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EQ2 FAQ for new and potential playersFollow

#78 Jun 25 2007 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
Just returning back to EQ2. I used to play for about 3 months or so after the launch. Many of the old features that turned me off seems to have been carefully corrected. I am extremely impressed with the game now and plan to play for quite some time. I appreciate this post, it really helped me in my decision to stay. I am now sorry I had ever left at all =)

PS: On another note. I have been playing Vanguard and it is supposed to have better graphics and all, but personally I feel EQ2's graphics is better.
#79 Jul 14 2007 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
A new players guide, nice! And a very relevant question from a potential new player:

What is the difference between these two items:
EverQuest 2 Classic

EverQuest 2

I realize one is a direct to drive download and the other is not. The classic is far cheaper, and comes with a manual.

Before I do something stupid, I want to know more.

#80 Jul 15 2007 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
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CybrSage wrote:
A new players guide, nice! And a very relevant question from a potential new player:

What is the difference between these two items:
EverQuest 2 Classic

EverQuest 2

I realize one is a direct to drive download and the other is not. The classic is far cheaper, and comes with a manual.

Before I do something stupid, I want to know more.


Classic is just the base game, without any expansions. Echoes of Faydwer is the base game plus all three expansion's, a much, much better value. As of this post boxed copies are getting really hard to find, but if you can endure a very long download, get EoF. I wouldn't be too concerned about the manual, the tutorial is quite thorough and where it's not the players can usually fill in the blanks.
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#81 Aug 19 2007 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
I would just say a few things to be added to the crafting section if possible.

Always at least try your new skills even if they do not improve. Most classes have a skill that when used as a counter always grants a critical success. If you know these abilities you can greatly increase your crafting speed and rate of pristines. Knowing these can also almost always guarentee you to complete a rush order on time unless you somehow end up with multiple critical failures.
#82 Aug 20 2007 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
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Rrikor wrote:
I would just say a few things to be added to the crafting section if possible.

Always at least try your new skills even if they do not improve. Most classes have a skill that when used as a counter always grants a critical success. If you know these abilities you can greatly increase your crafting speed and rate of pristines. Knowing these can also almost always guarentee you to complete a rush order on time unless you somehow end up with multiple critical failures.

We have many good guides on crafting in our Guides section.
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#83 Sep 25 2007 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent

Thanks for all the information. I'm pretty new to EQ2. I have a couple of 30's and still trying out different classes and races to see how I like the feel of them.

This is the FIRST place that I've seen a decent list of the patch changes and how they affected gameplay. That was the most confusing thing for me as a new player - all the 2 or 3 year old information on the web concerning EQ2 and very little of it was accurate.... and it would be a waste of money to buy a strategy guide for the same reason.

I mean I didn't even know that good and evil could guild together on a regular server. It still baffles me how you'd accomplish questing together at low levels. :) Higher levels... yeah I can see that.

I hope that I can field you a couple of questions and maybe more later as they pop into my head.


Okay, is there a limit to how much rested XP you can accumulate?

I noticed that city writ quests appear to be repeatable. Do you get XP and AA from repeating those or only the first time you do each?

Is there a breakdown to what Stats do for your character mathematically? A site or posting for that?
#84 Sep 25 2007 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Can someone update this guide again? Just with changes since EoF. Anyone please? Mostly because I'm curious on the answers. :-P
#85 Oct 04 2007 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
I have placed a copy of this FAQ in the new EQ2 Wiki at

#86 Oct 05 2007 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
I have played eq1, eq2, wow, lotr and I am thinking about Vanguard. I left Eq1 and joined eq2 because I had hoped to see the same type of game as eq1 with improved graphics. The graphics were there and the game immersion improved imo because of the graphics. What became quickly apparent was the lack of challenge and playabilty that eq1 showed. EQ2 class creation was not distinctive enough and created to many classes that were barely different except in class name. As the game aged it became less a game about the indiviual players skills, to more about INSURING that one class could not do more then another. Balancing the classes seemed to equal some type of non flavored mush instead of insuring that each class could play the role that it was given. If there was a report of a player "insert class here (____)" soloing a mob or could do more damage in a group then another class, the cry was immediately about IMBALANCE and this is not FAIR. Instead of applauding player skill the game robbed players of acheivement with a nerf. I was hoping that someday this game would acheive some of the thrills provided in eq1 but for me so far it has not occurred. I know that the mobs can kill you and there are challenges to each and every game I just hope that someone at SOE will realize that the challenge of a game is too create the class and role of the class and let the players take it to new levels. I am still searching for that game..maybe Vanguard if SOE does not turn it into another game of unflaverd mush. I would come back to this game, if they have changed this game to a more player ability challenged game style.


Edited, Oct 6th 2007 1:25am by BLUWATR
#87 Oct 06 2007 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
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If you haven't tried EQ2 since launch you might try again. Things have improved. While the classes may start kinda generic, as you level up you really can customize your character (My soloing bard, for example, is spec'd very differently than raiding bards).
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#88 Oct 06 2007 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
I had a 70 dirge and a 65 SK, leveled a zerker up to 50 also. Played a shaman65, enc62 and a beastlord62(my favorite) in EQ and really did enjoy all three classes. I would love to see a mix of EQ2 graphics, game mechanics put together with the gaming style of EQ I think that would be a roller coaster ride of thrills. EQ is the one game that could get my wifes and my blood pumping, a couple of the zones in EQ2 started out with that gaming style and were quickly reduced to a easy style strategy of just kill the mob with brute power...which can at times be satisfying but not all the time. My wife and I both stopped playing a few months before the winged fae people were found.
Is the game any more challenging? A carefully constructed Dungeon is an art work. Is the game getting better in that reqards? Not just graphics but mob placement, mob type, respawn rates and strategies required.
#89 Oct 11 2007 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
good info on EQ2, but would have been a better read without the bias against WoW.

anyone who has played WoW and EQ2 knows the only real differance between the two is EQ2 has a more traditional raiding end game, where as WoW is more focused on pvp events which are hugely sucessfull in that game.

the crafting in EQ2 was tuned DOWN to be more like WoW from its origonal state.

the content was also made more solo friendly because, unlike your statement, grouping is not any more popular in EQ2 than it is in WoW, just more necessary. as such, there is a lot of low and mid level content in EQ2 that is empty and unutilized where as the majority of the content in WoW is not.

EQ2 has its own flavor. you dont need to sell it my showing bias to the most popular mmo on the market at the moment. people will like it because of its own flavor, not because its better or worse than WoW.

i would seriously take out that statement about "more people grouping" in EQ2. they will see that isnt true as soon as they leave the starter island. leading people down a false path will only make them angry and negate any positives your post might otherwise incure to new players.
#90 Oct 11 2007 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
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shadowrelm wrote:

i would seriously take out that statement about "more people grouping" in EQ2. they will see that isnt true as soon as they leave the starter island. leading people down a false path will only make them angry and negate any positives your post might otherwise incure to new players.

It's not a false path, there's plenty of grouping You sound a bit bitter :)
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#91 Oct 12 2007 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
I have to agree with Calthine here... Other than the odd times when I sign on at 2:33am on a Monday when most people are already asleep, I usually get a group with no problems.

I'm sorry that you've had problems getting groups... For the most part, I've found the EQ2 community to be extremely outgoing and friendly, willing to lend a hand or advice.

#92REDACTED, Posted: Oct 12 2007 at 8:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) got my free weeks from my vanbguard subscription. logged in one of my toons and went to blackburrow.
#93 Dec 18 2007 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry, not sure if this is the right place to ask or not, but I figured its a FAQ thread so: Are you able to change your character traits/training/traditions/AAs after you've picked them or are you stuck with them forever. I'm asking because I don't want to make a bad choice now and regret it later.
#94 Dec 18 2007 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
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Blasterfire wrote:
Sorry, not sure if this is the right place to ask or not, but I figured its a FAQ thread so: Are you able to change your character traits/training/traditions/AAs after you've picked them or are you stuck with them forever. I'm asking because I don't want to make a bad choice now and regret it later.

They're changable. Might cost ya a little gold, but you're not stuck.
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#95 Dec 19 2007 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
Calthine wrote:
They're changable. Might cost ya a little gold, but you're not stuck.
Can you change them more than once? Somebody (cant remember who) said you could only change once.
#96 Dec 20 2007 at 9:54 PM Rating: Excellent
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Blasterfire wrote:
Calthine wrote:
They're changable. Might cost ya a little gold, but you're not stuck.
Can you change them more than once? Somebody (cant remember who) said you could only change once.

You get one free respec. And occasionally they'll change something and throw another free one, but you can only have one free respec at a time.

But if you want to pay for it you can change it all you want, I think.
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#97 Mar 26 2008 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
Very Very Helpful


ty ty ty ty
#98 Mar 26 2008 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
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That's great to hear! I'm thinking about wikifying it.
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#99 May 15 2008 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
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I am a bit biased on this b/c I play both FFXI and EQII =) to me EQII requires less of my time and is much much easier to gain lvl's in than FFXI. You are right however on the fact that FFXI's Economy is ruined. I blame that on its Popularity and skill rating (hard to get) items that require either money or 200+ people sometimes to get.

FFXI: To me is more party based, there are NO jobs that are not need (EXCEPT DRG mwuahahahhahaha) There are also NO gimp jobs. FFXI is more adaptable as in you can play every job it has to offer on on chr, so you dont even have to start over everytime you want to try a new job, and you become more adaptable. FFXI also requires more skill in party setups, with complex battle features such as skill chains, mana bursts and knowing when to cast what (but that is also in most MMO's)

EQII: I have noticed that it is more enjoyable leaving you with an option to play at a slow pace where you dont have to be on every single day to play the game nicely and not fall behind, I love the graphics a lot better than any I have ever seen in FFXI (of course I play on max settings I have an awesome laptop.... and yes I say laptop! :P) I also love the different class choices, how you can customize your chr more, and even have the option of changing its look when you get bored with it.

WoW: omg...... this game sucks.. w ok? :P (w = lol jpn style)

Difficulty wise, FFXI > EQII, less stressful, better graphics, and more enjoyable at times EQII > FFXI.
#100 Mar 14 2009 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
Will we ever get those nifty sigs like FFXI and lolWoW users get? I mean I know I'm cool enough because I play Eq2, but sometimes I still want to advertise...
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#101 Mar 15 2009 at 12:38 AM Rating: Excellent
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Dyadem the Meaningless wrote:
Will we ever get those nifty sigs like FFXI and lolWoW users get? I mean I know I'm cool enough because I play Eq2, but sometimes I still want to advertise...

I think it's on a list somewhere. WHERE on that list, I dunno. There's a lot of big stuff going down (like the EQ2 Zam site revamp) that's got the devs attention atm.
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