I can understand both sides of the fence, however as a Post-20 soloist I do feel the need to say soloing has not been easy. I can do it, sure, but the experience has become so abysmal that I'm not sure if it's worth it anymore. Inevitably I shall find a place that's not too crowded with a nice amount of things to kill...and just kill. Kill kill kill, for hours on end. I have no problem with that truly; thats how most MMORPGs are, and I strangely find it addicting. However, if the developers went to the trouble of tagging mobs *Solo* or *group*, you'd be led to believe that indeed soloing was a feasible option.
I'm not ragging on the game. I adore it, and adore it with a passion. It just bothers me that soloing seems like an afterthought, even though on paper it looked like a viable option.
PS - To those that say that we soloists should expect to have to group in Massively Multiplayer games, this is what I have to say: Just because a game is tagged "Massively Multiplayer" does not mean one should be forced to group. I dont play the game to be alone forever..but i do like hunting alone. I socialize with my guild, I help them and my friends, and i generally roleplay. But grouping is not something I like to do, at least not with total strangers. Everytime I do that, i go home in a body bag.
Edit - After thinking abit I also thought of another point. Pre-20 there were a ton of quests to do, and some gave really nice experience. Post 20..eh..ive found nothing, not for a soloer anyways. I'm attempting to do my 20ish armor quests right now, and I'm finding the first one pretty much not possible to do alone. Supposedly to get the mob to spawn that I need, i must clear camps of runecasters. Cant do that alone, even if they are grey. But oh well, I'll figure out something! Always do.
Edited, Sat Nov 20 22:09:25 2004 by Stashy