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semi-rant about silver and coralFollow

#1 Dec 14 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Excellent
1,930 posts
I'm not sure if this has been touched on, and I don't have time to look. Sorry if it has.

Here is my beef. Silver and coral are quite obviously very rare. I have only found one coral in many hours of mining in Antonica. However, the rarity of it is not my problem. My problem is that when I go to make an Adept III of something and then try and sell it for 5 gold. I get people constantly complaining about the price.

I politely ask them how much they sold there last silver or coral for, and the responses I get are, oh, well I've never gotten one... Or oh, 4 or 5 or even 10 gold.....

This is my problem, you people who actually get the stuff, don't put it up for sale at 15 gold (yes on Oggok I saw silver and coral for that price). You have to be one of the dumbest people on the face of the earth if you do that. You only hurt yourself. If I have to pay 5 gold for an ingredient you sold me, you're paying 7 gold for the finished product. How dumb does that make you? Cause now you have to go get some more money to buy your Adept 3's. Which again, only hurts you.

Point is, be reasonable, if I only have to pay 2 gold, I'm only gonna upcharge you a little silver for my time and effort. If you rake me over the coals, I'm gonna bend you over on the finished product. It's pretty simple, don't be so damn greedy. money is easy enough to come by in this game.

And I was just amazed at the responses I got.. something along the lines of basically I should buy the ingredients high and sell finish low. People.. think..
#2 Dec 14 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
218 posts
its true. i play on oggok and before anyone found out coral and silver were used for making adept3 skills/spells you could pick it up for about 50sp now your lucky if you can find it for less then 15gp. hell ive seen adept 1 selling for 1pp+ and i think to myself these people are absolutly crazy who in the hell has 1pp+ to spend on a spell. ive also seen a big rise in the player market int eh last week. about a week ago you could buy most adept 1 skills and spells for a decent price. now people are raising their prices to well over a gp for skills/spells that just arent worth that much.

so to you people who keep your prices decent i give you a big pat on the back. to all you greedy bastards out there **** off your breaking my small bank account.
#3 Dec 14 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
Wow, that sucks... On Befallen Coral / Silver goes for about 7 - 8 gold, and Adept IIIs go for about 10 gold. I don't think that's too outrageous (but then I'm making them, too... So yeah.)

Yay for already out of control player markets! Smiley: tongue
#4 Dec 14 2004 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
I don't mind the cost so much, it's the whining about having to pay so much for the Adept 3's that I really can't stand. It's like they don't even know that they are the reason we have to charge so much. I don't craft so others can make money..

Cost is all relative, if I pay 3g for all stuff I sell for 4g. But if I pay 10g I sell for 11g no big deal. Either way I make the same amount, the problem is later on it makes everything really expensive and money eventually is worth less. And they will never stop whining..
#5 Dec 14 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent

"ONLY" 5-7 gold? what point in the game does having, in fact, any gold at all become 'only'? I've fought mobs up to 25th level and they still drop no coin at all (though the fact that, under Group Options, there is a selector for 'splitting coin' gives me hope that something, somewhere actually drops coin).

With common loots brining 3sp, even 5gp means you have to find that loot 166 times (that's 166 chests). I've got to be doing somethng seriously wrong when my good loot days are measured in the 15sp range.

Ah well....the rich get richer. So it will always be.
#6 Dec 14 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
With common loots brining 3sp, even 5gp means you have to find that loot 166 times (that's 166 chests). I've got to be doing somethng seriously wrong when my good loot days are measured in the 15sp range.

That's your problem. Get a merchant board and don't sell everything to the vendors to 3-5 silver. Money is pretty easy to make in this game if you actually try.
#7 Dec 14 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
1,930 posts

What are your gathering, foresting, mining, fishing and trapping skills at?? I took the time to max them all out for my level (currently 88). That right there makes me alot of money. I go and gather stuff then when I get ready to go to bed I sell it all on the market. Usually by the next morning it's all gone. I never sell high, I sell bulk. I always put it up for lower than the lowest seller at the time I check. Do this and you will make some money. I have yet to craft for personal gain really. The adept 3's I made, I ended up using on myself since everyone thought it was overpriced. Oh well, my Brawler is now better than there's anyway :-)

Oh and make use of the Wholesaler tasks, the reward is 12s each time you complete one. I'll just say that I'm ranked 4 out of 700 or so in my Wholesaler Society. You can figure out how I did it if you try. I make alot of money off of those tasks..

Edited, Tue Dec 14 10:22:56 2004 by Jute
#8 Dec 14 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent

That is excellent advise. I follow the same plan. One question for you....where do you find your wholesaler ranking?
#9 Dec 14 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
Click on your EQ2 button and choose Societies. the ones you are in are green in the list. Select it then find your name. I just realized I could do this a couple days ago. And I've been playing for a month now lol.
#10 Dec 14 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks, I have completed so many tasks, I am curious to see where I rank.
#11 Dec 14 2004 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
I got.. something along the lines of basically I should buy the ingredients high and sell finish low. People.. think..

wow.. I mean.. wow, these are people who simply shouldn't step foot into a business consultant job.. oi..

anywho.. at some point I may actually be able to leave my machine on overnight and while I'm at work and sell components, I'm more a gatherer than a crafter.. I like collecting the things but I tend to leave the fabrication to those with more know-how.. and I realize the situation for high priced raw's.. as a provider of components I know to make up the price by having bulk and quality.

anywho.. back on topic.. people are greedy but don't realize the cause and effect to the crafter... some people REALLY need to take a basic economic's class.. if the raw materials are overpriced, the end product will have to increase in price to make up the production cost... as a spell caster I'd LOVE to see Adept III's going for as low as 1 to 5 gold.. so I'm going to make certain my crafters don't get run-through on the price of my raw's.

if however.. the crafter is gouging on the end product if the raw materials are cheap.. this opens an opportunity for other crafters to undercut and take over the market.. unfortunately if the gouging continues.. as a provider of raw materials.. I would be forced to increase the price of my raw's to make up for it.. and this leads to insane inflation quickly.

eventually an unspoken concensus will be reached about what a "fair" price is for a product based on what the buyer is willing to pay and competition.

it wouldn't surprise me if we see in the future entire guilds devoted to crafting and market dominance through alliances.. let's just hope they don't hammer the rest of us with the end product costs. O_O
#12 Dec 14 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
Player made crafting guilds would actually work very well in this game. Have a few adventurers in there who get their armor for almost free or free and have them adventure (cause most adventurers will want to be in a guild with lots of other adventurers, not people who don't leave the city ever... That's why you give them free equipment) and gather materials. Spread this around the guild and only sell the end product for something. Everything going around in the guild (materials and such) go at base cost, or with minimal inflation, and you could have a fully self sufficient guild that supplies very high quality products in a fairly short amount of time. They could also easily corner the market in that the items they're selling aren't at any inflated costs (all materials are very cheap, being within the guild.)

Oh, the possibilities...
#13 Dec 14 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
Lewskinslayer that sounds like a fine idea, I might have to start one.
#14 Dec 14 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
Oh, what have I unleashed upon the world???

Smiley: cry

Smiley: tongue
#15 Dec 14 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
I've seen silver up for 20g and adept3 of Bestowal of vitae up for 23 or 24g on Oggok when just above it was a Master for 29g. Some people need a reality check.

I just don't get why people would sell the rare for adept3, anyway. I use those I find for my own adept3 and even bought some rares on market to make more of my own adept3. Only reason I see for selling them would be if it's much lower level than you are.

I'm trying to keep my artisan level in the same tier as my adventurer level so that I can craft things that are actually useful for adventuring. This also has the advantage that while harvesting to craft I have a chance to get a rare that's useful to me.

Just find a crafter you can trust and have him/her make one of your adept3 out of your rare. I mean, forget about everything I just said and sell them all on market so I can buy them. ;)
#16 Dec 14 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
"That's your problem. Get a merchant board and don't sell everything to the vendors to 3-5 silver. Money is pretty easy to make in this game if you actually try."

I call BS right there. Money is anything but easy in this game. It might be easy if you have multiple computers and accounts or if you have 10 hours per day to spend ingame (not saying either of these applies specifically to you). But for the casual player, the basic mechanics of the game are weighted totally against you.

I have merchant boards on both my characters but I actually have a life and responsibilities outside the game that demand a fair amount of my computer time, so I can't just leave my toon in his tenement apartment online for hours on end. SoE has to have the biggest bunch of design idiots in the known universe to let such an ill-conceived player merchant system actually go live. It's really a travesty and what makes it worse is that it should've been apparent to anyone that it was an idiotic system waaaay back in the earliest design stages. I've made it clear that I think the system should be totally scrapped in favor of a player-bought merchant who will sell your goods FOR you whether you are online or not. It worked great in DAoC- which was, for that game, a real rarity.


Aside from the fact that, as I explained above, I can't leave my computer on all night just to sell stuff, I do exactly what you're doing. My skills aren't capped but, at 14th level, all but Fishing is above 50 (I think Gathering and Mining are 60+). I set my prices roughly 15% BELOW the lowest listed price anyone else has. The longest I was able to leave my computer on was about 6 hours this past Sunday. I had 6 5 slot backpacks full of stacks of tier 2 materials such as maple, electrum, tubers and even a full stack of some sort of food ingrediant (I forget which). I think my highest price as 20cp/maple with the others at between 15 and 17cp (typically, prices range from 25cp per to as much as 40cp, according to the Broker). Total sales: ZERO. Not a single anything sold. I've tried selling my Adept I loots in the 10sp-40sp range- again, cheaper than anyone else. ZERO sales. I've tried selling tradeskill subcombine ingrediants such as chloro wash and chloro resin. ZERO sales. From everything I've read, my prices are, if anything, too low. The items I want to sell are in demand. The only thing that I can point to as an impediment is the stupid merchant system.

Edited, Tue Dec 14 17:53:52 2004 by Adiemus
#17 Dec 14 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Money IS pretty easy to make compared to the "other" game I played for a year (FFXI, go play that if you think this game is hard to make money on) and I don't have to spend 10 hours a day making a little cash. I've never had to strain myself to keep up with what gear I needed, harvest for 2 or 3 hours every other day and that makes me a few gold.

Last night I found a pallidium cluster. This is a very rare Tier 3 mine in Nek. Forest. All my harvesting skills are capped (I use my Inquisitor as my harvesting mule as I work on my two other characters) and that brought me 10 gold. I know a lot of people would have put it up for way more than that, but the going price for coral and silver is around 5gp here, so I simply doubled the price because coral and silver are tier 2, and Palladium is Tier 3, and I have to mine in a very dangerous spot to get it. This is a reasonable price to me. Now say... anything 15gp + for it would not have been. I need money, like everyone, but I try not to get greedy and over charge for what should be affordable. As more and more people get greedy, prices raise more and more.... and in the end we all will suffer for it.

Edited, Tue Dec 14 17:52:40 2004 by Ivven
#18 Dec 14 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent

So what you're saying is that I need to, essentially, win the lotto to make my coin- by that I mean hit one of the rare harvests and sell that for whatever the market will bear. Well, I managed to harvest some Bone (tier 2 wood rare) so we'll see what that brings.

My complaint isn't with pricing or people overcharging. I've been to Nek a time or two and not much there is very hospitable to players. If you manage to harvest a rare there, in addition to making me faintly jealous and admirious at the same time, I'd say you were entitled to get a good sum for that.

No, my complaint is that there are players like myself who, frankly, don't have equal access to the market due to obligations outside the game. We work just as hard as those who do have access to harvest materials and/or craft them into sellable finished products or subcombines. We may even offer them at prices lower than others. But we can't devote hours and hours of time to doing nothing but keeping our stores open. That's what needs fixing.
#19 Dec 14 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
I have merchant boards on both my characters but I actually have a life and responsibilities outside the game that demand a fair amount of my computer time, so I can't just leave my toon in his tenement apartment online for hours on end. SoE has to have the biggest bunch of design idiots in the known universe to let such an ill-conceived player merchant system actually go live. It's really a travesty and what makes it worse is that it should've been apparent to anyone that it was an idiotic system waaaay back in the earliest design stages. I've made it clear that I think the system should be totally scrapped in favor of a player-bought merchant who will sell your goods FOR you whether you are online or not. It worked great in DAoC- which was, for that game, a real rarity.

Well, ya.. I'll admit that's a big problem but you didn't allude to that in your original post. It was more on the order of "How come I'm not making all this money" when you already knew the answer (not being able to leave your computer on overnight while AFK).

I also agree that the current merchant system is incredibly painful but I also understand what SOE's trying to do. They want to decrease supply and slow the flow of money to slow inflation but there's two basic problems here:

1) A healthy economy isn't made up of all demand and no supply. Currently the only thing in high demand is class interdependent interim materials. Everything else in this game is freely available (quests), chest drops or for a set fee from a NPC. With demand so high for crafting ingredients, it's pushed costs so high that the finished product can't compete with the things that players are selling from quest/chest drops or what the NPC sells.

2) Having no offline system to sell is not a good method of controlling the flow. It's a terrible idea to allow someone to put up their entire inv up for sell with the only catch being that they need to be online. A much better idea is to allow offline selling but to limit the number of slots they can use to sell with. You can increase or decrease the flow of cash by adjusting that number of slots any time you want.

With all that said, and no matter how sad the above is, it appears that you are screwed until SOE decides to pull their heads out of their asses.

Edited, Tue Dec 14 18:04:48 2004 by subvert
#20 Dec 14 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
This is the first rare harvest I ever got. Previously to this, I had already made upwards of around 20 gold give or take (spent most of it :P Kaitar, my rogue, has a hole in his pocket)

What I'm saying is this. Compared to what I'm used to, this is easy for me. I don't have hours and hours typically either, I work and have a real life. BUT, it sure as heck beats - for me- farming for weeks and weeks just to get enough to squeak by.

Yes, I can see where people who can't leave their merchants up while they are AFK would be upset. Yes, for them it is a pain in the butt, because they won't make as much profit. I might be gone half the time, but my computer stays running with my merchant up.

However, it's very hard to please everyone all the time. The only thing I would suggest is they have a consignment shop put up. But I'm very VERY afraid of this game turning into another FFXI where prices went so sky high you couldn't afford anything. I had almost 2 million gil on my character after a year... and 2 million gil went very very fast when I played monk. Basically, I had (like many others) a ton of gil worth next to nothing because of inflation. We REALLY do not want to see a repeat of that, trust me. It ruined that game, many many are leaving because of the economy problems, and it's just horrible.

So, if they did implement a "consigment" sort of system, where players put up their goods to be viewed by others while they were offline, and perhaps the money sent to their bank account, there'd still have to be some kind of safety net for inflation and the greed some people have. I...and many others I'm sure...would be really sad if this game turned out like the "other" game, rampant with IGE money sellers and buyers and overly tweeked "uber" characters. Yes, the merchant system could use work, but SOE is going to have to be very careful as they implement new things into the system over time. Hopefully they will learn from past mistakes.
#21 Dec 15 2004 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
I think that SoE has done a good job in limiting the money supply so as to guard against inflation. With the market for most mob loot being limited to NPC merchants who pay, what, 10%? of what an item is really worth, I can't see all of us being virtual Bill Gates anytime soon. Coin loot, to the extent that I've plyed the game, is nonexistant. So the money supply is rather tight- which is as it should be and good for the game overall.

The only thing that all players have access to that is in demand to one degree or another is harvested materials. If you're 1st level of 41st level, what you can harvest from the various resource nodes is a viable means of earning coin. Some items are, obviously, much more in demand than others. Tough to sell that stack of grouper; easy to sell that stack of iron clusters. You also have the lottery-level chance of harvesting a rare ingrediant that generally is going to sell for big coin.

That's fine so far as it goes. The problem arises when you do not have access at all or at least your access to the merchant system is severely limited by your personal circumstance.

Imagine a town with two grocery stores. One is open to all people but its hours are 9am to 4pm weekdays. The other is open 24/7 but is membership only and not everyone who applies is accepted. The first example are the players who, like myself, have limited playing time and, thus, limited opportunity to sell our resources. The second example are the players who are able to be logged into the game overnight or at least significantly more time than those in the first group and, thus, have far more opportunities to sell their resources.

A consignment system would allieviate that inequity almost totally and wouldn't negatively impact those that are able to take advantage of the present system at all. It's a win/win situation- more people able to sell resources to make money to pay for improved equipment, higher tier resources, spell upgrades and the like.
#22 Dec 15 2004 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Yes, but the "other" game.... you didn't sell to or by from merchants at all. Ever...except for a very rare occasion of selling (which the price was nerfed, btw) rusty caps or something. But 99 percent of the time it was going on the AH. NPC merchant prices were crazy.... very crazy and no one could afford them. AH prices are almost as bad. People started getting greedy, started over-farming and getting a monopoly on the AH prices. People turned to buying gil. Now, people are running around with huge amounts of gil...and are willing to pay those insane prices. So the sellers jacked it up even more. More gil is bought. Prices rise. Viola', inflation.

Maybe you would have to have played the "other" game to know the extent of paranoia most "refugees" of that game have about it. It was a VERY bad situation. Like I said, I agree the merchant system could be changed for the better, BUT I also think it still has to be regulated and controlled, not just a 'free-for-all' because that's when you run into trouble.

If prices stay reasonable, and supply and demand balance out, and money is destroyed (by this I mean, you buy from a merchant NPC now and then instead of a PC where the money keeps flowing and building all the time...I myself, in EQ2 buy my arrows and throwing knives from an NPC, a lot of people pick up some of their armor from an NPC, it's not totally outrageous to the point you can't afford it = money destroyed ) and created at a rate that can keep up with the economy, then it should work. I agree, it's much faster in this game to "destroy" money so there's never "too much" floating around in the economy. Orc meat, for example. Most people just toss that off to an NPC rather than put it up,because it's so easy to get and no one wants to pay for orc meat they can go kill 2 orcs and get themselves. did not have this. You might get...let's take couerel meat for example. The NPC would give you 50 gil for it. 50 gil is....less than a copper in terms of comparing gil to EQ2 currency. You can buy NOTHING with 50 gil.

But, you could slap it up on the AH and maybe get 500 gil and was an essential part of leveling a cooking craft?

So money was being created far faster than it was being destroyed, especially with gil sellers/buyers because of the already too high prices on common items like Couerel meat. Imagine if the NPC's would only buy orc meat for 3 copper (the high end orc meat drops, I mean). Or you could put it up for 1 silver and someone would have to buy it because a) it was a higher mob lvl drop (Couerel meat was lvl 35+ mob) and b) you really needed it to level a certain cooking skill. I think you can guess where this is going. Prices went sky high, mobs got over camped, people bought gil....people sold gil.... economy hits rock bottom.

I'm not saying an AH sort of system would be bad, but SOE would HAVE to make sure they had other things in check before they did it. Really, IMHO they should have had it all figured out in beta, but unfortunately they did not. Really though, you don't want them to just rush in and establish an AH system and have it be another FFXI. Trust me. You don't want that. So ...hopefully in the future, and I do see some hope... and so far, as I said, money destroy/create ratio is good, much better than FFXI... you might still see an AH sort of system.

Edited, Wed Dec 15 00:33:43 2004 by Ivven
#23 Dec 15 2004 at 3:48 AM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
If people complain about buying an adept III for only 5 gold than they should go out and try to harvest their own silver or coral and just pay some artisan 50 SP or 1 GP for the adept III. If I could try getting any adept III for 6 GP I'd consider it a bargain.
#24 Dec 15 2004 at 4:15 AM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
Ivven the Stupendous wrote:
Yes, but the "other" game.... you didn't sell to or by from merchants at all. Ever...except for a very rare occasion of selling (which the price was nerfed, btw) rusty caps or something. But 99 percent of the time it was going on the AH. NPC merchant prices were crazy.... very crazy and no one could afford them. AH prices are almost as bad. People started getting greedy, started over-farming and getting a monopoly on the AH prices. People turned to buying gil. Now, people are running around with huge amounts of gil...and are willing to pay those insane prices. So the sellers jacked it up even more. More gil is bought. Prices rise. Viola', inflation.

I read some of the posts in this thread and noticed that Ivven seems to have an obsession with comparing EQ2 with this "other" game and not seeming to want to recognize that "yes EQ2 is not a game where money is easy to come by".

The issue with the pricing on the adept III and the referrals to gold pieces not being much somewhat has to do with how in the 20's levels you can indeed get a number of drops that vendor for larger amounts of 2SP to 8SP from regular mobs. As some people go about it can be seen that some mobs drop nicer loot from their bodies and/or chests more often than others, so if your not getting much from what your killing at the moment "Try And Move".

Of course you are indeed going to be limited by not being able to go into merchant mode all the time, but if you can leave your comp on over night once or twice every week you can sell out much of your things at times. At other times you may be able to take a few of the items you got and try /auctioning them off in antonica or the commonlands which can work out ok at times.

But you shouldn't try judging yourself against what some people may say is the norm since some people on these boards can get into playing ALOT, and yes have lives.
#25 Dec 15 2004 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
If people complain about buying an adept III for only 5 gold than they should go out and try to harvest their own silver or coral and just pay some artisan 50 SP or 1 GP for the adept III. If I could try getting any adept III for 6 GP I'd consider it a bargain.

I've not tried tradeskilling while grouped - I'll try tonight.

In EQ all group members got a success or fail message when the tradeskiller did the combine. This at least kept them honest.

I hope this has come through to EQ2 because without that what how do you know they don't just pocket the silver and say "Oops sorry - failed the combine".

Actually I'm not sure you can fail on a spell? I made one yesterday (just an App3) with my leftovers and lost even the crude bar and yet I still got the scroll out of it.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#26 Dec 15 2004 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
I totally agree with ivvan for the simple fact that i played FF XI and the prices were insane the best lvl 8 equip for theivs, leaping boots, would run u 200,000 gil and that would be a bargin. I was one of the people that camped the courel meat for 4 hrs a day at least and it was the only way to make good $$ each day to keep up with the markets. I hope and pray that i dont have 2 sit in an area for 4 hrs a day every day just to get good items for my character to be well equiped. As of now i can run around in TS and mine, gather ect.. for 1 or 2 hrs and get a few stacks of carbonite, belladonna roots, lumber and u can make a good 2 gold but this is where ur problem comes in u cant leave the comp on. Until they change this wich i dont think they will just leave it on seller whenever u can. If they fix your problem it prob wont be until the first expansion or a really big patch sry.

EQ2 Hoopdee lvl27 befallen server
FFXI Lunchbox lvl50 DEAD:x valefor server
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