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Gamespy Poll - EQ2 vs. WoWFollow

#27 Dec 01 2004 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
Warlord subvert wrote:

This is why I never have any post of this game sucks because of this and this game rocks because of that.

Ohhh, really? Is this why you made this ever so sarcastic post about the two gamespot reviews side by side in the WoW forums?

All of you who base your decision on what to play by game review websites (who's main source of revenue is from advertisment from gaming companies) make me sick. Try a game, if you like it.. play it. If not, don't go trying to cram your opinion down other's throats.

I'd wager that it was your sockpuppet trolling these forums with the exact same links this morning.

Sorry, found this little gem which contradicts this guy's statements even more. Couldn't resist:

If Wow doesnt rock your world your just blind and following stupid people to play other games.

If that didnt convice ya lets check the sheer numbers.
#28 Dec 01 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
I'm not saying WoW is a bad game. I don't know, I've never played it. But to me.... the whole idea of open free range PvP is not fun. I learned that in Lineage II. I got slaughtered a few times in that game just doing a simple quest, and along comes some angry person with the need to kill me via pixelated violence style... and I get my *** handed to me. I shrug, go back out...and he's waiting there to do it again.

I don't mind dueling PvP... like, you challenge someone or your party challenges a party to a fight, and they can either decline or accept.

I don't like the look of WoW, and I don't like what I've read about it. It sounds a lot like CoH in terms of "depth".I played CoH for about a month before I was just...bored. Yeah, it was fun to have a super hero that could fly, but after a while ... there was just very little to do.

I have to say that although I don't agree that it's a "all young'uns" game, it does have a "younger" look to it, and the PvP might be geared towards younger audiences that would find that enjoyable. I like the more gritty look of EQ2 and the fact that you can't just rush through levels, you have to learn. You have to work at it, you have to gain skill in both solo and party set ups. This game has much fewer time sinks than FFXI, but I've read WoW has hardly any. To me that says it's made for an audience that would lose interest fast if there wasn't always just fight fight action fight... I'm not saying that's bad, but again that's geared more towards younger gamers, IMHO. A lot of younger players would find EQ2 crafting a bore, where I find it interesting and even fun.

WoW has less to build on, I think even their players agree on that. It doesn't make it a bad game, but I don't think overall it will be as long lived. People will play it like mad, have intense fun for a while...and then one day, log on...find themselves already uber level and with little else to keep them occupied. Give it time, they are both so new anyway, of course people are going to bounce to one or the other at first. I see EQ2 as being alive for a very long time, and yes...overall because of the RP atmosphere it does tend to attract the old farts of gaming in the 20+ bracket, wherein WoW attracts the teens...MORE OFTEN. I know teens that play EQ2 and I know there are some 20+ gamers on WoW, but the feel of both games is meant for an entirely different genre, I think.

Oh, BTW to the poster a few up regarding "nerds vs normal people" lol. Yeah, I'm a bit of a nerd (I work in a big car factory and don't care if my clothes are cool) and so is my husband (I'm female irl) and we've RP'ed for years and done all that nerdy stuff. The people I know that play WoW IRL are 14 and 21, and they are out going and high adreneline types. So I'm not saying it fits in all instances...heh, but in my personal instance, it does fit somewhat.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 15:11:01 2004 by Ivven
#29 Dec 01 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
/emote stares blankly at the numbers....

the numbers say it... so.. it must be so...

WoW is better regardless of what I want for me. Obviously I'm mistaken in my choice 'cause there's no way I know my own likes and dislikes better than someone I've never met who clicked a button on an online poll....

must.. go buy WoW.. the numbers demand it.. I'll laugh.. I'll cry.. it will be better than CATS.

*POOF* turns into lemming

official sarcasm disclaimer
#30 Dec 01 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Its sad when our society sees gangsters, rowdy and disrespectful people as 'normal' and polite and quiet people, the "others", as nerds. Kids and young adults prefer to be categorized into these gangster profiles rather than anything else. Other profiles are seen weak and worthless. Being a gangster is something to look forward to and are looked up to. Great job television and music, keep up the great work! I love you MTV!

Just another reason I feel we have failed as a society. West siiiiiide!
#31 Dec 01 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
*sigh* Now you guys are making this into a conformist issue...

Well, this thread is a lost cause...
#32 Dec 01 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Sorry Redmoon but this thread was a lost cause since the start. Posting a versus thread on anything anywhere is a lost cause. Nothing anyone says, on either side, is going to cause someone to 'see the light'. As a matter of fact, it causes there to be more tension between the groups, which will feel they need to defend their choice.
#33 Dec 01 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Sorry Redmoon but this thread was a lost cause since the start. Posting a versus thread on anything anywhere is a lost cause. Nothing anyone says, on either side, is going to cause someone to 'see the light'. As a matter of fact, it causes there to be more tension between the groups, which will feel they need to defend their choice.

Yeah, I agree. Hell, look at the tension between FFXI and WoW. I'm expecting a taru vs gnome war to emerge any minute now...
#34 Dec 01 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
/emote stares blankly at the numbers....

the numbers say it... so.. it must be so...

I find it funny that EQ2 currently has about half a million current characters on their servers and yet we have ishomishu and LordZanon stating WoW rocks because it has so many more users than other games (since we're obviously so stupid if we don't play WoW).
#35 Dec 01 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Why is this turning into such a serious issue? I found it mildly amusing at best, it's just a useless poll really. Am currently playing both games. EQII is much more appealing to me for many reasons but WoW is not a bad game. If you wanted to see frustration due to PVP you should have tried Ultima Online during the first year of release. Now THAT was crazy.

edit- spellcheck is my friend :)

Edited, Wed Dec 1 15:35:14 2004 by kripke
#36 Dec 01 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
for about a month before I was just...bored.

Ya...thats about me and the life time of Diablo2.

I have to say that although I don't agree that it's a "all young'uns" game, it does have a "younger" look to it, and the PvP might be geared towards younger audiences that would find that enjoyable.

Ya...Diablo2 and BNET junkies. Great crowd if ya ever sit and talk in one of those chats?

and the fact that you can't just rush through levels, you have to learn.

You mean by the time my sorcerous is lvl 99, yours is only lvl 10? Thats why Diablo 2 is so more powerful!

To me that says it's made for an audience that would lose interest fast if there wasn't always just fight fight action fight...

Lets open Diablo 2 and play through the game once or twice for phatlewtz?

People will play it like mad, have intense fun for a while...and then one day, log on...find themselves already uber level and with little else to keep them occupied.

Wanta go PK on some red servers with our sourcerous's?

attracts the teens...MORE OFTEN.

BNet....while loading Diablo...

Ok what game are we talking about here? Seriously, only thing I could think of while reading that is "Diablo 2", not WoW.

Its comparing apples and oranges, a first person shooter to a racing game. I'm very hard pressed to bite my tounge every time someone says WOW is a MMORPG. Why? Its just an upgrade to Diablo for the most part! You zoom through levels with non stop smashing and fighting and you'll be big in no time. No in depth community, no real basis to economy, no real purpose other then smashing away and leveling up faster then others. This isn't a MMORPG, this is the same thing as D2...a "hack and slash." Same line as Dungeon Siege.

Now granted, I've played D2 (and Dungeon Siege), and for what they are, they are good... just they aren't a type of game we would compare EQ2. One, you play through once, maybe twice, or if you are like one of my obsessed Diablo friends, 40 times and make newbies bow down to you before you kill them repeatedly. EQ is a building just don't "play through it." The lvl progression, the economy...all this of WOW suggest its the same type of playthrough as Diablo.

Not saying Diablo is a bad game, just a different game. (Although I am bashing Bnet a bit cause theirs a lot of 'tards on there, my old friend being one of em.)
Not saying WOW is a bad game, just a different game.

So to the WOW junkies that are boasting and bragging... when you play our type of game, then you can talk to me.
#37 Dec 01 2004 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
786 posts
Sigh how long will this be beat into everyones head? Neither game is "better" overall, because both games cater to different likes and dislikes. I will say that WoW has little to no staying power (buddy of mine is level 25 as of Monday). Its more of a fad, itll be cool for a year or so then fizzle. Whereas EQ2 will run much longer (if it follows the same path EQLive did).

As for those wonderful trollers.....heh, if all you can do is try to tick everyone off go back to your kiddie console games cuz you arent welcome here or any where else. No one wants the opinion of an a$$.
#38 Dec 01 2004 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
Wow is actually a lot like EQ1, but it fixes the problems it had and is a lot more fun to play.

EQ2 actually doesn't have that same real world feel that EQ1 had and kinda feels fake. It's hard to explain considering the graphics are pretty nice, but it doesn't feel right. For instance there are armies of mobs standing around and only a few single mobs here and there. IMO these armies of mobs should be the minority while the single mobs should be the majority.

EQ2 death penalty is to harse. Just like the first game people will alienate people and only except certain people they know in the long run due to not wanting to suffer the exp penalty due to someone not knowing their class well.

Leveling still takes to long. 1% exp per kill at early levels seems like some kind of sick joke and this comes from someone who played EQ1 a lot.

The Wow world is bigger and the only zoning is from one continent to the other. There is just more places to go and explore.

The group combat system in EQ2 is another thing to keep people out of groups. It isn't hard to master, but people have little petience for new players that don't know how to use it. More alienation.

The crating system in EQ2 IMO is to hard. Sometimes simplicity is bliss and in this case I believe WoWs crating system is better. Anyone can use the WoW crafting sytem, but the EQ2 crafting system lots of reading and study to figure out how to make things.

The quest system in Wow is so much easier to use. If the person has a quest for your level they have a yellow exclimation point above their head. In EQ2 you have to talk to every NPC to find out if they have a quest. Once you have the quest you can tell how difficult it is, but not until you find the NPC first and accept it.

PvP in the endgame of WoW should sustain it until exspansion while EQ2 will rely on the amount of time it takes to level to max to bide time for their next exspansion.

Anyway both are good games to an extent though EQ2 is more work and less fun. Play what you like in the end. I believe both will be around for a while to come.
#39 Dec 01 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
nerds play eq2 and the rest play wow. i play eq2
Nerd! Smiley: lol

Believe it or not, most of the people who are playing these games have computers in their homes, many have families, and friends, and social lives that you know nothing about. You only saw a small subsect of the game population.

If you're correct in your definition of "nerd" versus "normal", I'll take the nerds any day of the week.
#40 Dec 01 2004 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
786 posts
Oh s***!!!!!! had basis for your opinions!!!! RATE UP! RATE UP! I agree on alot of what you pointed out.....RATE UP! YAY!!

Really I liked both games alot...I just wish peole didnt compare them so much, just take each for what its worth.
#41 Dec 01 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Gamespy is great, if one likes spa, or cares about vote numbers.
#42 Dec 01 2004 at 11:00 PM Rating: Good
97 posts
Pre-launches I was actually leaning toward WoW, but now that I have played both games I'm going with EQII all the way. EQII is just too superior in too many ways, not all mind you but most.

And uhh...I just hate the attitude most people have on WoW. The attitude is why sucks.
#43 Dec 01 2004 at 11:05 PM Rating: Default
#44 Dec 02 2004 at 4:26 AM Rating: Good
29 posts
I guess it depends on whether you're the type of person who can enjoy in-game rewards for doing nothing. Yes, EQ2 asks more of you if you want to progress. Hurray for that.

IMO WoW was made for whinergamers who want their loot and levels and want it now and don't want to be bothered much with whatever gets in their way of getting it. Whaaaaaah! It's too hard!!! EQ2 isn't hard. It just asks that you put in the effort commensurate with the reward. WoW rewards you for merely attending.

Edited, Thu Dec 2 04:28:49 2004 by EricOF
#45 Dec 02 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
EQ2 just seems to be a much better fit for my obsessive compulsive disorder.
#46 Dec 02 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
"I guess it depends on whether you're the type of person who can enjoy in-game rewards for doing nothing. Yes, EQ2 asks more of you if you want to progress. Hurray for that.

IMO WoW was made for whinergamers who want their loot and levels and want it now and don't want to be bothered much with whatever gets in their way of getting it. Whaaaaaah! It's too hard!!! EQ2 isn't hard. It just asks that you put in the effort commensurate with the reward. WoW rewards you for merely attending. "

I have to disagree with this. Many of the quests are difficult to complete though a lot can be done solo no doubt. Yes a lot of nice items with randomly drop off random mobs, but the best items come from instances (group only) and raids at higher levels.

This is the knock people keep putting on WoW, but really it will take a lot of people a lot of time to level up. Only the hard core will reach level 60 fast. Once you get to 20 it slows down and once your reach 30 it will start to take a while to level up.

I think the more appropriate way to put what you said is if you like to punish yourself EQ2 is for you while if you like to have fun WoW is for you. At least IMO.
#47 Dec 02 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
First off, I am not an EQ2 hater ;-)

I think that while polls can be misleading, the sales stats are not. 240,000+ copies sold....first day... says alot for WoW. I like WoW mostly due to the relaxed atmosphere, PvP system, and heck... I DO like the cartoonish graphics. I am 27 as of today.

As for EQ2, I have no doubt that I will eventually play it. It looks good, for certain. Bottomline is that the two games are not even really comparable, save for the fact that they are both MMO.

Polls are great, but WoW is obviously not a bad game, open beta and first day sales show there is a strong following.

My best advice to you is to not worry about which game is "better", because even FFXI has die-hard players that will be there til the end. EQ1 still has a strong following.

Play what fits you, and don't give the competition a second thought.

EDIT: As an aside, WoW levels faster, but if you think time sinks = skill, then you are sadly mistaken ;-) WoW is geared for end-game. The entire system is set up so that people can play where they want to play most, maxed levels and raiding. The highest levels in WoW are only slightly above those in EQ2, with 10 more levels that somewhat compensate for the faster leveling time. I suppose I defend the faster pace since I had to play through the Hell known as FFXI. Want to feel like you REALLY earned something? Spend TEN HOURS looking for a party as a blm. =P

EQ2 is likely alot faster than FFXI ever could be, does that mean EQ2 is an easy game, and that everyone should play FFXI if they want a "real challenge"? I think not. The player base in WoW has been very mature, you get your knuckleheads every now and then, but as a whole it was a pleasant surprise.

People who play WoW are not the "whiners" that you want to call them, they just prefer to not spend 80 hours a week to keep up with the Jones'.

Edited, Thu Dec 2 12:48:57 2004 by Quaxotl
#48 Dec 02 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Yes sales say a lot. Myst was still the number one selling title last year. And the year before. And the year before that. And yet that other year...

Edit: Spider-man 2 for the PC sold millions as well. What were the reviews on that? What did customers think? What about The Matrix video game sales? Oh no, no hype there.

Sales numbers make a great and fun game. Its all about the numbers. If it sells a ton, it must be the best game ever. Only morons don't play best sellers.

Edited, Thu Dec 2 12:51:52 2004 by Tocopheryl
#49 Dec 02 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
I don't understand some of the posts in the thread bashing the use of game reviews.

I thought game reviews (as with any other type of review) are intended to inform potential buyers about the game BEORE they spend any money on it. This is particularly usefull for PC software since very few retailers will accept returns of opened software packages because "you didn't like it."

All of you who base your decision on what to play by game review websites (who's main source of revenue is from advertisment from gaming companies) make me sick. Try a game, if you like it.. play it. If not, don't go trying to cram your opinion down other's throats.

Umm, I don't think people read reviews to decide whether or not they like a game they already own. They read reviews to decide whether or not a game is worth buying.

Also, I don't necessarily trust the opinion of a professional reviewer, so browsing the forums too see other player's feedback helps me decide whether to buy a game or not. I want to know what other people think of games. Don't tell people to shut-up just because you don't like or agree with their opinion.

I'd love to be able to buy every product in the world and only keep the ones I like. But I don't have that much money or time.

Edited, Thu Dec 2 13:05:57 2004 by Sonnette
#50 Dec 02 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
Yes sales say a lot. Myst was still the number one selling title last year. And the year before. And the year before that. And yet that other year...

Edit: Spider-man 2 for the PC sold millions as well. What were the reviews on that? What did customers think? What about The Matrix video game sales? Oh no, no hype there.

Sales numbers make a great and fun game. Its all about the numbers. If it sells a ton, it must be the best game ever. Only morons don't play best sellers.

Edited, Thu Dec 2 12:51:52 2004 by Tocopheryl

While I admire your use of sarcasm, I don't find your lack of reading comprehension all that amusing.

I didn't say sales were the end-all for the debate. As a matter of fact, I never said there was any debate to begin with. My point was

A) The game is obviously not bad, and the above posted poll is probably not that far from the mark. WoW sold alot, and if nothing else, it shows there was alot of backing for it... causing the results of the above listed poll.


B) Personal preference rules all. Some people like the seamless zones, perfectly melded art, PvP, and ease of casual play in WoW. Others like the game to take a bit longer, enjoy EQ2's high-end graphics (albeit a few very poor models mixed in), as well as some of the cool features like the class system, etc, etc.

Regardless of your angry opinions, WoW is NOT B.Net, at all.

I am not here to advocate WoW, I am here to advocate personal choice, and the fact that people get so heated over something so silly as this topic, when they could just go play their favorite game and not worry about it.

But thanks, Tocopheryl, for completely missing my point.
#51 Dec 02 2004 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I am neither angry nor did I miss your point. I am simply pointing out that throwing numbers out is meaningless as is a poll or a versus thread. If you read my previous post, threads like this one do nothing to enrich anyone's play experience.

From my understanding polls and versus threads are started for a the following reasons: (please note that I may miss some)

1) The owner of said title saw a bad review and wants someone to back them up on their game. Justify or make him feel good over his purchase. Gain support and remove doubt that he purchased the correct game.
2) Is madly in love with said title and is enraged that someone said something bad about it.
3) Feels others are idiots for not playing said title.
4) Needs help formulating an opinion as to why said title is the bestest thing ever and why they are hooked.
5) Needs help defending said title from trolls because they are unable to do it themselves.
6) Defends their game against all non-believers and will destroy anyone that doesn't agree.
7) Is a troll.
8) Wishes to help others understand their point of view or his point of view... which eventually attracts trolls.
9) Wants to know the general opinion on 2 games they like but don't want to play or don't have the time to play both... which will attract trolls. Doesn't work because forums are biased on their title. ie: posting EQ2 vs WoW thread on an EQ2 forum.
10) Educate the masses on a game which is very fun... which ends up in flame wars because someone is a troll or does not agree.

Once again, I didn't miss your point. I simply chose to reply to 1 thing you said in it because I had already replied to the rest in previous posts. Opening numbers mean nothing. Scooby Doo movie had an opening weekend in the 100 millions (I believe).. it was out of theaters in less than a month. Staying power has nothing to do with initial pre-orders and sales.
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