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About to try EQ2 and have a few questionsFollow

#1 Oct 14 2007 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
Hi guys. Just a warning: this is too long. Thanks for any help though.

I recently came back to mmorpgs after a few year break (originally played EQOA (ps2), Shaddowbane (PC), FFXI (PC). Anyway about a month ago I picked up WoW, and I'm really frustrated with my experience so far. The game is extremely basic, and I know I'm only level 50, and that things will get better from 50-70 and at endgame, but the game is just so basic and easy that I'm afraid I will continue having the problems I'm having. Which all center around grouping. Almost every group I have is a bunch of DPS classes (usually even the tank and sometimes the healer are spec'd for dps, whichever one of the two I'm not) who do nothing but spam damage meters in the chat and drain mana/energy in the first two seconds of the fight trying to top the meter. Of course the game is so easy it doesn't matter. Except every once and a while we get to a tough boss and do it of course, then we wipe, and I, always tanking or healing, get the blame. It's funny, they can never refrain from poking fun of my DPS as tank or healer either. It's almost impossible to convince anyone to do anything challenging, because that's not the best way to boost your dps.

Now when I played EQOA and FFXI the game was never about stuff like this. It actually seemed kind of adventurous, was almost always fun, and the best part was the challenge of grouping in tough dungeons. So after reading around a little I've decided to try EQ2 instead (I need to wait a week or two to buy a new computer, however).

I've already read everything I can and searched all over the internet and read the stickies and I have a few further questions/clarifications:

1. I just want to verify that the game is more challenging. It is obviously more complex, from what I've read, and I'm excited about the complexity. But is grouping more challenging? Is going into a dungeon with a group generall risky/exciting/difficult? Is it challenging enough to make some understand their class and game mechanics to succeed?

2. How does pvp work? It sounds like it is good v. evil teams. Can one talk or no between factions? Are there any totally unrestricted pvp servers? Are there any rewards/penalties for pvp?

3. I am going to play a Coercer for my main. I remember an enchanter in EQOA (I was a Bard) whom I was always jealous of and want to give dedicated CC a try. I've read a lot about all classes being welcome and that's good news. What I want to verify is that Coercer's are not only welcome in groups, but get to use their CC often and in important/difficult situations. Also, do they charm mobs while grouping alot?

4. I am also going to try an Inquisitor as an alt because I like healing. But, I love tanking, and I would probably love playing a tank char also, but judging from the forums, Fighters might outnumber mages like 10 to 1. Is this true? Are there too many fighters in the game already? Enough tanks to go around?

5. Are their too many Necromancers? I've never played a DPS class in my life, but I love the idea of evil, pets, dots and I've kind of always had a hankering for necs. But by the posts in the mage forum (and simple common sense), I'm guessing they might be as prevalent as Hunters in WoW. Is this true?

6. I know this is almost backwards from what one normally hears, but can one get to 70 relatively easily ONLY grouping? Groups are what I play for. So is it easy to get in groups and/or good groups for exp?

7. Can anyone suggest a good RP PVP server?

8. Can this be played on a Mac? (I can't find anything so I'm assuming no).

Sorry about the really long post. Thanks for any advice/questions, and I look forwrod to playing EQ2 in a couple weeks.

#2 Oct 14 2007 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I can't answer too many of your questions, as I'm just coming back to the game myself. (this is my 3rd go 'round and I'm loving it) One thing I know for sure is it's not available for the Mac (now watch someone come make me a liar, haha). EQ1 is, though.

In the grouping I've done, there seem to be less asshats. There is more grouping in this game than in WoW, so groups tend to be less risky.

I've not done any PVP because I don't care for it, so can't answer you there.

And while I find the game more challenging than WoW (never played FFXI or EQOA), I don't find it harder: i.e. - I don't feel like I'm getting online and spinning my wheels. I can always find something to do. Whether it's doing quests that involve fighting, gathering, collecting, or cataloging. Also, tradeskills are great, provided you're into that sort of thing. Much more involved than any other game I've played.

I'm sure others will be able to answer better than me. But let me say Welcome to EQ2!
#3 Oct 14 2007 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
1. I just want to verify that the game is more challenging. It is obviously more complex, from what I've read, and I'm excited about the complexity. But is grouping more challenging? Is going into a dungeon with a group generall risky/exciting/difficult? Is it challenging enough to make some understand their class and game mechanics to succeed?

I don't know what FFXI had for dungeons but EQ2 tramps over what were called dungeons in eqoa. Theres different difficulties of instances to, from Solo to heroic(group) to epic(raid).
2. How does pvp work? It sounds like it is good v. evil teams. Can one talk or no between factions? Are there any totally unrestricted pvp servers? Are there any rewards/penalties for pvp?

I really haven't messed with it but there are 2 sides, good(freeport kethelin) and evil(freeport and neriak) and they have there own languages and can go and kil each other in open pvp. This is only on the couple pvp servers tho.
3. I am going to play a Coercer for my main. I remember an enchanter in EQOA (I was a Bard) whom I was always jealous of and want to give dedicated CC a try. I've read a lot about all classes being welcome and that's good news. What I want to verify is that Coercer's are not only welcome in groups, but get to use their CC often and in important/difficult situations. Also, do they charm mobs while grouping alot?

A bard is much more wanted then a enchanter. And Coercers are unpopular grouping but can be awesome soloers once you get the hang of it.
4. I am also going to try an Inquisitor as an alt because I like healing. But, I love tanking, and I would probably love playing a tank char also, but judging from the forums, Fighters might outnumber mages like 10 to 1. Is this true? Are there too many fighters in the game already? Enough tanks to go around?

I really can't say, sometimes theres no tank to be found and sometimes we have secondary tanks in groups.
5. Are their too many Necromancers? I've never played a DPS class in my life, but I love the idea of evil, pets, dots and I've kind of always had a hankering for necs. But by the posts in the mage forum (and simple common sense), I'm guessing they might be as prevalent as Hunters in WoW. Is this true?

Necros and conjurers are just as populated as they were in eqoa.

6. I know this is almost backwards from what one normally hears, but can one get to 70 relatively easily ONLY grouping? Groups are what I play for. So is it easy to get in groups and/or good groups for exp?

Groupings the fastest way to level, how fast it is depends on your play time.
7. Can anyone suggest a good RP PVP server?

I tink theres only one server thats both designated PVP and RP.
8. Can this be played on a Mac? (I can't find anything so I'm assuming no).

Doubt it.
#4 Oct 15 2007 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
1. yes and no. in EQ2, you have botton smashing. more buttons to smash than you have fingers to smash them. and some buttons require being smashed in a particular order. that has a short learning curve. after that though, its not any differant. EQ2 is dumbed down a bit from EQ1 in that you dont need a perfect group, just like WoW. you can get buy with a quasi healer and good damage, you can even get by without a tank if you have crowd controll.

it is margonally more complex than WoW because of the button smashing, but no where near as complex as EQ1, where you really need a good healer, a good tank, and a good crowd controll class to play their parts well. just more buttons to smash. and you have to smash them too, because your DPS really sucks if you dont smash them.

2. pvp is far far better in WoW. in EQ2, its good against evil. no, you cant cross talk either. the rewards are titles, unlike WoW where you can get some really nice gear dispatching the enemy. i wouldnt buy this game for the pvp. much better outthere including WoW. planetside for instance. best pvp game i have ever played.

3. dont need one unless your in a sucky group. two tanks, two healers, and you just dont need crowd controll. EQ2 is not very class dependant, like EQ1 is. infact, you can do just fine with 4 palidens and no designated healer and no CC. only really need a cc class if you are short on metal.

4. tanks and healers. its all a group needs, the rest are filler for dps. play either one and you will be necessary, play anything else and you will be the filler for the xp bonus.

5. tons of necromancers. a very popular class. just filler for groups though. they cant heal, and they cant tank for more than a few seconds. good dps for those "extra" spots in a group.

6. you can get to the top EASIER and FASTER grouping. just too bad, like all grouping games, not a whole lot of people actually group. low and mid levels will be filled with endless hours of begging for groups that never happen. cant say about top levels.

7. nope. if i want pvp, ill play a pvp game or WoW. it is significantly better.

8. no.
#5 Oct 15 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
they cant heal, and they cant tank for more than a few seconds.

Thats what really irked me when I started my necro(now betrayed to conjurer). In eqoa we could transfer hp to other players in a mass amount and with propper resists the damage to self would be near nill when combined with self Pacting and life taps. That and the pets could do damage, tank pretty well with heals from necro and had death touch and a life tap.
#6 Oct 15 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Well ouch that last reply was resoundingly negative and pretty much contradicted everything I'd been hoping to find in EQ2. Not really sure where that leaves me. So the only classes need in groups are tanks and healers? And you can just get by with decent dps and no technical skill? And a class like coercer which is all about CC, which is all about utility to groups, isn't useful to groups? Is this all true?

And I have a further question since reading up on the pvp. It sounds fun. I really don't like WoWs Battlegrounds and more or less contrived pvp. What I like is the unrestricted stuff. The chance of being ganked/ganking in return. There's where the fun is for me. But it sounds like until I learn the game I will get my *** handed to me on a pvp server, so I was thinking about starting a first char on a pve server? Is this suggested or do you think I should just dive in?

And also, are the pvp servers ONLY about pvp, or will I also be able to find good groups, have fun in pve, enjoy high end dungeon and raid content on a pvp server?

Last question: Can a coercer mesmerize and charm player characters or no?

Thanks for looking this over for me. That last reply gave me some second thoughts though.

#7 Oct 15 2007 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
xsalinger wrote:
Well ouch that last reply was resoundingly negative and pretty much contradicted everything I'd been hoping to find in EQ2. Not really sure where that leaves me.

I'm guessing you're talking about shadorelm's post? A word of caution: he's anti-any game that's not the "next biggest thing". Take his opinions with a grain of salt.
#8 Oct 15 2007 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
What I like is the unrestricted stuff. The chance of being ganked/ganking in return. There's where the fun is for me. But it sounds like until I learn the game I will get my *** handed to me on a pvp serve

I made my first character on a pvp server, sitting there fighting a bat in the caves and a assassin comes up behind me and kicks my *** :/.

Last question: Can a coercer mesmerize and charm player characters or no?

You could mesmerize them in PVP, charming them would be a little overpowered I think :)
#9 Oct 15 2007 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
I was referring to shadorelm's comments, and I was getting the impression they should be taken with salt.

As for the coercer charming thing: to be honest, I dont see how a coercer has a chance to do anything but hopefully escape if he can't charm. And as long as it's not possible to damage the enemy while he is charmed (no longer attackable by you or friends) and has a low duration/high chance of resist/diminishing returns/breaks when caster takes damage etc. Anyway was just hoping :)
#10 Oct 15 2007 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
If you mean in pvp I think you could go and charm a good pve mob and then use that to fight pvp, you would get a stun and a mesmerize if theres a problem.
#11 Oct 16 2007 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
Well ouch that last reply was resoundingly negative and pretty much contradicted everything I'd been hoping to find in EQ2. Not really sure where that leaves me. So the only classes need in groups are tanks and healers? And you can just get by with decent dps and no technical skill? And a class like coercer which is all about CC, which is all about utility to groups, isn't useful to groups? Is this all true?

For some reason shadowrelm just doesn't like the type of button smashing EQII has compared to WoW or other games.

It isn't all that different in having to press the right button at the right time. And I do have to admit that at times sheer DPS can be sufficient, but not for the tougher mobs and named ones, not even close.

The basics of all groups in all games are tanks and healers, it's only logical they are sought after the most. But for instance in Unrest, having adds without CC is pretty bad news, to say the least.

I'm still thinking of seeking out six monks who all have the altruism spell (spell on group friend that makes him feign death instead of dying), because in theory none of us would be able to die. We'ld be able to clear a heck of a lot that way, slow but steady. Actually not sure if that would work or not.

It's the beauty of this game that a lot of variations are possible, you aren't restricted to having one particular class in your group to make it work.
#12 Oct 16 2007 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
Although you can form a successful group without, most groups would contain at least a tank and a healer. However the DPS classes are most useful, as otherwise the fight might take longer than you have power to use. A healer can only keep a tank alive while they have power left. If the tank hasn't taken down the mob by then, you're so much barbeque meat. Most tanks are not that good at dishing the DPS.

It is still possible to have very successful groups with unconventional class mixes, the same as it's possible for a 'perfectly matched' group to wipe repeatedly.
#13 Oct 16 2007 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
Thought I woudl give my two cents here. WEll first of all we would love to have you to our eq2 family. As far as all the negative things people have said. I have played EVERY MMORPG ont he market and I must say that EQ2 is still by far the best, and most original. Groups are needed, and EVERY class has its use. You cant do very well with a group of just tanks, or just healers. Each class has its purpose. Never done PVP so I cant help you there. Coercers are VERY important High end game. They have great buffs, and decent dps. Necros are over populated for sure but they are still needed. Plus can solo very well and lots of fun. My main is 70 necro, and I have a 70 warlock as well. Dont let other people defer you from this game. It is a great game, and you can solo, or group, and there is always something to do. Before I ramble anymore good luck and have fun.
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