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Achievements and youFollow

#1 Jul 05 2012 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
Since there is not much going on the last two days I figured I jump into the opening.
Skimmed the first few pages and couldn't find anything related to this so here we go.

What's your approach to achievements ingame? Do you just get them when finishing some other ingame goal like raiding or do you pursue them specifically? Do you just hunt for specific things like certain titles or mounts? And talking about mounts, are there some mount/pet collectors here?

Me, I love to collect. So I collect pets, mounts, unique tabards, achievements, Feats of Strength.
If you follow the link in my signature you can examine my successes so far. Still much work to do but overall I'm quite pleased.
#2 Jul 05 2012 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
I like going for them, but I usually use my time between dungeon queues for hunting them. I have half the achievements you do, but I have 5k achievements on 3 separate characters so far. Altism. It's a *****.
#3 Jul 05 2012 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
614 posts
Well, some achievements are pretty damn worthless, ''congrats, you have killed a million squirrells'' or something like that.
But instance and raid-achievemtns are a different story, they can offer players that extra challenge to keep things more interesting.

Titles and rewards from the more challenging achievements are nice aswell.
#4 Jul 05 2012 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
530 posts
I enjoy achievement hunting.

Currently I raid one night a week and I'm not into alts. I love attempting achievements when I'm not raiding but still logging on for an hour or so to relax. It's just something to do with my WoW time. I'm geared enough to not have to do heroics and I'm fairly bored with them anyway. Although achievements are about as redundant as heroics at least they require me to traverse the continents and engage the small things in WoW that I missed or just never cared to purse before.

Currently I'm working the exalted title as well as the Northerend Rare monster achievement. Three more rare's to go and 4 more reputations to hit 40 at exalted. Have plenty at revered it just comes down to which are the easiest do 'grind.'

But hey, that's just me.
#5 Jul 05 2012 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I have gone after achievements ever since they were introduced in late BC. I mainly go after the ones that give pets mounts and titles since i am a mount and pet collector, but i go after others just to have some fun.
#6 Jul 05 2012 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
Do you just get them when finishing some other ingame goal like raiding

Smiley: nod

TherealLogros wrote:
If you follow the link in my signature you can examine my successes so far. Still much work to do but overall I'm quite pleased.

Smiley: thumbsup

I was more into achievements originally I think, back when they first came out. It was pretty cool, and the "hey I have a record of this now!" part was awesome. There are some I like that I think add something to the game. You know the ones like "hey you beat so-and-so without standing in the fire, good job!" You know, the ones that were kind of like little challenges. Since you're run the herioc 100 times, here's something to make it a little more fun. Those were neat.

The ones that were random were usually worth a chuckle "all the squirrels I've loved before" or its kin. I usually didn't have the urge to finish do them though. Some of them were rather pointless, and those bug me a bit "hey you got a pet!" or "hey you reached level 10!" or how about "you got an honorable kill!" I suppose I'm not really opposed to them or anything, but they spam guild chat with pretty pointless things (and then spawn more spam thanks to those automated "gratz!" addons... Smiley: rolleyes). Other annoying ones were the holidays ones, specifically the ones that required you to do something unorthodox in a battleground or something. I wish those didn't exist.

I can't really get into doing achievements for achievement sake. Redoing dungeons just to get an achievement isn't something I'm into. I've explored the whole world before, I'm not doing that on my alt. It's cool that they have achievements and all, just not something I'll spend a lot of time on. Alts tend to have different goals "raiding alt" "I want to tank" "PVP with me!" "what southern barrens look like on the horde side?" "I need a jewelcrafter" stuff like that.

Who knows though, maybe my next one will be "hey let's get a lot of achievements!" Smiley: grin

Edited, Jul 5th 2012 2:51pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#7 Jul 05 2012 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I got my Paladin up to 10,920 nerd points, before I shelved my account back in December. That is with 30+ Feats of Strength.

Which is no Eloderung (armory it, nerds) but it wasn't shabby. Eventually I came to the realization that other than time stamps for raid achievements or trophy mounts/titles from raid achievements they really are nothing more than time sinks to keep players going along in the absence of content.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Jul 05 2012 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
I'm more or less in the same boat as someproteinguy. I find some of the achievements amusing, but I don't find the system compelling. In general, I'm not a collector. I also tend to be lukewarm on mounts and pets and these days. I'm not even that interested in collecting all the recipes for crafting and Transmog is one of those things that I'll get around to some unspecified day in the future. Heck, I'm one of the odd folks, I'm actually looking forward to pet battles because for me it will be something to give a bit of meaning to the various pets -- something besides just "hey, look at me"!

On the other hand, content means different things to different people and there are those who enjoy collecting things, just as others may enjoy PVP or raiding. For the most part, achievements don't take away from the game for me, although I do find some of them too annoying to even contemplate. I hate the "do lots of something, really quick" ones, the "tag a collection of races and classes" ones and most of the PVP ones (for the simple reason that I don't particularly enjoy PVP). I'll continue to get a chuckle when I see some of the stranger ones pop up but I don't see myself ever getting particularly excited about them. If others enjoy them, so much the better.
#9 Jul 05 2012 at 8:52 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
I like achievements because I'm a bit obsessive and like to try and "complete" as many things as I can. I'm currently at 11325 nerd points with 51 Feats of Strength ( ). I have almost no PVP achievements because I dislike PVP and I got lazy in Cataclysm, so I haven't even finished the heroic dungeon achievements. But as a timekiller when not raiding, I enjoy going after achievements. I do not go out of my way to earn achievements on alts though, I'm not that insane.

Edited, Jul 5th 2012 10:52pm by Tellaria
#10 Jul 06 2012 at 4:47 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
I'm not big on achievements, but there are some that I will spend time on when I'm in the mood. I've had a few different mains over the years (though I managed to stick with one for Cataclysm) so my achievements are pretty spread out. I have a mount collector and a pet collector, but it's not something I'll spend hours grinding. My pet collector is currently on 92, so I might spend some time making that extra push to get to 100.

The PvP requirements for the holiday achievements make me sad, I just need the children's week one now. I'm not sure I'll ever manage considering I'm not a pvper and don't know anyone who is into pvp and so could help me out. Might try hanging back a bracket on that alt and see if that makes it any easier (or with account wide maybe I can pick a different class for it).

I like doing the raid ones with my guild, it's fun to try bosses a bit differently and I think the mounts are pretty cool.

I'd also like to get the class and profession achievements for my guild before MoP hits, but that depends on how motivated I am to level my rogue and death knight and I've also got archaeology left to do and some rep grinding for my scribe.

I will tend to have a look at any achievements if I'm in a particular area, but I'll only do them if they are relatively easy. They aren't something I will spend a lot of time on unless there is a reward (pet or mount) that I want from it.
#11 Jul 06 2012 at 7:01 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
In regards to School of Hard Knocks I can assure you, it's not that bad. I was always reading how horrible it is and such and was really dreading it.
Tried it nonetheless, completely in PvE equip and with not that much of PvP skills. And it went pretty smooth. Had to do 6 BGs (IIRC) to get all 4 objectives. Sure I was a bit lucky. But it is not the horror it used to be. I think most people have it already so the competition is rather lax. And with the changes coming with MoP you only have to do it once and then you are done with it.

Okay slightly less achievement hunters here than I expected. Smiley: smile I can't really explain why it does appeal to me that much. I know that it doesn't make any sense. But it is just so much fun. Smiley: cool

Edit: Yeah I really wish I had more FoS. But I only started this character with 4.0 and missed some I could have gotten since then (old ZA/ZG, Winter Veil '11) because I did not care that much for FoS back then. Did start the grind for Hero of Shattrath but that might take up to a year or so till I finish since it is really boring and tedious.

Edited, Jul 6th 2012 9:04am by TherealLogros
#12 Jul 06 2012 at 9:36 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
I always loved going after achievements. My main issue is that so many of them require a guild or dedicated group (Arena, Raid, most of the Heroics). I have probably 90% of the ones you can "easily" get solo (ie, less than a month of work). Although I'm not currently playing, when I last was I was attempting to break 9000 achievement points. Again, considering I haven't raided at all in this expansion and only do LFG runs for dungeons, I consider that pretty good!

Plus I have "The Insane" title, and got it back when it was actually difficult (no Darkmoon Faire EZ mode, still needed Shen'dralar, needed Honored with Bloodsail at the same time as Exalted with all the factions... insert QQ about Blizzard making the game too easy...)
#13 Jul 06 2012 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
1,080 posts
I like getting achievements, but don't go out of my way to get them unless I spot one close to being done or happen to be in the place I need to be.. One exception is pets....I like pets lol.
#14 Jul 06 2012 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
I have never paid attention to achievements. A while back, in Wrath, I was in a guild with a husband and wife and the hubby was big into raid and dungeon achievements. He usually asked me to heal and it was fun doing them, although I admit that a couple of times it took a second explanation before I got it - "Ohhhh, I see, I'm actually supposed to stand in the swirly purple stuff then?"

The fun one was accidentally getting The Safety Dance in 10 player. No one realized it until we finished and all got the achievement. The first and only time no one died.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#15 Jul 06 2012 at 2:39 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Plus I have "The Insane" title, and got it back when it was actually difficult (no Darkmoon Faire EZ mode, still needed Shen'dralar, needed Honored with Bloodsail at the same time as Exalted with all the factions... insert QQ about Blizzard making the game too easy...)

I got mine that way too. I actually had to rush to finish it because near the end of Wrath they announced they were removing Shen'dralar and the Free Knot quest in DM and then took forever to give a straight answer about "The Insane", so I wanted to make sure I got it in case they decided to remove it.

And I actually do not have the achievement for the Cape of Stranglethorn quests because I couldn't bear to destroy my Bloodsail rep after working so hard to keep it up at the same time as my Steamwheedle rep.
#16 Jul 08 2012 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
The only achievements I ever specifically sought had to do with the Elders thing and that was mostly because I was sitting on an 85 hunter and hadn't started any other alts. Mostly, achievements are just something that happens. If one pops up and I don't know it, I might take a moment to glance at the explanation, but since they always seem to go of when I'm fighting for my electronic life, I don' always remember to go back and look.
#17 Jul 09 2012 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I go after the achievements that interest me. There are quite a few that I would love to be working on but they require a competent group and right now I've been having trouble finding people who want to go do them. Dungeon and raid achievements are like that.

I don't go after the PvP achievements. The ones I have are a result of doing the Long Strange Trip stuff. I have considered going out to try to get some more PvP ones but I really don't enjoy PvP so I just don't get beyond thinking about it.

I do collect mounts and pets but not super hardcore. I don't have any of the TCG mounts or pets though there are a few that I would love to get a hold of. I also used to enjoy gathering achievements, pets & mounts on alts but the upcoming changes to account wide achievements have put a huge damper on what I do for fun on my alts. The only 'obsessive' things left to indulge in on my alts now is to collect interesting gear for transmog and to collect crafting recipes on the crafters.

Looks like my main's score is 11050 - decent enough, I guess. Heh
#18 Jul 09 2012 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I vacillate between being one major achievement ***** and not giving a @#%^. It's been leaning towards the latter now that most of the people I play with are no longer achievement focused even if they play anymore.

Edited, Jul 9th 2012 9:47am by Poldaran
#19 Jul 09 2012 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Well as I was working on some real basic achievements on an alt I got some flak from a guild member. The usual "lulz y r u doin aheves n nut fermin epics!!11!" to which I went all Donald on him and caused him to go all quiet for the two days he stayed in the guild until he left. I wonder what happened to him...

Edit: Department of Redundancy Department called and informed me I exceeded the maximum number of redundant statements.

Edited, Jul 9th 2012 12:36pm by Criminy
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