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Enchanters and mezzing...Follow

#1 Dec 06 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Greetings all...

I am playing a level 13 enchanter which is actually my first in EQ1 or EQ2. I was a dedicated cleric in EQ1 and could handle myself pretty well there. I decided to play an enchanter just to see how different/difficult it was. Anyway, I was in a group killing gnolls and one of the people in it asked why I wasn't mezzing the ones that weren't actually fighting someone (we had a group of 4). I thought that wouldn't make any differance since I could mezz them and the people in the melee couldn't tell which ones were mezzed and break it by hitting one (or doing a group attack spell). I was told that he had /assist on and would know. Since I've never played an enchanter or a melee class before, I am a bit confused - am I missing something? A Cliff's notes version of mezzing and /assist from someone, please...??
#2 Dec 06 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Well, first, at your level it is barely worth using Mez. But there may be situations when it is helpful.

The way assist works, is kinda two-fold. If you keep your tank targetted, you will automatically hit his target, if he has one, with whatever it is you cast or do. This is not helpful for an enchanter looking for a target to mez, but is great for casting your offensive spells, or adding in your paltry melee damage, though I REALLY wish I could also see my indirect target's health bar too.

Using a macro with /assist attached to it will actually change your target to your target's target. That make sense? Target your tank, hit /assist, and you now have his target in your sights.

For an enchanter wanting to mez currently un-targetted bad guys, using the TAB key may be a good option. Clicking on the right one in a fracus is hard. Just be VERY careful to make sure that you have one targetted you mean to when using TAB, so you don't drag in unengaged bystanders.
#3 Dec 06 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
All of the DPS type players should be assisting the main tank so that everyone fights only the mob he's fighting. There's 2 ways to do that.

#1) Have a /assist macro with the main tanks name in it

#2) Just leave your tank highlighted (either click on him with your mouse or use your function keys). If you have him selected, your offensive spells/abilities will target whatever he's fighting.

This helps the tank maintain aggro from the extra mobs he's not currently fighting as well as makes your fights more efficient.

One of your jobs as a Enchanter is to keep those extra mobs from beating on the main tank. Mezz'ing the extra mobs makes the fights much easier as well as lets you take on harder stuff.


Bah, too slow.

Edited, Mon Dec 6 10:15:28 2004 by subvert
#4 Dec 06 2004 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
This needs to be said, so I might as well get it out there.
Chanter's job is to mez mobs or adds so that the main tank doesn't get his **** pounded into the ground along with the rest of the group....
How does a chanter do this...
1)When the puller pulls the chanter /assists that person and then hits the tab key to switch to the next nearest mob and mezzes it.
2)The chanter then hits the tab key again and mezzes the next mob, etc. etc.
3)Every member of the group who is NOT the MAIN TANK should be assisting the MAIN TANK by using... you guessed it /assist.
4)Since everyone is /assisting mezzes won't be broken, tank won't die, group won't wipe etc. etc.....
5)No area effect spells that cause damage should be used because they will break mezzes...and chanter will get pissed :/

One last point...
This nonsense about offtanking when there is a chanter in group is ludicrous. If someone offtanks and does not assist the main tank dps will slow way down (as well as xp) and put group at risk.

Thanks for listening hope this help =D

Slaartibartfast (Qeynos Royal Guard)
lvl 21 Illusionist
Najena server
#5 Dec 06 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
This nonsense about offtanking when there is a chanter in group is ludicrous.

Never raid much in EQ1 did you? If there was ever a time that I felt more like a hood ornament.....

If someone tells you it's not worth mezzing right now, do it anyway. Get yourself in the habit of it. If it's broken, mez it again. Make up a wiseguy macro -

IE: "Mezzing %t! Break it and I break your face!"

If someone consistently breaks mez, tell them to stop targetting mobs and target the MA to attack. There's really no excuse for it in this game considering you don't even need a macro, or even have to type /assist, to assist.
#6 Dec 06 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Thanks for the quick replies; this is information I will put to use right away! In comparison, when playing my cleric I don't even look at the mobs - just the main tank (or anyone else that got aggroed) for healing purposes. A Sup Heal here, a CHeal there; everyone was usually still standing after a fight in any group I was in. Playing an enchanter, I realize, takes a whole different mindset. Hopefully, all this great feedback will help out a bunch!! Thanks again..!!
#7 Dec 06 2004 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Hopefully these tips may help you. 2 mob strategy

1. When you target your MA you will see a blue outline of the mob that they are targeting. This lets you know which one NOT to mez. If you then click on the MA mob you will see what mobs are attached to it. Have a look at those remaining mobs and work out which one to mez first. If you time it right you can have one asleep before the MA mob arrives at camp. A circle of color will appear around the heads of the mezzed mob, and at the moment a resisted mez still shows the spell effect so read the text.

4 mob variation

You will have one mob off to sleep as the other 3 arrive at camp. 1 will be the MA target and the other two should also be on him. I use the option of having NPC hp/power on screen so you can usually work out fast which mob the group is on. Use TAB to toggle between targets and mez them off. You should be able to have 3 mobs asleep in about 30secs. Until its down to about 2 mobs- keep them mezzed and keep buffs up on group- haste and crack. Once you ding 22 you get a second unresistable mez you can basically fire one off after another. Mob one asleep at pull, mob 2 asleep a few seconds later and mob 3 a few after that. 3 Mobs asleep in under 10seconds.

Adding DPS

If a 2 mob fight, after mezzing 1, I will load up the following line: Static Pulse - Its a good feeler for Resists, then SILENCE, let me say it again SILENCE. The best spell we have next to mez. Use it each time you can. It stops mobs from healing and casting and using skills. Gloom , Cereb. These dots once on cannot be resisted so its sure damage. Just be sure not to gain the attention of the mob (gank agro).

Also just to note that Tanks often use an AoE taunt that will undo all your good work. Talk to them nicely and explain that their small gain in stats from using the ability probably doesnt outweight 1. the added damage from the extra mobs 2. the wasted mana in the first place 3. need for larger heals 4. and those moments when you see ...has gone linkdead.

Edited, Mon Dec 6 11:01:01 2004 by EmRedrum

Edited, Wed Dec 8 10:22:20 2004 by EmRedrum
#8 Dec 06 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Someone in a group the other day was saying "pets don't break mezz".

I know this was approximately true in EQ but wondered if it was known to be true here or if this person was just assuming it was.

Personally I'm not very happy with the "autoassist" of targetting a group member and hitting attack. If it changed your target to his then it would be more useful but leaving the group member targetted you have no idea what he is fighting (apart from the big blue arrow Smiley: smile) or how nearly dead it is.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#9 Dec 06 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
some good old-fashioned chanterness can be found here. not sure if they've updated, but a dern good site any way ya look at it.

one thing that's nice in eq2 is that we get a single-target stun that actually works omg. i've used it (mind blank but you get it at like 13 or so... daunting gaze maybe?) to slow down the damage a mob that's being tanked does. you can also use ego shock for a ministun. i've duo'd with a sorceror and done encounters without any kind of healing along this way. even took down yellows with a predator along :).

and yar .. mez anything that isnt getting hit :), dot anything that's rooted cuz you have a nifty othermage in the group, and dot the current tanktarget... oh, and train the tank if one comes after you so the tank can get a taunt off :).

welcome to the world of multitasking... enjoy your stay :).

oh, and get used to dying... part of bein a chanter :D.

Edited, Mon Dec 6 12:44:16 2004 by runyariel
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#10 Dec 06 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Most of this is well put, however something that I have noticed lately is when fighting a group of mobs AOE DD spells do not break my mezzes...has anyone else noticed it? Try it out next time you have the chance. For instance I have a lightning based AOE damage spell and when I am fighting 4 mobs (A,B,C, and D) and A & B are mezzed, the AOE lightning only strikes mobs C & D visually, and A & B stay mezzed. Of course this may have been changed as I last noticed it about a week ago.
#11 Dec 06 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
omg if that is true that's spooterrific :).

my peeps are trained not to break mez since we came from eq1 so they've not tried, at least that i've noticed ;).

will give this a go the next time i'm on and not taking on summin that would kick my ... robe, if it broke :).
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#12 Dec 07 2004 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Just some more feedback on the mezzing thing. I got into a group in the gnoll area just north of the cabin on the Qeynos Highway. Tried out what you had said and amazingly, no one died!! Didn't try to AOE anything (lightning) because I didn't want all hell to break loose! Went to the Fyremyst area and did ok on outside aggroes and stuff. Tried to mezz one of those burning things (was too busy running after group members started dying to turn around and look at the name of the mob) and I couldn't get it to take. Anyone else seen this prob..?
#13 Dec 07 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Do you have your AppIII fascinate, or still your App I. I can mez reds in the beginning stages of both Stormhold and TS with App III. App I would not mez yellows or higher that I noticed.
#14 Dec 07 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
421 posts
5)No area effect spells that cause damage should be used because they will break mezzes...and chanter will get pissed :/

AoE Heroic Events break mezz... AoE spells do not.
AoE DoT before all adds are locked down is evil since every tick the effect mob wakes back up.

Pets DO... repeat... DO break mezz. Welcome to EQ1 the 1st 4 years all over.

Mezz aggro is MUCH less than it ever was in EQ1.
#15 Dec 07 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
This actually sounds encouraging - aoe's don't break mez? Imagine that.

Hey, if you try a chanter, be prepared for the stupidest comments from other players, like "why aren't you doing any damage?" There are tons of new players to the eq system. They are either new to on line games or come from a game where (I guess) mezzing didn't exist. And they will ***** you up constantly - and will have to be taught what to do. With some players you will have to tell them five different times in five different ways until they finally get it. You will get tired of it, but in time it will pay off. As you level up eventually most players will "get" how to work with you and not against you.
#16 Dec 07 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
19,369 posts
If someone tells you it's not worth mezzing right now, do it anyway. Get yourself in the habit of it. If it's broken, mez it again. Make up a wiseguy macro -

IE: "Mezzing %t! Break it and I break your face!"

If someone consistently breaks mez, tell them to stop targetting mobs and target the MA to attack. There's really no excuse for it in this game considering you don't even need a macro, or even have to type /assist, to assist.
I was in a group with my friend a cleric and we had a problem with the puller pulling mobs while the cleric stated LOM and the melee kept breaking mezzes and not using assist. We tried to explain and none of them listened they kept doing this. So I told my cleric friend to not heal any of them and I would mezz but not re-mezz a mob if it was broken. The next pull was only 2 mobs, add was mezzd and you guessed it broken. I refused to re-mezz and the cleric didn't cast a single heal. The melee had a hard time tanking and all melee were well below 50%. At the end of the fight all the melee were around 5-10% hp and they were forced to sit and heal. After everyone was FM and ready for the next pull, suprise suprise not a single mezz was broken early, the MT really was the MT and we breezed through it. Lesson of the story, sometimes you have to teach them the hard way to make them listen. This was EQ1, but it probably is similar with EQ2. If they don't listen let them learn the hard way, some players have thick skulls.
#17 Dec 07 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Mezz aggro is MUCH less than it ever was in EQ1.

Yes I noticed this today. We had a new player who did not know not to break mezz. But the mob stayed on them, and did not make a bee line for the chanter.

First time I got to group with a chanter (And a good one too.) We had a great group going. MT would pull, chanter would mezz one on the way in and pick the others off in short order. The MT would go get the first mob mezzed and do em in order. Amazing how well it all worked and fortunately the new player was pretty quick to pick up on group tactics.

God I love finding experienced players when I only have a short time to play each day.
Flyhalfer Wingfoot
Melee Druid of Karana
#18 Dec 08 2004 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
The only downside Ive seen to the Enchanter in EQ2 is the recast of mez. You cant lock down the mobs fast (if you were a good enchanter in EQ1) due to the 8 second recast of mez. You have to rely on your stuns before the mez and even then it can take a while to mez a group of 4 or so. And w/o Adept 1 it breaks before you have a chance to get back to it to mez if theres 3 or 4 in a group so definatly invest in that adept.

I do see how this will get easier when you get 2 mezzes and you can alternate them (granted their is no level cap of mez like there was in EQ1) but I am only 21 atm so havent tried that out yet.
#19 Dec 08 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Yeah- I noticed that AoE DD wasnt breaking(mine anyway). You can always throw it in to see how many hits you get. If more than one hit then somethings not sleepy...
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