I'll be trying a 3rd scholar society quest today so I will confirm if the reward has been nerfed.
After completing all my Tier1 Apprentice III skill runes/spells (I'm a level 14 scholar), I started in on Tier2 and found just as you did that I need an item crafted by another specialty. In my case, it was an Iron Spike made by an Outfitter. I found 4 for sale on the broker and bought them for 6sp each. This is obviously overpriced but that's the way the market works, no supply, high demand: prices high. No worries though, I wanted these to make my own Tier2 App3 runes so 6sp is still cheaper than buying them. If it was to resell though, not worth it. Of course, it doesn't cost an outfitter 6sp to make a spike and that price will come down and stabilize at around 2.5sp. This will happen across the board as people realize what components their craft can make and sell to support others. As more people learn what to make and sell, price competition will drive prices to a lower and stable level.
In addition to cross-trade component requirements, another market will spring up in common components such as pristine iron gual ink, pristine sepia ink, various tempers, etc. Once tradeskillers move up in level and these become trivial for them AND they have the cash to buy, they will buy.
Another market that already exists is for harvested components. When I am sitting in my tradeskill society and I run out of iron or electrum clusters, I don't go back out and harvest more, I pop down to the broker and buy more. There is no way I am going to interrupt my crafting session and swap out all my packs to go forage 5 zones away.
There will always be profit to be made in these items, whether foraged or crafted. We just have to wait until people learn what sells and put it up for sale.
Edited, Wed Nov 24 08:13:57 2004 by Samatman