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Brand new, looking for advice from playersFollow

#1 Mar 25 2010 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Ok, I'll probably get yelled at for posting this, but I'd rather hear from players than go searching through guides and wikis.

A little history first. I played FFXI for 5 years, got tired of it. Moved to Guild Wars for about a year, tired of it. Moved to WoW for a bit over a year, got tired of endgame. Decided to check out the trial of EQII.

Started playing yesterday (still a trial account as of now, but probably going to pick it up soon.) I went with a Kerra Ranger, allied with Qeynos. So far I'm level 15, been doing everything solo since it's a trial account and a real pain to try and talk to others on a trial. I'm liking the game so far, it's pretty fun, easy to get into the combat aspect so far. No clue about the crafting side, but I can read up on that.

Anyway, what I want to know, is there anything I should specifically watch for, or are there good specific guides for ranger builds? Are rangers useful in groups/raids? (I don't want to solo the whole game.) I probably have a lot more questions but posting this at 2am my brain can't think too well.

Anyway, looking forward to getting the full game soon and joining the fun.
#2 Mar 25 2010 at 2:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Rangers are pretty useful, good dps... but they're just dps.

Your best bet for grouping is to join a guild. You can find guilds that are recruiting by hitting the U key while you're logged in (I'm not sure this would work on a trial account). There'll be a list of guilds and a link to send a tell to an officer who is online at the moment.

Honestly the most helpful advice I've found regarding builds and practical character development has been over at EQ2Flames. As you might surmise from the name they're a rough and ready lot, but there's a ton of good information there if you look for it.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#3 Mar 25 2010 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
I'm ok with being just dps :P My main in WoW was/is an 80 Rogue, so I'm quite familiar with having no utility other than damage output lol. I was an assassin in Guild Wars and in FFXI I was a white mage, a blue mage, and a thief. I kinda like being the damage output, especially after so many years as a healer in FFXI.

Thanks for that link, I'll check out what I can find.
#4 Mar 25 2010 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
MaraficeEye wrote:
Ok, I'll probably get yelled at for posting this...

Nah, this is an adult board devoted to an adult game. We don't usually treat anyone with contempt or disrespect... at least not right away ;)

MaraficeEye wrote:
...I played FFXI for 5 years, got tired of it. Moved to Guild Wars for about a year, tired of it. Moved to WoW for a bit over a year, got tired of endgame.

We promise not to hold any of that against you! You ended up here (at the best MMO) and that's all that really counts...

MaraficeEye wrote:
Started playing yesterday... I went with a Kerra Ranger, allied with Qeynos... No clue about the crafting side, but I can read up on that.

Crafting is one of the (many) areas where this game really shines. The crafting side of the game is complex and diverse and you could easily make a whole game out of it!

MaraficeEye wrote:
Anyway, what I want to know, is there anything I should specifically watch for, or are there good specific guides for ranger builds? Are rangers useful in groups/raids? (I don't want to solo the whole game.)

Rangers in EQ2 take a lot of guff (like being called "paper tanks" and such) but properly geared and well played they still tend to parse out as one of the top 1 or 2 sustained DPS classes so assuming you learn how to play the class and keep your toon geared up you should always be able find a spot in a group or a raid.

MaraficeEye wrote:
I probably have a lot more questions but posting this at 2am my brain can't think too well.

Feel free to return any time you come up with anything you wanna know. Also FWIW, the chat channels in-game are nothing like what you are probably expecting or what you're used to (from WoW) Instead you'll most likely find them filled with friendly helpful people who will willing respond to your questions with detailed and thoughtful answers.

In any case, welcome aboard!
#5 Mar 25 2010 at 9:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
MaraficeEye wrote:
Ok, I'll probably get yelled at for posting this, but I'd rather hear from players than go searching through guides and wikis.

You'd have to be WAY out there to get yelled at. We might link some guides and save you some searching, though! Welcome to Norrath!

PS: Like this one: Category:EQ2 Crafting Guides and http://eq2/

Edited, Mar 25th 2010 11:24pm by Calthine
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Cook Ten Rats
#6 Mar 25 2010 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Thanks for the, honestly surprising, mature responses. I'm so used to typical crap from other MMO boards that these response have made me feel welcome, and able to continue to ask questions.

Speaking of questions, I do have one. I just got back from picking up the SF all in one pack. I'm still on my trial account (mainly cause I want the title from hitting 20 in under 14 days. Not hard since I'm 17 right now and haven't even put in 12 hours yet :P). Anyway, my question, am I able to use the all-in-one pack to upgrade my trial, or do I have to start over? Basically, if I can use my AIOP, will it upgrade my trial to a full, and give me the 30day sub?
#7 Mar 25 2010 at 10:23 PM Rating: Good
You should be able to upgrade the same account you started with. No reason to lose any ground or a single copper coin!
#8 Mar 25 2010 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
That's what I'm hoping for. Questing in Antonica right now, pushing for 20. 32% of the way to 18.
#9 Mar 26 2010 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Bah, damn. So I got to 20 (and got my Knight of Bayle title), installed the rest of the game, used the activation code... Now my troubles start. Didn't realize I would need to have a credit card on file before the 30 days that's included (bank account is closed, joy.) and therefore I didn't think to buy a station card. So now I'm screwed until I can get to Best Buy this weekend and get a station card :( /sigh
#10 Mar 26 2010 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Can you get one of those prepaid Visas? Like this? Maybe you could do that sooner than you could get to Best Buy. I know around here, they sell them EVERYWHERE.
#11 Mar 26 2010 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
Assassin Nadenu wrote:
Can you get one of those prepaid Visas? Like this? Maybe you could do that sooner than you could get to Best Buy. I know around here, they sell them EVERYWHERE.

That's your best bet. The really do sell them everywhere! They won't charge it until your 30 days is up.
Community Manager | QA Lead
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Cook Ten Rats
#12 Mar 26 2010 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
The best way to learn the game and especially the class is to play it. Soloing at the beginning isn't a bad way to go, you'll see that the first levels just fly by, after lvl 20, things do slow down a bit. It's also vital to group though, to fully understand your role in it.

Like Samira said, finding a good guild will only enhance your gaming experience. It's easier to find a group, get better gear crafted, get useful info and just have fun with. You're already lvl 20, so most guilds will accept you (family guilds anyway, raid guilds tend to be a bit more picky but you're not close to being able to raid anyway so don't worry about that.).

Small tips: don't forget the broker. It's a good way to make money, which will not be easy for you on your first toon. Just put a bag in the vendor slot and the collectibles, spells and possible other items in the bag. Check it regularly and adjust the price where needed. Try not to buy too much on it, only upgrade important spells not all of them if you're low lvl. (they get replaced too fast to bother and ever since transmuting, the prices are definitely not fair at a low lvl) Guild members most likely can help you craft your armour for either just the material costs or a small fee. (same with jewelry)

Use the /claim command and see if sony hasn't given you something useful, I believe you do get a handy bag at the beginning. Veteran rewards are very useful, but you've just started unfortunately.

You might not see all that many people at the older zones, although there are a lot of people who do have many alts, so you either have to wait with quests till you find someone or till you can do it on your own. There's the new Golden Path Sony created to help a smooth levelling, which is interesting as the more recent questlines tend to give better rewards.

Don't forget your AA's, you can get some really handy boosts, spells and abilities with them which will help you ingame. Don't overdo it either, you can only get 100 up to lvl 70, another 150 after that.

Above all ofcourse, have fun!
#13 Mar 27 2010 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Got my account back up and running late last night, didn't do much other than go get me a 2 room apartment in Qeynos :P started setting up all my stuff. Looking forward to starting to get into the main game.

Two quick questions, How do I rotate something when placing it in my house? And how do I type to specific chat channels? Like I see people talking in "Levels_1-9 (2)" and things like that, yet I don't know how to type in that, none of the options are for that specifically.

Edit: Forgot to mention I'm on The Bazaar server

Edited, Mar 27th 2010 3:46pm by MaraficeEye
#14 Mar 27 2010 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
For housing placement:

Mouse Wheel rotates furniture

Shift + Mouse Wheel: Enlarges or Shrinks furnitver

Alt + Mouse Wheel: Raises or lowers items from the ground

Chat Channels:

The key is to see the number in (?) you stated you see Level 1_9 (2)... so that is your /2 channels (/1, /2, /3, etc).
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#15 Mar 27 2010 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Dyadem of Future Fabulous! wrote:
Alt + Mouse Wheel: Raises or lowers items from the ground

Alt? Isn't it Ctrl?
#16 Mar 27 2010 at 7:16 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
Possibly, I'm not in game so I can't check. It's one of those two combos at least. I am mad at my house anyway. The layouts are buggy since the expansion. Items don't load, and if I use a saved loads it completely wrong... I have beds on the ceiling, mirrors in the walls...and things are just mad, MAD I TELL YOU!!
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#17 Mar 27 2010 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Beds on the ceiling? Should you call Lionel Richie??

Wait, don't do that. That's just icky.
#18 Mar 27 2010 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
For housing placement:

Mouse Wheel rotates furniture

Shift + Mouse Wheel: Enlarges or Shrinks furnitver

Alt + Mouse Wheel: Raises or lowers items from the ground

Chat Channels:

The key is to see the number in (?) you stated you see Level 1_9 (2)... so that is your /2 channels (/1, /2, /3, etc).

Thank you very much, now I don't feel like a total jackass when I try to figure out how to type to people XD.
#19 Mar 28 2010 at 6:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Raising/lowering items is ctrl + mouse wheel. :)

Another handy chat channel command is /wc <channum>. Lets you see everyone in the channel currently).

Here's a fairly robust guide of game commands:
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

#20 Mar 28 2010 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
There is some good stuff in this thread. My house is about to be a happier place.
#21 Mar 28 2010 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Barkingturtle wrote:
There is some good stuff in this thread. My house is about to be a happier place.

Due to Lionel Richie, right??
#22 Mar 30 2010 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Ok new question. I'm looking for a good ranger AA build. I have found a couple but I have no idea how to read it. It usually reads as such

STR - 4,4,4,8
AGI - 4,4,4,6,1,2

And so on... How the heck do I read that? What is that signifying?
#23 Mar 30 2010 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
MaraficeEye wrote:
Ok new question. I'm looking for a good ranger AA build. I have found a couple but I have no idea how to read it. It usually reads as such

STR - 4,4,4,8
AGI - 4,4,4,6,1,2

And so on... How the heck do I read that? What is that signifying?

They recently changed the AA lines, so there is no more STR/AGI, though lines are still there (confused yet?).

Let me explain, your first AA tab (subclass, not the one that says ranger)...has 5 categories

First ablity
Column 1......2....3....4......5

Each # represents a line going straight down.

1, used to be STR, 2 used to be AGI, 3 STA, 4 WIS, and 5 INT

SoE simply removed the STR/AGI etc, and now we can put more points into each ability (instead of 8, it is now 10)
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#24 Mar 30 2010 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Yup, what Dyadem said! I'd assume the 4,4,4,8,1,2 or what not would be their suggested AA point amounts to put in each ability going down that line. First strength ability would get four, second strength ability would get four, and so forth... Also, if you hover over the ability in that AA tree, it should still have "Strength", "Agility" etc underneath the ability's name.

Actually looking at the numbers you gave, it seems that those amounts correlate to the old AA tree.. might want to double check for an updated suggestion somewhere. :)
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

#25 Mar 30 2010 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
Working your way down each vertical row, you'll need to invest a certain amount of points (usually 4) before the next item down will open up. So, before you can put any points into the 2nd item you'll need to put 4 points into the first one. When you have put four points into a skill, the next one down will "color up". Before there are 4 points it will be greyed out.

So, 4,4,4,8 would mean that there are 4AA points in each of the first 3 skills and then 8 points in the final skill for that vertical row. Each step vertically will open up a new skill or ability however each vertical row is "thematically" linked. The five rows in the first screen used to be linked to the five basic stats (strength, agility, intelligence, wisdom & stamina) but as Dya noted, that labeling system was recently abandoned.
#26 Mar 30 2010 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Well this makes me glad I still have the free respec option at the top. I'll have to browse around for some updated SF AA trees and see what I can find. Kinda makes me wish EQ2 had something like the WoW armory so we could see talent/AA builds online, would make it easier :P but oh well, I'll find one.

Anyway, one more question. I've been sitting at level 20 right now, my AA slider has been at 0% so the only AA points I've been getting are from AA quests. Should I change my slider? I notice a lot of people say 50% is the way to go to not gimp yourself at higher levels.
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