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Sony NERFED us with crafting, NERF them backFollow

#27 Dec 09 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
Agreed, I myself have beat this topic dead already, LOL.

Companies as big as SOny probably have half the project done by Vendors and outsourced people, LOL. Problem is the cordination between groups.

No more comments from me on this subject

(I can hear the crowd rejoicing now)
#28 Dec 09 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
1,576 posts
Actually the code is broken too. There are books that people can't scribe and recipies that just don't work. There are a lot more design flaws though, you're right about that.

I listed a bunch of problems in my first post of the thread. Visit the SOE forums if you want details.
#29 Dec 09 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
Alright, my first question is do you people really think they don't know these problems exist or what the customers are ranting about in the forums? Just because they're not answering you in these forums does not mean they're not being worked on. Next question, who plays these games just to craft? I don't know about any of you, but crafting, in my opinion, has always been a pain, I've never much cared for it, and the only reason I do it is to make stuff for myself so that I don't have to rely on other people, money from selling what I make, or items I can actually use, it's so that I can go out and do other things in the game OTHER than crafting. If you get the game just to craft, you're missing out on a lot of other great stuff, again, just my opinion, but I don't need to spend $50 on a game and then $15 a month to watch my character stand in front of a forge for hours on end while repeatedly pressing the same hotkeys over and over....sorry, I'm done with my Rant. I just don't understand the psychology of it I guess, people complain and complain...and complain, but yet they keep playing. Someone told me that FFXII was going to be great, I played it for a month or so, I didn't dig it, so I stopped playing, I didn't feel the need to overload the issues I had with the game onto square, I just found something to spend my time on that I enjoyed more.
#30 Dec 09 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
296 posts
"You obviously havn't read the SOE tradeskill forums or you'd see that there are tons of problems which none have been addressed. It's not so much the bugs that bother me, it's the lack of effort on SOE's part to fix the bugs or even acknowledge they exist. "

LOL. How do you know what SOE is doing? Do they consult you on a daily basis? Doubtful -- ha ha. Hmm, they are putting in no effort to fix bugs nor do they acknowledge they exist? -- funny that there is a patch everyday with various fixes to bugs etc. Since you are so dissatisfied I highly recommend that you go online right now and cancel your subscription before they charge you tomorrow. Problem encountered, problem solved.
#31 Dec 09 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
LOL. How do you know what SOE is doing? Do they consult you on a daily basis? Doubtful -- ha ha. Hmm, they are putting in no effort to fix bugs nor do they acknowledge they exist? -- funny that there is a patch everyday with various fixes to bugs etc. Since you are so dissatisfied I highly recommend that you go online right now and cancel your subscription before they charge you tomorrow. Problem encountered, problem solved.

I think it's pretty obvious that we can tell what they're NOT doing. They don't need to consult with me in order to see that.

Yes, there is a patch everyday to fix random bugs but they havn't addressed one of the serious bugs that people have been complaining about for weeks. They have the time to nerf NPC prices and punish all the crafters but no time to fix the things that have a direct effect on a players crafting experience? The things the players (their customers) are begging for? For things to work right?

That's the reason everyone in the SOE tradeskill forums is so damn angry about. It's not that they nerfed the NPC sell back, it's the lack of a response to things they care about.

Seriously, how f'ing hard is it for one of the mods to come on and say, "Ya, that's a problem. We'll look into it". They do it in the other forum areas. Just not the tradeskill (which seems to have the most problems).

Edited, Thu Dec 9 15:27:15 2004 by subvert
#32 Dec 09 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
Jesus Christ people. This game has just been realeased for a month today. I remember when FFXI came out, and the endless patches and bug fixes. I remember my first item I sold on that game on the markey, just disappeared.

So stop jumping the gun. Give them some time, sure I am an unhappy with things, but I realize a big part of programmking is debugging and fixing.
#33 Dec 09 2004 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Well, I can certainly scribe plenty of other things. It is only a couple things that cannot be scribed. The scribing code obviously works, it would be, in my opinion, the data/flags on those particular items.

Each item (in programming terms) should be created using a base class, as long as someone didnt throw in some mysterious locally defined class or some craziness like that, then the code should be fine. Instead it seems like it might be data. The only other thing that it might be if it were code, would be evaluating who can scribe it based on level and class and artisan class and artisan level. Or some funkiness in there.
#34 Dec 09 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
1,576 posts
Yep, it's probably just some static or constant variable declared in some class or header file somewhere that needs a single character changed. That's still considered code IMHO :)

Of course, they could be pulling these object attribute values from a database but I kinda doubt it.


Now that I think about it, it very well could be comming from a database. They publish all the item data in XML format for the community to use. I'd wager that the values are stored in a DB.

If that's true, it *should* be even less of a problem to fix. Of course it's pure speculation though.

Edited, Thu Dec 9 16:13:42 2004 by subvert
#35 Dec 09 2004 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Actually it would make more sense if item data were stored in a database and accessed by base classes.


  • Retrieve data from table on specific item properties.
  • Create item instance, set item flags, etc...

  • Now supposing the item in question were a Scribed object, a scroll. However, in the dataset associated with that particular item, a flag accidentally got set to 0 or, accidentally was designed as Nullable for that particular item_table ("Scrolls") - which, even though it is a table containing all scribable object, some of them could have been turned off on accident, while their enabled flag was set to 1. When in reality, the ones that should have had their scribe flag turned off aren't even in the game yet.

    It's all conjecture really, as none of us are devs for sony (at least that I know of). So anyones guess is just as good.

    The point is.... I forget the point, it's late and im ready to go home. =p
    #36 Dec 09 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
    1,576 posts
    The point is.... I forget the point, it's late and im ready to go home. =p

    I'll drink to that Smiley: chug
    #37 Dec 09 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
    29 posts
    either play or quit. BUT let me give you a clue.....quit without telling everyone here you are quitting. It is one thing to voice concerns for others to discuss, it is another (very sad) to come here and tell everyone you are quitting in hopes they will beg you to stay........................BYE...SEE you haven't quit yet huh?

    Edited, Thu Dec 9 16:30:05 2004 by Rayvan

    Edited, Thu Dec 9 16:30:54 2004 by Rayvan
    #38 Dec 09 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
    I think everyone is getting a little bit carried away here. This is a temporary fix, and Im sure some of you did, but if everyone would read why they did this, I think it would solve a lot of your gripes.

    PS Warlord, if you read this, Im not soloing you out, you just often have a nack of expressing yourself more clearly then most. So kudos to you.

    Design Flaws:
    -the merchant system blows
    -adept drops are so common that app III's aren't needed
    -the quested armor is easy to obtain and much better than anything a crafter could produce
    -no labeling of food/potions so players have no idea what they do (and why would they buy them if they don't know what they do?)
    -the dependencies are total crap. most are having an extremely hard time finding components they need from other players.

    As far as the adepts go, some of them are very common, but this is because certain camps are being farmed more then others. In my experience the same mob drops certain adepts, much like any other type of loot. My main issue with this is that it seems freeport has acess to some adepts that Qeynos does not, and vice versa. This makes your job to find where the niche is, and fill it. What adepts are in abudance? And what arn't. Make what is rare, and don't forget adept 3's. Crafters can make these only and master 1 is uber rare at this point. Not going to happen as often but certainly a perk.

    The quested armor is easy, if you have friends. It is better then crafted, depending on your access to a crafter and your level. I haven't heard of any specific post 20 armor quests. Only those. I think its a nice base to give all players to work for so our tanks arnt running around in medium armor at 25. I already have begun to buy crafted armor, its great. Especialyl crafted jewelry.

    Food/Water, this has been addressed and I believe should be in todays patch or a patch soon to be seen. They are going to label the benefits to help food crafters out. End of story.

    Now as far as the dependencies go, I was horrified of this at first. I thought, god this sucks. Well its good and bad depending on what angle you look at it. It forces you to befriend other crafters in the community and scratch one anothers backs. The big issue was, and this is WHY they stoped selling to the merchants for the moment, was that crafters were making better money selling to vendors, instead of players because their wasent much more profit in selling to players vs convinience.

    Bottom line I think tho for everyone, if you can't make money of vendors, sell to players, period, get yourself some 8-10 slot bags, load up with crap, and go level up, harvest, etc, and spam your auctions off. Also, this is a community game, if you wanted to solo so darn much, play a console RPG. Tons of solo content for you there. What fun is it to play in an evolving world when it doesn't change? It will change, we've dealt with it for years with EQ and SWG and all the others, deal with it now. You can't stop it. Enjoy the experience while you can. =)

    /rant off
    #39 Dec 09 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Default
    I'm a programmer and if my code went out of beta and into production like this, I would have been fired long ago. I understand that their marketing department sets their release dates and pushes the developers past their limit but the developers need to grow a spine and put their foot down.

    So you can program with no bugs 100% of the time. I say only one thing to that BS Hehehe. Its only a temp plug of the hole get over it, I would do the same if it where my program. till a fix was patched in. And you are a programer? What do you write 3 line html code. If you where a coder you would know how man millions of lines of code need to be looked at and fixed for this kind of fix.

    Edited, Thu Dec 9 16:38:38 2004 by Broan
    #40 Dec 09 2004 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
    1,576 posts
    So you can program with no bugs 100% of the time. I say only one thing to that BS Hehehe. Its only a temp plug of the hole get over it, I would do the same if it where my program. till a fix was patched in. And you are a programer? What do you write 3 line html code. If you where a coder you would know how man millions of lines of code need to be looked at and fixed for this kind of fix.

    Ohhh, flame bait... sooo tempting....

    OK, I have a little bit of time before I leave so I can play with you a bit.

    First of all, I didn't say it shouldn't have bugs.. all software has bugs at all cycles of it's life. It's just something you never really get rid of. What I did comment on was general quality and the number of bugs mixed with the lack of response from the developers in general with crafting.

    If you had the smallest amount of reading comprehension you might be able to discern the difference. But you don't. You have a little pea brain which is fine. Just don't go play with the big boys, acting like you know what's going on when really have no clue. I know you see the keywords and try to put them all together into something that makes sense but you're really not doing it very well.

    Second, I work as a Sr. Systems Programmer for the largest employer in the US. I'll leave the details for your little monkey brain to figure out. I'm sure you can do it.

    Edited, Thu Dec 9 17:23:18 2004 by subvert
    #41 Dec 09 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
    >IF< I understand the 'nerf' correctly, I'd call it an overreaction on SoE's part.

    I have heard that there are a few bugs/exploits that allow semi-advanced (high teens) crafters to make a profit selling certain finished items to NPC merchants and it's enough profit that people are doing nothing but harvesting (or buying) the appropriate components and doing this one recipe over and over again to the virtual exclusion of anything else. No, I don't know what the recipe is (and aren't high enough skill to benefit from it if I did) but there is at least the strong rumor of such.

    What SoE needed to do was to reduce the profit for that particular recipe, as well as any others that return similar profits, ONLY!!! Depending on the quality of a finished player-crafted good, you SHOULD be able to either: sell it back to a merchant for a percentage of material cost, OR be able to salvage the item to get back some of the materials and thus lose less money to components. SoE just went way too far in their overreaction.
    #42 Dec 09 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
    1,463 posts
    I can't believe some of the comments I've just read in here supporting Sony - I am simply shocked by ... I don't even know how to say it.

    People, we the players need to do a better job of "getting behind our 'best interests' and going after Sony." I know most of you who tell Warlord and the thread-starter that they are crazy hotheads or whiners or babies think you are being reasonable... but you're failing to realize the unintended consequences of your posts.

    Sony devs DO in fact read threads. You'd be surprised. One of the main reasons they read our postings is for "ammunition" for in-house disagreements. When a dev. can go to a meeting w/ printouts of umpteen zillion posters saying basically the same thing, he has a better chance of winning his point. They also read them for many other reasons.

    Now, this may be hard for some of you to believe, but over the long haul, your posts in here become either "buffs" or "debuffs" for change. Yeah, okay, I'm crazy... but think about it. Your comments really can work as a buff or debuff.

    Now wait, EvilGnome, you must be thinking - how can I possibly debuff the game?

    It works two ways. When those who would complain see post after post telling other complainers they are "whiners" and "babies" - a negative modifier is placed on complaining. Now for some of you this is perfect - because ... I don't know. You have some sort of reaction to complaints that makes you cringe - i dunno what it is. But you need to understand that complaining is actually a very positive force on the quality of the game overall. It is how good ideas for improvement get generated and spread around. Over the long haul it helps keep the game from stagnating. And if everyone who complains in here gets trashed, it is a debuff - fewer ideas will flow - game quality will in fact suffer.

    The other way that hammering complainers and labeling them unfairly as "whiners" hurts or debuffs game quality is that developers actually do read these threads. Maybe not this one right now. Yeah they are busy. But over time they do get read. And the more they read "the game is fine, stfu", "overall a good launch compared to others, what can you complain about", and "well I'm willing to tolerate that" - the less inclined they are to work harder to make the game better.

    Okay, some of you are still saying, "evilGnome, you are crazy - I am not hurting game improvement!" But think about it. It's a *debuff*. That's all. Look, lets say eq2 had two spells you could cast on your char. One is a minus one percent chance that any mob death results in a treasure chest. One is a plus one percent chance that any mob you kill yields a chest. Which would you cast?

    That's all I'm talking about! In these forums let's please band together with more of a spirit of "we the players" and go for that positive one percent modifier toward game improvement. We want more "chests" in terms of game improvement, right? So any little bit, especially over the long term, really will make a difference.

    Yeah, when people say "we should all cancel at once" it can make you mad at that poster. What I humbly suggest is NOT to hammer back at someone who is mad at Sony and call them a baby and a whiner. What I think we should do is say, "hey bud, I feel your pain, but let's not go that far yet. Sony really should fix that. What do you say we give them five days - and then drop the hammer on them." Or "hey you are mad - and that's okay - but let's talk about what you're asking for. Would it really make the game better doing it the way you are saying? How about this way instead?" Please don't let a complainer's strong emotion trigger some "protect Sony" response in you. I really think it's mostly happening without you guys realizing it. Please instead think "players first" - then respond.

    Calling someone mad at Sony an idiot or a baby should not be tolerated - it is so against the spirit of "we the players" - of making hte game better. Okay, if someone really is whining - "my wiz can't get a master level nuke, and I can't solo oranges any more" - okay fine - whiner. And yeah, some hotheads' ideas for improvement are grap - and we don't want to be telling Sony to give us crap - sure. But you can suggest that gently while *preserving the spirit of game improvement*. That's all I'm asking for. Please don't hammer complainers who are furious. They can't help it. And if you're cold-blooded and rational enough to tell them to be cool, your rational enough to get what I'm saying and go for that "positive one percent game improvement buff" - and not the inadvertant negative one.

    I know it sounds perverse to you, but most complainers and even ranters are actually good for game improvement. Sony needs no defenders from among us. They need constant prodding to do better. And if you really think your complaints are never heard, if you really think "your vote doesn't count" - for one thing remember Florida in 2000. And for another thing please try to grasp the concept of a buff - rather than direct cause and effect. Yes, it probably never happens that a dev. reads a complaint in here, says "omg I must fix that!", and rushes off to do it. It is more a trickle up theory. But it is real, and it will work. "We the Players." It's important. Thanks.
    #43 Dec 09 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
    296 posts
    Take a chill pill. It's a game for godsake. I for one am satisfied with it and feel I am getting my money's worth. If you don't, then post on Sony's boards, write to them or quit and move on.
    #44 Dec 09 2004 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
    85 posts
    I don't take issue with people making suggestions for improvements,. It's the method they choose to do so, rather than going off on a rant/tangent about how you are deeply hurt and emotionally scarred because something was nerfed, post at least a decently thought out critical response. I know some people are capable of this, but other make it seem like the EQ2 development team snuck into their nursery in the middle of the night and force fed their children rat poison. Yes there are issues with the game, yes they need to be fixed, and yes, we should feel free to discuss them, but could we at least do it constuctively? Not to sound like I'm a soe "protector" but, I'm sure they have a To-Do list that they're working on. We as gamers just have to realize that just because something maybe be a priority for us, it might not be one for them. I for one would love to see offline selling, being able to recoup funds spent on crafting items that will never sell, fixed quests, fixed recipes...among the other crafting glitches. Just remember that the dev's have a lot on their plate, and they're not just a bunch of monkey's sitting around flinging poo at each other. Give some respect and see if that gets you any further than pissing and moaning.
    #45 Dec 09 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,463 posts
    Miaa and Bawls, I could say you are pissant, tiny-minded Sony sycophants, but I won't stoop to your level.

    I was stunned to learn in a college history class that only about a third of the colonists were ever really in favor of the American Revolution. Another third didn't care either way. And the final third was against the Revolution. We the People won in spite of them, and We the Players will win in spite of you.

    Yeah, you're better than me - if it makes you feel good to hear that - there it is. But you are wrong.
    #46 Dec 09 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
    i have good gear and ive never crafted anything
    #47 Dec 09 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
    if you make a long douche-bag post about everything that makes you cry in a game you care way too much about it
    #48 Dec 09 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
    85 posts
    First of all, I never said you people were wrong. in fact, I think I even said I agree to an extent. What I said was I disagree with the way it is being aproached. I'm not calling out anyone in particular and again I'm not saying you're wrong in your opinions/ideals/morals...whatever. I'm just saying find a more constructive way to articulate yourself than a long winded rant complaining about how you were nerfed and that soe sucks, and blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda. My job is in customer service, I get plenty of calls from people who are just complaining about something that happened, in the end, I ask "What is it that I can do to fix this" or "What would you like to see happen now." The complaining allowed them to vent, which I know is what a lot of you are doing, however constant venting will get you nowhere. Constructive criticism and good suggestions for a resolution, those will help.

    Edited, Thu Dec 9 19:50:20 2004 by Bawls
    #49 Dec 09 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
    1,463 posts
    You're right. I'm not really mad at you. It's two other posters in here who set me off. I'm calm now.

    Ranting doesn't always = positive change, sure. I'm just concerned that too many people, for whatever reason, hammering those who are mad at Sony and only want the game to get better will, in the long run, induce a "negative modifier" on overall game improvement. Our tone in here should be, imo, to challenge Sony to make the game better and not complacently accept whatever they shove at us. Complacency, in my mind, is just slow suicide.

    I also don't like it when someone comes in here with their feelings hanging out and mostly gets ripped for it. If they are hurt, there is a reason for it. Not everone lets such things as game mechanics get to them, but if someone does, I'm not going to rip them a new one for it. When I was a little kid and my grandfather died, I actually had some heartless witch neighbor come over and tell me I shouldn't cry. When you tell people they are stupid for being hurt by some dumb decision Sony has made, you are piling on the cruelty. Don't do it. If you can't say something that consoles them, please say nothing. Thanks.
    #50 Dec 09 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
    I think half of you are missing the point entirely. Why do most of us continue to put up with SOE and it's poor customer service? It's because we like the game. Am I going to make a post about SOE nerfing the one thing I loved, absolutely. Did I cancel my subscription today? Absolutely. Did I purchase WOW today? Absolutely. I for one have better things to do then pay $14 bucks a month to be a free beta testers SOE's approach to fix things is to ***** the paying customers to get the 3% who are exploiting things. I've been playing for a month and have 2gold, 32silver. Why is crafting so important? Because im not a mindless zombie whos one single brain function lets me hack and
    slash an afternoon away. Just remember if your not part of the solution that makes you part of the problem. I like the game and think it has a lot of potential, shame the SOE team doesn't see that. I would really like to see these people exploiting money go after exp, so SOE would nerf combat for a week and see how much you guys like it.

    #51 Dec 09 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
    167 posts
    lol Randy ...

    I dont craft but it seems to be sucky for the crafters ^^
    I read it wasnt gonna be permanent, what's their point then (not being sarcastic, really asking)?
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