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Runnyeye Gets a Revamp!Follow

#1 Apr 28 2008 at 4:28 PM Rating: Excellent
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Bow to the Mistress of CopyPasta!

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Cook Ten Rats
#2 Apr 29 2008 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
I got sort of excited, but then I read the source material. I was thinking that there'd be some new adventures for my alts coming down the pike, but it looks like it's less a revamp and more of a new instance of RE for 75-80 folk. That's not a bad thing though, really. I mean my main can have some fun in there, but I've always disliked RE's layout and would love to take some of my level-appropriate alts into a redone version of it.
#3 Apr 29 2008 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
636 posts
Ya i read about it...seems another Nek Castle heh but i wouldve loved a normal revamp of the zone.
#4 Jun 03 2008 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
Great, now the one single zone for lvl 30-40s that is left for them to group and fight in is getting revamped for the 80 levels. The 70-80 crowd already have 95% of all the zones in the last 4 expansions, lets give them some more.

Edited, Jun 3rd 2008 1:31pm by JimmyHHH
#5 Jun 03 2008 at 11:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
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You've misread it. The revamp is in ADDITION TO the current Runnyeye, not replacing it. Like Nek Castle.
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#6 Jun 03 2008 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
Great, now the one single zone for lvl 30-40s that is left for them to group and fight in is getting revamped for the 80 levels. The 70-80 crowd already have 95% of all the zones in the last 4 expansions, lets give them some more.

Prone to sweeping mis-statements of exaggeration much? Sheesh!
Lets look closely at your claim, shall we?

Working backwards, the last four expansions were;
Rise of Kunark
Echoes of Faydwer
Kingdom of Sky
Desert of Flames

RoK featured a new starting zone as well as supporting zones in which to level new characters from lvl 1 up. There were also 4 major zones for lvl 65-80 characters. (So about 2/3 of the new content was for lvl 65+)

EoF also featured a new starting zone and all the supporting zones to level new characters from lvl 1 up. There were also zones for what was at that time end game (lvl 60-70) There was no lvl 70-80 content as the level cap was 70.

KoS raised the level cap from 60 to 70 and the content was mostly for higher level characters. However there was no lvl 70-80 content as the lvl cap was 70.

DoF raised the level cap from 50 to 60 and the bulk of the new content was for higher level characters. However since the level cap was 60, there was no content for lvl 60-80.

Where do you see 95% of this content as being directed at lvl 70 - lvl 80? Even if they had restructured the zone and restricted it to lvl 70 and above (which they have NOT) there are many places for you to go and group between lvl 30 and lvl 40.

So take a deep breath and try getting your facts straight before you fly off the handle next time. KK? :)
#7 Jun 04 2008 at 10:19 AM Rating: Default
Okay, come on now, BIG correction, 95% of the last FIVE expansions/add ons of EQ2 have been HIGH Level content, nothing new for the mid level players.

Have you looked at the Zone list and the levels attached? It's actually even worse than I thought as far as the disparity of content. The good people at EQ1, even when making high level content at least had about 30% of the new zones for the lower levels to have fun.

The disparity is actually quite dumb from a common sense standpoint, given that the world is made up of constantly warring factions there should be fewer high levels and a great number of low levels otherwise the lower levels would be extinct.

But in any case, it's 112 zones to 5. Don't you think that's a bit off balanced?

Desert of Flames:
Zones exclusively for 1-40 (ZERO)
Zones exclusively for 45 and up (40)

Echoes of Faydwer:
Zones exclusively for 1-40 (4)
Zones exclusively for 45 and up (22)

Fallen Dynasty:
Zones exclusively for 1-40 (ZERO)
Zones exclusively for 45 and up (11)

Kingdom of Sky:
Zones exclusively for 1-40 (ZERO)
Zones exclusively for 45 and up (18)

Zones exclusively for 1-40 (1)
Zones exclusively for 45 and up (21)

A total of 5 zones for lvl 1-40 vs a total of 112 zones for 45 and up. My bad though, it's not 95%, it's actually 95.5%

Edited, Jun 4th 2008 2:38pm by JimmyHHH
#8 Jun 04 2008 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
Nice that you can spin things so well... you ought to consider going after job in politics. Or becoming a defense attorney!

First of all, your original claim was that 95% of the content was for levels 70 to 80 and when I disputed that statement you adjusted your level range down to 45+ but did so without acknowledging that you had made any adjustment. You did however attempt to bolster your original claim by edging the number up to 95.5% as though claiming you had erred on the side of conservatism would make the claim more believable.

But lets look at the claim itself...

Okay, come on now, BIG correction, 95% of the last FIVE expansions/add ons of EQ2 have been HIGH Level content, nothing new for the mid level players.... But in any case, it's 112 zones to 5. Don't you think that's a bit off balanced?

To begin with, Fallen Dynasty is an adventure pack and not an expansion but since you want to include adventure packs, how come you didn't mention Splitpaw which scaled from lvl 20 up? Oh, wait... that would have added more zones in the 20-45 range and would have adversely affected your numbers...

I dispute your numbers. I don't accept your claim of "112 zones to 5" I think it's fuzzy math. But beyond that, correct or not, it was only by including every instance and raid zone you chose to include that you could come up with those totals and therein lies the rub. Technically there may well be roughly that many total zones available in the game (actually I think there are more) but since it is unrealistic to assume that all types of content should be available to all players, you have stacked the deck and spun the data in the attempt to make your argument.

And in doing so you miss several important points. First of all, (most) lvl 1 toons don't raid! They also don't go on instance runs. So spending time creating that level of content would be wasteful (and pointless) on SOE's part. The game just doesn't need for there to be a lvl 10 raid zone. Nobody's gonna play there! No one stays level 10 for long enough to enjoy it!

Next, you completely ignore the size of the various new zones and instead lump them into a simple number count. And in doing so you are comparing apples to oranges. It's as if you believe that "The Cavern of the Crustacean" is (or should be considered) equivalent to "Greater Faydark". Surprise! It's not! Not in size, not in number of quests and not in replay value. The former is a 2X group raid with limited replay value and about a one hour duration while the latter will take you many, many hours (and many levels) to explore let alone experience.

And finally, is it really your position that we need more content in the lvl 1 to lvl 40 range? To what end? Some people complain that the lower level areas are already too thinly populated. Adding additional low level zones with every expansion would only thin the population out further.

The bottom line is that there is (in my opinion) already PLENTY of content for lower level toons and new players. I don't find the game at all unbalanced in terms of real estate and find your claim to the contrary absurd!

Oh, one more thing... Your entire initial claim was based on the mis-statement that Runnyeye was being converted to lvl 70-80 with no concession to the original level range AND that it was the ONLY zone where people could group and level between lvl 30-40. This statement is simply not true. The new instance in no way affects the original zone. And beyond that, there are lots of places for people to group in the level range.

Heck, I don't think I ever set foot in RunnyEye on my main and I had no problem getting to lvl 40 and beyond without it! Should I be able to take a lvl 30 toon there in a group? Sure! Is it my only option? Absolutely not!
#9 Jun 04 2008 at 5:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
I'd like to add, that leaving a comment on a zone page for every single expansion won't help, lol.

We know the game seems shy of mid-level content. SOE knows too. We can't do a darn thing about it.

I think you said you're 38? You're high enough to get out of Zek and EL and start Everfrost, Feerrott, and Rivervale, if you don't mind a little excitement :) If you haven't done Steamfont Mountains, I recommend it.

Edited, Jun 4th 2008 9:39pm by Calthine
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Cook Ten Rats
#10 Jun 05 2008 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
636 posts
And its not like this zone is coming out this month anyways...think it was GU 46 or 47 that its comin out...hah that new living legacy site is great :P
#11 Jun 05 2008 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
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GU 46 is this month!!
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#12 Jun 05 2008 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
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It is..? Oh ok then...haha
#13 Jun 06 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Default
I like how you say you dispute my numbers yet this very site is where I got these numbers from. And I'm not talking about levels 1-20 although I did graciously include them to boost the percentage up a bit to 4.5% but still that's very little at all out of the newest (last five) expansions. You also attempt to say that some zones like GFay are bigger than others, yes obviously but that doesn't change much given 112 zones to 5. Tell you what, you take out all you want and alter the argument however you can, do your best, but the amount of content catering the the higher levels is ridiculously out of proportion in comparison with mid level content.

Also, apparently people agree with me as you can go and look at the other thread concerning what people want out of the next expansion. OH Surprise surprise, amazing! People didn't vote for more high level content, the majority was actually asking for mid level content and more solo content.;mid=1210783202153159662;num=5;page=1

Also, talk about spin, you take 2 zones out of over a hundred and compare them concluding you must be correct. I've posted my claim, I've backed it up with what is actually posted in the zone list. Splitpaw, hilarious, at the time it was released 50 was the highest level, every single zone can be experienced by a lvl 50, and 2 even have lvl 75 content. Oh but go ahead and include it, I was talking about the significant expansions not a single dungeon area with several variations. My point is whatever way you want to look at it, take all of the expansion material, only the major ones, whatever you want you are still. Do your best to bump your numbers up to where only 85% of the content is targeted toward the very highest levels at the time. Spin..

Just take a look at the expansion/minor or major ones yourself.

Edited, Jun 6th 2008 11:22am by JimmyHHH
#14 Jun 06 2008 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
636 posts
112 to 5 is way to big of a number...we barely have that many zones wouldnt match up to the mid-level zones we have...we have quite a few but compared to high level content, of course its gonna be lower, since the expansions that progess levels need to add things FOR THAT LEVEL RANGE in order for thos people to level i think you are just finiding a way to start a fight =D

Edited, Jun 6th 2008 10:12pm by Gelthidor
#15 Jun 17 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
I believe todays patch brings in Runnyeye? Hubby and I will probably go check it out tonight
#16 Jun 17 2008 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Mistress DSD wrote:
I believe todays patch brings in Runnyeye? Hubby and I will probably go check it out tonight

Yes it does. I'm looking forward to feeling cramped and claustrophobic and cursing the dungeon design all over again!
#17 Jun 18 2008 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
Logged on last night and found a (mostly) guild group to go to RE2 within minutes. We had a guardian, ranger, swashy, warden (me), defiler and a mezzer (can't remember the class) - all of us lvl 80, so the class breakdown was just about ideal. Two healers made a big difference. I don't think I could have solo healed some of the bigger fights.

My first impressions;

The zone is a lot of fun. Nice layout, good choice of mobs and a couple of interesting quests.

Somehow, they managed to make it feel less cramped. Maybe this was done by including fewer roving mobs so you don't feel hemmed in by having wandering aggro at either end of the tube you're standing in. "uh-oh, this one is coming this way." "Ummmm... so is this one." "so... where do we go now?"

High replay potential. Just going back enough times to snag all the unique collectibles (shinies) is gonna take more than a few visits! I got two collections started (eyeballs & knick-knacks) and both are large.

Putting a mender in the dungeon was a stroke of genius!

The boss mobs are all interesting (we got most of them 1st time out). And some require a good bit of strategy to conquer. Linked and/or social mobs also provide interesting moments.

With mobs ranging from 80-84 it can and did get dicey in there... All in all I had a great time and can't wait to go back in.

#18 Jun 19 2008 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
I like how you say you dispute my numbers yet this very site is where I got these numbers from. And I'm not talking about levels 1-20 although I did graciously include them to boost the percentage up a bit to 4.5% but still that's very little at all out of the newest (last five) expansions. You also attempt to say that some zones like GFay are bigger than others, yes obviously but that doesn't change much given 112 zones to 5. Tell you what, you take out all you want and alter the argument however you can, do your best, but the amount of content catering the the higher levels is ridiculously out of proportion in comparison with mid level content.

Your numbers are wrong though, there are at least 2 zones in Kunark for under 40. And one of them is three islands big, so logically can be seen as three zones, hence 5 in Kunark. (although by that reasoning, the other zones can be seen as several separate ones too, which wouldn't really alter the numbers)

Also, Darklight Woods was added too, a whole new starter city, with just one starting zone added to it.

It might seem out of proportion, and you refer to EQI as an example of how it can be done; but having recently played EQI again from zero, I can only state that most of the low level zones in EQI are just plain empty. What's the point in that?

Although a new mid lvl zone would be fun, we'll have to wait and see I suppose.
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