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Fighter Class RevampFollow

#1 Jan 07 2009 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
Kiara noted on the forums today that there are fighter changes a-coming, and in the Jan 7 Test patch notes we see what looks like the beginning of those tweaks. (Click those links for full infoz). What do you think?
So far it looks good!:11 (33.3%)
I'm nervous, but I think they'll get it right this time:3 (9.1%)
Oh boy, I hope they get it balanced...:8 (24.2%)
Yeah, we need tweaking but what are they thinking??:6 (18.2%)
It ain't broke, WTH:5 (15.2%)
Want my stuff?:0 (%)

Edited, Jan 7th 2009 6:11pm by Calthine

Edited, Jan 7th 2009 8:08pm by Calthine

Edited, Feb 1st 2009 2:05pm by Calthine
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#2 Jan 08 2009 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
393 posts
I checked out the test server notes, and I like alot of the changes that I saw. I have yet to actually test the changes, but I plan on doing that sometime today or tomorrow (over the weekend at the latest). Hopefully they got it balanced nicely, but my initial reaction is that it looks good.
#3 Jan 09 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
From what I've read, they are rolling a couple of our (SK) buffs into our stances. Will have to wait and see how that works out and just be bitter about the cash spent for A3/masters of those buffs. Removing hate from the damage component of AoE spells..not sure I like that either. A lot of SK hate is generated by our plethora of AoE and encounter-wide damage spells. Hope this doesn't accidentally hinder us in an attempt to make it easier for other tanks to keep aggro from overnukers. Holding out hope that these will be overall good changes for everyone.

Also not sure I like the reporting on hate numbers and positioning..great as a gee whiz, but now instead of a tank just being known to be able to hold aggro or not, it's gonna go into the parsers for yet another e-peen measuring stick "lol look how much hate I parse". Will make nuker/scout v tank "aggro fights" that much more annoying when you get one of those intentional hate rippers in your groups. *nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke* *hate shifts* 'j00 suxx0rz my t4nk gens liek 4k hate/sec lol n00b'.

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 3:07pm by Stugein
#4 Jan 09 2009 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
393 posts
well, did some research earlier today.

Let's put it this way. Plate tanks: Stances will be important now, more than ever before. Offensive stances: taunts become detaunts. Defensive stances: Taunts increase in power. avoidance tanks (brawlers): same for your primary offensive and defensive stances, however, the "combo" stance (combination of offensive and defensive) provides no bonus or penalty to your taunts.

There is now a new bar above the mobs. You still have the Health bar, and the power bar right below that, but now, right below the power bar is an "aggro" bar that can help you track how much aggro you have. Now, granted, I did this on my plate tanks (my main and main alt, both copied from the live server a while back), and I was forced to do this solo, but when in the defensive stance, the bar was present because I was constantly building aggro. when I was in the offensive stance, the bar disappeared quickly because I constantly "de-taunting".

This, combined with the actual hate/threat messages, will, I'm quite sure, add one more thing for the parsers to go ga-ga over and try to prove who is better and who is not. However, this is also a good thing and can help groups form up that can now get away from "we have a tank, we don't need any other fighters" mindset, since other fighters will be able to go offensive and not have to worry about grabbing aggro from the MT, or switch to defensive (or just shut off the stances) to grab adds if the off-tank.

ok, now to get to the second major changes to the fighter classes. I, honestly, don't know how they are judging how to set up the quality of the spells that remain (go off that base ability/spell, or take the highest quality from all the abilities/spells combined into that one), but it does clear up alot of hotbar space, and reduces the amount of time to rebuff. This does have some added benefit for classes like the guardian which has alot of "ally buffs" and temporary buffs which require hot bar slots, so any free slots available are always a good thing.

Do I think that all these changes are a good thing? I really can't say right now since getting a group on the test server is nigh-on impossible. From what I have seen, though, alot of thought was put into these changes, in an attempt to make sure that nothing was out of whack, over-powered, or weakened too much. I do have some screenshots of the "hate/threat" messages when I was on my guardian (one in offensive stance, one in defensive stance), so if anyone is interested in seeing something like that, just let me know and I will see what I can do.

ok, there's my 2cp, based on what I have seen on the test server. take it or leave it, that's your choice now.
#5 Jan 13 2009 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
Personally I don't like the changes. I think losing the buffs and merging them into Stances weakens every class who loses buffs. These buffs are merged in at a lower number than what you may have had them at. SO essentially if you had bought Master I you lose your money on the merge.

I think this is way too heavyhanded. I think they could have accomplished the same thing without such a heavy handed change.

Also these changes seems to be for groups and raids, but in reality they hurt soloers, duos and trios. I don't see that any consideration has been given to those players.

I don't think this should go live any time soon - it needs a lot more testing and a lot more tweaking.
#6 Jan 14 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
Doesn't seem all that much of a change, but I suppose things like this have to be experienced firsthand to really see a difference. Just seems that monks will keep aggro easier now. Which is handy.

Less aggro when offtanking should create some problems though, going to have to switch rapidly and a lot between stances in some cases.
#7 Jan 16 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
I'm liking what I see so far, as I see it affecting SKs.

Stances will take the quality level of the higest ability. So if you're stances are both app1 and your buffs that get rolled in are will result in a master (with the exception of ones where it is a master II choice..then it was mentioned that the choice would be reset but spell quality would go in as is). This is no biggie for some, good news for those who hadn't upgraded the (generally) more expensive stances but who had upgraded buffs, and no change for those fully upgraded (except for the sour taste of knowing you spent good coin on the buffs too for naught).

The no threat spread from AOE to non-targetted mobs plays nicely for SK as we have more AOE components with threat attached than the other previous/newly dubbed "single-target" fighters. Haven't counted zerks', but it seems to play nicely into what we were told either way...zerks and SKs are *the* AOE tanks. I'm thinking SKs have the edge, but that's some bias talking as well (I count 13+ AOE affecting abilities on SKs...4 of them with large AOE threat components...DM, group taunt, Circle and sacrament).

I'm indifferent to the hate meters. I'll know when I have aggro...and when I don't hehe, when I need to use a position shift etc. It might help the group/raid members keep control of themselves though....but either way, I'll continue to play as if I think everyone wants to rip aggro lol. I never enjoyed playing catchup after aggro is lost. I don't see this as changing my playstyle much.

I will not be thrilled with my DPS going down in defensive...but I'm ok with the other changes (and thrilled with the added Parry now). I was always more concerned with hate and surviveability first...personal DPS second. The higher my DPS the better, but hey, our main jobs imo are being strenghthened. Soloers and tiny groups (duo, trios) could suffer a bit in kill-time, but for the way I play its mostly positive. Second tanking, I'll likely stay in defensive and just ride the edge of the hate meter...not unlike what I would have done in the past with new encounters or tough tough mobs/zones. So, DPS down again as second tank, but I'm ok with the tradeoff. Off-tanking would be in defensive as well of course (to avoid de-taunting your target). Personal DPS will go down, but we still need to see if hate overall will go up enough (especially with taunt crits playing in) to allow the groups/raids to make up for it (or possibly more than make up for it), so overall they are not slowed down. I find it looks promising enough that it might :)

Edited, Jan 16th 2009 1:50pm by CHIMPNOODLE
#8 Jan 17 2009 at 6:12 AM Rating: Excellent
Chimp, have you tested us in Offstance? Is Offstance tanking still feasible? For solo'ing/small grouping is Offstance still efficient and overall how does our Offstance DPS compare post-change to our Defstance DPS now?

Edit - Or anyone who happens to be on Test

Edited, Jan 17th 2009 9:12am by Stugein
#9 Jan 17 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
393 posts
I will test this later today, or tomorrow using my SK. mind you, I'm not any sort of raid tank on him, and the test version is now a couple levels lower than live, but can still get some information for you.

but just a heads up, OffStance will turn anything with an actual taunt component (i.e. shield bash line, taunts, now kicks, the changed nefarious sacrament, etc. anything that says "increases threat by x amount") into a detaunt component. so either 1) you deal with accepting that limitation and use those combat arts/spells or 2) you deal with accepting that limitation and don't use those, reducing your damage.

but I will get some DPS numbers on my SK. I will do a standard "lab test" comparison. I will go with no stance as the control, then offensive and then defensive as the variables. and will go against same type (creature and level) and use the exact same routine (or at least as close as I can match them) so that the only unknown factors will be the RNG gods and how they choose to roll. I will try to have this up as quickly as possible. but too tired right now to do that at this time.
#10 Jan 17 2009 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Detaunting is fine. I don't mind so much. More worried about solo'ing. I usually solo in defstance. Let's me take ^'s and the occasional ^^ without worry. Hoping that doesn't totally go out the window in offstance now
#11 Jan 17 2009 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
Hi Stu. Substancial diff off stance to def stance. Offstance tanking is still doable with a healer or low-ish DPSers I suppose. Hard pressed to keep it off even fairly decent DPS without taunting (unless they take it easy and watch their aggro, they would have to hold back). Could go no stance though to avoid the detaunting. DPS will be quite a bit lower though. Soloing in Def will be much slower, though the parry will help a fraction. Soloing in off stance is still feasible though imo. Little softer, little higher DPS. 2 steps back...but with more TSO AAs I don't see it as a biggie (like the extra shield effectiveness, extra dammage (whether riposte or single ability/line AA boosts...furor...etc.))...I don't see this as beeing a big problem, at least not after filling up on more AAs. So assuming most people are in the 150-170 AA range by now (I'm a 148ish) I wouldn't think this will be a longterm issue for soloers. In the end you'll still be soloing better then now.
#12 Jan 18 2009 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
393 posts
ok, Stu, you wanted some hard numbers, here you go. level 71 SK against level 68 Drolvarg Scavengers (all had the same look, so guessing same archtype script). HP were a little different with each on, but that's a given, so not EXACTLY the same, but close.

No Stance - DPS = 496, threat increase of 11406.

Off. Stance - DPS = 521, threat decrese of 10691

Def. Stance - DPS = 432, threat increase of 29809

So, there you go. Off. Stance DPS is about 25pts higher/sec than no stance, but you wind up sacrificing almost as much hate as you would have gained with no stance. Def. Stance is a little over 60 pts less/sec than no stance, but you more than double, almost triple your threat. mind you, all three encounters took about 30 sec (no stance and off stance), with the def. stance being a little longer (about 35 sec.), but you can start to see the over all progression.

To answer your questions, with the given data, yes, you will do quite a bit lower DPS in Def. Stance compared to No stance or Off. Stance. so if soloing, I would say Off. Stance or no stance. if duo or trio, take your pick of the three.

Now, I'm not an expert on small groups like that, as most of the groups I get in are full, or mostly full, groups, or I solo. Therefore, I cannot, with any sort of real insight, offer suggestions for the best course of action to take regarding Duos and Trios, I'm just here to provide the hard data (at least from my personal prospective, given the tools available to me (spell qualities, level of my character, etc.) and the luck of the RNG). Others might have a different experience, so do not take this as "gospel truth". someone asked for some numbers to consider, so I provided.
#13 Jan 21 2009 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
I'm having a hard time understanding this. It says that in off-stance you lose aggro, are you saying that you lose aggro compared to def-stance? If you actually are losing aggro in off-stance then it makes no sense - my question to that is how is it when a tank does more damage they lose aggro, when say a warlock will gain aggro with more damage?
#14 Jan 22 2009 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
393 posts
Offensive stance turns all your taunts into de-taunts. So, for example, lets use the generic "taunt" ability. This ability increases your threat by x-y amount (yes, that's a range there). if you were in the offensive stance it would read that using that ability will REDUCE your threat by x-y amount.

I can't explain the full reasons why SOE did this, because, in all honesty, if I'm tanking a group, I'm usually in defensive stance anyway, and if I'm not tanking, I'm in offensive. that's just the way that I play. I'm willing to bet that the reason is somewhere within that right there, but I'm not certain at all. but this is the way it is going down.

no stance - no change to your taunts
Defensive stance - increases the threats generated by taunts, kicks, and anything else that directly effects threat
Offensive stance - turns your taunts into de-taunts, generating negative threat when using your taunts, kicks, and anything else that directly effects threat.
#15 Jan 22 2009 at 6:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Qwash wrote:
<...> in all honesty, if I'm tanking a group, I'm usually in defensive stance anyway, and if I'm not tanking, I'm in offensive. that's just the way that I play.

You'll find that, up until the new update I guess, a lot of "damage tanks" (SKs and Zerks mostly) will tank in offensive stance frequently because in a lot of cases our taunts weren't always enough to keep up with the group damage output. Defensive stance is mainly used for raid mobs or big big heroic nameds.
#16 Jan 22 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
I still can not believe this is correct. Basic question - How can 'taunt' reduce aggro? Maybe they have a different dictionary than I. How will this effect my berserker? My damage output holds hate fairly easy. I'm in no way saying that you have incorrect information, its just this 'system' is unbelievable. With the dps reduction it said fighters were getting, and now forced to group in def-stance - why would we then even need off-stance. I still dont understand the earlier part. In off-stance i do more damage, but i lose aggro. So given that, any other group member would lose hate with their damage. I'm at a loss. Maybe when it is in effect I will see it better in a new light.
#17 Jan 22 2009 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Basically if OffStance your taunts change to detaunts while your damage is increased. On an effective enough level, this means that dual-fighter groups and multi-fighter raids could be made more viable (some in a primary tank some in a DPS role, ready to switch stances if need-be). OffStance outside of grouping will likely be used for farming weaker solo mobs while we could continue to use DefStance to solo heroics.
#18 Jan 22 2009 at 1:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
If you hadn't seen it, Aeralik posted a good explanation of the Hate changes here:
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#19 Jan 22 2009 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
You do not have to reply to this, but I still can not understand how 'taunting' reduces hate. What would be the point of a secondary tank? If the MT dies, I guess you would have to switch stances for any hope of keeping the group alive. If the secondary stayed in def-stance, instead of offensive, they could offer no dps. So with little utility and 3rd rate dps, a secondary tank, in either stance, would be pointless, right? So basically we're down to defensive and no stance. Another concern, I duo with a wizard alot. Offensive is preferred obviously, but with update, it doesnt seem a viable option. So it seems that in any situation, offensive stance is only useful if you are not the main tank.

Hate reducing
I guess it would sound like this, "Oh my god, those spiked shoulder pads look lovely on you!"

Now we have both Taunt and Compliment, and probably the best class for hate reduction.

Last reply, I promise.
#20 Jan 22 2009 at 8:27 PM Rating: Excellent
No point in getting hung up on stuff like what the mechanic is called.

But yeah. In a group or raid as MT, OffStance would be a bad idea. Solo or duo or in a DPS role in a group or backup tank role, it would do just fine. It'll take some doing but eventually everyone will noodle out the particulars. I envision a lot more stance dancing than goes on now.
#21 Jan 26 2009 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
New article on the Fighter revamp at EQII Players:
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#22 Mar 09 2009 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Personally I feel my stomach churning. As a zerker I really enjoyed offensive stance tanking, and found taunts were still important for grabbing and holding aggro. Mind you I'd go defensive for tougher stuff. But merging my defense-like buffs into a defense stance I fear will make me like paper and especially will do no good when I'm duo-ing, which is what I do most. We want to be able to kill stuff fast but if my taunts becomes detaunts (wtf!!) how am I supposed to protect my squishy friend. The reverse also holds true. Merging the buffs into stances is just a huge mistake.

One of the thing I liked about fighters were that they were so diverse... now I feel they will be cookie cutouts, all the same.

If they wanted to make it more interactive or whatever it is they claim, why not tweak it so that buffs from dps classes give less hate to the tank or tweak the way the dps of a tank gains aggro, eg the new CA of a tank gains less hate then the current CA of a brig.

If they wanted to do something productive, why not do something about stuff like Magi's Shielding for wizards, that has no upgrades, no way to gain a better version of it as you do with stuff that has apps/adepts etc, and make it into a passive spell that's always on and not wasting a hotbar slot and time casting it after death.
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