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Trouble fighting after the patchFollow

#1 Jan 09 2005 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
Anyone else experience trouble fighting after the patch or is it just me?

I could easily take the lvl 20 lizards in The back of Antonica as a lvl 20 Monk(with fists or bare hands). Now after the patch I can't even hit them. Not once. I have logged several times and tried over and over. I have gotten the same results each time. NEAR DEATH. I almost died fighting a green cause I wasn't paying attention.

#2 Jan 10 2005 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
Harder for me for sure
#3 Jan 10 2005 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I've had a few fights where I had to keep moving until I could damage the mob. I think they messed up collision detection.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#4 Jan 10 2005 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
In the patch note from 4th of january it said they increased melee dmg from groupmobs.
#5 Jan 10 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
I (used to) love killing Green ^^ mobs for drops, but after the big patch, they are a heck of a lot harder for me now. I knew it was coming, but man...
#6 Jan 10 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
The change was not in 'the big patch' but in a small patch 2(?) days earlier. :)
#7 Jan 10 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
honestly I've not experienced any issues.. but the only class I go for big numbers solo'ing with is with my Conjuror..

I finished my AQ1 fighting ^^ green scarecrows and ^ green 'crows in groups of 2.. no issues at all..


I am talking about a pet class here which is a totally different animal solo'ing.. I may take my predator out for a spin and see if I can notice anything like what you guys are mentioning.
#8 Jan 10 2005 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
Well, I hadn't been playing every day, so I just assumed it was in the big patch. Sorry.

Regardless, I'm still having issues with mobs that were previously rather easy to me. (Green ^^ Group Con.) Maybe it's just a perception issue, I don't know.
#9 Jan 10 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
hehe, no need to say your sorry :D

In the patchnote for 4th jan it was 4 updates.. Dont remember the three others but one was
- Slightly increased melee damage of groupencounters
And yeah, I noticed it too. Aslong as my root stick there is no increase in the damage I take though :p

On a sidenote, Miravelle, if thats you on the avatar.... Wanna be my g/f? I ditch my current straight away npnp! :P

#10 Jan 10 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
198 posts
As a level 27 Fury I can still kill low blue ^^ mobs. So I can kill level 23 to 25 mobs. It usually takes me the same amount of time to kill a level 23 as a level 25 so I try to stick to the low blues instead of wasting my time with the low greens and less xp. Unless they are quest mobs.

At first I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to solo greens anymore but I realized that the changes affects all classes but the healing ones. My Fury can still take on the same mobs, I just use a bit more POW. The longer I make the fight, the easier it is.

I am wondering if I should try to take on level 26 mobs... but they have too many HP and hit for too hard with their non-special attacks. I'll have to try one some time.

As to the named mobs, those I do stay away from. They are too tough to take on especially with the new increase in damage. Although, maybe I can still take them on as greens... Maybe its just like the regular mobs I am fighting. Who knows. I just assumed I wouldn't be able to take on the blues and greens. Didn't find out I could till I actually beat them into the ground.

I can also take on group mobs that are 4. I haven't tried level 25 groups but I know I can easily take on 23 and 24. These are groups that actually have more than 1 mob. Like 2 ^ mobs or 1 ^ and 2 regulars. I can even take on 5 mobs with 1 of them having a down arrow. Will have to try the level 25 mobs before I level to 28.
#11 Jan 10 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
yeah Named mobs are insane...

I saw a double arrow green several levels ago and didn't notice the "name" sent my pet in (adept 1 summon so it can take on normal double ^^ greens easily).

so.. I'm letting pet get aggro watching the numbers.. and I see..

*BAM* 100 pts damage to my pet.. O_O
*BAM* 101 pts damage to the pet again.... O_O

*THEN* i notice name and start running like there's no tomorrow.. and this was before the patch.. LOL.

#12 Jan 10 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
Well thx for the input guys but you musta read it all wrong.

I am having trouble killing SOLO whites and even having trouble killing SOLO green. no ^^ or ^ have even been attempted.

It took me almost 5 real minutes to kill the solo green.

Anyone else with THIS problem?? Lvl 20 Monk before patch I could kill solo yellows with no trouble. Something is wrong.
#13 Jan 10 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
I've heard a paladin of my level (21 at that time) claim the same thing in Antonica yesterday. Which was very weird, as I had no problems killing the mobs he couldn't hit.

Solo greens go down fast, solo whites a bit harder but I've never had a problem with them so far.
#14 Jan 10 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
With whites, I would see you having some problems Jute, since you're level 20. the mob game changes from there--they get tougher. With my first character *points to Arcos in sig* he has to work to kill white and blue. Don't remember the last time I took down a yellow/orange with him. I got slaughtered fighting a blue double up arrows.

With my current character I'm playing, Ardghal (lvl16), I'm having problems tackling green double up arrows also. The spider queen in Oakmyst Forest kicked my butt. After reviving, I got some revenge, but I had to work for it (got down to deep red... like 20 something health left). I tried fighting Rotweed there too and got my butt beat pretty bad.

In comparison, fighting defiled squires (yellow to me, con 17~18) were pretty easy.

Group mobs with up arrows are definitely becoming more difficult to take down. I just wish I'm seeing all this new "solo content" they said they'd include, so I know those that solo aren't getting screwed.*

* As a side note, I've done the first several quests given by Demini (or whatever his name is) and when I did the first quest, the last part had me fight a Forest Warden. Yes, a double up arrow "group" mob where all the things I had to fight before it were "solo" mobs. As I said in the official forums, once I have to fight a group tagged mob, the quest ain't solo.
#15 Jan 10 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Well thx for the input guys but you musta read it all wrong.

I am having trouble killing SOLO whites and even having trouble killing SOLO green. no ^^ or ^ have even been attempted.

It took me almost 5 real minutes to kill the solo green.

well if you're looking for a mob strength comparison on the solo level.. my only job I can compare with is my Conj at 21st level, since we would be taking equally strong mobs (roughly) compared to your 20 Monk.

Against solo's.. I can honestly say my Conj, has had no problems since the patch... yellows in Thundering Stepps fall just as easily and quickly as Yellows in Antonica (actually easier.. those bears at yellow and orange con are a bit stronger than you think). I've noticed no change in the mobs ability to dish out as well as take damage... Nor have I noticed any significant time increase needed to finish a fight since the patch on anything yellow con or less.

I decided to do a quickie test upon entering TS for the first time and picked a yellow con wolf and crab and a white con snake as a test... this was after the patch, and were it not for someone in these forums saying mob strenght had been increased I would have never known. Against yellows my pet came out a bit damaged which is normal.. against whites and down.. it came out with nearly full health.. again, this is normal.

Against my Conj.. combat with white con or less is like a house of cards trying to stay together in a hurricane, there is simply no comparison.

Yellows require a bit more careful hate management... but it's still not an issue if I'm remotely paying attention and it has always been this way since I dinged Summoner at 10th level sooooo long ago.

now for the official disclaimer: I'm not a warrior class, I play Conj. main.. I can't say something is *NOT* wrong.. all I can say is that the mob strength output and input relative to my pet and myself has not *apparently* changed.. that said if this is obviously a consistent, repeatable issue.. there could be a glitch in the code for the weapon you're using.. or in the armor rating.. not certain. Due to how I fight, I consider a fight tough if I get hit at all.. it's uncommon for me to get touched.. let alone nearly killed.. by anything white or down and my pet comes out of such battles ready for another immediately. So those are my parameters of my test.
#16 Jan 10 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
I have a level 25 assasin and I am having a very hard time with group encounters. It is to the point that I can't even take down a 3 group mob with no arrows (level 21). That means I can't solo ANY groups. That is the lowest a group is going to give XP, so I am forced to fight solos from now on with no arrows. I wouldn't mind so much but the majority of NPCs are either grouped or arrowed.

What scares me is that this is only level 25. Am I essentially banned from soloing groups for the rest of the time I play?

#17 Jan 10 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
23 Shadowknight. I used to take on groups of green cons until the patch. I got alot of great xp off them levels 21-23. I could run up to one of the orc captains (green+ group) in CL with about 8-10 orc warriors (green group) and just hit attack. They would rarely breech my armor and do any damage, miss miss miss miss, although it was a fairly long fight taking them all out, it gave great xp.

I think this is probably one of the reasons group encounters were changed -- to make them less solo'able. Now it is a tough fight for me to take on a group of 3 green con encounters. It is still possible, but not nearly as easy as it used to be. Just yesterday I tried to take on a group encounter of 6 green con rumbleroots and had to feign death before the first one even fell. Where they used to miss, they now seem to always land their hits. 10-20 damage minimum from 6 mobs per round adds up fast when your solo with no healing abilities.

It seems like power/health regen speeds got nerfed sometime recently too. I'm hoping its a /bug (yes I submitted one). It seems to take several minutes for my power bar to fully regen now, and I always use correct tier player made food/drink. I hate to think how slow it would be for someone not using food. So much for never having to wait more than a minute and a half to regen after battle.
#18 Jan 10 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
22 Swashbuckler here...

I have been able to fight everything up to Orange (some close calls there) solo like before the patch. I can still fight single green ^^ or 3 green grouped mobs solo as well. Anything above that will use my Toon as their toilet paper.
#19 Jan 10 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
My issue is that if you can't solo group mobs, you essentially can't solo at all. What's the point in playing if you can only fight easy solo mobs? That's no fun.

I hope they make it a little easier, but I doubt that will happen.

#20 Jan 10 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
What I'm saying is..

I fought these white con lizards in Antonica before the patch. And killed them easily.

Now I can't even hit them once.

Anyone else have THIS ONE problem I am talking about??

Not groups or ^^ or ^ or anything like that. I'm talking white, blue and green solo cons at lvl 20. The same ones I killed easily one week ago.......
#21 Jan 10 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
I've been mostly playing my sorc who dies when someone sneezes at him, so I haven't noticed. He needs to group or take on really easy groups or just "solo".

But if this is not a bug, if this is a real feature - taking down "groups" while soloing was the only thing preserving my sanity (what little of it is left) in this crazy game. If this is real now, the grind is too much. I'm not even going to try to enjoy the 5 months we have left. If this is real I can't take it. I'm going to go cold turkey off mmo's til I can afford and find WoW. Sorry to say that. Pls don't hate me for saying this. But listen, soloing groups wasn't "great" experience - it was just rewarding enough to keep me interested in doing the grind. If the puddingheads who run SoE have decide they need to channel and direct us this much - and keep us from soloing blue and green group mobs... ***** them. Their loss.

Well, I'll go in and see what my other toon can do.
#22 Jan 10 2005 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Blue and green, you shouldn't have a problem. Whites, maybe a little?

I doubt it'll be worth much, but I can try a fight or two with my Guardian.
#23 Jan 10 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
42 posts
If you are having trouble simply connecting with the mob, maybe they raised its AGI, and maybe your AGI is lacking too much. Its the only thing I can think of besides a bug for this problem. My scout connects pretty much every time and has and AGI of about 60. Hope you can get it sorted out.
#24 Jan 11 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
Update from last night: I have a level 25 assasin and I tried to fight a no arrow group of three crabs (level 21). EACH of them immediately did red 100+ hit point damage on my guy and I had to run for my life. I also got my @ss kicked by a pair of ^ crabs and a ^^ zombie.

It looks like soloing has been killed. After a while you just get tired of fighting the same skels, bears, and solo crabs in Nek. I am having a very hard time finding other solo beats in Nek.

#25 Jan 11 2005 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
I still solo green group encounters np.
Mby time to upgrade your gear?
The increase in the melee dmg done by group mobs was not much, infact it said slightly increased melee damage in patch notes.
Sure its tougher but not impossible.
#26 Jan 11 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
I have decent gear. Everything is yellow or orange. I hit the markeplace every night trying to find better stuff and its just not out there.

Do you think a shield would help? I tried it once before and it seemed like the mob hot me more often since I wasn't hitting him as much, but I'm willing to try it.

What level are you Bumbi?
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