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guild xpFollow

#1 May 15 2012 at 1:01 AM Rating: Default

i have a guild

but the xp bar goes very low, its not even close to reaching the first lvl...

how do i get it there faster? i want a high lvl guild. the high lvl players that i invite leave onces they see the guild is low lvl so planning raids and dungeons is nearly impossible.
#2 May 15 2012 at 1:27 AM Rating: Excellent
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Play a hell of a lot. It shouldn't take more than a couple weeks, iirc, to get a guild to level 2-3 solo if you're maxing out weekly XP per person(which you'll need to be higher level to do easily).
#3 May 15 2012 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
so you suggest playing normally, like questing, dungeons, battlegrounds, etc?

I've donet hat for a couple of months now and the guild xp barometer have barely moved.
#4 May 15 2012 at 2:26 AM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
wow123 wrote:
so you suggest playing normally, like questing, dungeons, battlegrounds, etc?
I was playing approximately 8-10 hours a day(I was capping personal weekly guild XP contribution on two characters) and it more or less worked for me, but I can't say for sure that they haven't changed personal daily XP caps. So it's possible my advice is based on out of date info. But if you're not capping your weekly contribution, then yes, my advice is to play more. I'm not so sure that dungeons or BGs give you much without being in a group of guildies, though, so quests are where I'd focus.
#5 May 15 2012 at 5:23 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Let's start with a link -- here's the guide from the US battlenet forum.

In relevant part:

The following five activities earn Guild XP:

1. Turning in quests -- 25% of the amount of XP you earn (or would earn if you weren't max level) is also earned as Guild XP by your guild.
2. Rated Battlegrounds wins when in a guild group -- see next post.
3. Arena wins when in a guild group -- see next post.
4. Earning honor in battlegrounds -- see next post.
5. Killing a raid or dungeon instance boss when in a guild group -- see amounts in post after next.

No other activities earn Guild XP. Leveling your professions or reputation, archaeology, killing world mobs or rare mobs or outside raid bosses, clearing trash or mini-bosses in dungeons or raids -- all of that counts for zero Guild XP.


1) The guild XP for questing is 25% of what members earn. If the guild XP bar isn't moving discernibly, you either need a few higher level players (more XP per quest) or lots of active low levels (more turn ins).

2) Many things that could generate guild XP will not do so unless it is done as a guild group!

3) Many things that generate XP for a toon do not generate guild XP -- see the bright pink stuff above.

You'll have to ask yourself what you can offer guild members. You'll probably need a better mission statement and plan than "I want a high level guild. Personally, I want Shu Qi to show up with a gallon of olive oil and declare that she is smitten with my vague resemblance to Bruce Willis. Try to make your goals more accessible than mine, or at least make a better pitch. I swear, she hasn't even tried to find my phone number.

#6 May 15 2012 at 7:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Focus on getting some good members, rather than worrying about how many high levels you have. The more people you have participating in questing, pvp, or dungeons as a guild group, the more xp your guild will gain. I am the gm of a social guild. 10 people is about all we ever have logged on at one time. It took a little while, but we are now a max level guild. We didn't worry about it, had fun, tried to do things as a group, and let it happen. Gaining a guild level should be something the members take pride in. You congratulate each other and see what new perk you get.

We often will go for guild achievements, like maxing out guild rewards for fishing or cooking, or other guild dungeon achievements we can do as a group. Make a fun guild that some friends want to be a part of. The guild xp will take care of itself.

Edited, May 15th 2012 9:39am by dadanox
#7 May 15 2012 at 8:24 AM Rating: Default
rhodekyle, what would be best to offer members? I want to offer raids, dungeons and battlegrounds however there are not enough equally leveled members to do these things.

dadanox how do you get good members? Because when I invite people they leave again once they see that the guild is low level and not many members are online.

Edited, May 15th 2012 10:25am by wow123
#8 May 15 2012 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
rhodekyle, what would be best to offer members?

Shu Qi ... with a gallon of olive oil

Really, it will depend on your goals. Look at how dadanox phrased his answer: "I am the gm of a social guild." Right now, I have a clearer idea of what to expect from his guild than yours.

Go to a site that supports guild recruitment and read how other guilds present themselves. Decide where you fit in all of those things -- social, pvp, raiding, goblins only? Once you know who you want to be, tell people clearly so that they know what to expect. You'll still get a certain amount of drama and some people will just change guilds because they feel like another group is a better fit for their goals.

Don't expect to get "good" members, the description is less than useful. Players who are a good match for one guild might be a terrible match for another and there are many reasons that could happen. Know who you want to be and encourage people who fit those goals well. It may be necessary at some point to ask people who don't fit those goals to seek a better match for whatever it is they want, you're not going to please all of the people all of the time. Remember that, there are times things just won't work and it isn't always a personal failure. [With that said, be aware of patterns. If people keep quitting for similar reasons, you need to decide if it is something you should address.]

Dadanox summed it up much more handily:

Make a fun guild that some friends want to be a part of. The guild xp will take care of itself.
#9 May 15 2012 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
Well I want to make a social guild that also does raids, battlegrounds and dungeons.

Besides writing a description of the guild in the info tab, is there anything else that can be done to make people know what kind of guild it is?
#10 May 15 2012 at 9:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Way I see it you have a few options.

1) Download a guild recruitment addon and mass recruit. You'll fill your ranks surprisingly quickly, your guild will level up fast, and you'll end up with a lot of people at various levels. The downside being that 99% of those people (and this is probably optimistic...) won't care about your guild or want to do anything with you. You're trading guild perks for them leveling the guild. They'll leave any time they feel like, and wont contribute much. If you're really lucky someone will report you for spamming and you'll get banned for a few hours.

2) Manually seek out people you know, or have come across, and invite. Try to form groups for things like raids, battlegrounds, 5-mans, etc with people on your server. Get to know people and recruit them if possible. Your guild will level much more slowly and you'll likely have to forget about any of the high level perks in the near future, however more of the people who join will be involved in the guild. Of course, a majority of the people still won't work out in the long run, but it'll still be better than addon spam

3) Just don't sweat it much until MoP hits. There will be a lot more active people at that time, and getting a guild together will be easier.

Whatever you choose just realize making a successful guild is like going to take a large amount of sustained effort on your part over a period of several months, and the more people you have the more time it requires. The recruitment of good individuals, that are actually involved in the guild, and want to do the kind of things you do is tough. You'll maybe come across a couple a month that are keepers. The rest will drain your soul through the internet cables until you are a heartless uncaring *******. On the plus side this tends to make you a better raid leader, assuming the stress doesn't send you into cardiac arrest at a young age.

Well on that note, best of luck. Smiley: grin

wow123 wrote:
Besides writing a description of the guild in the info tab, is there anything else that can be done to make people know what kind of guild it is?

Webpage, post on the realm forums on the O-boards, merciless spamming.

Edited, May 15th 2012 8:44am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#11 May 15 2012 at 2:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Great post someproteinguy.

As a new guild, you could consider gathering up a rag tag of new players from the starting zones. Help them quest. Do low level instances and level up. Provide free guild repairs through the guild bank, put some 16 slot bags for guildies in the bank (you can buy some from the bag vendor in the capital, make some with a tailor, or buy cheap off the AH), and guild tabards. If you get a few people to stay, you may just develop some friendships.

Being a totally new guild, you don't really have very much to entice level 85's in 390 gear. Once you have a small group of friendly players, you may be able to build on that.

One more thing, you must have voice chat. Get a 10 slot Ventrillo or Mumble server from a hosting service. You can always up the slots when your guild grows.

Edited, May 15th 2012 4:59pm by dadanox
#12 May 15 2012 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
Yeah that's some good ideas, I put on some guild tabards in the bank, going to add some bags too, im just worried that one of the members may take them all lol.
#13 May 15 2012 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Good luck to you, OP.

It is a long and hard road, but not entirely impossible.

Here's a few more tips:

1). ABUSE THE HOLIDAYS. Hallow's End Candy Buckets, Elder Coins, Midsummer Fires. These count as quests, and a single character can easily put a few hundred K of experience on the guild that does NOT take up Daily slots.

2). Do all Green+ quests you can find, especially Cataclysm Quests.

3). Do the Darkmoon Faire Profession Monthly Quests.

4). As others said, max out dailies as often as possible. Buy up all of the Soothsayer's Runes from the AH anytime they are on sale for <16 gold (turning in the quest as an 85 nets 16.something gold, so they're pure profit! You must be 85 to do this though).

Using the above methods, Mom and I got our 2-person guild up to almost Level 11 (I think? We're about 10-15% away from unlocking Mobile Banking).

Oh, and if they don't nerf the guild XP gains further, Pandaria will be a godsend for small guilds trying to level. In Wrath, Level 80 dailies gave ~22k XP per quest. In Cataclysm, Level 85 dailies give about 76k. If we follow a similar line of progression, we might see 200k or more per quest. I assume they will make Guild Levels 25-30 take ludicrous amount of XP, but hopefully they've enough sense to let 1-20 alone.
#14 May 15 2012 at 7:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
I put on some guild tabards in the bank, going to add some bags too, im just worried that one of the members may take them all lol.

You'll want to set different ranks for guild members and then organize the guild bank so that new members don't automatically have access to everything. For some levels of access you may want to require the person have an authenticator.
#15 May 15 2012 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
I've always wondered:

What's the huge deal about Tabards? I assume you are talking about the ones that are purely aesthetic, not the ones that give +Guild Rep. The +Guild Rep tabards are BoA so I doubt you'd be sticking those in the bank.

Given how lately, expansions make you wear tabards for faction rep during dungeons, I'd think that aesthetic tabards would be less important in the eyes of any player who is not already maxed with all reps they currently wish to be exalted with.

Not to mention, what one person might think looks cool on a tabard, another might not agree. Doubly so now that we have transmog sets. Someone might think a red-and-black tabard might look awesome... but yet, maybe someone is going for a white knight transmog, and that red-and-black won't look so awesome then.

Edited, May 15th 2012 9:40pm by Lyrailis
#16 May 15 2012 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Guild Tabards are fun for new players that might be joining a level one guild. They don't have other tabard options.

Good points about the guild bank. I set up one tab of our guild bank for officers only.

Also, on the authenticator and guild ranks, I highly suggest that you set up guild ranks so that only authenticated users can make withdrawals. Check the "requires authenticator" checkbox in guild rank administration. The way I did it was to have

Member Auth
Member No Auth
New Recruits

I set up "Member Auth" and above require an authenticator, and only those ranks have gbank withdrawal privileges. "Member No Auth" and below get no gbank withdrawal priveleges, but everyone gets free guild repairs. Note that once a particular character logs in with an authenticator, it takes 72 hours for anyone to be able to promote them into a rank requiring an authenticator (even the GM). Requiring an authenticator for guild bank withdrawals will go a long way toward preventing guild bank theft when someone's account gets hacked. Even if a hacker adds an authenticator, they would need a promotion to an authenticated rank, and you would probably find out what happened before the 72 hour waiting period had expired.
#17 May 16 2012 at 7:35 AM Rating: Default
Well I'd like it to be so that all members, even new ones can withdraw items, however I'd also like to make it so they can only withdraw one tabard each. I've also set it so that everyone now have access to free repairs.
#18 May 16 2012 at 8:07 AM Rating: Excellent
wow123 wrote:
Well I'd like it to be so that all members, even new ones can withdraw items, however I'd also like to make it so they can only withdraw one tabard each. I've also set it so that everyone now have access to free repairs.

Sounds like you are making progress. You can set the number of withdrawels per day each guild rank can perform. Have fun!!
#19 May 16 2012 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah I found it, its under guild control.

Also do you think that 5 ranks is a bit too much?

I am thinking that something like Member (newcomers), Officers (Admins) and Guildmaster would be better and more simple. But then again, what do you think?
#20 May 16 2012 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
wow123 wrote:
Also do you think that 5 ranks is a bit too much?

I am thinking that something like Member (newcomers), Officers (Admins) and Guildmaster would be better and more simple. But then again, what do you think?

There is nothing wrong with keeping it simple. Arrange it any way you like. You can add ranks and reorganize any time you like.
#21 May 16 2012 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
1,080 posts
wow123 wrote:
Well I'd like it to be so that all members, even new ones can withdraw items, however I'd also like to make it so they can only withdraw one tabard each. I've also set it so that everyone now have access to free repairs.

We've got a social/casual raiding guild, with a lot of people of wide-ranging levels on at all hours.
We've got ours set up so that the first tab in the guildbank is open to everyone, 3 stacks allowed per day. It's mostly low level stuff, ie. green gear, foods, 10-12 slot bags.
The 2nd and 3rd tabs (accessible to officers only) are items for sale to members, at a 50%ish discount off auction house prices. It's mostly crafting mats, a few scattered blues, glyphs.
4th and 5th tabs are open to officers only, for withdrawals to be given to members who are going to use the stuff. We keep an eye on the ah, to make sure people aren't taking anything and then re-selling it.
6th tab is raid supplies only, open to GM and raid leaders only.
The tabards are pretty cheap, and tbh, I don't think there's a danger of anyone taking a bunch and trying to resell them.

My peeve with guilds lately: Too many of them mass-invite lowbies, and then just ignore them. being the reasoning behind it I think, there's no other reason for a lvl 25 guild with large amounts of 85's to be inviting lower level people. Sure they get the benefits and perks, but if they're ignored, they won't stay. Why should they?
Involve everyone. We have officers responsible for levels under 70, with events scheduled at least twice a week. Just helps people get to know each other. Naked lvl 1 alt runs thru STV will do that.
Rant off, sorry lol.

Edit: my iPad's inability to underline and go with italics at the same time, duh

Edited, May 16th 2012 1:26pm by Vorkosigan
#22 May 16 2012 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
wow123 wrote:
Well I'd like it to be so that all members, even new ones can withdraw items, however I'd also like to make it so they can only withdraw one tabard each. I've also set it so that everyone now have access to free repairs.

Also, it's nice to have a rank set up without guild bank access in case someone gets hacked. You can demote a person to a point they can't harm the guild any further, report it to blizzard, and promote them back once they regain control of their account.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#23 May 29 2012 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
Well I got the addon and mass invited people, 100 players so far, and the guild xp are barely moving... it will probably take months for it to reach the first level... however i put some green items and tabards in the bank, a member asked for bags som im going to buy some low level bags and put there too.. just so new members feel welcome so they will stay. I think the only way to do imporvement is to do the raid/dungeon/battlegrounds in a guild group, problem being that there are never enough online to do it, and most people leaves after joining and when i ask why, they said its because its a low level guild... kind of hard to solve that problem when the xp bar moves so slow..
#24 May 29 2012 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I'm curious. Why create a new username?
#25 May 29 2012 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
This is my wowhead username but for some reason it got mixed up with the username on this board.
#26 May 29 2012 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
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