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Girl EQ2 Gamers?Follow

#1 Dec 04 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Any out there? I'm one *gasp* playing a male Iksar. Just wondered how many of you were around and if any of you play a male character. I played a male Elvaan in FFXI as well. Just find it more fun I guess, to play guy characters and pretend to be all "rawr me want beer". Come to think of it, I must get a lot of inspiration from my husband then <_<;;

#2 Dec 04 2004 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I have a male DE mage in EQ 1, but I don't like the way the male DE look as well in EQ2. The male half elves are kind of hot, though... but with only four character slots I will probably stick to playing female characters.
#3 Dec 04 2004 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
Though I am not a girl myself, I have plenty of EQ2 friends (majority of them actually) that are indeed girls in real life. Though all of them play female characters, I really believe games like EQ, EQ2, and MMORPG's in general attract a hefty female audience. The old stereotype that all female chars in game are played by males is gettin' less true with each release, and soon, maybe it will be the other way around :)
#4 Dec 05 2004 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
you know i have to say this was one of the things i like about eq2 that i didn't like about ffxi. I don't know why but anytime I was in pt with people I didn't know it was generally assumed that i was a guy, perhaps because i was a mithra. I have yet to have anybody call me a guy in EQ2. In ffxi I was called a guy, a liar for saying i was a girl, a flaming **** (cause i act girly), etc etc etc. That gets kind of annoying after a while. I can understand girl gamers are rare and all it's just annoying when people refuse to believe you're a girl at all.

#5 Dec 05 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
There is a rarity for girl gamers? Strange, so many of the players in both games I play are girls. I am a girl, I've been playing EQ for four years and now I play EQ2 as well. I know several couples who play together, and I know of many girls who play. I didn't realize there was a shortage of female players. I must be very lucky then.

#6 Dec 05 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
167 posts
*raises hand*
Playing EQ2 with hubby too ^^
#7 Dec 05 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Girl gamer also. And have been since my old SNES Smiley: grin

Never played a male toon though, and so far, no one has not believed that I'm a girl.
#8 Dec 05 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts

add another!

Same as Mistress Nadenu.

I've never even traded or sold a single game I own (lost a few, sure). Been playing since my grandfather bought an Atari 2600. The olympic games are great! But I miss playing Missile Command with my mom most of all. I have probably 50 games for that silly machine. Tons more for my original NES, same with Sega Genesis and SNES (Sonic is the greatest). I still have my Sega Dreamcast too. An original Playstation which an old co-worker installed a mod chip so I could rent and play copied games :P Xbox, PS2, and my fav = Gamecube!

Wow, I just realized what a dork I really am...

Who cares! Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout is a fun fun game!
#9 Dec 05 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
I myself am a guy BUT my wife plays a female half-elf ranger named rowahn on permafrost now and had one of the most kick *** 65 rangers in EQ on seventh hammer named damahra. Our guild (grievance) has about a dozen females playing and all play females.
#10 Dec 05 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
I am a girl gamer too! Nice to see a post like this. I tend to agree girl gamers are more rare then men, but I get this information from the guilds I was in during EQ1. My first guild was understandably male as we were all Iksar..and many assumed I was male (Even though my Iksar was female). I even went so far as to make my last name Chiksar and it was still slow going for many to get the gender implication. Also my second guild which was rather large had only 5 girl gamers, though many female characters. Also, my current EQ2 guild I believe may only have one other female, but I am guessing now. I know Im the only one in ventrillo. I wouldnt mind more though so if any of you girls are on Antonia Bayle come visit!!

Captain Aminita Virosa
Recruitment Officer
Legion of Myth
Antonia Bayle
#11 Dec 05 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
In ffxi I was called a guy, a liar for saying i was a girl, a flaming **** (cause i act girly), etc etc etc.

I'm SO glad I'm not the only one that happened to. Well, I mean, I'm not glad that it happened to you...but I'm glad I'm not alone LOL. The guy that was accusing me started simply because I wouldn't tell him if I was a guy or girl. He was ALREADY hitting on me, if I'd told him I really was a woman he'd have felt like he was "getting somewhere" so I just didn't answer. So he started shouting to the zone that I was gay and to stay away from the "***". Had another guy assume I was a gay guy (can't remember the circumstances leading up to it) and start asking me questions about it and telling me some rather unwanted personal experiences of his own. The assumptions men make! /die

All of my RL female friends are gamers, and many of my ingame friends are women. My mother is a bigger gamer than I'll ever be. I only play MMOs, she plays EVERY game she can get her grubby little hands on. Go mom! There may be less women playing than men, but there are still thousands of us out there!
#12 Dec 05 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
One of my good friends who played FFXI with me was a female. When we PT'ed together, many ppl made comments or acted, extra nice, towards her. These guys are pathetic. In a role playing srever where you may want to partake in the virtual marriage, then perhaps that is more called for. Also, i vividly remember some assclown pointing out that, and i quote "all female gamers are ugly, the hot ones dont play". Hey dont shoot the messenger here ppl. I happen to know this is far from the truth, as the female i mentioned before is very NOT ugly. Also just goto and see for yourself.
#13 Dec 05 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I am a girl gamer also, and my hubby is too. I have never played a male toon on any of these games. I played CoH, EQ Online Adventures(ps2), FFXI and EQ1. Once on CoH I made a toon in the likness(and same name) of Foxxy Cleopatra(from Austin Powers) and one guy said I must be a guy for making a toon like that-no..just thought she kicked ***. And with my DE Necro(I have since erased-don't care for them in this game much-JMHO), I was in a group in fallen gate, and when I lvled, one person said "Grats Bro"...I quickly had to inform him that I was NOT a bro, but in fact was 100% RL girl! I don't think I did anything to make him assume I was a guy, so I don't know why he assumed I was. I have a lvl 20 ranger now, and a lvl 11 rouge. Sometimes I wonder if people really think a guy is behind them..and it's sad. I don't like being called Bro, or dude or whatever, just because I picked a melee/fighter type(so fun to play), doesn't mean I am a guy behind the female toon. I have been a gamer for many many years, me and my husband have a PS2, Xbox, PS1, N64, and Dreamcast(although the last 3 are put away somewhere), and enjoy playing games together. :) I am glad to see that there are more and more girl gamers out there. :)
#14 Dec 05 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
I've never played a girl toon. Wait, I take that back...I did have a lvl 18 monk on FFXI named Deryamonae, but <_< I don't know, maybe it's the fact I've always been a tom-boy and my husband and I are all up ons the black metal and I also do very physically demanding work at my job that makes not very girly.

Though people on FFXI (no one was EVER rude to me about it when they thought I was a guy) thought I was on the "other" team before I explained I was a female IRL. I had a good many laughs about that, and pretty much everyone on Ramuh eventually knew, I like to RP, but I also let people know right off the bat I'm a woman. Some people have moral issues about role reversal in games. Myself? I don't care if you're a guy playing a female character or a girl playing a male, or whatever.

It's cool to see there are a lot of husband/wife ...girlfriend/boyfriend teams out there ^^ my husband also plays (dark elf Inquisitor named Sairel) and that there seem to be a goodly number of girl gamers on EQ2 in general.

Any of you on Lucan D'Lere feel free to say HI! I've got three characters I play (all Iksar) Kaitar, Setissdraken (my main) and Izavass (doing betrayl quest with him eventually)

#15 Dec 05 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
I am a woman in rl, and I guess the only way I can prove it to you is to make the following statements:

#1. I choose my character race by how hot I look. (I could never play a troll)

#2. It took me 30 minutes to pick out my hairstyle in character selection. I was amazed at how cool they all were...

#3. When I see a big warrior type, do stop , pan, and check out his ***. /flirt

10 DE scout/predator/Highkeep server
#16 Dec 05 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
Female here as well. Have played games since SNES and never grew out of it. Just moved to more expensive and complicated games.

And I can SO identify with picking out the hair style. I had to go over each one like 20 times..they were VERY cool!

What is funny is when I used to play Counterstrike in the internet cafes. All the guys would be like: "Oh look how sweet, its a girl playing! Everyone be nice to her and don't kill her to fast." And then the round would start and I'd kick ever loving butt, because I loved that game and got very good at it. They would all just be in shock and then the shrieks of "OMG we got OWNED by a GIRL!!!" would start. Hahah, life is good.

What's even better is that there is NO shortage of guys to flirt with online. There are definately more guys than girls that play games - the problem is finding the mature ones. :)
#17 Dec 05 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
63 posts
I'm very happy to have found this thread!

Anyways, I've played both male and female characters. Male Elvaan in FFXI and Male Iksar in EQ (they just look better than the females). Females for every other.

So far, only 1 person in EQ2 knows / accepts that I'm fem IRL. Everyone else says: bro, man, dude... when speaking to me. I don't bother to inform them of my RL sex. It really doesn't matter.

My bf plays EQ2 and FFXI as well. Due to our poverty(!), we can't afford 2 PC's to play together. All of you that do get the chance to play with your husbands/bf's, I envy you! It must be a blast.

#18 Dec 05 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
w00t EmmaV ! Another Elvaan/Iksar fan.

I considered playing a troll lol. As I said, I'm not real femme so I don't worry about how "cute" my character's going to be. I panned through the hair styles but was like <.< SCALES!! and TAIL!! that's what I'm talkin 'bout.
#19 Dec 05 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts

ashame I'm playing a cutesy Ratonga female now lol

Is there a site where EQ2 players can put bios and photos like eqfaces?
#20 Dec 05 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Not sure, but if you come across one post the link ^^ I'd like to find one also.
#21 Dec 06 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
I am a guy, but I played a girl in SWG. I had a male and a female charecter, and I can honestly say, my gaiming was much easier as a female.

When I played a male charecter and needed help, I never got it. When I played a female and took my armor off and asked for help, I had people give me cash, armor, weapons, and items.

It's pretty sad all the pre-adolecent kids out there that get there hormones running just seeing a female player.

I however didn't enjoy playing one because I got hit on way to much. If I wanted to get hit on, I'd be on the personals section, not an on-line game. Soooo, I would just trasfer the items from my female charecter to my main one and only go back to the female charecter when I need some money.
#22 Dec 06 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I know there are guys out there thinking right now...There's a lack of female players, but I was just flirting with a female keeran...or I hope..I...was...ahem. I'm just kidding. There isnt a lack of female players. You just can't really tell nowadays but I think there are alot of us trying to catch up in numbers to the men. I am female and play female chars.
#23 Dec 06 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
EmmaV wrote:
Is there a site where EQ2 players can put bios and photos like eqfaces?

you can create a bio ingame, and upload ss's, both full screen and paperdoll, to

i'm female irl, and i play eq2, eq, coh, wow, gw, and whatever else strikes me.

my main is always a female high elf enchanter-type with pale skin and auburn hair... the real me :). alts are always male with auburn hair, if available, and i generally roleplay all of my characters, in varying degrees, dependent upon who i'm hanging out with.

reason for the genderswitch?

eq was my first major xp with mmorpgs, and my main was hit on so many times by the time she was 20, and wasnt taken seriously in groups when she'd offer information, that i swore i'd never play another female character. wouldnt have been quite so bad had the boys that did the hitting had some level of finesse :x.

example, which i will never forget: drunk [irl] spoot decided to play dress up with her by runnin to the bank for items she could use and tellin her to try em on, and using *very* bad pickup lines. it finally got so bad that i said, "excuse me, are you drunk?"

"um, yeah, i think maybe a little bit."

"oh good, because i'd hate to know that you actually used that last line sober."

got rid of him, but left a bad taste in my mouth.

so as an experiment, i created a male troll shaman named niteblossom, who hated his mother because she didnt name him something more masculine, and was defensive when anyone mentioned his name. he swaggered a lot, and he was treated with a considerable amount of respect. go figure :).

now that i'm more sure of myself in the genre, years later, it doesnt seem to matter as much, but, somehow, i cant let go of my rule now ;).

Edited, Mon Dec 6 11:11:14 2004 by runyariel
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#24 Dec 06 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
There are many "Gay" guy using female character in the game. Ewwww.... 80% of the female characters in the gamre are played by Male. I got this conclusion according to my 5 years of EQ 1 game play.
#25 Dec 06 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
There are many "Gay" guy using female character in the game

I don't know about the 'Gay' remark. My first EQ toon was female, and I'm far from being gay. The reason I made a female toon was because when I first started playing EQ, I played in third person and figured if I was gonna spend all that time looking at someone's a$$, it was gonna be a female a$$. Smiley: grin

Since then, I played EQ in first person, so all my remaining toons were male. However, the female was still my main, and my most played.

I will agree, however, with the people saying that female toons get hit on all the time. I had one person who hounded me for almost a half hour wanting me to marry him. After numerous times telling him no, trying to roleplay as I did it, I finally had to tell him I was really a guy. That got rid of him.
#26 Dec 06 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Cheerboy, I don't very much appreciate your comments.

First of all, it doesn't even make sense. As part of the GLBT gaming community, I, myself, would *never* play a girl character. Being bisexual, I love everyone but I know a LOT of gay gamers from my FFXI days and those guys would never play girls. Why would they? They're not attracted to girls and most people don't have any trouble coming out of the closet now adays. No non-weirdo gay guy is going to put themselves back in the closet in an online game to get some cheap kicks off of flirting with some "straight male" toon. Unfortunately, you get the creepy weirdo now and then, or the immature pre-teen lookin' to **** someone off. Don't stereotype the entire GLBT gaming community, please.

I play male toons. My ex-boyfriend plays male toons. All the members of the FiveStarFlamers linkshell on the Odin server in FFXI are gay males who play male toons. We have nothing to hide, and neither do we seek to make other gamers uncomfortable. I and my ol' linkshell mates would NEVER make anyone else uncomfortable by randomly hitting on someone unless we knew they were okay with it. If not, y'know, fair enough - we respected that.

Gay gamers are just like most gay people; you can't put a finger on them. If they're respectful and cool, you wouldn't be able to tell them from any straight gamer. Enough with the distinctions people! ^^

I digress, though, back to the topic at hand. I already said that I play male toons - at least for my main. I've been known to have the odd female character mostly as a mule now and then for the reasons IRelate stated. The female characters in games nowadays are just getting too damn sexy. Just as the guys are, so I gotta share the love, y'know?

I mostly play Elven characters, as *typically* they're mostly bisexual - y'know, love is love no matter where it comes from. I've always had a thing for Half Elves . . . Oddly, I even have one pointed ear, haha! Gotta love quirky deformities.

Anyways, take care all. Keep it clean ~.^

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