back to a long mothballed set of characters and I'm hitting a lot of situations that make me wonder: "why bother". Given the general nature of PUGs and the tales of LFR/LFD foolishness (which seems to be one of your points), I threw out that the loot they drop is better than what a character which hasn't been played in 18 months is likely to have and in that sense a step closer to an easier start in MoP.

The number of lockouts before the pre MoP patch is uncertain, but will probably run eight or more. Conditions on NA/EU servers may be different, but since players here tend to roll need if it is an option I would guess that odds of winning any given loot roll are about the same. Personally, I'd throw in a weekly shot at some better gear as an alternative to two months or more of grinding mounts that continue to mock us. Then again, that may explain why I'm unlikely to get the TLPD. Smiley: laugh

Is the gear strictly necessary? No. On the other hand, has there ever been a time that it was bad to go into a new expansion with better gear? Half full or half empty, I agree with you that one should have fun.
#10 Jul 23 2012 at 9:57 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
Just skimming so apologies if I miss the point or it's already been covered, but I started beta on a toon with an ilvl of 402 and at level 88 I've replaced about half of that (7 pieces including 2 weapon upgrades). There are vendors selling greens in each zone - they start at 372, making them lower than the top tier 5man heroic gear, so I don't see running LFR and trying to get gear as being a waste of time at all.

Edited to correct false information (I'm dumb).

Edited, Jul 24th 2012 12:07am by Tellaria
#11 Jul 24 2012 at 1:48 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Thanks all for the feedback.

I've started paying visits to Anzu. For some reason he still insists on holding on to his mount. Irrational as that is. Good thing is that the whole ordeal takes a grand 5-10 minutes to solo and I end up about 40g richer and with some TBC enchanting matts to boot in the process anyhow. Not a lot of gold by any measure, but for 10 minutes I'm good.

Green disappointm ...eeeer egg. Green egg, that's right, is hatching too.

LFR I'm tempted, but to be honest I want to ease myself back into WoW and not jump straight into raids. I have yet to run a dungeon too except for my soloing activity. If I get bored of running Shettek I'll just start running VP for an even LOWER chance of success (who could pass on that??)
#12 Jul 24 2012 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
70 posts
some of the "easy" mounts if you dont have them yet
Kara- fiery warhorse
Utguard pinnacle- blue protodrake
Strat - Barons mount
Culling of strat - bronze drake
AQ40- scarab tanks
ungoro/winterspring - raptor/ saber mounts

theres also the molten front dailys when you finish everything you get the flameward hippogrif. the tol barad dailys can get you 2 mounts. the neather drake dailys for those mounts.
your alredy working on anzu and the green proto so dont need to mention those.

so yeah of your missing any of those that could keep you busy for a while depending on your luck with drop rates.
#13 Jul 24 2012 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
Wintersaber rep in Winterspring is relatively easy now. 20 days doing 1 daily and the mount is yours.
#14 Jul 25 2012 at 1:31 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Wow, thanks again for the head-up folks.

I do have a few rare mounts, thanks heavens the RNG in the end sort of evens out.

I'll probably hunt for Anzu, the green proto, Hellscream flyer, the MgT chicken and possibly Karazhan and Baron's. With the gold I make from the proceedings I'm also going to get me a 20k Mamooth. All this mount hunting should keep me busy until MoP I guess.
#15 Jul 25 2012 at 1:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Since a CTRL-F hasn't found mention of it(though I did see mention of using an addon), the armory has a nice list of all the mounts your character has, and more importantly, all the mounts your character lacks. With links to discussions about them(possibly even straight to the Wowhead page for the mounts). You'd be surprised at what mounts you never even knew existed before checking that out.
#16 Aug 23 2012 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
678 posts
I thought I'd simply report that today I finally got lucky and Anzu dropped the mount. I haven't had luck with any other mount I've been trying to farm, but one RNG step at a time I guess, and it's a cool mount so I ain't complaining. Won't replace my go-to mount which is my ZG tiger, but it's nice to add another one to the stable.
#18 Aug 23 2012 at 9:37 PM Rating: Excellent
161 posts
"And as far as the 'new zone thing', well, THIS expansion, they're doing something new. I wasn't sure if you were aware that they stuck green item vendors in the zones that sells you who sets of gear for a few hundred gold to get you "up to speed"; they had never done this in WoW before. The closest they ever had, was the whole craftable suit of Plate Tank Armor at Lv70 and 80. But that's Craftable, not bought and does not include weapons. There are Level 81 weapons, but those tend to take some materials and are not easy to make."

Somehow this is disappointing to me. It's not exactly a "you win" button, but just going to the store and buying a decent set of gear instead of questing it or making it or getting it as a drop... well, I just wish they didn't keep dumbing down the game and making it easier and easier. But then again, I'm old and grumpy.

As far as mounts, there are a couple of flying ones I'm familiar with: I did UP... I don't know, it might have been 100 times on all of my characters combined. I saw the blue protodrake drop two or three times and I actually won it once. It's a very cool mount but the drop rate is low. The bronze drake from Culling of Strat is the way to go. If you can get a friend with a half-assed geared tank to run you through the thing, you will get the bronze drake 100% of the time. That drop rate is very hard to beat. It's way cooler than the standard mount, and you can get it in 30 minutes.

Just my 2 cents.

#19 Aug 24 2012 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
Labiarinth wrote:
"And as far as the 'new zone thing', well, THIS expansion, they're doing something new. I wasn't sure if you were aware that they stuck green item vendors in the zones that sells you who sets of gear for a few hundred gold to get you "up to speed"; they had never done this in WoW before. The closest they ever had, was the whole craftable suit of Plate Tank Armor at Lv70 and 80. But that's Craftable, not bought and does not include weapons. There are Level 81 weapons, but those tend to take some materials and are not easy to make."

Somehow this is disappointing to me. It's not exactly a "you win" button, but just going to the store and buying a decent set of gear instead of questing it or making it or getting it as a drop... well, I just wish they didn't keep dumbing down the game and making it easier and easier. But then again, I'm old and grumpy.

The vendor gear is not as good as quested gear in most instances and is more for filling out an offset than gearing up your main spec, since quests give you spec-specific gear and therefore you may not get many upgrades for your offset.
#20 Aug 24 2012 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
Aye it will be nice for characters, such as my paladin, who only have one set of gear and want to try out a new spec without giving up on building their current one. Also it is a bit of a leap going from one expansion to another and having things like weapons for melee helps with that transition. I know how much I hated questing in Hyjal on my rogue until she got some decent weapons. Smiley: glare
#21 Aug 27 2012 at 10:51 PM Rating: Good
807 posts
Well it never did make sense to me why we had all these various vendors who sold 'white' gear that no one ever bought.
#22 Aug 28 2012 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Xizervexius wrote:
Well it never did make sense to me why we had all these various vendors who sold 'white' gear that no one ever bought.

Every time I sell stuff to NPCs who sell white gear the same silly thought pops in my mind. "They buy stuff worth a lot of gold and sell crap nobody buys. They must be selling "other" stuff too".
#23 Aug 28 2012 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
Is there still a dungeon lock-out for Anzu where you can only do the run once daily? I know (well.. at least I think I know...) that anyone can summon him now... is that even true? If it is do you do so by just walking in to the room and click something? (I've been away for about 11 months myself.)
#24 Aug 28 2012 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
PentUpAnger wrote:
Is there still a dungeon lock-out for Anzu where you can only do the run once daily? I know (well.. at least I think I know...) that anyone can summon him now... is that even true? If it is do you do so by just walking in to the room and click something? (I've been away for about 11 months myself.)

Yep, once per day. And you don't have to summon him. He's waiting in the room like a regular dungeon boss. Good luck :)
#25 Aug 28 2012 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
678 posts
PentUpAnger wrote:
Is there still a dungeon lock-out for Anzu where you can only do the run once daily? I know (well.. at least I think I know...) that anyone can summon him now... is that even true? If it is do you do so by just walking in to the room and click something? (I've been away for about 11 months myself.)

Both true. You can only run it once a day, it an HC, and anyone can summon him. Actually, he doesn't need to be summonned, he's just there, waiting to be killed. It's been like this since Wotlk too I think.
#26 Aug 28 2012 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
It appears that there is an additional step needed to get the full benefit of account wide mounts/pets. You have to log onto the character that has a particular mount/pet before it is shared.
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