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What things need a change?Follow

#1 Apr 25 2009 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
Several here have played EQII from the very start (even if not all those four or so years) and the very least that can be said about it is that it has changed quite a bit, and just about all changes were for the best. (except the master rage spell change, the last one that changed it to a mere one direct damage spell instead of a weapon proc killing machine)

Yet, even so, there are still some things that can bother a player, that can make him/her wonder why it is still the same and hasn't been improved or altered as yet.

My recent complaint would be the heroic opportunities. I've complained of this in some threads over the years, my main problem is just that it is useless at higher levels. I get a mere 300 or so damage by using it, and if I have to keep using it just to get the one in a thousand or so shot of getting the rare event, it's just not worth it anymore.

The spells that are the first trigger are also required for a different spell (combinations, not great either, but it does do a bit more damage), so that was the final push towards just dropping HO's.

I've never experienced a coordinated attempt of HO's in groups either, but that's most likely due to me never really grouping much to begin with.

Anyway, this is a minor thing to be honest, there are a heck of a lot of other spells to compensate this one. It was however presented as a big thing when the game was released, so it's a bit odd it wasn't altered with any of the expansions or game updates.

Anyone got anything they like to see altered or dropped?
#2 Apr 25 2009 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
171 posts
I think that the reason that HO's (heroic oppertunities) have not been worked on by SOE is because no one uses them anymore.

I too at one time had several posts up going over how to use them, how each one was formed, their effects, ect and have been a bit frustrated that no one uses them.

However they DO require a lot of co-ordination despite the fact that they at one point made it a great deal easer to do by making it so that you wont break the chain by using an ability that was not next in the chain.

I have heard several reports of groups getting destroyed because they were trying to use and HO and could not get off an ability that would have actually helped more, like a taunt or heal, because of it.

I think they should either go ahead and remove it, or try to revamp it some way.

Perhaps threw a trigerable item that can be charged with the needed spells and then activated when needed. Simply charge it with the spells and abilities in the correct order for the desired HO and then when it is needed it goes threw a casting time based on those abilities and drains the power from the people who had charged it at that time.

It would still allow the group to co-ordinate their abilites while not tying them up or locking them into a casting but would at the same time still cost them the power that would be used and some one would be spending the time to set it off.

Let me see about making that more clear

Group member one has charged the Heroic Stone with a combat art
Group member two has charged the Heroic Stone with a spell
The Heroic Stone is now charged with a Heroic Opportunity

Group member two has activated the Heroic Stone
Group member one has lost X amount of power
Group member two has lost X amount of power

Your target has been hit by the Heroic stone for the Heroic Opportunity for this effect

You can even make them one shot items, perhaps made by a few different classes, like a jewlery maker, a sage, or heck even a tinkerer [we could use some better marketable items]. Set them up so that each Tier has their own style of stone usable by that teir.
#3 Apr 25 2009 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Shoot, as a bard I always use my HO's. I have it macroed to two of my starters and if it brings about a completed group HO then good. If not, the next button in my cast order is the finisher for my HO. I like my buffs or direct damage they do if I finish my own personal one. So if they completely take them away with no replacement I'd be sad.

So I vote no for completely dropping them. Revamping would be cool but don't just delete the HOs completely.
#4 Apr 25 2009 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
Katastrofa wrote:
Shoot, as a bard I always use my HO's. I have it macroed to two of my starters and if it brings about a completed group HO then good. If not, the next button in my cast order is the finisher for my HO. I like my buffs or direct damage they do if I finish my own personal one. So if they completely take them away with no replacement I'd be sad.

So I vote no for completely dropping them. Revamping would be cool but don't just delete the HOs completely.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not really in favour for dropping them, I like HO's especially with my low lvl alts. They are handy and add something to my fights, just not at all at a higher level.

It's like Pagengamer says, "I think that the reason that HO's (heroic oppertunities) have not been worked on by SOE is because no one uses them anymore. ", perhaps not entirely correct but I just never had a group in which we in advance made any reference to how to use an HO.

Perhaps threw a trigerable item that can be charged with the needed spells and then activated when needed. Simply charge it with the spells and abilities in the correct order for the desired HO and then when it is needed it goes threw a casting time based on those abilities and drains the power from the people who had charged it at that time

That sounds interesting. Indeed something different based on level, the higher the more powerful.

Perhaps they can create an item that can be added to the HO's cycle, to boost the effects, something after the final trigger, a consumable perhaps.

#5 Apr 25 2009 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
Heh, maybe I should get a better write up for my suggestion and see about getting some players to support it and then send it off to the developers.

When I first started EQ2 I was highly impressed with the HO's it was a feature that I have never encountered before, and I have not encountered since. Its such a shame to have such a unique feature fall to the wayside.
#6 Apr 25 2009 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
Pagengamer wrote:
Heh, maybe I should get a better write up for my suggestion and see about getting some players to support it and then send it off to the developers.

When I first started EQ2 I was highly impressed with the HO's it was a feature that I have never encountered before, and I have not encountered since. Its such a shame to have such a unique feature fall to the wayside.

'Bout every Fan Faire they are asked about HO's, and say something to the effect of "We'd really like to do that, it's on our list somewhere".
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#7 Apr 25 2009 at 2:00 PM Rating: Excellent
As the Brigand on most raids.. the ball always lands in my court to launch a HO. Unfortunately, many people on the raid or group rushed to level up so quickly they have absolutely no idea how they work. They're too busy mashing buttons and often miss an opportunity because they already launched the spell/ability that would have complimented the HO.

But, meh.. you can't change the mentality of gamers these days. They want to know about raiding before the game is even installed. So they login and power level to end game without taking the time to learn how to play. HO's could possibly be the small but significant difference in how a close fight ends. Unfortunately, people spend too much time trying to WIN the game instead of LEARNING the game.
#8 Apr 25 2009 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
Even if you dont take that into consideration, HO's as they stand are, unfortunetly, a bit clunky and time consuming and take a great deal of co-ordination, even eith the changes.

Which is why I made my previous suggestion. It would allow them to be used in a more causal setting, which a fair number of people are, and would make them accessable on raids despite the situation that you have just listed.
#9 Apr 25 2009 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Which is why I made my previous suggestion. It would allow them to be used in a more causal setting, which a fair number of people are, and would make them accessable on raids despite the situation that you have just listed.

Yah.. I get that. However I'm not a fan about making things easier. I'd rather see encouragement in getting people to learn how to play their classes rather than diminution towards a game that can be played on a console with a game pad and little thought besides Point and Shoot.
#10 Apr 25 2009 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
Unfortunetly the only way for them to bring back HO's in some form is to make it easier in some way.
Sorry but thats the way it will end up being, obvioulsy given how few people actually know about HO's, and fewer who know how to USE them making it harder is not going to work
#11 Apr 26 2009 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
SpyderBite wrote:
Which is why I made my previous suggestion. It would allow them to be used in a more causal setting, which a fair number of people are, and would make them accessable on raids despite the situation that you have just listed.

Yah.. I get that. However I'm not a fan about making things easier. I'd rather see encouragement in getting people to learn how to play their classes rather than diminution towards a game that can be played on a console with a game pad and little thought besides Point and Shoot.

Then a boost to the effects might make more people interested in trying them out.
#12 Apr 26 2009 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
171 posts
Calthine wrote:
Pagengamer wrote:
Heh, maybe I should get a better write up for my suggestion and see about getting some players to support it and then send it off to the developers.

When I first started EQ2 I was highly impressed with the HO's it was a feature that I have never encountered before, and I have not encountered since. Its such a shame to have such a unique feature fall to the wayside.

'Bout every Fan Faire they are asked about HO's, and say something to the effect of "We'd really like to do that, it's on our list somewhere".

Yeah, its something that they know they need to work on because it was such a strong point for the game originaly, but likely there is not enough player call for it or they just cant get enough of an agreement on what should be done or how.

Something thats underpowered and not used dose kinda pale in comparison to some of the bugs that likely still exist in the game
#13 Apr 27 2009 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
Zieveraar wrote:

My recent complaint would be the heroic opportunities.

I've never experienced a coordinated attempt of HO's in groups either, but that's most likely due to me never really grouping much to begin with.

Not meaning to degrade you in anyway, and I hope you take no offence to this, but with those two statements, You don't seem to know much about it to begin with and want it Changed? I'm confused. I've been playing the game straight for over three years, Mostly grouping and most pickup groups. I've found few people with knowledge of it, but I see nobody complain about it. It's not a requirement so do it at will, but don't come asking for a change If your not that knowledgeable about it or it doesn't work the way you want. It takes me couple sec max to get a HO off when I solo, so I don't expect That much of a difference. In my experence also I've noticed that the loot drops 'seems' to be better with them, but I have no proof but experence. What's to complain about a 'free' way to up damage, If only minimum effects, it's better then nothing?
#14 Apr 27 2009 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
The thing to complain about actually is the amount of effort requried by the group in order to gain these minimal benifits.

You actually hit on something I had nearly forgoten, that is if I am remembering correctly at all now.

If you use HO's, again if I am remembering correctly, do increase the odds of a chest drop from mob kills, as well as the odds of it being a higher quality chest. I believe that you also got a bit of extra xp for using them as well. However it has been a LONG time since I have done any research on them and a lot of changes have happened since then.
#15 Apr 28 2009 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
All you need to do is to make sure that when an HO comes together it is POWERFUL. Raids & groups would then start insisting on it, and people would take the time to learn how to use them.

I always use them solo. I don't group often, but will trigger them in group even if it's only me completing them.
#16 Apr 28 2009 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
Gemoo wrote:
Zieveraar wrote:

My recent complaint would be the heroic opportunities.

I've never experienced a coordinated attempt of HO's in groups either, but that's most likely due to me never really grouping much to begin with.

Not meaning to degrade you in anyway, and I hope you take no offence to this, but with those two statements, You don't seem to know much about it to begin with and want it Changed? I'm confused. I've been playing the game straight for over three years, Mostly grouping and most pickup groups. I've found few people with knowledge of it, but I see nobody complain about it. It's not a requirement so do it at will, but don't come asking for a change If your not that knowledgeable about it or it doesn't work the way you want. It takes me couple sec max to get a HO off when I solo, so I don't expect That much of a difference. In my experence also I've noticed that the loot drops 'seems' to be better with them, but I have no proof but experence. What's to complain about a 'free' way to up damage, If only minimum effects, it's better then nothing?

Shouldn't that be a sign of the problem though? You say yourself that few people have knowledge of it, that just doesn't sound right about a battle mechanism that was shown as quite a big deal when the game was released.

I know a lot of the HO's as I've used them since the game was released, it's only recently that I do not bother at all as it is pretty much useless.

I know perfectly how they work, they work the way I want it's just a puny result. I solo practically all the time, doing HO's just adds two more spells to use for relatively speaking nothing.

I've been using HO's for years but never really saw a difference on loot. I never heard of the claim that it would boost odds, it would seem a very odd thing to do for SOE to be honest.
#17 Apr 29 2009 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
As I said, Im not sure I remember it right, it could just be wishfull thinking. Ofcourse things have changed so much since launch that the bonus you get may nolonger be applicable, if it still exists.

As it stands now, getting HO's back into the game is going to take a new approch to the whole thing.
#18 Apr 29 2009 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
New to EQII. Like what I see so far.

Then I found the crafting tables.

Rather overwhelming.

Nifty system though...I think
#19 Apr 29 2009 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
Here, read this guide, it should help you out some in general about crafting.

Yes I worte and and yes it is a shamless plug but that dosent change the fact its good

#20 May 01 2009 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
/em braces for the attack...

OK, I know you are all gonna disagree, but, here goes...

SoE should change a lot of things back to the way they started out.

First and foremost: Spirit shards. Bring them back! It is far too easy to use a death as a way of fast transport now. Dying should be inconvenient! Smiley: deadhorse

Another thing (though I'm getting used to this one...) is the quest icons above the NPC's heads. Get rid of them. We all got through this game for years without them, and if we wanted to find quests, we would actually watch for a npc with the big arm movements, or yelling out to us to get our attention. Much more fun, not to mention, realistic, that way. (I know, its a game...) Seriously, I've never seen a feather or a book floating above someones head when they want something in RL, but I have heard them go "Hey! C'mere for a sec..."

I could think of a lot more, but, I'm at work ATM... Smiley: grin

Anyway, one last thought. What drew me to this game was the fact that it WAS difficult. If I had wanted a game to be easy, I would have played WoW... Smiley: sly
#21 May 01 2009 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
Not this again.

Im sorry but for every MMO out there that has flaged quest giving npc's there is always some one who says just as you said about it.

EQ2 is more for the causal gamer, casual gamers do not want to spend an hour talking to every NPC to find a quest then learn that it is either to hard to do, or so easy it is utterly boring. Marked Quest givers let people know that here is something they could do that should offer them enough challenge to be fun. The player base of ever game ive played that did not have marked quest givers always had the same common complaint, the hassle of finding quests. No, this should not change at all. Leave the markers.

As for shard runs. That worked in EQ1 because people could have some one summon their corpse to them, in EQ2 that was never an option so if you were in a pug, suffered a wipe, you may as well log off for the few days it took for your shard to reset cause it was unlikely you were going to be able to get it before then, and during that time you worked at a serious xp debt and pentalty.

No, as much as it annoys me that death is not a problem anymore, its a game, and really who wants to feel like they are being punished for trying to have fun?
#22 May 05 2009 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
Exctly my point. EQ2 started out as a game that offered a challenge.

If someone wanted a game that was easy, they went elsewhere.

IMHO, that is the way it still should be. Instead of people whining that the game is too hard, people here LIKED it that way.
#23 May 05 2009 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
11,563 posts
aubsp wrote:
Exctly my point. EQ2 started out as a game that offered a challenge.

If someone wanted a game that was easy, they went elsewhere.

IMHO, that is the way it still should be. Instead of people whining that the game is too hard, people here LIKED it that way.

As smart as that sounds, you have to look at it from a financial point of view. Back in the old EQLive days, yeah there wasn't much of a market out there for mmos like there is today. So with new mmos coming out claiming to be the next WoW, you're going to see sacs in games to make them more noob friendly. Hell EQLive tried that too, but to a smalll extent. Games will do anything they can to bring in new subs even if that means a small decline in active subs who like the game as it is.
[20:55] Darqflame: <3 U2 Kupo

Be Jealous

[14:24] nLoD: so it can't be all that hard can it?!
14:25] Pikko: obviously for magi it was really hard.. all the time

WoW: Retired
Uncleleo - 80 Undead Warlock Earthen Ring
Kishio - 80 Blood Elf Priest Earthen Ring
Elainebennis - 80 Blood Elf Death Knight Gul'dan

EQ2: Retired
Ishio - 80 Kerran Shadowknight - Crushbone
Ishiu - 26 Ogre Defiler - Crushbone
Ishias - 36 Conjy - Crushbone
Nerstinna - 16 Warden - Crushbone
#24 May 05 2009 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
I've been in groups where HO were activated. The only thing that bothers me is that I'm still confused as to what they do. I've read up on them through Allakhazam, but it still confuzzles me. I suppose that's the biggest reason why I don't use them myself.
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
#25 May 05 2009 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
aubsp wrote:
First and foremost: Spirit shards. Bring them back! It is far too easy to use a death as a way of fast transport now. Dying should be inconvenient

Although I don't really disagree with you, pagengamer also made a very good point at it being too restricting. Corpse summoning was dead easy in EQI, as it happened in the guildlobby the odds of getting a good rez were good too. If you have to wait a couple of days before you get rid of a penalty, that's just too boring. I had it happen with my monk years ago, trying to invis my way past a whole bunch of reds to get to a quest point, I got to that point but had to wait a day or three for the penalty to go away.

My own choice ofcourse, but still annoying.

aubsp wrote:
Anyway, one last thought. What drew me to this game was the fact that it WAS difficult. If I had wanted a game to be easy, I would have played WoW...

It was difficult, but not too much, the biggest problem at that time, which actually drove me away from EQII was the fact that it was really aimed at group play, hardly any solo possibilities at all after lvl 22 or so. That has really changed quite a bit over the years.
#26 May 07 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
De-nerf Brawlers :/

Sure they're great for soloing, which I love and often all I do on my Monk and Bruiser (I dunno which to drop! XD) but there are some group things I like to do on all my toons, for ex. the carpet quests or Bloodlines series, and it's impossible to find groups that want you.

Would be nice to maybe see brawlers take on more of a DPS role, the Bruiser at the very least, and/or make the Monk fore of the 'avoidance tank' it was supposed to be.

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