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Gamespy Poll - EQ2 vs. WoWFollow

#1 Nov 30 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
34 posts
First off, yes I realize this is silly..I am bored at work what can I say.

I was surprised to see so many votes in favor of WOW. To each their own I suppose...I cast my vote toward EQ2 personally lol..

My first guess is that Gamespy is not a popular place for EQ2 players to visit, or maybe EQ2 players are too busy enjoying the game *shrug*. Oh well, another meaningless poll? (marketing gimick)
#2 Nov 30 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
1,576 posts
IMHO,,, etc. reeks of the type of audience that WoW is trying to attract. They cater to the latest and greatest (i.e. best marketing campaign) type crowds. The previous poll which showed the level of anticipation of the two games before their release demonstrates this.

Do this poll again in a year and see where all the WoW supporters are.. My guess is they won't be playing WoW anymore because it doesn't seem to have any sort of staying quality.

Edited, Tue Nov 30 14:06:45 2004 by subvert
#3 Nov 30 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
I don't know others but I don't visit those sites frequently, let alone vote.
#4 Nov 30 2004 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
27 posts
Gamespy and Gamespot are both frequented by people that play console games.

Many younger people play console games.

Many younger people are attracted to WoW.

I would guess for every 25 14 year old Junior High kids that voted for WoW, one adult voted for EQ2 simply because more kids (/gasp) play games than adults. Kids are also, as mentioned above, more likely to frequent these sites.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what anyone says, it's what you enjoy. I enjoy EQ2. I played WoW and couldn't stand it. That's my opinion, and it's the only one that matters to me.
#5 Nov 30 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
900 posts
I would guess for every 25 14 year old Junior High kids that voted for WoW, one adult voted for EQ2 simply because more kids (/gasp) play games than adults. Kids are also, as mentioned above, more likely to frequent these sites.

I agree that more kids will look at those sites, but the average age of a "gamer" is 28.
#6 Nov 30 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts

Many younger people play console games.

Many younger people are attracted to WoW.

I would guess for every 25 14 year old Junior High kids that voted for WoW, one adult voted for EQ2 simply because more kids (/gasp) play games than adults. Kids are also, as mentioned above, more likely to frequent these sites.

Pardon my french but this is pure bull. What Buzzltyear da Basher says is true. Im 28 heading to 29 have a wife and child and i enjoy playing videogames regardless if they are pc or console games.

It also sickens me to see that many of you use the term WOW is for kids and claim no mature player is on that game.

Guess what ignorant and immature people are on every MMo i know save EVE online. Also some of those immature people are adults. Stating "i joined x game because y game has a immature community" is lame. You choosed the game you like because you prefered that gamestlye. I chosen the mmo i like because i Like the game.

Browse the wow fourms and look for the threads of people checking out what is the average age of players are , youll be suprized.

If your gonna talk about a game use somthing constructive, Not some lame "bnetkiddies or immature people crap , thats in all games.

here are 2 ex of constructive reviews and comments about both games.

These are reviews by someone whos Job is to review games. Note that in none of the reviews he does not use the term immatue players and whatnot.

I know the 1st thing thats gonna come up your mind is to state that company is baised and all.

there is another review of a different website.

Thats why i leave the reviewing to the pros, to preople who do not prefer one or the others. This is why I newver have any post of this game sucks because of this and this game rocks because of that.

I am a person who loves to browse around all the boards, why because i am interested in the games when i post in their forums. IM giving eq2 a try once i beef up my computer. However I hate to see how people bash a game because "only young immature people will play it"

(ps: Just in case English is not my primary language)

Edited, Tue Nov 30 16:13:10 2004 by LordZanon
#7 Nov 30 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts

This is why I newver have any post of this game sucks because of this and this game rocks because of that.

Ohhh, really? Is this why you made this ever so sarcastic post about the two gamespot reviews side by side in the WoW forums?

All of you who base your decision on what to play by game review websites (who's main source of revenue is from advertisment from gaming companies) make me sick. Try a game, if you like it.. play it. If not, don't go trying to cram your opinion down other's throats.

I'd wager that it was your sockpuppet trolling these forums with the exact same links this morning.

Edited, Tue Nov 30 16:34:52 2004 by subvert
#8 Nov 30 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
I would guess for every 25 14 year old Junior High kids that voted for WoW, one adult voted for EQ2"

Im 14 and i think WoW sucks @$$ lol i loved EQ1 and i love EQ2 even more, and people i know that thought of buying WoW i convinced to play EQ2 instead =P
#9 Nov 30 2004 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
Blizzard has made some very good games. WC, WC2 and SC being their three greatest creations. I know some people, like me, were very skeptical of WoW because of the terrible system called It was a unique system in that it provided a place for people to play games for free online, so I give them credit for that.

The problem is the servers were constantly being trolled by PK Guilds who did nothing but collect ears for fun using programs that hacked their characters to make them Godlike characters. This turned me off from online gaming for a while because I am someone who likes to cooperate than compete.

RPGs should be about cooperation, sports games are for competing. *shrugs* That's just my 2 copper worth on that opinion though.

As for game review sites, yeah I tend to go there just to get a feel for a game before I try it, but I rarely listen to them. Those sites and the gaming mags are basically trying to ***** out the latest & greatest from the bigger game companies, so I tend not to go by their opinion, but the opinions of people who enjoy the same kinds of games I do.

As a side, I'd trust that poll's validity as much as I would any poll found on GameFAQs.
#10 Dec 01 2004 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
786 posts
Its due to the site. Gamespy draws a crowd thats more geared to WoW then EQ2. Now not saying WoW is geared towards children its just these kids have grown up playing Blizzard games for years now (especially Diablos and Warcrafts) not EQ. Not to mention EQ has a more mature looking enviroment compared to WoW, this turns off alot of those younger people. Whereas EQ has realistic looking characters and enviroments WoW has a more fantasy feel with its almost cartoony graphics. The younger people (most not all) enjoy this look more then the near realistic style of EQ. I know lots of older people who play WoW (Im starting an account in a week or 2) but there WILL be a large amount of the younger gamers there.
#11 Dec 01 2004 at 3:40 AM Rating: Excellent
1,430 posts
Wow...and I thought the guys in the FFXI was insecure about their choice in MMOs. We have one guy generalizing sites such as Gamespot and Gamespy, stating that they attract the kiddies. All I have to say is this: would you have said the same thing if EQ2 was winning in popularity in those sites? I think not.

As for the person stating that it was all about the marketing, he is partially right and partially wrong. The marketing of WoW was simple, to the point and was basically drawing those who enjoyed the revious entries of the series. EQ2 went down a similar route, trying to make their stance on how MMO became popular in the first place: because of them. Here is the biggest problem: It became a battle of reputation. EQ in general had some mixed press regarding the game and how it effects others. This added to the fact that the game created problems that all MMOs face by design, such as the level grind. Not to mention the frustrations found ingame and the bugs that drove people mad with anger during certain points of the game (some still suffered) They see that in EQ and apply that to EQ2.

I'm not going to comment on EQ2 much because I simply haven't played the game yet. I can't really say I would, either. The game doesn't attract me much. The art direction, EQ's past reputation and time sinks pushes me away from the game. I have played WoW and as you can tell, it's my new home. I love the style, the pacing and I love how fun it can be no matter how long I have to play. In other words, there are things I wanted from a MMO that EQ2 didn't I went to WoW. Simple.

Just play what appeals to you more and quit complaining how the popularity of one game is hurting the success of the other, okay? EQ2 isn't going offline anytime soon...
#12 Dec 01 2004 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Yes I agree with what the above poster says. Just play the game you like the most and don't base your decision purely on reviews. They are often misleading and subjective.
#13 Dec 01 2004 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
27 posts
It also sickens me to see that many of you use the term WOW is for kids and claim no mature player is on that game.

My comment is not completely uninformed. I have played WoW. It struck me as a "cartoony" game. That screams kids to me. Sorry, that's how I see it. I never claimed that zero adults play it. Even I enjoy watching cartoons from time to time. I also never mentioned "bnetkiddies." You invoked that term yourself.

I disliked WoW for two reasons. One was the afforementioned "cartoony" look. The second was that I saw nothing new or innovative in the game at all. It had the exact same elements, and only those elements, of every other MMORPG I have ever played. They didn't come up with anything new. In fact the only thing I found was that rogues could stun from the front, allowing them to run around and backstab for insane damage. Interesting idea.

Here's something that may surprise you too. I trust SoE about as far as I could throw them. I played an enchanter in EQ1. SoE totally destroyed the enchanter class with PoP and every expansion that followed. Yet I picked EQ2 to play. Why? Because it looked more enjoyable and innovative to me. When I played it, I had fun, I did new things...WoW felt like a mix between EQ1 and FFXI with Warcraft III graphics.

would you have said the same thing if EQ2 was winning in popularity in those sites? I think not.

No....but is EQ2 winning in popularity on those sites? Obviously not. So what exactly is your point?

In fact, since we're asking rhetorical questions, allow me to ask one of my own. If WoW came out in the exact same form as it is now, only under the name of an unknown producer instead of "Blizzard," do you think it would be nearly as popular as it is?

Edited, Wed Dec 1 09:32:02 2004 by DEDefiler
#14 Dec 01 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
i love eq2, but the gamespot video review is right.

the game is nothing new in terms of gameplay, and loading times are long compared to WoW.
#15 Dec 01 2004 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with you DEDiler. I too played WoW beta and I felt the same way.

Oh and on a side note, you can stun from the front and backstab in EQII as well. I use that tactic frequently on my predator, Cheap Shot, turn off attack, run around the side or back, Sneak Attack, that is the tactic. You have to turn attack off so you do not break the 5sec stun. =)

Edited, Wed Dec 1 11:13:19 2004 by qaedar

Edited, Wed Dec 1 11:12:25 2004 by qaedar
#16 Dec 01 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
There are always many ppl "Try" out any new released game if its from any big game company. As Warlord Subvert scholar said, do the poll in a year later and see the result.

My friend was in WoW beta, he told me many players in there were kids.
#17 Dec 01 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Default
Quote(Gamespy and Gamespot are both frequented by people that play console games.

Many younger people play console games.

Many younger people are attracted to WoW.

I would guess for every 25 14 year old Junior High kids that voted for WoW, one adult voted for EQ2 simply because more kids (/gasp) play games than adults. Kids are also, as mentioned above, more likely to frequent these sites.)

What a shovenistic, racist, ageist person you are I guess I will definately not play EQ2 if you are there life is too short to deal with people like you. WOW is played by 15 times the amount of people as EQ2 so they can't all be kids and I can list about 100 people in my guils that are 30 and over.
#18 Dec 01 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
WOW is played by 15 times the amount of people as EQ2 so they can't all be kids

Wooo hoo! We get a surprise visit from the imaginary number fairy today! Take those numbers and put them back in the *** that you pulled them from.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 13:42:46 2004 by subvert
#19 Dec 01 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
198 posts
This entire thread is pointless and meaningless. Votes are not going to count for anything. People playing aren't either. If you like a game, you will play it. That's that. If a game is catered to a specific audience, that's also fine. You will either find that you fit in or don't in that audience. Because 1 billion viewers watch the Superbowl each year that's not going to make me want to watch it. Because CSI is the most viewed or highly rated show on TV, that doesn't make me watch it. I don't enjoy Football nor do I watch TV or CSI for that matter. Different tastes for different folks.

What caused me to post in this thread is ishomishu's post. Blizzard games (all of them) are catered to a specific audience and DEDefiler created a post trying to decipher that audience. Now ishomishu comes here and calls him sexist, racist and ageist because he believes that WoW caters to that audience. I'm sorry, I don't usually use this word (I'm not MJ) but that's just ignorant and an attack against DEDefiler.

I believe, and I posted this a while ago, that WoW attracts the WC, SC, Diablo, etc. crowd which has done nothing to enrich my gaming. Not in one of those games did I find a community that I fit in or that I enjoyed being a part of. That is the reason I will stay away from WoW and that is what I wrote in a previous thread that I created. I have found communities in UO, EQ, DOAC, FFXI and now EQII that I felt welcomed and a part of. I was in the WoW forums for 30 minutes and found not 1 interesting subject or post. Everything was, to me, garbage. I was not what so ever impressed by the juvenile attitude in the WoW forums.

Now, those forums do not speak for the entire WoW community but they are one of the vast majority which I do not wish to deal with during my play time. Posts like "I will kill you in PvP" or "My class is so much better than yours" are, to me, pointless and meant to inflame and cause trash talk.

I read a post that someone made saying "EQII is so much better. You start off on a boat when a dragon comes and burns the boat and a goblin escapes. You have to put out the fire and kill the goblin and.. ." The post goes on and on how the player learns how to play the game using quests and through the story. The next reply was "I don't need some stupid story to tell me how to kill a goblin. Just put me there so I can get to the killing! I don't want to waste my time with this crap." That is what separates the EQII community and game from the WoW community and game.
#20 Dec 01 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
I have a friend who plays both. I've known him since we played FFXI together. FFXI was his first MMO (never played EQ) but he bought both EQ2 and WoW on release day. He's been playing EQ2 more because he likes the poeple who play EQ2 more, and he feels that the general audience in WoW is more immature than EQ2. He's said that many people will not help you out and people generally keep to themselves in WoW.

Now, perhaps he's just not met the right people, but I don't think that's the case. They have a clan going (Kindred Circle is a cross game group of players) so it's not like he doesn't have people to play with. I think his view is just a general idea of what he sees, and nothing more.

I'll be honest. I've always held to the belief that EQ2 and WoW both cater to different markets. There's lots of stuff that's the same, but they both have their differences. I haven't played WoW and don't plan on it simply because of the things I've heard comming from people who have.

Also, any MMO that has a que just doesn't deserve my time. They've said over and over again how much of a "solo, sit down and play for 20 minutes and get something accomplished" type of game it is but with the que you have to play out time to play, especially since you may be in the que for over an hour (two of my IRL friends play, I've watched them play, and I've laughed at them as they sit in the que for over an hour.)

Anyway, I'm off topic. IMO, WoW does generally attract a younger audience. Now I'm not saying that all gamers who play WoW are immature. I'm saying that the general age range (and therefore the general maturity, since most kids under a certain age ARE immature; or they wouldn't be kids) is lower than EQ2.
#21 Dec 01 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
What a shovenistic, racist, ageist person you are I guess I will definately not play EQ2 if you are there life is too short to deal with people like you.

So you're calling me sexist, racist, and "ageist" based off of what I've said about who's playing WoW?

I'm gonna stop with this arguement now folks, I think that quote pretty much reinforces anything I've said so far anyway.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 14:16:43 2004 by DEDefiler
#22 Dec 01 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
In fact, since we're asking rhetorical questions, allow me to ask one of my own. If WoW came out in the exact same form as it is now, only under the name of an unknown producer instead of "Blizzard," do you think it would be nearly as popular as it is?

I do believe so simply because of the love put into the game, the ease of gameplay and the personality/style. It's the same way how Farcry came from an unknown developer and managed to be a runaway success. You have, however, missed the point of that question. You see, various people generalized the game sites because they "attracted the kiddies" simply because of the popularity of both games and how they compared to each other. WoW is clearly ahead in popularity. And this affects your time in EQ2 because?

Just let it go and enjoy your time in EQ2. No need to bash WoW and its supporters simply because the numbers are not on your side.

#23 Dec 01 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
Just let it go and enjoy your time in EQ2. No need to bash WoW and its supporters simply because the numbers are not on your side.

This whole thing started from WoW users trolling these forums. To be honest, I couldn't care any less about WoW or who plays it. I do mind people coming in here and telling me I should play WoW because a website told me to.
#24 Dec 01 2004 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Said I was done, but I've been asked a question:

Actually I'm just gonna quote this. Saves me some effort. Thank you Warlord Subvert
This whole thing started from WoW users trolling these forums. To be honest, I couldn't care any less about WoW or who plays it. I do mind people coming in here and telling me I should play WoW because a website told me to.
#25 Dec 01 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
689 posts
Any game made by Blizzard is going to destroy any other game in the same genre in any type of poll, based purely on the company's massive fanbase. The problem with polls on sites like, as stated before, is that they are pretty much rigged from the start - the types of people that peruse those sites are generally the types that will buy the latest game because the advertisements compelled them to - not because the game itself is good or bad.

I'm not knocking on WoW, either - I participated in the beta, and was impressed for a while, but it simply isn't my type of game. It comes off as SWG with prettier colors and better quests - not exactly my cup 'o' tea. If my focus was a PVP experience in the endgame, I wouldn't be playing EQ2. Instead, I am looking for a game which satisfies my soloing and partying needs, with a rewarding crafting system. EQ2 has that, and WoW does not.

Polls can't be trusted, or expected to be fair. Just look at this years elections.
#26 Dec 01 2004 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
i'm gonna get alot of flames for this but here goes...

i use to work at a internet cafe and there seems to be an obvious stereotype among those who played eq1 and blizzard games. those who played eq1 looked like...hate to say it but here goes...nerds. usually overweight with snicker wrappers around his computer or skinny loner kid with glasses. of course there were those who weren't "nerds" who played also. but eq1 customers were always polite and quiet. they would check-in, kept to themselves, and paid when they left. age ranges around 14-40.

those that played games like wc3 or sc were normal/popular kids or young adults. but the problem was that they would constantly cuss at each other across the room and other times i would have to stop fights between them. not just junior high kids but also young adults 20-30. eventually i stopped trying to stop the fights and would just tell them to fight outside where we would all go watch. some memebers were even from gangs and it became a problem when there would be gang fights or drive bys. sad ain't it? gangsters killing each other over cs, sc, or wc3.

i eventually quit and went back to school but i still visit my old job or other internet cafes from time to time and nowadays...i see a group or "nerds" playing eq2 and others playing wow. point is...i dont' think the immature wow players and mature eq2 players are from age differences but the type of people. nerds play eq2 and the rest play wow. i play eq2 but plan to start wow after finals since i have more friends playing wow. nerds avoid confrontation and are polite either because they don't have many friends or just raised as a better person. da others were those who cared less about making internet friends when they already have a social life and get into confrontation because of too much pride. maybe they have something to prove because they feel nerdy playing computer games? i wouldn't know.

i'm not saying ALL players meet this stereotype but alot do.

this is the trend i noticed and sorry if i offended anyone. just a theory i have. anyone else agree?
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