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Warcraft VS Everquest!!Follow

#27 Oct 05 2007 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
Aaaaaaaaaand, Welcome to Off-topic-Ville, home of Tax Free Shopping and the Largest Wad of Tissue in New Jersey!
#28 Oct 05 2007 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
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fronglo wrote:
When you look at DOF there was no Majdul in eq1, no Pillars of Flame, no Harpies, no floating castle in the sky, etc. Same with KOS there was no area called BArren Sky and it was no where near that big needless to say.

Of course 500 years can do a lot. Just ask the Prussians, Bohemians, Ceylon, etc.

Once again most of it can be blamed on having a sequel but not wanting a zone for zone replica of the old game which. 3 years later though the EQ nostalgia factor being what it is, well it pays to bring back old content with a twist.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#29 Oct 05 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Pfft WoW won then, no fair!

To be honest, a massive pvp fight between two raid groups would be interesting I'ld say. Haven't played WoW for a long time though, don't know exactly their damage output and health anymore.

#30REDACTED, Posted: Oct 08 2007 at 1:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) huge Raid VS Raid would be awesome :D
#31 Oct 10 2007 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
I have played both WOW and EQ2. In WOW I have two level 70 characters, and in EQ2, I have one level 48 character and several lower level alts. Here is my take on both games:

WOW is very much like EQ2.In fact, there are more similarities than differences.

1. Choices: WOW has nine or ten character classes.EQ2 have 24 classes to choose from. In addition, WOW has three lines where you put skill points in order to tailor your character. EQ2 has two tiers of three lines for AA skills, which gives 6 lines to place points. There is no question that EQ2 gives more choices and options for characters.

2. PVP: WOW is really a game geared towards PVP in the endgame. They provide special rewards, items, competitions etc. EQ2 has PvP as an after thought. I certainly give WOW the advantage here if you like PVP,which I don't.

I should note that this can be a real disadvantage to WOW too. In order to get the really good stuff, players need to participate in PVP. Also, the end game in WOW is NOT really raiding but PVP participation. Thus, if you don't like PVP, you will not only miss out on a lot of what the game is geared for but also not get a lot of top stuff. This becomes a particular problem in game balancing since some classes ( such as warlocks) have must strong PVP skills than that of other classes such as paladins. For PVP, the classes are not really balanced well.

3. Balance: With WOW, each class can solo almost as well as other classes.They aren't as balanced for PVP, however. With RAIDS, each class offers a lot to the raid. I can't say that any one class isn't useful. With EQ2, not all classes can solo equally. Rangers, for example, have a tough time soloing in dungeons.Not all classes provide useful stuff in raids too. Overall, I would give WOW the advantage here.

4. Quests: Both have a lot of quests. I would say that EQ2 have more quests,which are needed due to AA skill requirements. EQ2 also has quests that seem related to the plot line. WOW doesn't usually have multiple step quests as with EQ2 nor are any steps related to any major plot. If there are multiple steps,, each step gets experience. Because each game has their advantages here, I would rate this as even.

5. Leveling: No question, it is easier to level in WOW than EQ2. It is about 20% faster based on my experience. In addition, there is no exp debt in WOW. You just need to repair your items, which is also true for EQ2. For the casual player, WOW thus is a bit more casual player friendly due to the faster leveling.

6. Graphics, Both have superb graphics. Frankly, I like the graphics of WOW a bit batter ,but I would say this is a close call.

7. Overall content: This may be the most important factor for evaluation. EQ2 seems to have a LOT more content than WOW. There are more zones, quests, more dungeons, more items to choose from etc. Also, as mentioned below, crafting items seem to be more useful in EQ2 than for WOW. I would give EQ2 the higher score here.

8. Grinding: Frankly, both games involve some grinding or tedious quests. However, with multiple steps for quests in EQ2, not to mention slower runing speed than found in WOW ( WOW does have easy and cheap horses to buy), EQ2 initially seems to involve more of a grind.. Wow does, however, have corpse recovery,which SUCKS. Let me be clear about this. You don't have to recover your corpse,but you will suffer a lot more damage to equipment and and substantially increased sickness time. Thus, geting your body may not be required but is very much encouraged in WOW. If you filter the corpse recovery into account for WOW, the grinding is about even, although it does subjectively feel longer with EQ2. Maybe it is the longer leveling time.

9. Crafting: Both have interesting crafting. With WOW it is easier but not necessarily more compelling. EQ2 does have a compelling form of crafting. In addition, the items made from crafters are more useful on the whole. Overall, I would give EQ2 the advantage in crafting.

10. Auction house: It seems to be a LOT easier to do search for items in WOW's auction house. In addition there are third party software that will search all items for sale and tell you when there are good prices for investment. There seems to be a lot more investors trading stuff on the auction house then with EQ2. Maybe it is the third party software that encourages this. Also, due to having more sellers, prices tend to be more reasonable for good items.

11. Player base: With WOW being a bit more casual player friendly, there seems to be more adults in WOW. My prior guild had most folks who had families, jobs etc. I am sure these types of players are found in EQ2 too. However, I don't think there are as many adults in EQ2 as in WOW,but I could be mistaken here.

12. Casual player friendly: Frankly, I think both games are more casual player friendly than EQ1. However, WOW has faster leveling time. IN addition, most dungeon crawls, even raid dungeons, don't normally take over 1.5 hours to complete. This isn't usually true with EQ2. Thus, I would rate WOW a bit better for the casual player, although it probably is a close call.

13. Third party software: Certainly EQ2 has all kinds of third party software for interface improvements. WOW, however, not only has that but has fabulous sites that give in detail how to do each quests with the exact location of each quest items. It is MUCH easier to accomplish quests by going to to the thottbot site than using any site for EQ2. It isn't that sites like this aren't good,because they are. They just aren't has helpful on quests as found in thottbot. Also, there is a lot of third party stuff for WOW that is terrific such as software that keeps track of all prices in auction house and lets you know when something is underpriced. Overall, I would give WOW the advantage for third party software and for web site help.

14 Miscellaneous: I can't put my finger on it,but EQ2 tends to be more compelling. Maybe it is the greater amount of quests. Maybe it is the larger pool of skills (AA points) available or more compelling crafting, but EQ2 does seem to be more compelling from a long term perspective UNLESS you are into PVP.

Edited, Oct 10th 2007 10:21am by sirmorte

Edited, Oct 10th 2007 10:32am by sirmorte

Edited, Oct 10th 2007 12:16pm by sirmorte

Edited, Oct 10th 2007 12:16pm by sirmorte
#32 Oct 10 2007 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
5. Leveling: No question, it is easier to level in WOW than EQ2. It is about 20% faster based on my experience. In addition, there is no exp debt in WOW.

Fast leveling makes high leveled idiots. Just look at Guildwars. 20 Levels and a determined person can get there in 2-3 days. Without learning much about how to play the game. Thus many times we get people who are right in the fray and get themselves killed in PVE and **** off the group.

Exp. debt here is pathetic compared to what it was in eqoa.....

Edited, Oct 10th 2007 10:22pm by SefanaPPO
#33 Oct 11 2007 at 4:43 AM Rating: Excellent
SefanaPPO wrote:
5. Leveling: No question, it is easier to level in WOW than EQ2. It is about 20% faster based on my experience. In addition, there is no exp debt in WOW.

Fast leveling makes high leveled idiots. Just look at Guildwars. 20 Levels and a determined person can get there in 2-3 days. Without learning much about how to play the game. Thus many times we get people who are right in the fray and get themselves killed in PVE and **** off the group

Yeah. "Easy leveling" is considered by many to be a big negative towards WoW and lends to its "Fisher Price, Baby's First MMO" image in a lot of circles. For a really casual gamer this may be nice, but for a lot of folk its a huge turn-off.
#34 Oct 11 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
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6,786 posts
The best thing about WoW, IMO, is it's a great introduction to MMO's. Then people get tired of it and try something else, like EQ2.

Anything that brings in new MMO players to the industry can't be ALL bad..
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#35 Oct 12 2007 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
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Calthine notes,"Anything that brings in new MMO players to the industry can't be ALL bad.."

Response: Absolutely right

Also, I never said that you can level quickly in WOW. I just said that leveling is faster than with EQ2. Remember, the goal of WOW is PVP. Geting folks to this point is thus important.
#36 Oct 28 2007 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
This article sums it up quite nicely:

Warcraft vs Everquest 2

my curent vote would be for EQ, it has far more depth, a better comunity and Rp is pretty much alive.

#37REDACTED, Posted: Oct 28 2007 at 5:34 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) it would end up pretty much as it is now.
#38 Oct 28 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Excellent
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shadowrelm wrote:

so, if you based your conclusion on what you read on web sites, EQ2 or EQ1 would come out on top. but if you based it on what people prefer to play by using subscription numnbers as opposed to a media dominated by the minority of gamers, it would end up just as it is now, with EQ2 holding a tiny little single digit percentage of the player base WoW has.

SOE does not publish population/subscription statistics, therefore your allegation is impossible to prove.
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#39REDACTED, Posted: Oct 28 2007 at 6:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) no, but their are gaming sites that do.
#40REDACTED, Posted: Oct 28 2007 at 7:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#41 Oct 28 2007 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
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shadowrelm wrote:
no, but their are gaming sites that do.

As SOE does not release population/subscription numbers, all those sites are at best making an educated guess.
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#42 Oct 29 2007 at 2:06 AM Rating: Good
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Calthine, you know the joke about arguing on the internet? It goes triple for shadowrelm.
#43 Oct 29 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
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The Nadenu of Doom wrote:
Calthine, you know the joke about arguing on the internet? It goes triple for shadowrelm.

LOL! You mean...

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#44 Oct 29 2007 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
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Haha, yeah!
#45 Oct 29 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Well, considering the data given at Sony player database, when I check my newly created paladin, there are about 1.622.551 characters that are better in regards to my server discoveries. (which is zero at this point, on my paladin anyway)

Impossible to say how many players that is though, definitely not one million though imo.
#46 Nov 01 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
As SOE does not release population/subscription numbers, all those sites are at best making an educated guess.

true. but there are ways to make a fairly accurate guess. its a public company, so total sales figures ARE available, as well as profit reports for shareholders, where expenses can be added to profit then divide by the subscription price.

just because SOE doesnt come out and say "we have xxx customers" doesnt mean the information isnt available for anyone willing to take the time to look.

and if you look at the information on the site i did find, and compare it to games that DO list their player numbers, wherever they are getting the information, it is fairly accurate for WoW, linnage, linnage2 and ffxi atleast. there is no reason to believe it isnt good for the rest as well.

really i dont care. the information is out there if you care to look it up.

the information is also NOT AVAILABLE if you want to stop looking any further than SOE tells you to look.

all up to you.

what i CAN say for certain, is WoWs 40 man raid instances are in the high 50s to low 60s on any given night....for just that event, not counting raids and other pvp events. an playing EQ2 for the last 2 weeks, i have yet to see a second instance of ts, nek, or any of the others like we used to have at launch. you dont need a degree in statistics to see there are not many people in the zones and you are not getting invited to may groups. all you have to do is log on.

but it doesnt matter who is bigger. play what you like. there is no point in arguing which is better either. some people like red cars, some people like blue. so im not sure what the OP was trying to say with the post. if he was talking about the popularity of the game, it would end up just as it is now, and for the same reasons. WoW is more casual gamer friendly. end of story.

that doesnt mean EQ2 is bad. just less popular. and that doesnt mean people playing EQ2 are having LESS fun either. all it means is one game appeals to one market more than the other one, and one of those markets is larger than the other one. if you are having fun, you are in the right place. if not, play another game, we have many to choose from now.

more on the way too, well, one more anyway. Gods and heros was shelved indefinatly shortly into beta. looking like vapor wear ATM. Age of Conan is really the only big game coming out, and like all games geting close to release, its been pushed back to around the release of the WoW expansion. middle of next year. EQ2 expansion is due in a couple of weeks and why i came back. love the graphics and cant wait to see what they did with kunark and the sarnaks. still lothe the game play though and will probably jump to another game after the exploring is done. D&D online has two expansions out i havent seen yet, and although the world is small and very little content, the game play is the best i have seen in any PVE online game to date. i plan on checking it out as well. hopefully, between EQ2, D&D online, and mabe Vanguard again after the hollidays, it will carry me over untill the WoW expansion and Age of Conan launch.

play what you like, its all about having fun. if your giggeling like a school girl and seeing really cool things, you are where you should be. if your grinding out levels, your either OCD or way past time to play something else.
#47REDACTED, Posted: Nov 01 2007 at 11:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) heres another you can look at.
#48 Nov 13 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
323 posts
Do people still play Everquest? I have 9 characters on WOW and a full complement on EQ2. EQ2 is much richer in depth and quest content. For the most part I don't care about the quests or the quest givers in WOW. They're largely the same type of quests done over and over.

Another major difference is that EQ2 is DANGEROUS, while WOW is annoying as you rise in levels. Most zones in EQ2 can have gray or easy critters and have something heroic or levels higher around the corner. You always have to be aware in EQ2. In WOW, critters don't gray, so level 1 wolves will attack you regardless of level. Your aggro range decreases, but it's still annoying to have to slaughter everything in the mine every time you go in regardless of your level. I find the danger of EQ2 always produces an undertone of adrenaline no matter what zone I'm in (except for safe zones obviously). In WOW, you just get complacent knowing that nothing in a particular area is over a particular level, and just run through whacking the annoyings beasts that impede.

On a positive side for WOW, the classes are extremely balanced and most classes can easily solo to the cap. EQ2 has gotten much better in this regard over the years, but I still find most classes have a poor survival rate against multiple aggro. Anyway, my two cents.
#49 Nov 13 2007 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Here's a fun little tidbit I thought I would add:

Growth of Populations:
World of Warcraft: -2.2%
Everquest: 8.7%

Apparently people are starting to get bored of WoW and coming to EQ2 :-P
#50REDACTED, Posted: Nov 13 2007 at 4:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you have to look at the timing vs expansion releases too. most games experience a rise when launching an expansion, and most games experience a decrease within a few months after a launch. all of them. WoW included.
#51 Nov 13 2007 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
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KupoTaru wrote:
Here's a fun little tidbit I thought I would add:

Growth of Populations:
World of Warcraft: -2.2%
Everquest: 8.7%

Apparently people are starting to get bored of WoW and coming to EQ2 :-P

Nice, got a link to that stat?
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