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What do you wanna see in the 1st expansionFollow

#27 Dec 22 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
OK, what I would absolutely LOVE to see in the first expansion is a system like the LDON's in EQ1, with 1 exception. I would like to see them do-able with 1 person. Yup, solo adventures. I loved the story lines, and the fact that there was an actual reason for you to be there, even if it was a weak reason. However, I never got to do many, as trying to get a group for them was rather hard, and getting a GOOD group was near impossible.

And I would like to see healing spells for Pallies, also. Im level 18, and no healing spells. I have a lifetap spell, but no healing. Go figure... ;)
#28 Dec 27 2004 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
308 posts
"I would also like to see Healing spells for Pallies..."

At level 18 you are not a Paladin yet, you are a Crusaader. Once you actually make level 20 (supposing of course that you didn't start your character in Freeport) you can quest you way to Paladinhood.
#29 Dec 27 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
i want to see Beastlords come back i miss my pet lol
#30 Dec 27 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
1, New Races: Gnolls(freeportian) or Centaurs (likely neutral) or Aviaks (good).

2, Armor dyes.

3, maybe some kind of place to go to modify your appearance? (maybe an accessories shop to get acessories like an eye patch or piercings)

4, Weapon/armor Modification (think augs, but dont use the greedy aug syste, make it crafted skill and limit weapons to a certain number of mods per type).

5, Voice sets! Think Neverwinter Nights.
#31 Dec 27 2004 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Offline selling. (don't think they will, but I can hope)

Armor dyes. Looking good is half the battle.

Instance quests to be balanced to the group you bring. NO excuse to have green/blue content in an instance.. none..

Quests that are clearly marked solo or group, like mobs.

More book quests! Love those things.

Higher level cap. Not just 5 or so levels either. Like 10 or 20 with enough content to make it adventure filled and quest driven, instead of grind.

Add comments to the LFG flag. Hate having to play 20 questions with the folks who are lfg. Tons easier to find help for the quest if I can just see what they are looking to group on.. (xp, quest, explore)

Heroic Opportunity additions
Descriptions. When you do one, it should tell you what it does. No confusion, no combing potentially spoiling websites for the info unless you want to.
More variety. Let people upgrade their HO triggers to get more HO selections(especially solo ones), or enchanced effect. HOs are one of the most ignored feature in the game (next to chat channels), something needs to be done.

Enchanced Minimap controls!!
Show group members on the minimap at the very least.
Be able to add map comments. Playing with a pad and pen to mark good sites to bring a group is LAME. Yes, i've screen shot my map and printed it out then made comments on that, but I shouldn't have to.
Be able to make maps of certain areas. I've been all throughout VS, down below, stormhold and theives way. For the life of me i can NEVER quickly find where I need to go in them. Annoying when you're solo, unforgivable when you're trying to make a fun group.
#32 Dec 31 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
I would like the following:

AA's (Alternate Advancement) - FANTASTIC idea in EQ! Buying abilities with xp instead of just levelling meant chracters became more flexible and unique, giving you a chance to mold or build your character as you saw fit. With AA's 2 characters of same race, class and level, with same gear could STILL be very different.

Oh. Offline selling would be good also.

#33 Jan 01 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
I'd probably say Make the island Sebilis with the Temple of Sebilis where Trakanan is.
#34 Jan 01 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I would like to see charicters be able to take multiple Artisan classes to remove the Interdenpendancy crap that is causing everyone so much bother.
#35 Jan 01 2005 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
*Yes, I third, or eighth, whatever, offline selling! That would be a life saver!

*Dueling, and maybe a PvP server. C'mon! Qeynos vs. Freeport would have made for beautiful Realm vs. Realm!

*Make crafting rares not like winning the lottery! I dont care if this is in a patch, an expansion, or where ever! Just, please, please fix it!

#36 Jan 02 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Well, for those of you wanting offline selling, it's not likely to happen. These posts from Moorgard.

Why did you decide on an online vendor model instead of allowing sales while the player is offline?
We understand that offline vending makes buying and selling easy, and some players would like the convenience of this feature.

However, there is a downside to such convenience. The ability to instantly buy any item at any time changes the fundamental experience of the game. Instead of logging in to seek adventure, you're logging in to go to an online shopping mall. The fun of this game is meant to be in going out and killing monsters to get loot and finding components to make items, not clicking the mouse a few times to have whatever you want.

The online vendor model allows a lot of convenience while still putting limitations on the flow of items and cash in the market. The economy is bound to grow quickly on its own, and we prefer not to accelerate the pace immediately by making buying and selling instantly trivial.

EverQuest II Community Guy

and there's another that I can't find atm which says basically the same, except it mentions they want to have more control over the speed at which currency flows through the world, and they feel that offline selling would break their intented speed.
#37 Jan 03 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Instead of logging in to seek adventure, you're logging in to go to an online shopping mall.

I wonder if Moorgard realizes how ignorant this sounds.

"Instad of logging in to seek adventure....."

....well, with the current set up are we always logging in to seek adventure? No, we're logging in to stare at the wall of our apartment hoping that someone comes in to buy something.

The quote makes no sense, and I actually feel bad for the guy that he said it and it's available for anyone to see right in the Sony forums.

Basically what is says to me is - "We didn't want to implement offline selling, but we really don't know why."

Another thing this game is missing is an in game mail system. I honestly couldn't believe that wasn't included.
#38 Jan 03 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
would love to see some of the old zones in the new EXP. For example Paldual caverns, loved that place more than anything.

Please, please, no. If anything fills me with a sense of joy it's staring up those floating shards of rock imagining bandit's, bug's, KSer's, and Powerleveler's inards plastered on bits of bandit tent orbiting in an /oocless silence for eternity.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#39 Jan 03 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
the things i would like to see in an expansion are.

an email system in game i loved that in swg. its a great way to get in contact with friends that play that arent on when you are and you have something important to tell them.

i would like to see eq2players profile system be free instead of having to pay for it it should be included in your monthly membership fee.

arenas would be cool i would like to be able to go into an arena and fight people when i get bored.

different mounts would be cool.

i dont think they should raise the lvl yet i think it should be in a few more expansions.

maybe a aa system that is quest based instead of just kill and get the xp to get aa. that way if you want better defense you go out and do a hallmark quest and then you get better defense.

more titles i want to be a hunter of sewer slimes

epic weapons quests would be cool they were a pain in eq1 but still fun to get.

an offline trading system would be cool i hate having to leave my computer on all the time just to sell i hated it in eq1 and still ahte it in eq2. they could set up brokers that charge you a percentage of whatever your price is to sell it. which wouldnt be deducted till you sell the item. just like when you use brokers right now to purchase items you pay like a extra 20% in your city to buy from brokers and i think its 40% to buy fromt eh blackmarket brokers.

fixing the craftsman books i hate that they have all these books for craftsman lvl 10-19 and you cant even use them cause they have no recipes in them.

maybe having pets that youc an buy that will fight with you. like having to do a quest to get a beasthandler skill unlocked then pay whatever ammount to get a pet bear that will fight next to you. cause whos to say that me being an assasin i didnt train a rat to fight with me.

increaseing how fast you can run it seems to take forever and a day to get form one end of the zone to the next just tog et to your gorup.

making rare harvested items not so rare i swear ive harvested for days and still havent come up with a piece of coral or silver. but i got enough iron to make a warship with and enough electrum to build a castle with.

fixing all the bugged collection quests in the game i have about 5 collection quests that wont update cause they are bugged.

i can go on about other crap i would like to see. maybe one day soe will listen to players about what they want and implement it if they can.
#40 Jan 03 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts
The big patch.
#41 Jan 03 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
I like seeing some of the above posters saying they want something like LDoNs but "done right". I agree and have posted this type of idea elsewhere. I was expecting some sort of "next generation in mmo's" experience in eq2, and frankly, outside of some spiffy graphics, it isn't here. The soul of EQ2 is a kludge of several other games, and in so many ways it is a big step *down* from old EQ. I mean the lack of variety in tactics and fights - the lack of variety of spells and abilities. It's getting really boring now. Anyway, when I first saw that there were special instanced zones in eq2, I thought "cool, they are onto something here." But now I look at it and think "hm, they started to go for a very cool instanced approach... and then backed away from it - and left a very parsimonious shell of an offering in its place."

The lvl 10 and 20 quests are... well, they're okay - but they don't blow me away. The brass key that you loot off a rat to open a mini-dungeon in that lighthouse door - sometimes killing a boss - with no real explanation that makes any sense - and lame loot... yawn. Firemyst Gulley... it's a start. But it's not dazzling or innovative in any way. It's certainly not "the next generation in instanced zones" - it doesn't make me sit up and say, "Wow, someone really worked hard on this" - well... to tell the truth it's pretty darn pathetic. Yeah, I'm disappointed. In fact, it makes me thing, "Someone was either too rushed or too lazy to really think this through and make it interesting - instead it's just another series of fights with a semi-quest element thrown in".

Well, we're not likely to see any of this for years. Hell, as obvious as it is that we need off-line selling (or something different from the current ill-thought system), we're honestly not likely to even get that. The more I read of Moorgard's posts, the more I don't like his attitude.
#42 Jan 04 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
I predict the first expansion is going to be The Shards of Luclin. Peices of Luclin that fell to Norrath, hence there is your Paludal Caverns, and Shadow Haven, perhaps the Neutral faction city that is embedded in the Norrathian crust where Faydwer used to be? Sure, then there's a reason to throw in Kaladim and Ak'Anon, seeing as how they were already underground. Who cares about the Faydark anyway. Just kiddin

Edited, Tue Jan 4 18:38:07 2005 by Dravun
#43 Jan 04 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
How bout FREE expansions *gasp* Crazy I know, but seeing as we pay about 150 dollars a year to play this game... don't think thats too much to ask and if we play the game for 5 years thats 725 dollars invested... so really I don't care whats in the first expansion so longs its free :D
#44 Jan 05 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
More character slots.

There are, what, 24 different possible classes, and you can only make four of them ? Or you can pay extra, and only make eight?

My character journal - updated daily

Edited, Wed Jan 5 12:32:07 2005 by MRRX
#45 Jan 05 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
A better built guild system. Arguably, I'd like to see it before the first expansion (as I think it should've been built into the game since release) but I can deal with it being included in an upcomming expansion. I'd like to be able to promote, demote, and remove members who are not in the same zone as myself (or online at all, for that matter). I'd also like to be able to make notes (tradeskillers, alts, etc.) and have more functionality as a leader. I'd also like for my officers to be able to change the MOTD.

As for zones, I'd like to see Lavastorm implimented, although with a level cap increase it should be accessable (in game, but the requirements are set 50+ to get in, from what I understand.)

I'd also like to see Faydwer, Odus, Velious and Kunark (in that order. hehe) I'd personally like to revisit the Hole and Kaladim.

I'd like to see headgear added; glasses, specifically hats (not helms) etc. that would be worn instead of a helm (maybe they're there now and I'm missing it?)
#46 Jan 05 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
44 posts
There's no second moon.. that's actually the same moon as you saw in EQLive...

Actually you could see it from the Plane of Sky
#47 Jan 05 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
C'mon guys... 'What do you wanna see in the 1st expansion'.... not a *****-fest. Being one of the people who started EQ1 when it started as well as quite a few other MMO games and finding much to be disappointed in, I don't see a whole lot to be disappointed in. Eh, no offline selling. At least you don't have to lag yourself out by having to pack hundreds of players into a single zone. I also see this thread as a sort of dream wish list... mainly for things that'll probably never happen.

My *own* 'gee, whiz' list:

1. Yes! I've wanted Gnolls ( or some other canine/lupine ) as a playable race. With the addition of canines of some sort there will be that perfect trio... dogs, cats, and mice.

2. More 'fun' spells. I've always been a sucker for silly things like that.

3. Hey, here's something that'd be interesting but not really feasible... and it stems from too many cruel DMs in AD&D: quests that involve temporarily (or not) conditions in which you character's race or gender is changed to something else. A very limited version of this was done in Grieg's End on Luclin in EQ1.

4. Racial Heroic Opportunities. Hey... why not? Might intice the many 'stat players' want to try something new instead of just choosing the race that has the best statistics.

5. Visible capes, man. Oh yeah. With customizable logos/crests/coats of arms.

6. Expanded faction system. Let's say I wanted to work with the orcs against Freeport... perhaps you could prove yourself to the orcs. The enemy or my enemy and all that junk.

7. Opportunity to Betray your city at higher levels or, if you've already betrayed once, the option to betray back to your original city. Lucan enticed you to become evil with promises of free beer... but it was cheap goblin beer, and thus you feel cheated, etc.

8. Finally, a Neutral starting city. I find it hard to swallow that *every* necromancer is evil. What is more neutral than death? *Everything* dies. I've always played my Necros as scientists of death. *Shrugs* Meh.

My two pawfuls of copper...
#48 Jan 05 2005 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
"5. Visible capes, man. Oh yeah. With customizable logos/crests/coats of arms. "

Sorry, but my friend "Edna" says, "NO CAPES (dahling)!"

If you want to take a swat at her for this, you can pretent that this is her ------> Smiley: glasses

But Alla and I will not accept responsibility for what happens to your monitor. Still, it might feel good.
#49 Jan 05 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Humanoid types with multiple appendages. Water races like sharkies, octos. Zergs!
#50 Jan 06 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
No capes? Dang :\ Platform shoes then!

Or a friggin frilly pink bow for my tail then?

That's what I've wanted from EQ from the time they first introduced Iksars into Norrath... a tailslot for items. With a visible texture for them!

#51 Jan 07 2005 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
I want to see more mobs instead of renamed ones like gnoll pup,gnolltormentor,gnoll brute etc its ok to have some renamed ones but not loads of the same creature! I haven't been everywhere yet but are there any dragons?

What about coin drops off mobs as well, like humanoid creatures which would probably have money?

A new island could rise out of the sea where the two cities could fight each other. New mounts for specific races to make it worth going different races, a gnome looks stupid on a horse!

Oh yeah, can we go to other islands yet like lavastorm? If yes how and where from?
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