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Harvesting Rudeness?Follow

#27 Dec 02 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Default
296 posts
This subject has been discussed ad nauseum. I too think it's rude for someone to run up and harvest when clearly you are there first. However, since EVERYONE does it to me, I decided if you can't beat them, join em. Otherwise I am left standing there with nothing -- many times after I have cleared the mobs from the harvest spot. Hmmm did I do that for you, Mr. Ninja harvestor -- obviously not. So I am sorry to say that if you are on a harvest spot, I will run up and harvest with you now as that seems to be the way people want to play it.
#28 Dec 02 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
44 posts
What if you cleared out the fish from the pond that caused a badger den to pop? Is the den then rightfully yours? You worked the area. Perhaps you even cleared out the area from dangerous MOBs.

If not then when does this implied ownership begin? As you run towards it? Once you stand next to it? After your first harvest? How about when you appear in the zone? And why exactly at that moment does it become all yours?
#29 Dec 02 2004 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
normally I just /say ...
#30 Dec 02 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
"What if you cleared out the fish from the pond that caused a badger den to pop? Is the den then rightfully yours? You worked the area. Perhaps you even cleared out the area from dangerous MOBs.

If not then when does this implied ownership begin? As you run towards it? Once you stand next to it? After your first harvest? How about when you appear in the zone? And why exactly at that moment does it become all yours?"

You miss the point. My clearing didn't "cause" the node to pop. The node was there surrounded by mobs, and I cleared them to get to the node. Yes, I think it is mine at that point, not the person who was watching me do it and then ran in to ninja harvest before I could click.
#31 Dec 02 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
44 posts
You miss the point. My clearing didn't "cause" the node to pop.

Actually, I wasn't really addressing your post. In the scenario you described you have the most firm moral ground to claim it as your own...but it is a rp game and they could just be evil jerks in the game (or in real life).
#32 Dec 02 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
If someone does it to me a few times I just start following them around and make sure i get a hit or two one every node they go after. I know it is wasting my time but they catch on pretty quick.

Edited, Thu Dec 2 14:34:10 2004 by Kellek
#33 Dec 02 2004 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Does a vulture stay off a carcass when it sees another eating? (perhaps at first when a few are bigger). No.

Do lions have good table manners? No.

Do cockroaches eat in turn? No.

Ar there hard and fast AND enforced SOE rules on harvesting etiquette? No.

I feel the pain. And generally People (even europeans and humans) are pretty respectful, but it's gunna be just enough of them to drive you nuts.
#34 Dec 02 2004 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
Personally, I wouldn't like to compare myself to a vulture or a each his own, I guess.
#35 Dec 02 2004 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
So its easier to read I have modified it for your reading convenience.


There is no national definition for the term "harvest rage". However, it is commonly defined as a societal condition where harvesters lose their temper in reaction to a harvesting disturbance. In most cases, the harvesting situations encountered are typical of today's normal harvest conditions and higher harvest volumes.

"Aggressive harvesting" refers to an angry harvester attempting to intentionally injure or kill another harvester because of a harvest dispute. Aggressive harvesters react negatively and use their emotes or harvesting skills to retaliate by making sudden, threatening maneuvers. This makes "harvest rage" a serious issue of harvest safety - the safety of yourself and others.

Experts say aggressive harvesting behaviors are triggered by a variety of stimuli. Some are provoked by the actions of another harvester; others are set off by harvest congestion. But, most are caused by the harvesters' own moods and reactions when they get behind the keyboard.

Aggressive Harvester Profile
Persons who exhibit agressive behaviors cross all age, race, socioeconomic and gender lines. Even persons who are usually "mild-mannered" can blow their top behind the keyboard. These persons may only become mad when they're in EQII. However, persons who are characteristically cynics, rude, angry or aggressive are prone to get angry more often. Those persons are "raging" at home, at work and in EQII.

To quote: "Be happy and consider it a treat when you harvest 1 node all to yourself and not bitter and disgruntled when you cannot."
#36 Dec 02 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
As far as i am concerned i think it is wrong. But, if one were to do it to me, i would not hesitate to return the favor. As for people that mind their own buisness, i leave them alone. But, i am not out of the tier 1 zones with 40+ skill in everything, so this really doesnt apply that much to me hehe.
#37 Dec 03 2004 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
IMO I hate the rudness but you have to remember this isn't FFXI nor anyother game. I got after a person for doing and she claimed I was being a hog and what not and after awhile said people coming up to nodes doesn't bother her and she cannot see the animations for harvesting like mentioned aboved. I'm getting used to Node Sharing but I still try to not do this my self. Just get used to it, by complaining you'll **** of people it happened to me *sigh* and I was askign nicely too.
#38 Dec 03 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
if it's a recurring issue, or there are little trains of foragers tracking round the zone harvesting and screaming at each other in ooc... i go to a different area if the zone is big enough, a different instance if available, or a different zone altogether. of course, if someone runs up to forage a node i'm working on, i'll /sigh or /say ... , but only to give him/her a chance to look at what s/he just did.

the best part is... many of the people that i've had do this to me have been after a particular type of node... and if i'm in a small space, i just let them go and stop harvesting. sooner or later, they'll run out of that type of node, and leave, and, at that point, i'll go fishing. it's worked several times :).

i don't mind if someone's been courteous and harvests in the same area i do, and i usually will let that person have a node we've both seen. as a matter of fact, if someone is standing next to a node, fighting or no, i wait to see what that person does with it. if s/he moves on, i harvest it. if that person harvests it, it'll respawn something else anyway :). i only become irritated if people are being inconsiderate, at which point i move on.

in the end, yes, having to forage and not getting the items you are after can be frustrating, but it's not worth getting upset over. if someone's being a hinderpart, in any regard, i remind myself that there's enough space, and enough to do, so that if i get frustrated with one aspect of the game, i can take a break and go do something else. this goes for grouping, too :).

and then there are the alts ... :D. if i'm *really* frustrated... i go roleplay the troll scout, who is rather naïve and will be moving to qeynos as a result of teen angst so that he can sing happy songs when he grows up to be a troubadour. he gets shiny object syndrome a lot, so he goes from harvesting to killing those mean goblins in the blink of an eye :).

y'all have a nice day!
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
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CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#39 Dec 03 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent

It only gets worse, so let it go. Wait until you get to the tier 2 nodes & you run around & all you can see for miles is Shrubs & Fungus, because nobody wants to harvest it, since it isnt worth anything. Then you take the time to harvest 15-20 of these nodes in a row & all of a sudden peeps come from nowhere grabbing the Ore, Logs, Dens, etc...

So, just let it go now, or you will only get more frustrated further on in the game.
#40 Dec 06 2004 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
This happened to me today several times by one particular player. I mentioned /ooc *not naming the player, btw, I try not to be so petty* that harvesting on a claimed "node" was rude. Of course, being from Freeport, about half the people in the C.Lands at the time told me if I wanted nice people to go to Qeynos ~_~

Apparently they can't seperate RP from common game courtesy RL sort of thing. I tried to explain it briefly to them, some of them agreed.... eh, what can I say. There's a lot of asshats out there that seem to think there's nothing wrong with elbowing in on a "claimed" harvest.

I still think it's very rude, and I never do it myself.
#41 Dec 06 2004 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
786 posts
Heh...asshats, I love that word...

Anyway Ive said it before. Its rude yes, and Ill never do it, but SoE left them unlocked so either a) they WANT us to share or b) they just like listening to us *****. Either way its unlocked so its considered a free for all unfortunatly albeit a rude free for all. What we really need is a SoE rep explain why these dont lock, I think with a explanation of sorts it would at least quell some arguments over this topic. Also depending on the graphic setting you really cant see the animations for harvesting, it just looks like the character is standing there (just thought Id clear that up).

#42 Dec 06 2004 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
"If SoE intended to..." is a really weak argument. If they were to set up a rule for every little thing people get exaggerated over, the game will be ready in 5 years and that's without the extra programming work or the HUD layout for the different lock symbols. I doubt the lock on mobs was intended either, they just learned from Experience.

I'm not a hardcore "all 3 Nodes for me", it's just that above argument sounds kinda silly to me.

Anyway, I don't see much reason to "share" points anyway. The second at Node can only harvest once usually, since the one being there first had a head start and can start the 3rd harvest way earlier. So if you only go for other people nodes, you get one chance per node where others get 2 to 3...
Regarding the overall node spawn of an area it's better for the Harvesters in the area to get different nodes even if they don't want this ressource. If everyone takes a node on his own, the overall gathered ressources are more than with "sharing".
#43 Dec 06 2004 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
786 posts
Well this is probably one of those things they should have went the extra mile to layout some type of guidelines on or at least explain their method of madness to it.
#44 Dec 06 2004 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
Stop your whining, its free for all. live with it.
Anyways they lowered all limits to harvest, mining trapping etc in antonica.
I was trapping in antonica with only 26 in trapping.
#45 Dec 06 2004 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
If they were to set up a rule for every little thing people get exaggerated over, the game will be ready in 5 years and that's without the extra programming work or the HUD layout for the different lock symbols. I doubt the lock on mobs was intended either, they just learned from Experience.

It took them more time to code the 3 shareable attempts from a node than it would have taken to just have one single mega-loot (all three at once) on a node. They already had the code written for the mega-loot option for mobs and could have used that if they so chose to. They had to write a new code to do what they did for harvesting nodes. They went through MORE effort, not less, to do it the way they did.
#46 Dec 06 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
I see the problem in Tier 1......but Tier 2 is so spread out (in the commonlands at least) that I don't see the problem. Does Tier 3 resort back to the problems we saw in Tier 1?
#47 Dec 06 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I hope they fix this problem so no more of these threads pop up.

My suggestion, make each node give 1 resource and keep the same spawn rate. That'll fix you. We'll see how nice everyone becomes.
#48 Dec 06 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
If I had scanned down a little when I was posting my harvesting gripes I would have commented instead of posting anew. I dont care what anybody says, you can still be courteous to others. If I see somebody harvesting, I back off and let them have it since they were there first. Public harvesting? That's like saying it's a public bathroom let me sit on the girl in the stall...ok...maybe not but you would have the curtesy if not the common sense to say I'm not gonna sit on the girl already sitting in the stall. After all she might try to swing at you and since I'm not a guy and wouldnt enjoy a chick fight in a bathroom...ahem...digressing... I'm just saying it's irritating and rude for somebody to come up and Harvest steal...That's can kill steal and now you can harvest steal too.
#49 Dec 06 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Just to put a new slant on this.

I play on two screens side by side.

One character gets to a node and starts harvesting - axe/pick swinging in screen and so on.

The other character watching just sees him standing doing nothing for some considerable time, one harvest at least before the harvesting action is apparent.

So that person who seems to be standing idly by the node may already be harvesting - you just haven't caught up with them yet.

And before anyone suggests it the event is consistent, repeatable, and these machines don't lag.

The same sort of thing happens in other online games where your client can update the image with your actions immediately but the server takes it's time letting other clients know about it.

Hopefully the lowering of the Tier 2 requirements will stop all this silliness in Tier 1 zones.

My personal view is to respect those who deserve respect.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#50 Dec 09 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
I do think the reason they are unlocked and have three hits per node is that they wanted us to share. But “to share” meaning, I take one hit and leave the rest to another. And I mean really, there is enough for all. The time spent harvesting is significant to get what you need whether you take from someone else or not so IMO, better off being kind. You never know when you need a friend....

As a newbie, I had no idea any of this was rude until I understood more about leveling and the 3 tier system. Did I really need all those pelts as I tried in vain to get to 40? No, but boy was I pissy when someone hit that trap while I was there… spending nearly 3 hours in Peat Bog to try to get to 40. But since they fixed that, maybe life will be friendlier.

One quick story. I found a nice, quiet harvesting spot in Antonica one evening. I was pretty much by myself. All of a sudden, in my chat window, this gal is threatening to cut my throat. I didn’t even SEE her. I said “Do you have a problem?” She said, “Yea you took my log.” I had already drawn twice from the node, so where was she?? I told her if she spent less time cussing me out and more time looking for what she needed it wouldn’t have been an issue. I swear… the gall of some people’s children.
#51 Dec 10 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
NO your absolutely right - Its damn rude, and they know it.

You don't walk into a restaurant and walk up to someone's plate and take a bite of their food do you? At least not outside the comedy relief shows on TV.

Same thing - stay the hell off my node. Maybe I am desperately seeking 40 pieces of dog-sh*t to turn into the trade-room dude. You do not have a right to interfere and rob me of my questing attempts.

Perhaps if you had not stolen that piece of iron ore - you would have gotten your Iron Bell to put on your head sooner and cheaper from me than anyone else . . . Now cause you robbed me of that final chunk of iron ore - you gotta wait another day cause I cannot find it . . .

It occurs EVERYWHERE! Take a little kid (rude one) and take its parents away - and they begin to act like rude-asses. Same with us adults - if you don't have the moral fiber to not steal in real life if no one is watching . . . your gonna do it while someone IS watching ingame.

I had a young mage loot my node - right in front of me - really he walked up (ran actually) while I was just starting my second harvest and stood right in front of me an looted the third.

When I sent him a tell, "Pardon. Don't wanna start a war but its polite not to harvest an item someone is already harvesting".

His comment? "Well everyone does it to me . . ."

"Ok I understand that - but that doesn't make it right so please stop doing that and maybe folks will see your example and stop doing it to you."

He got into it with me . . . Now he's my very first IGNORE.

No its not right, so don't do it.

Yes folks are gonna rob your node - but that don't make two wrongs a right . . .

DAMN!! I sound just like my parents . . .two wrongs . . . Blah!!

(walks away with a look of wonder, discust and surprise on his face)

Mooska, Barbarian Crusader
Antonia Bayle
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