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What Do You Want to See For The Site?Follow

#1 Feb 22 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
While we have three people working on the EQ2 site right now, I will admit that I am not one of them, as I don't play the game. I think this is hurting the site, since on our other sites I played the game enough to be able to personally work out what was most needed and make sure the most important things got done first. So I figured I would post here and ask for feedback from you guys as to what you want us to concentrate on.

I want to really try to step up our efforts to build up this site. What do you want us to work on the most? Which areas do you think we need to improve on and in what ways? What type of information are we missing that you want us to try to get? What types of searches and features would you like to see?

Please give us your feedback and we will see what we can do to build up the site to its best capacity.


Edited, Tue Feb 22 14:32:02 2005 by Allakhazam

Edited, Thu Sep 1 14:08:10 2005 by Allakhazam
#2 Feb 22 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm.. well.. though they are apparently difficult to get.. maps would be good.

the item database on the site is coming along, takes time and as I understand it it's not a simple task to crack into the games core files and simply pull info on every item out of it..

not sure what else.. but if something comes to mind I'll edit this.

edit - screenshot database. ^_^

Edited, Wed Apr 13 12:58:51 2005 by Iaini
#3 Feb 22 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
I would like to see a complete spell listing with summary information and statistics for the differences between app1 to master 1 spell levels. Also, would be very handy if you had city tasks as a sub group for quests. Lastly, accurate information of the beasts on whether they are soloable, or are kos would be cool.
#4 Feb 22 2005 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
405 posts
There is a TON of stuff that could use retooling and updating. When I say this, I'm comparing the EQ2 site to your FFXI site, which is amazingly complete and thorough. This EQ2 site... falls short, no offense. I don't think it's you guys though; I think there are less people coming to alla's EQ2 site, so there are less submissions, and thus less data to work with concerning items and quests.

And that's the bulk of what needs work: items and (to a lesser extent) quests. I have to click on a weapon/armor piece to see what the skill requirement is to know if I can use it, rather than just being able to sort the list by skill requirement. That would be very helpful. Also, most of the specs on the weapons/armor are out of date (possibly beta values?).

In terms of quests, most of what I've looked up is pretty solid. But there is one omission that's been effecting me severly, and that's the quest to become a Troubador (I think the official quest name is "Scout Progression"). There's no information yet, or at least in the quest description. Someone posted a very hazy summary of what happens, but that hasn't been transfered to the quest portion yet.

Additionally, the links to quests exist in some places but not others. For instance, when I needed information on how to become a Bard, I couldn't find the quest on the normal "hallmark" quest page. Only when I looked up the NPC did I find a link to the quest. It was all so confusing that I submitted what I thought were the missing quests, only to find out that the quests already existed, just nowhere I knew about.

I love and it was such a godsend when I was playing FFXI. This is still the first place I look for when I need MMO information, and I'd love to submit things (weapon stats??) in the future. But at the moment, I often can't find what I need here and end up googling it. I know of some great map sites now. But I don't WANT to know about other map sites; I want the maps here.

Sorry if this looks like a rant. I just want the same level of quality as your FFXI site, and I am willing to do what I can ingame to perpetuate that. Thanks.
#5 Feb 22 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
- Maps: link to an other site is fine, just link the specific map.
- Potions List: name, effect, duration, linked recipe, vendor.
- Mage Spell List: update and fill in. Use the 1-50 list in your guide section provided by Toxicmoon.
- Recipes: sortable by name, level, book, class, skill, component, slot, category. may already have the market cornered.
- Login > Your Characters: "Coming Soon" ...?
- Item Lookup: add Lookup by Skill.

All the viewers of Alakazam should keep in mind that the best way to update this site is to provide the admin guys with accurate, complete, and detailed information. 518,000+ users should find many things to report. :)
#6 Feb 22 2005 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
After becoming spoiled with the EQ site, it was very different to try to look up things and not get an answer <g>. On the plus side, that means that players are helping each other out through posts. On the minus side, sometimes it is not easy to find the answers one might need, and i am sure that the same questions are duplicated over time.

I think just looking at the EQ site and duplicating this site to the same depth and scope...which is probably easier said than done. During my playing time, the game is taken down for an hour every day, so just keeping up with updates has to be near impossible.

Making changes needs to be account was created for an EQ character, which I rarely play now...I would like to be able to change so the account reflects my new character(s), but it seems to be difficult to discover...maybe this could be corrected with a fix to "Your Characters" (coming soon).

Maps of those areas not shown in-game would be nice.

I know I will think of more...

Antonia Bayle server
#7 Feb 23 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
I would like to see a complete spell listing with summary information and statistics for the differences between app1 to master 1 spell levels.

That'd be great, though I know it'll probably take a while to get that sort of info. Item stuff, of course, but that will also be a lengthy process. The delay on all the weapons needs to not say 1.0, and armor/weapons need to have skills on them (i.e. is this chest piece medium or light armor?).

I'm glad you're wanting to increase work on this site. I used EQ1 Allakhazam for a long time, and it had absolutely everything! So, I'm looking forward to the time when this branch is the same way. :)

Oh, I forgot. Why is there a big space at the top of every page? If there isn't a real reason, it wouldn't bother me to lose the space. :) But if there is, it's not a big deal.

Edited, Wed Feb 23 08:27:21 2005 by Lierta
#8 Feb 23 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
Nowadays I just come to alla to spam the forums.

What I think we need is a combination of [link=http//][/link] and

But IMHO I think alla might be lost, many people have stoped coming here for info and going to ogaming instead. Less people coming here for info = less people coming here to submit info.

The only way I could see Alla rise and once again be no.1 site is to strike a deal with gry-online and implement there mapping system into your site in a good way.
#9 Feb 23 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
The only thing that isnt on the site I would love to see is character profiles.
#10 Feb 24 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
The Quest section is lacking a bit. The Armor and Weapons sections do not normally list the skill needed to use the weapons and armor or what type of armor it is (Very Light, light etc).

Other than that the site is not Bad... Just missing a lot of stuff based on the need to get updates.

#11 Feb 24 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
Only thing I would want is on the update section a link to items like the EQ1 page. I know I posted once asking when that would be implemented if it was going to be but never got a response back of any sort. Oh and maybe a color change. Between work and home I use several different monitors. And the majority of those the site comes up very dark and hard to read sometimes. Maybe just lighten up the shade a bit. Other then that I usually don't run into any problems finding stuff. Oh and pop up adds. I hate those. you can plaster your page with adds galor and I don't mind a bit(I know you need to make money somehow) and I actually will click on some of them, but I hate pop ups.

But you all are doing a fine job other then that I think.
#12 Feb 26 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
One of the things that can make using Allakhazam so much easier for me would be server specific forums. This would help find people to group with, trade with, or for guilds to advertise. Currently I am seeking to start a Betrayal Quest from Freeport to Qeynos and I had to post a message on the General Forums asking if anyone on the Neriak server is also planning on doing this quest, would like to group together.

The bad thing is that for every other player on every other server, this message is meaningless and is just wasted space. For those people on my server who would be interested, they have to delve through an entire board of messages, before it gets buried too deep, to find a single thread that applies to their server.

More than anything else, please create server specific sub-forums. Thank you,

Teir'Dal Crusader
Neriak Server
#13 Feb 26 2005 at 3:56 AM Rating: Good
31 posts
I played EQ1 for a couple of years, and used Alla's regularly (almost daily). The listing of equipment and quests was so complete and easy to search I promptly payed for a premium account.

That was cancelled when I moved to EQ2, and you guys did not. Put the attention and devotion you did into EQ1 for EQ2, and you will get my premium subscription back.

Yea yea, it takes a long time, blah blah. Ogaming is kicking your butt when it comes to items/quests, so it doesn't take everyone a long time.

Number one on my wishlist: Be able to come here, search for equipment for my 37 guardian or 35 Inquis, and find out where/how to get it.

It should respond with appropriate level equipment (green to orange con), and be sortable by different statistics. Links to the appropriate quests or info on the mob that drops it would be needed as well.

Ideas for sortable filters:

1. Level range (number 1 imo)- aka skill required to use it
2. Skill check (Heavy armor.. Great Staff.. etc) - this is sort of linked to the first one.
3. Item attributes (Str/Agi/HP/Power, etc)

Again, to summarize, being able to come here, find out what armor/weapons I could use, and where I could get it would be ideal.
#14 Feb 26 2005 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
#15 Feb 26 2005 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
#16 Mar 01 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
i found a decent map site as for what i'd like to see i would like a list of tradeskill components sorted by teir and rare common drop.
#17 Mar 02 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Alla's has always been the top site when it comes to items and quests for EQ1. They never really did focus on maps or tradeskills, although they did have the info. There are already good sites out there for both maps and tradeskills, so what I would personally like to see is a more complete database for items and quests, like I already suggested.
#18 Mar 03 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
if possable could we have a fasion area where we can submit screenshots of the difrent armors and see what they look, like ?
#19 Mar 05 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
The quest section needs major major work. It's actually pretty decent for the low level game but you begin to see major gaps and lots of missing stuff when you get into the mid game. I understand you guys take your information directly from players but you'd think that the people actually working on this portion of your network would be playing the game and therefor, would be able to contribute their own information in lieu of a submission. It's come to the point where Alla's isn't my first stop for information, and that's a travesty.
#20 Mar 09 2005 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
(1) Cross refrinces from Items to there tradeskill recipes.
(2) Maps would be cool but realy not important but easy to find links to maps already made would be sweet.
(3) More Updated Quests
(4) Lots more tradeskill info (I don't like EQ traders set up)

#21 Mar 09 2005 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
I always admired the kind of dedication Alla and Illa had. It was not easy back then (or now)I imagine to run this website.

I remember the first site I used to goto was Eqlizer in the late 90's when the dot com wars were in effect. Eventually Allkhazam edged out on the race in spoiler sites. For EQ1 they started having just as much info on items as EQLIZER and quest info as well as other neat features that are now standard in most sites but back then were novel ideas.

They had such an amount of player volume that they started their premier service. They branched out to other games and became megalithic in scale. No one could compete with their advanced item searches tailored to your specific characters.

Now I play EQII instead of EQ1. I need now what I always have. Quick access to items my character should be looking forward to upgrade with and quest information. However sadly I no longer perform these searches here at Allakhazam but at OGAMING.
Suggestion: Problems with players submitting quest info? I have noticed Ogaming blatently plagerizes a few quests from Allkhazam. Not all mind you because their selection is huge and information resources much more complete. Perhaps there is a way For Allakhazam to somehow work out a deal with other websites to share information. "If you can't beat em join em".

I like many others never cared for finding maps or tradeskill information here. I always went to eqtraders and eqatlas for those needs. The same tradition continues today.

What would I like to see in eqII from Alla? I'd like to see you offer:

All the same premium search features for eqI made available for eqII.

Ability to have eqII characters placed in the database to facilitate custom searches like in eq1

HUGE IMPROVEMENTS in the quests section. Some people are understating the problem in this thread. Simply put all my quest searches take place over at Ogaming. Alla's quests database is roughly half the size of ogaming.

The items database also needs serious help obviously.

In conclusion Allkhazam, no database to date has the comprehensive and easy to use facilities I have seen for your eq1 section. No fansite holds a candle to your groundbreaking work.

However fantastic support that was groundbraeking for eq1 and carried over to say Final fantasy does me no good since I don't play either games. This year will be the last year I will be a premium subscriber unless some changes are made. Innovative stratagies should be used. Don't depend on the old player submission system to see you through. New games call for new and innovative techniques to get the information players need for their gaming. I hope you all can muster the strength to meet the challenge. You have shown that you have in the past, time will tell if you can in the future.
#22 Mar 10 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
I really hope this is a minor request and not a massive amount of code juggling, but in the list on the left hand side of the page, would it be possible to shift the group of links for the forums to a higher location in the list? Say just below Login and above Quest, for example.

It seems that after reading a thread, I always have to return to the top of the page and then scroll down to get back to the forum page. Yeah, I know I could use the back button but where's the fun in that!

The placement on the EQ page is much better. Can it be adjusted?
#23 Mar 11 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
I would like to see a data submission process not involving email. I would prefer to see a submission form, even if it means that it just gets emailed behind the scenes.

A nice interface would go a long way in getting more data posted to the site IMO. I don't personally mind sending an email, but usually when I think of something, or actually have time to send in something I am at work, and the organization I work for is not one I use an email address of to send in submissions to a gaming site. My option then is to fire up my webmail which honestly I'de rather not have to bother with.

It just comes down to a matter of convenience I guess.
#24 Mar 12 2005 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
I see you got rid of the big space at the top of the pages. Yay! I don't have to scroll down a bunch anymore! Smiley: grin
#25 Mar 13 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
Perhaps I'm alone in this, but after what everybody else has said i can't think of anything but perhaps an on-site chat room?Perhaps the logistics are wrong, but it might be kinda neat. Having said that, it might turn nasty (at least in forums you have a delay between flames!) but if you open it to only premier members i doubt it would get too out of control.

just my 2cp
#26 Mar 13 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
this site is really good as it is but of coarse all good things can be better. :)

Your Characters coming soon eh? well if i recall correctly that has been coming soon for a few months now... i would love to see that available

and maybe more mob screen shots!!!
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