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Grey Questing 2Follow

#1 Jan 06 2005 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I'm probably being dim for not noticing this earlier but I see the game mechanics being used to avoid content and I have to wonder if it's an exploit.

I realised it when I saw a character in a fairly nasty place (for me Smiley: smile) and the mobs cringing from them and thought - as you do - "What level is he?" Well the answer was level 12. And exp mobs for 19 were cringing?

The answer is of course obvious. Group with someone to whom they are grey and they go grey to you too. It is not dependent on range, they just have to be in the zone.

There are lots of quests that consist of visiting a dangerous place or cataloging a dangerous creature and do not require exp killing at all. This of course trivialises such quests.

Is this clever? An exploit? A bug?

I'm interested to see what people think.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#2 Jan 06 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
well.. its not an exploit or a bug...

it is smart if u only need to harvest, etc ;)
#3 Jan 06 2005 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
I noticed this, too, and I've used it to get into some nasty places - like Sir Wembly's tomb at 18 - got through a ton of grouped skels that were either green or blue to me - so many I don't think I could have fought through solo.

It's probably not a bug - rather an unintended consequence of a feature - but that's just a guess. We should be quiet - it's really helpful. But is it cheating? Heck, I don't think so. I bet there is some blanket clause in the EULA (Essentially Useless Lawyers' Attrocities) that could be stretched way thin to cover it... and I don't care. If you use it occasionally to just finally get something done - some pain in the %$# quest step - why not? If you sploit it 24/7, well then, maybe it is cheating. But I'm an EvilGnome ... I won't tell. Smiley: wink2
#4 Jan 06 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Hey, makes sense to me. You're out in town with your big brother (though how these baddies know your big brother is there is beyond me)... those who would normally treat you with truculence or hostility would probably be less eager to pound you into goo when faced with swift reprisal.

Or maybe it's simply an indication that said character really needs to take a bath.

I dunno. Going to go get me a taco now.

*The odd little ratonga wanders off.*
#5 Jan 06 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
Our group noticed it one night as we went to do a quest , we added a group member not really thinking about levels and went off to kill . We got to our kill spot and noticed all the mobs were grey , we were like WTH !!! We were just there and everything was DB . We finally figured it out , the last member we added to the group was a few levels higher then us and having him in the group greyed out the mobs to all of us . He left the group and we were fine to do the quest . I dont think it is a bug .

Edited, Thu Jan 6 13:24:41 2005 by Fairystears
#6 Jan 06 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
I'm pretty sure that the developers did not intend for low levels to be in those high level areas or they would not have made the mobs KOS to start with, so its an exploit of a feature that was intended to be used under different circumstances. I'm not going to get into the argument of wether it is right or wrong, but expect it to be changed soon.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#7 Jan 06 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Now that I think about it, it's a little odd that it works out that way. I do recall joining a group in which I was the lowest member by about two levels to take down one of the Named gnolls for the Freeport to Qeynos betrayal. The mobs did not change in color for me when I joined the group... they were still white to orange, whereas they had to be blue at most for the other members of the group. It doesn't really make a lot of sense to automatically make the mob grey for *everyone* just 'cause the "big brother" (or sister, of course) is too high for them but that's how it seems to work.

Of course, I could just be color blind. :)
#8 Jan 06 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Makes sense to me. Its like if you have a big strong bodyguard no ones gonna mess with you. I think it works because they are conned based on the groups average level.
#9 Jan 06 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
There are 2 exploits that I see...

1. A higher level griefer coaxes someone much lower to join up. The griefer then takes this person into a very dangerous area (in the middle of mobs that would normally aggro and insta-gib the poor guy/gal), then kick the person from group or disband.

2. Powerlevelling through quest completion. Who cares about getting exp from greyed mobs when after the quest is complete, you still get experience. Only deterrence would be the tediousness of the quests (getting them, going through the motions, completing them, talking to whoever if need be, etc).

Other than that, I think it's a nice thing to have in the game. Say you want to go to a certain area to meet up (there's a get together that might be planned on LD near the Qeynos Claymore monument). Wouldn't it be nice to hire or ask for the help of a higher level player to escort you to your destination?
#10 Jan 06 2005 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Some of us are so pathetic greys are all we can kill, hehe. However, I would certainly be sensitive to groups around me, not wanting to dampen thier questing.

Perhaps its a subject for patching.........
#11 Jan 06 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Grouping with someone 6 (I believe its 6) levels higher than you will cause 2 things to happen.

A) give you no xp
B) give you no quest rewards

This is not a bug. Having creatures around you go gray is done for 2 reasons.

1) to prevent the random aggro you would receive if you are within 1 level of the green creatures when those creatures con gray to the higher level player in your group

2) the highest member will not receive xp from a gray con mob (to him) and will make the battle that much easier for you since the mob is of no threat to him. So now you do not receive XP because the fight will be too easy

Example, level 25 creatures are green to you and normally aggro. You group with someone that is 2 levels higher, which to them, cons the mobs as gray. Those same mobs now con gray to you as well. The group, as a whole, no longer has to worry about aggro from low level mobs. At the same time, those gray mobs are going to be way to easy to the player that is 2 levels higher than you and will no longer give you XP since its not a challenge to the group.

This is done more for XP sake than anything else. So a level 10 does not join a level 16 and have the level 16 kill level 10 mobs. Thus giving the level 10 easy, great and fast XP that is no threat to the level 16.
#12 Jan 07 2005 at 1:18 AM Rating: Default
1. A higher level griefer coaxes someone much lower to join up. The griefer then takes this person into a very dangerous area (in the middle of mobs that would normally aggro and insta-gib the poor guy/gal), then kick the person from group or disband.

--- hence why they put in call of qeynos / call of freeport
#13 Jan 07 2005 at 3:33 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
1. A higher level griefer coaxes someone much lower to join up. The griefer then takes this person into a very dangerous area (in the middle of mobs that would normally aggro and insta-gib the poor guy/gal), then kick the person from group or disband.

It doesn't have to be a griefer.

What if - since everyone seems to consider this a legitimate ruse - you are busy catalogging in the middle of somewhere nasty and your "protector" goes LD?
Wherever I go - there I am.
#14 Jan 07 2005 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I would really like to see someone get off their gate spell with a gaggle of baddies beating on you. Heck, it's *only* a 30 second casting spell. :) The battered and bloodied corpse might jerk in the proper sequence to fire off the spell. *grins*
#15 Jan 07 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
It really seems to be another safeguard against powerleveling, which is awesome. If you were in a group with someone to whom the mobs conned grey, and they conned blue or green to you, your group could tear through tons of them quickly, gaining you experience faster than you could possibly get in a group your level.

Moreover, SOE knew what they were doing. The built-in experience nulling at a six-level disparity is evidence of this.
#16 Jan 07 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Cobra101 wrote:
1. A higher level griefer coaxes someone much lower to join up. The griefer then takes this person into a very dangerous area (in the middle of mobs that would normally aggro and insta-gib the poor guy/gal), then kick the person from group or disband.

It doesn't have to be a griefer.

What if - since everyone seems to consider this a legitimate ruse - you are busy catalogging in the middle of somewhere nasty and your "protector" goes LD?

The only reason why I only say a griefer is because it's intentional and thus, I classify it as an exploit. Granted someone could go LD intentionally, which I would then classify him/her as... a griefer. ^^
#17 Jan 07 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Tocopheryl wrote:
Grouping with someone 6 (I believe its 6) levels higher than you will cause 2 things to happen.

A) give you no xp
B) give you no quest rewards

What I don't know (and would really like to find out) is, can someone get quest credit for killing X amount of mobs, while grouped with a much higher level player?

For example, the Balance of Life quests. One needs to kill a certain amount of creatures, then go back to the quest giver to receive their reward.

As far as my experiences go, I can kill grey mobs and still get credit for the kills* and thus be able to complete the quest and get rewards for it, including experience points. Hence the way I worded my first post. I would believe that even if a player was in a group with someone 6+ levels higher than him, the mobs they kill will still count towards the quest. Thus, the lower level can complete the quest and get experience [and other rewards]. This could be a form of powerlevelling, no? However, it's definitely very tedious. That may be a good enough deterrent.

* One very good example I have for this is a quest that can be gotten in the Down Below. I had to kill Bloodsaber Meddlers to recover some stolen bones. The meddlers were grey to me and I would get quest credit. Upon getting the sixth bone, the quest completed and I got experience and coin.
#18 Jan 07 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
My apologies. It should read:

A) give you no xp
B) give you no quest CREDIT FOR KILLS

Sorry about that! You do get your reward if your quest is completed and you talk to the right NPC regardless of who you are with. Maybe I should edit my previous post...

So, as a level 30, you cannot group with a level 40 and have them kill your quest mobs. The mobs can be gray to you at any time you want to kill them to get credit, but the level 40 character will not give you credit for the kills. You will receive a message when you group saying something towards the effect of "You are too low level and will not receive experience or quest credit" or some such.

Again, sorry for my confusing post with random words.

Edit: Its not the level of the mobs that is causing this to happen, its the level difference between you and the person you are grouped with. If, at level 20, you still have a level 1 quest that requires you to kill slugs and you group with a level 27, you will not get credit for the slugs. But if you kill them solo or with someone within or below your level, you will receive credit. They however, will not get credit if they are not within your level range. Say if they were level 13.

Edited, Fri Jan 7 17:14:26 2005 by Tocopheryl
#19 Jan 07 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Ah, I understand now. Thank you for clarifying. ^^
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