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#1 May 17 2012 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
I've been playing a free trial (limited to level 20) of World of Warcraft.
The splash page upon entry is a picture with the title "Cataclysm".

Here are my questions:

1. If I buy the upgrade, what happens to the charachter I've been playing on the free trial?

2. I was surprised and unhappy that I've got to shell out more than the subscription fee, I've got to pay for installing the game, too. How is it that a direct download costs as much, or more, than a physical copy of the game?

So, which one is which?

It's confusing and very annoying to try to figure out what you get.

What I want to buy is the game I have been playing all along, but not if I will lose my starting charachter, and not if I'm going to be forced into a PvP world, and not if I'm going to be surrounded by high level charachters. I am guessing that Cataclysm is going to be full of high level veterans?

Yet, I'm gun shy of the two battle chest packages (how stupid to name them both the same thing)....will the graphics suck, compared with this Cataclysm I've been playing? Will the contintent(s) be different? Will no other players be there, because they have moved on to Cataclysm?
Look, the free trial was fun and great, and I'm hooked, but Blizzard could do a much better job of hand-holding and walking me through this buying process.

how do I enable instant email notification on this board??
#2 May 17 2012 at 4:21 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
bearcat22 wrote:
I've been playing a free trial (limited to level 20) of World of Warcraft.
The splash page upon entry is a picture with the title "Cataclysm".

Here are my questions:

1. If I buy the upgrade, what happens to the charachter I've been playing on the free trial?

2. I was surprised and unhappy that I've got to shell out more than the subscription fee, I've got to pay for installing the game, too. How is it that a direct download costs as much, or more, than a physical copy of the game?

1. You keep the characters. You can just go past level 20 now.

2. What do you mean? Keep in mind the trial gives you the original game and the first expansion "for free" just to try. Buying the "game" gives you those two unlocked up to level 70. Wrath up to 80, and Cataclysm up to the current content. Each of these cost like $40 when they first came out; now it's what, $5 for the original game, $15 for Wrath and less than $20 for Cataclysm? So says, at least

Actually, Cataclysm might contain all the previous ones now. I'm really not sure, so don't quote me on that. But even if now, it's like $40 for games that used to cost $40 each before.

Hmmm, ignore that part. I'm bad with prices. It looks like to upgrade to the level cap of 70, it will cost $20. You keep your same character. Then, you can upgrade to Wrath of the Lich King for $20, which raises the level cap to 80. Finally, you can upgrade to Cataclysm, which still costs $40 in the Blizzard store. Ugh. The physical copy and the direct download from the Blizzard Store cost the same. Other places seem cheaper, like...

... Amazaon, where they're only $5, $15, and $20 a piece. Won't get to keep your level 20 characters from the trial, but it looks a lot cheaper that way. You might want to pay $20 to upgrade your account and keep your trial characters, and then buy off Amazon for the cheaper deals on the later expansions.

What I want to buy is the game I have been playing all along, but not if I will lose my starting charachter, and not if I'm going to be forced into a PvP world, and not if I'm going to be surrounded by high level charachters. I am guessing that Cataclysm is going to be full of high level veterans?

Yet, I'm gun shy of the two battle chest packages (how stupid to name them both the same thing)....will the graphics suck, compared with this Cataclysm I've been playing? Will the contintent(s) be different? Will no other players be there, because they have moved on to Cataclysm?
Look, the free trial was fun and great, and I'm hooked, but Blizzard could do a much better job of hand-holding and walking me through this buying process.

The game you play for the trial is the real game. The "original" game (levels 1-60) changed when Cataclysm came out, so what you see now is the "new" game but is now just standard. So the graphics, the quests, everything will stay the same. Upgrading to Wrath or Cataclysm won't change a thing on your current characters. Only changes will be a new class available with Wrath of the Lich King, and new races with Cataclysm (Goblin and Worgen).

how do I enable instant email notification on this board??

'Fraid I'm not a techie admin, so I couldn't tell you, sorry!

Edited, May 17th 2012 6:32pm by LockeColeMA
#3REDACTED, Posted: May 17 2012 at 4:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Have you been to the purchase page lately? It's as clear as mud what you will receive for your money.
#4 May 17 2012 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
432 posts
I've been playing since Nov 2006, and have purchased each of the upgrades and a second account. The ~$15 monthly fee (actually I pay yearly) is a fairly good entertainment value. A few years back, I was averaging 60-80 hours per month of game time and very much enjoying exploring and leveling multiple characters. As compared to going to a movie with snacks, which costs about $15 for just those 2 hours. Is WoW "fun and addictive?" Yes! But even though I may only average 10-15 hours a month now, I am still enjoying it and still think it's worth the money.
#5 May 17 2012 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
50,767 posts
Oh hey, a thread from ten years ago.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#6 May 17 2012 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
And that game costs FORTY BUCKS? Just for the game, then you pay monthly? Fkkk That!

This is my problem in what way? If you like something, fine. If you don't, that's equally your right. On the other hand, I don't think I came here for your Farcebook or Twit page. The pricing has been that way for ages, are you simply clueless, winding up to shill your favorite free to play, or were you confused that the game lets you play a troll?
#7 May 17 2012 at 6:46 PM Rating: Excellent
bearcat22 wrote:
I've been playing a free trial (limited to level 20) of World of Warcraft.
The splash page upon entry is a picture with the title "Cataclysm".

Here are my questions:

1. If I buy the upgrade, what happens to the charachter I've been playing on the free trial?

2. I was surprised and unhappy that I've got to shell out more than the subscription fee, I've got to pay for installing the game, too. How is it that a direct download costs as much, or more, than a physical copy of the game?

So, which one is which?

It's confusing and very annoying to try to figure out what you get.

What I want to buy is the game I have been playing all along, but not if I will lose my starting charachter, and not if I'm going to be forced into a PvP world, and not if I'm going to be surrounded by high level charachters. I am guessing that Cataclysm is going to be full of high level veterans?

Yet, I'm gun shy of the two battle chest packages (how stupid to name them both the same thing)....will the graphics suck, compared with this Cataclysm I've been playing? Will the contintent(s) be different? Will no other players be there, because they have moved on to Cataclysm?
Look, the free trial was fun and great, and I'm hooked, but Blizzard could do a much better job of hand-holding and walking me through this buying process.

how do I enable instant email notification on this board??

1: if you upgrade you get to keep your current character.

2: WoW has been around for many year now. You do not have to buy ALL of it at one time, unless you wished to play a certain class/race combo that original WoW does not have.
Look at it like this, there are 4 "games" here:
1)Original WoW, aka Vanilla WoW. This game is what the rest is built off. Most of the original game has been changed to. lv 1-60
2)Burning Crusade. 1st expansion. This added new zones, 2 new races and the ability to level to 70.
3)Wrath of the LK. 2nd expansion. More new zones, new class, ability to lv to 80.
4)Cata. 3rd expansion. Re-made the Original WoW (zones changed, and stuff). New races, new class/race comp, some new zones (some where reworked both in LK and Cata) and the ability to level to 85.

The 2 Battle Chest you can see at the page you linked in you next post are not the same game. The $20 one is WoW, the $40 one is Warcraft 3. The WoW Chest comes with Original WoW + BC (however, after updating the game you do not get to see original WoW) + some old guides.

The only way you will be on a PvP world is if you rolled on one.

How are you not already surrounded by high levels? You are not playing a different game, you play the same one as the rest of us, just you have limits that can only be "broke" after you buy the game.

Your confusion on the cataclysm needs to not be. Buying the game will just unlock more for you.

And that game costs FORTY BUCKS? Just for the game, then you pay monthly? Fkkk That!

No. WoW + BC is $20. LS is $20, Cata is still $40 but will drop price when next expack comes out. So for WoW + all xpacks: $80. But again you do not have to buy all at one time.

As for a monthly charge. That is the decision to make. Pay each month for a game, or stick to free to play games.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#8REDACTED, Posted: May 17 2012 at 9:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Your dislike of my post is my problem in what way?
#9REDACTED, Posted: May 17 2012 at 9:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh, hey, a comment from a ten year old.
#10 May 18 2012 at 2:58 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Well played! You've displayed the writing skills of a parrot and almost the wit of one.

Enjoy Farmville. Such sizzling badinage would be lost on even Barrens Chat and if the average PUG's level of comprehension got watered down any further by the addition of another lackwit such as yourself, I doubt most would clear the first trash pull.

Blizzard could do a much better job of hand-holding and walking me through this buying process.

Seriously, you failed to notice the big, blue marker on the page you linked that says, in very small and cryptic words, "new players start here"? If that's clear as mud for you... Smiley: oyvey
#11REDACTED, Posted: May 18 2012 at 7:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Welcome to Zam Warcraft forum where we don't talk about Warcraft.
#12 May 18 2012 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Tsk, tsk. RAW, plagiarism is a bad thing. Smiley: laugh
#13 May 18 2012 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
The various 'versions' of World of Warcraft aren't separate games. The versions (expansions) basically control what content you have access to and to gain access to more content, you upgrade to a higher version of the game. All of the versions are played on the same servers so you have been playing your free trial on the same servers as people who bought the game license, people who have upgraded to Wrath and people who have upgraded to Cataclysm. If the server you are currently playing on is a PvE server, then you won't have to worry about high level characters attacking you without cause. Blizzard will not force you to switch to a PvP server but if you made your trial character on a PvP server, then you would have to pay for a server transfer if you wanted to switch to a PvE server. (It is actually pretty easy to level to 20 though so starting fresh on a PvE server would be less effort and would be free as well if you do happen to be currently on a PvP server.)

The basic game is World of Warcraft plus the Burning Crusade expansion (they were combined at the start of Cataclysm) and what you would be buying is the license to access all of the content from the base game plus access to Outland. Your characters will level up to level 70. You can play Draenei, Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Forsaken, Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren. You have access to all chat channels, the Auction House and all professions except for Inscription and Archaeology.

The Wrath of the Lich King expansion adds in the continent of Northrend, the Death Knight class and the Inscription profession. It also allows you to level up to level 80. You can not skip buying this expansion if you want access to the Cataclysm content (levels 81-85).

The Cataclysm expansion adds in several zones for leveling from 81-85, two new races (Goblins and Worgen), and the Archaeology profession. This expansion also offers the ability to fly in the Azeroth continent (1-60 zones) for a minimal gold cost. This is the newest expansion and it's been out for about a year and a half now. Since this is the newest expansion, the loading screen for all players displays the logos for this expansion no matter what 'version' of WoW you are playing.

While I haven't looked at the prices lately, I believe there is a package deal (chest) that offers WoW, Burning Crusade and Wrath all for one price. This would probably be the best deal for a new player. There is no urgent need to buy Cataclysm if you are a new player until you actually get close to reaching level 80. I would advise waiting to buy Cataclym until after the new expansion, Mists of Pandaria, is released because they will probably discount the current Cataclysm price.

#14 May 18 2012 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
Rhodekylle wrote:
Tsk, tsk. RAW, plagiarism is a bad thing. Smiley: laugh
The messenger is not important, would you like to comment on the message?

What do you think about this statement
A lot of bullies have a 'gang' mentality where no matter how wrong a forum member might be he will have supporters as they are part of his gang. They use their indimidation to bully other people especially newbies with such comments as "learn how to use search" or "that topic has already been posted 1000 times" etc to make themselves look good and to get their post count up.

Kind of like this
lolgaxe wrote:
Oh hey, a thread from ten years ago.

Edited, May 18th 2012 12:25pm by RAWDEAL
#15 May 18 2012 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
614 posts
to get their post count up.

#16REDACTED, Posted: May 18 2012 at 10:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Internet Trolls- Where the Fairytale Ends
#17 May 18 2012 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
RAWDEAL wrote:
Kind of like this
It's okay to be jealous. It's a natural human reaction when someone far superior to you does something you wish you were capable of. Smiley: smile
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#18 May 18 2012 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
The messenger is not important, would you like to comment on the message?

I did. I simply tried to keep it somewhat neutral. You've taken material written by someone else and presented it without attribution, as if the ideas and mode of expression were your own. In doing so, you steal their work and attempt to bend it to your own purpose.

My specific feelings are that you make a point of being a troll, therefore you diminish any incentive to address your posts as anything other than trolling. You have a problem with the Bored Druid thread and are determined to make that problem to slop over into other forums. You should have been muted or banned for crossing the line of good taste in your last attempt to do this.

What do you think about this statement
A lot of bullies have a 'gang' mentality where no matter how wrong a forum member might be he will have supporters as they are part of his gang. They use their indimidation to bully other people especially newbies with such comments as "learn how to use search" or "that topic has already been posted 1000 times" etc to make themselves look good and to get their post count up.

I think you are, in your own words, a troll. As such, you are fully capable of attempting to misrepresent things in order to do whatever it is that causes people to find trolling rewarding. The fact that a post might draw comments similar to what you've quoted does not define bullying. Some posts have been beaten to death, others do show a serious lack of ability to interpret data. In this thread, missing the big splash that says "new players start here" would seem a fair example of the latter. Your behavior in calling people's mother's whores, making jokes at the expense of someone's sexuality and other such gems are probably closer to the standard understanding of bullying. You count on being given a pass as "oh, that's RAW and he has been drinking again". You push a line, then retreat and so far have been allowed to continue. You attempt to build sympathy by painting yourself as a victim, while at the same time attacking others when you think you can win points on what you perceive as a weakness.

Kind of like this
Oh hey, a thread from ten years ago.

He was possibly more tactful than my own comment but the fact remains, the subscription model for WOW has been beaten to death and was old news years ago. Yes, lolgaxe is a bored MP who likes to make generally light hearted +1 comments; that might explain his custom title "+1".

OP posted a question and got detailed information. Not good enough for him. He then went into the whine he was already winding up for. Were I a betting man, I'd say that he started the thread with the intent to troll and I have to wonder if this might be a sock puppet that you've set up so that you can air your BDT complaints again.

#19REDACTED, Posted: May 18 2012 at 12:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No sock, and the Brd issue is my sig.
#20 May 18 2012 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Which beach?
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#21 May 18 2012 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Smiley: dubious
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#22 May 18 2012 at 1:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Smiley: dubious
You can't seriously be surprised.
#23 May 18 2012 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
This thread is going places. Smiley: popcorn
#24 May 18 2012 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
RAWDEAL wrote:

The adm as lost control of this forum and join the clique, no wonder this site is going to s hit. Keep talking beers, boobs, sex and rock and roll and forget about Warcraft.

What admin? WoW's side of zam has an admin!?
because last I hear there was not a WoW Admin, just other Admins that pop in. Because =21 is just awesome like that.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#25 May 18 2012 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,877 posts
RAWDEAL wrote:

I'am going away to the beach for a week, y'all have a good funtime.

Now that's no way to talk about your mother like that. Smiley: disappointed

#26 May 18 2012 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Your behavior in calling people's mother's whores, making jokes at the expense of someone's sexuality and other such gems are probably closer to the standard understanding of bullying.


Way to try to make RAW look better. F'n work with me here guys. Try not to walk face first into the troll's arguments?
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