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Hrm... Ungodly Rare Drop... I Think? (Help?)Follow

#1 Nov 22 2004 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
Hey All -

Was soloing with my Enchanter tonight and came upon a Blue two arrow up Mob, the name of the mob doesn't really matter in this case, as far as I know.

But after killing him a Treasure chest appeared, it was not the normal wooden chests we see, but about 10x the size of that and made of Iron. Upon opening the chest I was promptly hit for 370 Damage and killed.

I ran back, and opened it, I had to stare the item inside the chest for a moment before realizing what it was, at which point just abuot everyone in the zone seemed to spam, "Grats" and tell me I should be set Financially for awhile now.

The item that dropped is a Spell, but not Adept I... nor II, nor III, nor IV....

It was a spell called "Seism - Master I" I heard that this is only the 3rd or 4th Master spell to drop on Lucan D'Lere... and was told it should go for 20 Gold easy... I had my friend check the marketplace, and was told the highest spell for sale now is Adept III... and this is a rather substantial step above that.

My question, has anyone else seen a Master spell drop? Any idea how much I should be asking for, and lastly, does anyone know how rare it is to get a Master spell too drop? All help would be appreciated, thanks.

#2 Nov 22 2004 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I would think if you played your cards right, you could get anything you want. With only 3-4 of that power in existance, and not necessarily that same spell, you might have a one-of-a-kind item right now. Start higher than 20 gold. I wouldn't take anything less than 1pp right now, considering the game is so young. You have the luxury of waiting till someone can afford it.
#3 Nov 22 2004 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
I would think if you played your cards right, you could get anything you want. With only 3-4 of that power in existance, and not necessarily that same spell, you might have a one-of-a-kind item right now. Start higher than 20 gold. I wouldn't take anything less than 1pp right now, considering the game is so young. You have the luxury of waiting till someone can afford it.

Aye, my friend. I have had several people now tell me that 20g is too low... and too put it up for a good chunk more and wait it out if nobody has that money right now. It's funny, I had some guy tonight offer me 5 Adept I Spells, 5 Advanced Tailoring Books, some Crappy Earring, and 70 sp and when I balked at him he stated, "You wont get the earring from anyone else." to which I promptly found someone selling the earring for 10 silver.

I wish there was a site that showed the odds of getting a Master spell too drop. I should have known it was something interesting just because the freaking Treasure Chest was so big compared to the others, I didnt think about that till after I looted, however.

Just... glad nobody else was in the group with me !

#4 Nov 22 2004 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
heh, i wouldn't give up my whole savings just for a single Master scroll.. the guy is stupid, unless he plans on selling it at a higher price than you would have... which is cunning. tell him you'll have it on the brokers soon, and then put it up for 10pp. :D

by the way, your sig is begging to have the html tags taken out, and the real bold/italic tags put in ;)
#5 Nov 22 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
The great part about this item is its rare and worth alot of coin.

The sad part is not many have the coin to afford the absurd price it would cost, and by the time they do many many more of those would have droped lowering the value significantly.

#6 Nov 22 2004 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
409 posts
I know Master spells are rare, but ironically they sell for less than Adept III spells on Antonia. I have seen 4 of them on the Broker so far, and all have been between 1-2 gold.

Adept III spells usually cost a gold or more just for the rare ingredient to make them. So unless thats a super useful spell to some class (like say a ward or DoT for a defiler), then I would put it up for a few gold and enjoy your newfound wealth.
#7 Nov 22 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the replies guys....

I just wish I knew what to ask, its a shame if it is actually worth LESS than Adept III spells somehow, I dont think thats the case for most spells because.... well, Master is better than Adept, and from what I hear once you get a Master scroll its a permanent in your inventory.

I'm not sure if a Master Scroll becomes outdated or not, I wouldnt think it would go grey considering the level skill to use it is, "Legendary" according to the scroll itself.

Maybe I will sell for a couple gold... say 5 gp to 10 if I can get it (I say this because not alot of people have coin...) and my Enchanter would be set for quite awhile...

I just hope I dont make a huge mistake and undersell it significantly.

#8 Nov 22 2004 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,930 posts
Start it at 10 and leave it for a week or so. There are plenty of people who can afford it by now. If it doesn't sell, hang on to it until there is a market for it..
#9 Nov 22 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
My current offer is 1.5 gp and a couple of items.... worth about antoher 1 gp...

Some people are screaming at me not to sell for this, others are telling me thats what its worth...

.... I dont know what to do, and feel afriad... very, very afraid... >.<

#10 Nov 22 2004 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent

If I was you this is what I would do.

option a: I'd somehow find a way to sell items cross server. Then, I would find this level 14 predator, 7 crafstman named Jobue on the Lavastorm server. Then, I would sell it to him and him only for 3 copper pieces and a piece of jum jum and a piece of sassafras cause i mean c'mon, who doesn't love the sassafras... now once you actually complete the sale, go post it on this same forum and tell everyone how much you sold it for, at which point one million people will reply saying how much they would have bought it for. then go find a another one and sell it to the highest bidder.....

option b: run around your server shouting what you ahve and you are taking bids.. wait til u get something you're very comfortable with then sell it. ta-da.. easy way.. and u can macro the saying /shout One Master scroll for sale.. last bid was for 1gold 5 silver and just wait for the tells to stream in.

I, personally, prefer option A however the choice is yours.

Edited, Mon Nov 22 17:05:59 2004 by Jobago
#11 Nov 22 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
Are you sure you won't need it yourself later on?

Still haven't figured out exactly how to see what items or spells I can use, but if this spell is indeed extremely rare, best make sure that you won't need it yourself later on.
#12 Nov 22 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
Aye, I cannot use the scroll, it is for a Summoner and then whatever Summoners can become.

I just wish there was a market so I could see what would be a fair price.

#13 Nov 23 2004 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
SUre sounds nice :-).
#14 Nov 23 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
ok problem with these uber rare drops is they tend to not be uber rare drops, just undiscovered ones... its a tough one. throw it on broker for 10gp... If you get greedy the market can soon plumet right b4 your eyes.
#15 Nov 23 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
Well I am a lv 14 Summoner and I would guy it for 10gp if I had the cash. Put it this way Seism is the first AOE Dot and Debuff that the Summoner can get it is a lv 16 spell. The Summoner doe not get another AoE spell until they become lv22 and pick their final profession. With that spell a Summoner at lv 16 would kick so much A$$...Everyone would want to party with you. Just get someone to agro a mob and the whole thing would go would be able to level up so much faster and take on harder nasties meaning better drops...get it. It is well worth 10gp because it would enable you to get better drops yourself and you would make that back in no time. The only problem is that who has 10gp at lvl 16? Hell if I know. At least not me I dont even have close to 1gp. In a month you could get that easily but then in a month will 10gp really be that much to you. Probably not. I would sell it for what you can get for it now if you want to do something with the cash like get some seriously bas a$$ aromor that will help you too take on tougher mobs increasing the chances that you can get drops like that again. Just my 2cp
#16 Nov 23 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
Wow... grats, nice drop! I have yet to see one at all on Lavastorm.... but perhaps it's because I dont pay much attention, teehee..... Be careful about being greedy... it sets the stage for disaster. Sure, sell it high..... because you CAN, but also be aware what you choose to do with it will set the stage for the future... no pressure *wink*

On a side note: When I see something in the bazaar for a LOT of money and I'm selling the same item I sell WAY below what others are asking. Makes people hate me because my stuff sells faster BUT I don't like how high people are setting things at this point. I think it's greedy and nasty to sell something for 25 silver when it can easily be sold for 10 (and ten happens to be what most folks of the appropriate level would be able to save up for the item) Call me silly for trying to help out my fellow players, but I'd much rather see an item get used than me have fat pockets padded with gold. In regards to your special item however I could totally see a high price on it, at least until other "rares" start showing up.

Good luck.
#17 Nov 23 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
On a side note: When I see something in the bazaar for a LOT of money and I'm selling the same item I sell WAY below what others are asking. Makes people hate me because my stuff sells faster BUT I don't like how high people are setting things at this point.

I believe it makes people hate you because you are undercutting everyone. That is what drives game economies down... well it is at least one of many contributory factors. Personally when I price things I check the going rate and mark it at the most common price, or an average of all the prices. It WILL eventually sell, if it doesn't slowly people work the prices down untill they see they start selling at that price.

When you immediately drop an item to a low sell price it skews the numbers for future selling.

If I don't see something within my price range on the 'bazaar' I wait till I find similar or better. It is all supply and demand.
#18 Nov 23 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Don't the way it go for progression as follows:
Apprentice I-III
Adept I-III
Master I-IV

If that is the case there is not much of jump going from an Adept3 to a MasterI. Although rare more and more Adept3 as well as MasterI upgrades are starting to appear on vendors and being passed around guilds as people are progressing in levels and hitting the level 20+ areas as well as hitting the boss mob encounters as well.

You have to also ask is the Upgrade to Seism, don't know what level but for demonstration purposes we will say 23, which can easily be made to AppIII quickly as I know 25+ Scribes already is more powerful than a MasteryI of the lower level? That could be a hinderence if someone can pay let's say 1gp or less for an Adept I of the higher level version then you might have blown a profitable opportunity. Think of it as with 1gp you could purchase 2 or more AdeptI upgrades for yourself possibly hold out for 3 or 4 Adept 1 drops that you need in exchange for 1 MasterI adept. You will find money comes and goes and with a new game there are always firsts.
#19 Nov 23 2004 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
Oh trust me I know exactly why they hate to see my stuff for sale. I charge a reasonable rate and they all crank the prices way up! I think it is unethical (in a game world at least) to charge three times as much for an item..... example if I can refine vanilla beans into high grade vanilla for the cost of coal and water then I will charge the cost of coal and water plus a very small amount for my time. coal 6c, water 6c, my time 5 - 7 c. Seems fair enough to me. Others will charge 2 silver for high grade vanilla. I think it's an outrage. Same with app spells.... they dont cost all that much to make yet they're being sold for insane amounts of silver, even GOLD! I don't know anyone who has made a decent amount of silver enough to upgrade armor, weapons AND apps let alone adepts. I intend to sell low for as long as I can. Until my personal expenses rise at least folks will be able to find affordable top quality goods in my shop. I'm not in the game to make money.... seems like most others are and I think it takes away from the fun if we cannot afford upgrades due to the outrageous prices. Again though, to each his own.
#20 Nov 24 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent

This message is to the guy who says lowballing is bad for economy. Two things:

1) Competetion is quintessential for a free market society, which is what EQ2 is. If I'm selling at the market and see a guy selling a piece of armor for 10SP and I want to sell that same piece, I'll sell it for 9SP. Welcome to adulthood and what it takes for a market to flourish. Competition.

2) Everytime, and I'm not exagerrating, everytime I've attempted to simply match the price of something, I never sell anything. So, in an effort to save time cause I really don't want to just sit there waiting for people to buy things, I'll low ball it just save time. Twice I've left my computer on all night while I'm sleeping with a ton of items on the market, and didn't get one purchase. The next time I did it, and marked down, I woke up and everything was sold.

#21 Nov 24 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
I am just sad that you are not on my server with an attitude like that Optycalillusion , prices are way out there on my server right now , its sad. To get 2 spell upgrades just to app3 you are looking at over 80s on my server. I have 5 spells right now that I want to take to app 3 level but everytime I look for them they are listed at 40sp and up , also we are not talking level 40 spells lol these are all level 12 and up to level 17 spells . I cant afford gear and spells , just keeping my spell book up to date keeps me broke .

Grats on the master spell tho , what a prize :)

Edited, Wed Nov 24 15:19:32 2004 by Fairystears
#22 Nov 24 2004 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
I looted Stalk - Master I from a chest in the caves with gnolls near the Oracle Tower ... I have no intention of selling it as I am a Scout -> Predator -> Ranger ... so I scribed it and use it in almost every fight :)

18 Predator

Edited, Wed Nov 24 21:44:57 2004 by Slaker
#23 Nov 24 2004 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
I would hold onto it and check prices occassionally. Maybe a Master sells for 1-2g now, but thats only because nobody has much more than that. Wait a while and I guarantee prices will go up. Before you know it Masters could be selling for plats.

Also, at least on my server, Seism (Adept I) has got to be the most common drop. Everytime I'm in Antonica 2 or 3 people are trying to sell that. I ended up just selling mine to the vendor for 3 silver. Could be a sign of things to come for the Master version.
#24 Nov 24 2004 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent

Apprentice 1: Gained automaticially as you level.
Apprentice 2: Bought from NPC merchants (Scribes, marked by a Quill on the map).
Apprentice 3: Player-crafted from common ingredients.
Apprentice 4: Quest of fairly minor difficulty.

Adept 1: Uncommon mob drop.
Adept 2: Quest of moderate difficulty and length.
Adept 3: Player-crafted from rare ingredients.
Adept 4: Difficult and long quest.

Master 1: Recieved from Quests or Traditions.
Master 2: Very, very high level mob drops.
Master 3: Player-crafted using very high level mob drops.
Master 4: Handed out by GM events; Artifact-level spells (i.e. one per server).

sounds like ur lieing...
#25 Nov 25 2004 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
I doubt he's lying. My group had a Master spell drop in Blackburrow a couple weeks ago. It was a normal sized chest though. I think it was a bard spell.
#26 Nov 25 2004 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
786 posts
Optycal is right. I see things for lvl 12ish people with asking prices of 25sp+. I under cut these fools all the time. At 12 the most ive had is 1gp. People need to stop being greedy, and for those that dont people like optycal and me will always be there to undercut and sell ours for a reasonable price.

This type of undercutting is for the good of the game. It keeps the item prices from skyrocketing to astronomical levels (anyone remember your EqLive economy? If you dont, it was in utter shambles).

As for the master scroll sell it as you see fit. Its yours so if you want to give it away for free even its fine. Dont get to greedy though as few can afford over a few gold. Good luck with it though.
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