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Character Names...Follow

#1 Nov 24 2004 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Ok I get how you can't have names that offend people like cuss words and racial slurs... But how many people get offended by a Erudite named Evilerudite...I know its not exactly an original thought up name but it isn't in the least offensive to me.

Ok to the point, I went afk to go to the store and come back to find a tell from another player...

Snowflake tells you, "reported your name."
Snowflake tells you, "next time, choose a name that doesn't ruin the fantasy environment."
Snowflake tells you, "but I do hope you have a happy thanksgiving. adios"

Now what part of a Ratonga named Snowflake doesn't ruin a Fantasy Environment? Some people need to grow up and get a friggin life....

#2 Nov 24 2004 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
lol that sucks :\ my condolences to you .. lol if your looking for a good name just get a lotr one >.> cant go wrong with one of those heh.. ("Amrod" is lotr.. no one has given me grief about that name o.O.. then again no one even recognises that its lotr...)
#3 Nov 25 2004 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Well so far I've not heard anything from a GM or whatever they are called in the game but still I think the whole point was stupid...
#5 Nov 25 2004 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
names like yours aren't often an issue.

Some of the names I have seen that warrant reporting...





I don't mind a name like "Crazyguy", though folks really should be more inventive, but the above 4 got my vote for getting changed.
#6 Nov 25 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Well, at least they hope you have a happy thanksgiving :P
#7 Nov 25 2004 at 1:22 AM Rating: Good
103 posts
That just stinks man. Its not like we are playing on one of the roleplaying severs so what does it matter if the name is not "fantasy environment friendly". Neither was his if you think about it. I mean come on snowflake, whats this guys problem. Anyway nest time tell him to stuff it, no one made him look at you name. If he don't like it tell him to look the other way. Its not you name was rude or offensive. Oh well let me stop here. In closing I do not think you have to worry about anything evil. Your name in no way violates the TOS so who cares what one insignificant person thinks.

Edited, Thu Nov 25 01:22:52 2004 by Amelthia

Edited, Thu Nov 25 01:24:08 2004 by Amelthia
#8 Nov 25 2004 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Thanks guys but of course I knew da Fuzz would back

Smiley: boozing Smiley: chug to da Fuzz...
#9 Nov 25 2004 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
It may in some way violate the naming rules that you agree to when you sign in every time. The fact that you mention "erudite" in the name might be enough for them to force a change. Maybe not though.

I guess you'll find out if/when a GM contacts you.
#10 Nov 25 2004 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Ok explain how my character using Erudite violates any user agreement with them since I'm using their game and thier character as well as having registered that name with them for their forums....

Please make some sense on that one as what I was talking about was 1 person being a smart@ss about my name cause they didn't think it fit their fantasy world very good.

And its been over 6 hours since I got the tell and no GM has spoken to me at all as of yet....
#11 Nov 25 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
70 posts
Well I really don't think you will get a tell from such an issue, they have more things on their mind than dealing with that. And the guy might not even have report you anyway. I mean I would not take 2 minutes of my time to write about someone's name as stupid as it may get.

Although I agree that originality in a name is a + in someone's caractere. I have been using Dniem in FFXI, SWG, RO, RM and EQ II now, so it's my very own personality. Even people I used to knwo in those games come back to me in another one and ask me if it's really me, so it's quite nice. So I think eveyrone should find something original and authentic to themself and stick with it.
#12 Nov 25 2004 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
dniem wrote:
Well I really don't think you will get a tell from such an issue, they have more things on their mind than dealing with that. And the guy might not even have report you anyway. I mean I would not take 2 minutes of my time to write about someone's name as stupid as it may get.

Although I agree that originality in a name is a + in someone's caractere. I have been using Dniem in FFXI, SWG, RO, RM and EQ II now, so it's my very own personality. Even people I used to knwo in those games come back to me in another one and ask me if it's really me, so it's quite nice. So I think eveyrone should find something original and authentic to themself and stick with it.

Nice honestly I wanted the name Hellspawn but it wouldn't let me have it and the only other one my guild would recognize was Evilerudite as my mule that became my main was Evilmithra on FF. Trust me I have a couple alts with more of an original name but hey I wanted my guild to recognize me so we could get it started up quick as possible and ya know to stay with my guild I had to start good or I woulda been in the Evil city so having Evil in my name was the best I could
#13 Nov 25 2004 at 2:59 AM Rating: Good
Why on earth was I rated down for telling you that there are rules about naming? I wasn't wishing you any ill will, just being straight with you.

God, people on this forum are such children sometimes.

I said it "might" be in violation, and suggested you more closely read the naming convention. Hell, send a call in to a GM and ask them directly. Or hey! Be a little bit more original, if you can manage.

In any game you play with other people, there are going to be those who feel the need to comment on what you're doing. No, it wasn't really this guy's business, but we have been asked as players to report those whose names are in violation. Sure, I think he had better stuff he could have been doing, but what does it really matter anyway? You can't possibly have been so attached to the name "Evilerudite" that your world would end if you couldn't use it.

Edited, Thu Nov 25 03:03:56 2004 by Miravelle
#14 Nov 25 2004 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
people need to stop careing so much
#15 Nov 25 2004 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Miravelle wrote:
Why on earth was I rated down for telling you that there are rules about naming? I wasn't wishing you any ill will, just being straight with you.

God, people on this forum are such children sometimes.

I said it "might" be in violation, and suggested you more closely read the naming convention. Hell, send a call in to a GM and ask them directly. Or hey! Be a little bit more original, if you can manage.

In any game you play with other people, there are going to be those who feel the need to comment on what you're doing. No, it wasn't really this guy's business, but we have been asked as players to report those whose names are in violation. Sure, I think he had better stuff he could have been doing, but what does it really matter anyway? You can't possibly have been so attached to the name "Evilerudite" that your world would end if you couldn't use it.

Edited, Thu Nov 25 03:03:56 2004 by Miravelle

First off all I was asking was you to explain why you changed it to a violation of user agreement and I guess you assumed it was me that rated you down as you rated down every post of mine in here....
Quit being such an @ss about your d@mn rating and grow up...or go back to the FF boards one....
#16 Nov 25 2004 at 3:17 AM Rating: Good
I said that you might want to check out the naming rules, which are included in the agreement you sign when you play the game. How more clear can I be? If that makes you angry, I can't help you. I wasn't trying to be unpleasant in my first post, but I guess the fact that someone might actually agree that your chosen name was stupid (regardless of the relevance of that opinion) was just too much for you.

Just for your reference:

Moorgard wrote:
The Naming Privilege Policy applies to the following naming options in EverQuest II:
First Names
Guild Names
House Pet Names
Any naming options that may be implemented in future expansions or updates
All of the names you find in the world of EverQuest II should reflect the genre of the game. Original, high-fantasy style names are desired, but all naming options in EverQuest II will be subject to the following Policies.

The following types of names are inappropriate:
1. Vile, profane, rude, or racist names including common swear words, anatomical references, racial slurs, and homonyms of these words.
2. Combinations of words that produce an offensive result (e.g. Hugeaz, Tug Mcgroin).
3. Names of religious, occult, or significant historic origin (e.g. Jesus, Allah, Satan, Stalin, Angel, Devil, Demon).
4. Trademarked names of products, services, or concepts (e.g. , Marlboro, Sony, Band-Aid).
5. Non-fantasy oriented names from popular media. These names can be either fictional (e.g. Rambo, Darthvader) or non-fictional (e.g. Garth Brooks, Pierce Brosnan, Ronald Reagan, Michael Jordan).
6. Common words and phrases that would not be found in the place and time setting of the game (e.g. Switchblade, Phaser, Toaster, Sloegin, Anyone). This includes references to drug substances or drug related paraphernalia. (e.g. Ecstacy, Cannibis)
7. Proper names from EverQuest or EverQuest II (e.g. Rathe, Karana, Antonia). This also includes the first or last name of any significant EverQuest or EverQuest II NPC (e.g. Dorn, Trumpy, Bayle).
8. Names chosen with the intent or possessed with the effect of harming the reputation of or used to impersonate a Customer or representative of Sony Online Entertainment.
9. Names containing titles within them, such as, but not limited to: The, Lord, Lady, Master, King, Knight, Sir, Father (e.g. Sirtallon, Lordeagle, Mothermaggy, Darksister).
10. Fantasy-oriented names that are easily recognized from popular existing media (e.g. Merlin, Gandalf, Belgarath, Drizzt, Tanis).
11. Names where the combination of the first, last, or Guild name violate any of the naming policy rules.
12. Surname Conditions:
a. Surnames may not contain spaces
b. Surnames must be at least 4 characters in length
c. Any number of Customer may have the same Surname
13. Choose Wisely
a. Name options that do not violate the Naming Privilege Policy will not be changed by our Customer Service Staff. However, there may be options implemented in the future such as a Character Name Change service (as in EverQuest) that will allow for name options to be changed.
For all of the above, misspellings and alternative spellings of the word or words are also unacceptable.

Conditions for Name Changes:

Character names that are found to be in violation of any of the above policies will be changed upon being discovered by our Customer Service Team, no matter when the name was created. Repeated attempts at violating the above policies may result in disciplinary actions taken on the account. This may include but is not limited to: Removal of Naming Privileges, Account Suspension, and/or Account Cancellation.

Should the Naming Privileges be removed from a character or account due to inappropriate actions and policy violations, the character/account will lose the ability to add Surnames to character(s), choose House pet names, or create a Guild. Removal of Naming Privileges may be either of a limited duration or permanent, depending on the severity and/or frequency of the policy violations.

Should a guild name be in violation of our policies, the guild will be disbanded and any and all information that has been posted on the Station Players guild page associated with the in appropriate guild name will be lost and not recoverable.

At no point did I say that it actually WAS in violation. I merely suggested that you be proactive and check to see if it was. Geez.

edit> Wow, you're a real winner with the rate downs. Go ahead. I don't care, idiot.

Edited, Thu Nov 25 03:27:14 2004 by Miravelle
#17 Nov 25 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
786 posts
Oh my GOD!!!! Im reporting half my server.......including myself! LOL!

Those rules are VERY loosely enforced. Ive never seen someone with anime or movie names get their names changed. God people like Snowtard.....I mean Snowflake really irk me. This guy/girl went out of his way to make you miserable because his/her imagination is to weak to imagine a name like Evilerudite..yet were supposed to imagine a giant walking rat named Snowflake? WTF!

Dont worry theyll look at this and laugh, nothing more. Id be surprised if they act on it, your name isnt offensive and thats what they make a big deal over.
#18 Nov 25 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
I'm with everyone else on this thread. Granted, the name "Evilerudite" is not very creative, but there are lots of toon adventures out there in TV land with equally creative character names and no one has a problem with that.

I think it's pathetic that with all the things you can do i the world of Norrath, this person had to get their jollies off on tormenting you because of your name. That's kinda sad when you think about it. Don't let it bother you.
#19 Nov 25 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
You know, This is a game and people, especially those with names like "Snowflake", should not go lording around deciding the rights and wrongs of all others. lol I mean hey, I could take offense at the name snowflake and claim it was a prejudiced slur against my albino cousin and take it to Sony if I was a real ******* lol. This is a Game and anyone who takes it more seriously than that, there are help centers out there for your mental disorders so buck up and see a Psychologist and stop your pathetic whining. So rock on Evilerudite! and remember, the Fuzz always has your back.
#20 Nov 25 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
Dont sweat it son. The guy that reported you obviuosly was prolly frustrated with the game cuz he a lamer and not a gamer. Prolly a rookie lamer at that. Chances are his peers(if he has any) will school him up or he will quit playing the game. Any GM with an IQ higher than the nuber of beers i can drink in one hour will dismiss the /report.

I loosely quote from the dungeon's masters guide D&D 1st edition..

Dont be overwhelmed by a gaming lawyer - remember its the spirit of the game which should guide you in your adventures...

#21 Nov 25 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
7. Proper names from EverQuest or EverQuest II (e.g. Rathe, Karana, Antonia). This also includes the first or last name of any significant EverQuest or EverQuest II NPC (e.g. Dorn, Trumpy, Bayle).

That's the one that a GM could raise an objection about but I seriously doubt you have anything to worry about.

Actually I have seen similar names used in EQLive and there was never a problem with it.

As long as your name is not profane or something like that you will probably never hear a word from a GM.

Old Snowie was just being a total <self deleted, use your imagination here>.

I think wanting your guild to recognize you is a valid reason for your choice of names but i do have one question: did you try alternate spellings of Hellspawn to see if there was one that the name server would accept? It would definitely be an improvement.

Failing that don't sweat one ignorant person with nothing better to do in their life than to freak out over a non-offensive name such as the one you chose.

Grist Gudhart
Troll Crusader - Oasis
#22 Nov 25 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
honestly I think whoever sent you those tells has NO room to talk.. I mean come on... talk about the pot calling the kettle black.. :shakeshead:

ok so Evilerudite isn't exactly origional or creative.. but it's not offensive nor is it lame like "Lagalas", yes I saw someone named that last night, so I have no problems with Evilerudite.

course.. last I checked.. "Snowflake" isn't exactly origional or creative either.. (least they could have done was use the japanese word "Yuki" which means snow or "Yukio" which VERY-roughly translates to little snow flake)
#23 Nov 25 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I'm with ol' Voltaire on this one. I don't much like seeing people named Gnomercy, Snowflake or Evilerudite, I'd prefer it if people aimed for some originality but it's not my private little game and I'm not going to stop anyone from using whatever moniker they feel like.

That said, we're playing Sony's games on Sony's servers. They're the guys who risk lawsuits over people with copyrighted names, so they set the naming policy and encourage people to report names they find unfitting. It should be obvious that not everyone will have the same view of unfitting and that people will report names we find perfectly ok. Furthermore, all that's actually happened is that your name was reported. If this should actually result in a name change, the issue is between you & Sony, not Ratsie for informing you both that your name breaks the policy. If nothing comes of the report, everyone's happy and we can all go on our merry Orc-slaying way.

Oh, and to be somewhat constructive:

The Universal Fantasy Name Generator
First, hit 3-5 letter keys on the keyboard at random. Ex: ksdt, lkt
Insert vowels and apostrophes until this becomes easily pronouncable. Ex: K'sidt
If you want a female name, make sure at least half the vowels are A:s. Ex: Alkatea
Use result as a char name in EQ2 and bask in the unrestrained admiration of your peers
#24 Nov 25 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I'm with ol' Voltaire on this one. I don't much like seeing people named Gnomercy, Snowflake or Evilerudite,

Actually I think Gnomercy is rather clever :)

Grist Gudhart
Troll Crusader - Oasis
#25 Nov 25 2004 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
I also found this site, which even if it doesn't give you a name that you immediately like, it might inspire you to create one. :)

edit> Still being rated down, even for being helpful. Well, that will teach me. :rolleyes

Edited, Thu Nov 25 13:46:19 2004 by Miravelle
#26 Nov 25 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
lol my name is Crapmaster is that offensive?
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