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What Do You Want to See For The Site?Follow

#27 Mar 16 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
I was directed to this post after making another post so i will just copy and paste what was said in posts on that thread.

Allah and the Development team,

I do not mean this as a flame on you guys, but what the hell is going on? I signed up for premium membership about a month or so ago. The only differance i notice, is that my bank acount seems to be losing money. There is nothing special on the site for premium members. I was a premium member for EQ1 and you could search quests, and items and beasts so much easier with so many differant filters. For EQ2 there is no special filter and I still have to hunt through a bunch of stuff that I dont need to be going through. The "Your Characters" section has been comming soon for a very long time I imagine. on the Quests, the "Advanced Search" is no differant than if you were just a regular user. Do you guys plan on changing this stuff anytime soon? I understand that EQ2 hasnt been out that long, so there is not nearly as much content as there would be for EQ1 or FFXI or some other games, but damn the system should at least be in place so that when the content gets here, its easy to search through. I came back to this site after not playing for two years, because this was the best site for game info, i just want to know if you have plans to upgrade the membership features and when?

By: Dread Lord bukholt

Must say i fail to see where you are getting riped-off, dont get the feeling he is trying to cheat you, if you dont want to support the only good info site since Ogaming was bought by ige, then dont pay.

I dont feel like Allah is trying to cheat me, I understand that you guys are busy, just wanted to know what the development team has planned and what the time line is looking like. I really dont care about all the forum bonuses. The forums are nice and there are a lot of really helpful people here, but i dont come to this site for the forums, I come to find information out about the game that I play. What I care about, and what im paying for is the ease of finding the information im looking for about a quest, or a zone, or an item or a MOB. As said before, in allahs EQ1 site, it is beautiful, you can get right down to what you are looking for, its like doing surgery with the best tools available, with allahs eq2 site its more like doing surgery with a club. It just doesnt work right. Thats what my complaint is. when is the EQ2 site gonna be on par with your other game sites, and no im not talking about the forums. I will however take your advice and post in the link that you gave me. Thank you for your timely response
#28 Mar 18 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
Coming from EQ1, and using the EQ1 Alla site extensively during that phase, I miss most of the advance features of that site. That said, here's what I'd love to see: (as someone previous pointed out, probably easier said that done)

  • Search page similar to EQ1 Search page - Probably not that tough to do, because it seems like you're storing item stats/infos and not just a text block description
  • .
  • Food stats + Food searching - This is probably tougher depending on your DB layout.
  • Potion/Poison stats + searching - Probably same difficulty as Food

  • Quests:
  • Listing by Class - Since there are class-specific quests, it'd be nice to be able to look them up that way. Although, it doesnt look like you're storing class info for those quests.. Ultimately, not sure how useful this would actually be, because most class-specific q's are hallmark anyway...

    Skills and Spells
    [li]Lucy - Make a Lucy clone for the EQ2 site. No idea how feasible this is, since it's based on the collector being able to net-sniff. No idea if EQ2 works similarly or not.
  • Skills - Seems like Lucy could *probably* be used to house Skill info also, but I'm not sure how it works behind the curtain.
  • If Lucy's not possible - It'd still be nice to have similar stat info on Spells and Skills.

  • Anywho, that's what I'd like to see. :-)

    Thanks for the hard work thus far, you guys are doing a great job with a game that's only been out for a short time (relative to EQ1)


    #29 Mar 18 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
    I think the site needs alot of work done. I still have an active premium acount but have been here for quite some time. Not since I pointed out some descrepencies with the site reminded those that run the site that people like me do pay for it and think we are getting better deal else where for free. The result was my post deleted and left with some comments about panties and the site is just fine, blah blah blah,. Look it up if you don't beleive it. ( which by the way I have yet find two different lore and legend zombies quests) Everyone in my guild stopped using the site becasue in all honestly for quest info it appears all you did was copy the prima guide. Everything after that is just not here. Some of it is player input which I was doing until said even metioned previously. The only reason i haven't cancelled my premium account was hope. Hope that it would change. Maybe it will maybe it won't. Flat out no one comes here because there is not anything to bring them here. Quest info is missing in the upper levels, mob info is mostly non existant. I see dozens of updates on other free sites every day. I come here and I am lucky to see 1 or 2 updates on any given day that I can use.
    #30 Mar 25 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
    49 posts
    The EQ2 site for Allakhazam is quite a bit away from what I was used to from FFXI.

    Primary things I would like to see:

    More complete quests - I understand that this is based on users submission and takes some time. But I've had problems finding some pretty significant quests.

    Sort quests by level/difficulty.

    Better Item search engine, you can go by what SOE does for the brokers.

    A complete list of spells and skills and its effects, as noted by someone else on this thread.

    CRAFTING - Seems like this site has completely ignored the crafting part of the game. Components, recipes, skills (and their effects), harvests, and have the resulting items link to the item database.

    NPC lists and locations.

    Special NPCs - location of brokers, location of ppl that sell quest books, location of ncp's that sell fluff spells, location of npcs that are significant to the story line.

    List of crafting societies, what society does what craft and location.

    Named mob listing, locations, expected spawn times, treasure drops

    macro-ing guide, tutorial on macros

    command guide, a list of EQ2 commands

    Maps of zones

    World map, where is the bell to port you to another island. How does the world connect, where are certain instance/raid zones

    Edited, Fri Mar 25 15:48:04 2005 by Reikais
    #31 Mar 26 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
    178 posts
    They got rid of the big space at the top of the page? Hmmmm its still there for me...

    Imma scrollin fool! hehehe
    #32 Mar 27 2005 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
    how about some what happened to the sleeper...what's happening on the other continents etc.
    #33 Mar 27 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
    Throughout backup of quest information before a random uncompleted part is posted before testing. I had a few of those in the beginning of this site (for eq2), but its well pulling out of the gutter.

    As stated previously, the items database isnt like what it was back for EQ1.

    Better guides. I know they are not the best in the world, but i would think 2 million people who got the eq2 game when it released would have some trials and tribulations to post about by now.
    #34 Mar 28 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
    I'd like to have the ability to select armor-Level 28-30 with the attributes i want to check, such as +str with most to least. Also seperate spell lists for each class without having to download Toxicmoon's 56 pages. Another plus would be listing the damage of spells at app 1 to get a comparative value. Having 2 spells both showing "does poison damage," while one does 600 and another 200 doesn't allow me to assess value.
    #35 Mar 30 2005 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
    4,445 posts
    I personally dislike the rating system. Too many people seem to just rate you awful cause you said something they don't agree with. For instance that "Soe is getting desperate" thread somebody went through and pretty much rated all of my posts, along with many others awful. So because 1 person didn't like what we had to say several peoples rating has gone down. The rating system is good to keep people who just constantly start trouble, etc. But just because a person says something you don't agree with is no reason to rate awful.

    I also always liked polls on forums. Im sure lots of users could have some fun by doing polls on aspects of the game.
    #36 Apr 02 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
    I would like to see 'Zone Level Charts', like you have on your EQlive site
    #37 Apr 03 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
    #38 Apr 05 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
    51 posts
    Maybe a sticky topic about being new to the game. As I browse the forums I see several, "New the the game, I have a question" type of thing. Which is well and good but maybe a sticky topic so people can post thier questions there instead of having 20 of the same type of topic.
    #39 Apr 06 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
    Better searching on quests and items - really need to have level ranges to search on - i.e. list all quests in Echanted lands between level 28 and 32
    #40 Apr 12 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
    73 posts
    I admit to everything everybody else is admitting to. I use other sites and this one as a back up on info. Otherwise I pretty much go else where. or Ogaming. For one reason. I like to have info at my fingertips. Sorry alla. I love you I really do. I guess you guys made me lazy when I played EQ. Everything was right there. Quests, items, NPCs, spells and where to get them. Link to this, link to that, link to the past...sorry couldnt help myself. Now its Anyway, this site is not the worst I have to admit that cuz SWG's site is...heh or atleast it was when I first started playing it. But I wont take down my premium status cuz I think you guys will come up to scratch or give it your best shot.

    Break it down
    ~~~~Quests, items, bestiaries, dungeon locations and maps, maps, maps..., spells and combat skills, links to maps, you have plenty of pics of stuff that I saw but hardly any descriptions or stats. Did I say maps? All the stuff above needs a major update and reinforcement. Otherwise you guys will remain my backup site...Play Ball!!!!
    #41 Apr 16 2005 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
    Can I recommend no server forums?

    I kow it sounds odd, but since the server forums were put in on the ffxi side of the site, it seemed the community was divided into cliques or something. Massive flame wars broke out, but that could have been the player base more than the forums. Ok, toss out what I just said. ^^ Thank you.
    #42 Apr 20 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
    102 posts
    sort/relist by clicking the column title, when looking at items. (Name, Level, AC, etc)

    the advanced item search, like in the eq1 area.

    that alone, would make me very happy.
    #43 Apr 23 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
    make it more like your EQ1/FFXI/WoW sites, this one is severely ;acking in detail and i refuse to go to another site unless i absolutely have to (and im having to). You did such great things on those sites and this one is falling short....

    examples: every post in this thread
    #44 Apr 25 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
    Well since the original post on Feb 26th nothing has been done to this site. Good bye Alla. :(
    #45 Apr 25 2005 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
    No kidding, what a waste of my premium membership I have held since eq1. I started playing eq2 in november (and sooner on my wifes beta invite) and there has been the most minimal updating to this site. I just can't abide by it anymore. I have even gon out of my way to post new items and quests and nothing, I mean nothing has come of it. I enjoyed the site while I could get something from it, but I am not paying for charity. Goodbye Alla, i hope you find the diet you need for all that fat you have been accumulating off of us.
    #46 Apr 25 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
    I would realy like to see an everquest 2 forum devoted just to quests.

    There are a ton of quests in this game, and most of the frankly are lame. However tehre are many that are amazingly crafted and a greatdeal of fun, (attack of the killer bear, for instance).

    I think a place for people to come and talk about the realy fun quest they just did, and where others can go to get the quest so they can share in the fun, would be great.

    #47 Apr 26 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
    59 posts
    I am thoroughly disappointed with the EQ2 site of Allakhazam's. I have been a premium member of Allakhazam's for a long time. My member name was Bemidian for years while I played EQ. I switched over to Jorakal when I started other games like DAoC and WoW. For DAoC I sent hundreds of updates and saw them implemented. EQ1, DAoC, and WoW have up-to-date specific info for items in the database. This is the main reason I use Allakhazam's. To look up items. To do advanced searches. To find specific item and bestiary data. In otherwards a database with links to be able to do research. The current EQ2 site does not have current detailed info. The most current posts seem to be missing the most basic data from items. I just looked up an item by name. A sword. It did not even have what type of sword it was (2 handed).

    I just started playing EQ2, and of course went to Allakhazam's because of my past experience with this site. What a disappointment.

    I'd like to know what I can do to help update this site? I've read a lot of the other posts asking for additions to the site. This is not my concern. I need the basics first. Item and bestiary info. Links for what mob dropped what item. What items came from which quest and a link to that item. And why is there no advanced search for items? I can't even search for a specific weapon type or armor class by slot? I'm not even sure submitting data will do any good since it seems that the basic fields, that other Allakhazam's game sites include, are not set up in the database?

    So again please let me know what I can do. I'd be happy to submit screen shots for all items and NPC's/beasts I encounter. I can submit info for tradeskill items. I can submit data for linking items to quests etc etc. I see the submit email address is for Allakhazam. Is this accurate since he does not play EQ2?
    #48 May 02 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
    I dont really care for maps here cause I can find other sites for that.. Here are some things I feel could use improvement:

    1. Item Database: The item information pic should look just like the one ingame (like when you "Examine" an item) and should be accurate.

    2. Zones/Mobs: SHould look like the setup in the alla's for EQ1. That setup is real nice..

    3. Would also be nice to have a weapon Proc lookup capability. The weapons I choose are chosen primarily by their Proc.. If I cannot look the Proc up then it hampers my ability to aquire new weps..

    Also, I know you all are doing your best and hats off to you.. I know with time, this site will be as robust as the EQ1 site..

    Thats my 2cp..

    Edited, Mon May 2 09:17:23 2005 by Drunder

    Edited, Wed May 11 12:30:56 2005 by Drunder

    Edited, Wed May 11 12:31:15 2005 by Drunder
    #49 May 02 2005 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
    258 posts
    First, froglock sticky should be removed.
    second a forum board for guild annoucment and recruitment could be nice.
    #50 May 16 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
    Perhaps a mana calculator? both int based and wis based ones would be very nice to have.
    #51 Jun 01 2005 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
    I concur with a lot of what's been said. For EQ1, this site was the 1st place I would go. It'll always hold a special place in my heart. But now, I find myself having to go to lots of different sites to find info I need.

    I would love to see more details on specific classes, comparisons of different subclasses, MAPS, Server specific forums, and maybe a place to blog about your EQ2 experience. But mostly maps that are printer friendly.

    And maybe a poison guide.
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