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Solo Experience nerfed?Follow

#1 Nov 20 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
This is a very important topic of me. I luv to play pet classes, but one thing I have noticed so far is that SOLO EXPERIENCE SUX0r! It's understandable they are trying to encourage grouping, but really, I luv to solo. It just something casters should have over tanks.

If you have any info. please share, voice your opinion.

12 Summoner of Oasis
#2 Nov 20 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
You are right it is an important subject !
On one hand I am with you couse I really like to solo myself, but on the other - it is a massive multiplayer game after all...
#3 Nov 20 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
lol about the soloing.. you gotta do quests while soloing.. like the Qeynos civil service quest... i did that 3 times XD .. but along with that quest i did some farmer quest.. so that gave a ton of xp.. plus like 10 silver.. but what i'm saying is dont just go grind .. thats fun and all, but if you quest it gives it more of a point and a reward at the end.
#4 Nov 20 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
5,135 posts

Please don't do that.

Thank you,

#5 Nov 20 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
499 posts
Please don't do that.

I agree with Aegis, so far this has been a very informative and helpful forum. Please don't dumb it down with that sh'it
#6 Nov 20 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
And why shoud mages have an advantage over other jobs when soloing? It doesn't sound as if it's nerfed, it sounds as if it's balanced.

#7 Nov 20 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
ha! agreed.
#8 Nov 20 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
Okay first of all, sorry Aegis. And yes your right these are very helpful forums so allow me to try to approach this differently.

Yeah it does balance it too some degree. But even right now I end up grouping with at least 3 mages at a time. It just seems a pet class is about the last thing you look for to complete your group. So solo'ing plays an excellent role in making sure I can keep up with level as my friends.
Rarely I have more then two or three hours to play at a time. Not too compare, but EQ1 made it easy to solo and keep up with friends levels. Then on those rare occasions for groups with them, I was ready to rock-n-roll.

But forgive me if this is consider a waste of space. This is my first time getting involved with forums. EQ2 is awsome and my whole objective here was too see if someone would let me know if this would perhaps be different at higher levels, or if I should make a char that is easier to find groups with.

#9 Nov 20 2004 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
oh and Fandalg, I will consider your idea to maybe collect a few quest in the same general area, that way by the time my solo and quest are complete, it will add up. Not to mention the extra money and items...good thinking!
#10 Nov 20 2004 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with fandalg. You have to go and do quests to make solo'ing interesting. Right now I am a lvl 16 Warrior at Qeynos which is right in the middle of all the mobs. Too high for most, too low for the rest to get good XP so I do quests to keep things interesting. Also, while I love solo'ing, I do group every now and then just to spice things up a bit. Never has netted me any decent amount of XP, money, or items but it's good to have someone else to talk to when killing things. Plus you fight things you would normally run from. That's my take.
#11 Nov 20 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
5,135 posts
Welcome to the forums Fleshbonez.
#12 Nov 20 2004 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
I think solo XP should be less than what you'd get in a group. in an MMO like this grouping up with others is what the game is about, that said I do like to solo quite a bit of the time when my established friends arent on. it really doesnt bother me that my solo XP is less than I'd get while grouped, because to me I'm just having fun!

#13 Nov 20 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
499 posts
Getting quests is certainly the way to go. If you get yourself a quest to kill x ammount of orcs, then you get the exp from killing the orcs and exp when you finish the quest. Your quest journal can hold up to 50 quests as well so get as many as you can.

I picked up the "tour of the commonlands" quest the other day and did not put much effort into going out and finishing it right away. I was working on some guild writs with a friend killing elephants and the next thing you know we are getting owned by the named griffin, Gustwing, or someting like that. Well the tour quest gives you a small ammount of exp everytime you discover a new area of the zone. Long story short, I actually dinged 20 while running from a fight.

I play a warlock and I was looking at a list of our spells. I found an AoE root spell that we recieve at lvl 40. Combined with our AoE nukes and dots, I am certainly going to try to quad kite. Who knows if it will work but it's worth a shot. I enjoy a good solo session as well and we will just have to wait and see what happens and what tecniques are developed. Good luck.
#14 Nov 20 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
Well i was going to post a new topic on this my question was "from 10-20 what is the fastest way to gain XP: Grind or Quest?"

From what i am seeing here though the answer is get a bunch of quests then grind on those mobs, which is basically what i have been doing anyway.
#15 Nov 20 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
I've had no problems solo'ing.. but if you plan on getting big XP, you'll get more from quest than killing bugs and snakes in antonica..

when I solo I solo off mobs that are for quest.. 2 birds with one stone, so to speak.
#16 Nov 20 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
Personally I have had very little trouble leveling Solo. It's been a breeze and I don't need to worry about performing properly in a group, because there is always a proper way to perform. I have also been soloing because my comp really bogs down when I attempt a group and as such am very little help. Needless to say I don't believe the solo exp in this game sucks at all. Its awsome, I'm just glad I figured out how to disable battle experience so I don't level so high I can't get meaningful drops of off certain creatures before they get too small for me.
#17 Nov 20 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
I solo alot ( also love grouping tho, when friends are online) and I find the same as everyone else posted, get quests that count the mobs you are killing . I will run into town and get 4 or 5 quests all in Antonica , then run around grinding but while I am killing I am getting credit for my quests . Once I have all the quests done I run back to town and cash them all in . I get the exp from grinding and the exp from the quests I finished .

I do the same thing when grouped tho , I try to make sure we all have the same quests and then go on a grind and complete the quests at the same time , getting double exp for the grind/quest and sometimes we eve get new gear out of the quest as well. So adding questing to your grind can give you more exp and sometimes a nice reward .
#18 Nov 20 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
If you are planning to level exclusively by solo hunting, you're going to be disillusioned pretty quickly because SoE has seen to it that that is going to be the slowest way to advance.

If you add Quests to solo hunting (by that I mean to obtain Quests to hunt a given mob-type and kill them as well as whatever happens to be nearby them), you'll advance a lot more quickly and put some good items on your toon and money in your pockets. It isn't nearly as efficient as grouping, but it's better.

SoE has gone to great pains to make a game that focuses on grouping but still allows you to solo when the mood strikes or in those rare cases you just can't find a group.
#19 Nov 20 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
I sure hope solo experience hasn't been nerfed. But ... soloing in eq2 isn't going to be anywhere near what it was in old eq. In old eq so many different tactics were available to the soloing classes. A druid could quad, root-bomb, root-dot, snare-bomb, charm animal, fear kite animal ... I used to love soloing my druid. I did groups and guild raiding too. But high-end quadding waas a rush! Bards could really do some amazing stuff (pre nerf - well they can still use charm to swarm - but that's prolly gonna feel the nerf bat soon, too).

Been playing eq2 a few days. There are almost no soloing tactics available. Mages can root and nuke. Otherwise it's engage and autoattack while lobbing spells/effects... whee what fun. What variety. Oh wait, there's the HO. Let's see, if I push the little glowing buttons in the right order the gods send some random effect that helps me - sort of like while I'm fighting, if I play this slot machine right - a bomb comes out and kills my enemy... sigh. What crap. (the words arbitrary and contrived come to mind)

Well, I'm still playing the game. Parts of eq2 are pretty cool. But ... seems like the old wide open days of RPGing are gone forever. I know, most of you think that's wonderful. It depresses me. Rather than a wide open field where you can find your own fun, you just seem to go like sheep down pre-ordained paths in eq2... baaaah baaaaah!

It took hundreds of years to conquer the American Frontier. Took less than a decade for the on-line computer RPG Frontier to vanish. Yeah, I know, I can always go back to old eq, so don't waste the energy typing it. I'm not asking for old eq in a new game. I'm asking for a new game w/ a wide open feel, w/ more freedom - and who cares if insane tactics bordering on sploits develop? Hell it was FUN!

#20 Nov 20 2004 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
I can understand both sides of the fence, however as a Post-20 soloist I do feel the need to say soloing has not been easy. I can do it, sure, but the experience has become so abysmal that I'm not sure if it's worth it anymore. Inevitably I shall find a place that's not too crowded with a nice amount of things to kill...and just kill. Kill kill kill, for hours on end. I have no problem with that truly; thats how most MMORPGs are, and I strangely find it addicting. However, if the developers went to the trouble of tagging mobs *Solo* or *group*, you'd be led to believe that indeed soloing was a feasible option.

I'm not ragging on the game. I adore it, and adore it with a passion. It just bothers me that soloing seems like an afterthought, even though on paper it looked like a viable option.

PS - To those that say that we soloists should expect to have to group in Massively Multiplayer games, this is what I have to say: Just because a game is tagged "Massively Multiplayer" does not mean one should be forced to group. I dont play the game to be alone forever..but i do like hunting alone. I socialize with my guild, I help them and my friends, and i generally roleplay. But grouping is not something I like to do, at least not with total strangers. Everytime I do that, i go home in a body bag.

Edit - After thinking abit I also thought of another point. Pre-20 there were a ton of quests to do, and some gave really nice experience. Post found nothing, not for a soloer anyways. I'm attempting to do my 20ish armor quests right now, and I'm finding the first one pretty much not possible to do alone. Supposedly to get the mob to spawn that I need, i must clear camps of runecasters. Cant do that alone, even if they are grey. But oh well, I'll figure out something! Always do.

Edited, Sat Nov 20 22:09:25 2004 by Stashy
#21 Nov 20 2004 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
This is awsome. Forums rule!
I have got so much feed back, this is my first topic ever. Okay but besides that. You guys have been awsome, thank you for taking the time to share.
The last few post are excellent. It really comforts me to know there are proud solo'ist out there who can connect with me on some level. But in the meantime, lets keep the drama on the boards and out of the game. Good Hunting to all.

=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)
#22 Nov 21 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
I think the questing improvements are great. Seems like there's lots more of them, and the quest journal makes it much easier to understand what you need to do for a quest. Scavenger hunt, collect X number of item A, kill X number of mob B. Sure they're formulaic, but there's some that never involve speaking to someone, that actually make sense. Like the holey boots quest (I heard it's broken but we'll report that, won't we.)

My point is that the quests guide you to experiences which enrich the game. I like camping with a group as much as anyone, and I like to solo as well, but since the name of the game is EverQuest, not EverKill or EverCamp, it's nice to see that SOE improved the quality of the questing. Bravo!
#23 Nov 21 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
Wow I totally agree now. Thanks to the feedback, my prespective of the game has changed. I am taking full advantage of quest journal now. Thanks SoE.
#24 Nov 22 2004 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
577 posts
if you think solo exp is nerfed in this game, you obviously have never played FFXI...
#25 Nov 22 2004 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
430 posts
I've found a nice little spot to solo now, so I'm going to temporarily take back some of what i said. However, I'd reeeeeally love to see more solo content in this game. Like..say, armor quests. The secondary ones arent possible to do solo, not for Paladins anyways. Not at the level they were designed for. Ugh.
#26 Nov 22 2004 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
I would just like to add that, as a crafter, I forage my own components and solo as I do it. By the time I have found enough of whatever I'm looking for in Antonica, I am usually pretty close to a level. I just kill every XP mob I run across from green to yellow. I am currently a level 15 Sorcerer. This is also a good way to find some chests also, but they don't seem to drop very frequently in Antonica.

Edited, Mon Nov 22 02:05:45 2004 by douganironfist
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