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Where FFXI went wrongFollow

#27 Nov 21 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
It wasn't the japanese "elistists" that were the problem. The problem was that the NA popular developed an "elistist" ideal as the base norm that all are compared too.
#28 Nov 22 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
I used to play Everquest

It's not the japenese that has made this game to be elistist...
In any game you find there will always be ********.

Everquest is full of them as well as games like Ragnorak and serveral other online games I have played. Elitist are people who think they know better and wether they are japenese or american. You will still always have ********.

I found FFXI a breath of fresh air really and I actually... liked how the japenese had unknowingly helped set this distinct set rules of formality.

If you are bowed to.. You bow back.
Little things like this.

I also like how they play certain classes like red mage and black mage alot better also and their ways of playing.

Not what you can do only by yourself but what you can do to help your party as a whole and "play your best."

It is sad to see the game being farmed to hell unfortunately...
Gil is a lot harder to make now because of it and having server untions between 2 "Completely" different cultures isn't going to change that.

The only people who can change that is SE who has nerfed things from fishing to class skills. Who allow stupid gil farmers to ruin the game and do jack **** to them when they even break SE game rules.

When the game came out there were many japenese players already high lvl but there were still those who were new to the game.

It's not that all japenese are elitist but yes.. it's true they think many of us are selfish but they are also. It's just our way of thinking is way different then theirs.

While we would give the most oil to the one that squeaks the most they would hammer the nail that sticks out the most back down.

I myself can truely say I enjoyed playing with some Japenese players... ^^ Not all of them are asses and I am glad I met them.

I don't know what really has changed about the game.. I remember when I first played ^^ it was very nice warm and welcoming but now something has changed.

Maybe next time SE.. have the game come out at the "same" time for both countries haha (like that will ever happen)

@@ I look forward to their new game PC ONLY release of their next online game 2 years from now.

ANYWAYS @@ back to topic.
The only people who act like elistist are ******** and face it. in any game there are few RARE people who are not.
I really liked the bridge between NA and JP but People are still people.. -_- AS soon as anyone lvls up high they think they're big shots and therefore that's how they get that "elitist" attitudes.

The japenese are just easier to pick out in this situation as a scapegoat since they played the game a year longer is all.

By: Arkelias

Once again i am missing the point?? ok... i've only posted once... how can that be once again?? hahaha =P and yes i know what her post is saying which I just don't agree entirely with because all games HAVE elitists. the JP is just an easier scape goat for this game.

Edited, Mon Nov 22 21:50:28 2004 by Avani
#29 Nov 22 2004 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
EQ is populated, for the most part, by people overcome by an inferiority complex, they get made fun of all the time and they've never been cool, they come home, log in, and all of a sudden their billy badass...
As difficult as this may be to believe, some of us are just here for fun and don't give a rat's *** whether or not anyone else is impressed with our uberness.


Not Billy Badass
#30 Nov 22 2004 at 3:54 AM Rating: Default
33 posts
i agree, the NA players developed the same elitest attitude, and they were more annoying because you could understand what they were saying completely, not just through the translator. As a WHM, I was ridiculed by a few NA players who partied with me when I was a newbie, and then felt insecure when I had grown to be a better healer and player than them.
#31 Nov 22 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
409 posts
Avani, once again you are missing the point. Yuniko is not saying that the Japanese are elitists. She is saying that because the Japanese already were maxed level with great gear when we started it influenced US and thats part of the reason WE became elitist.

If the game were released in France or Indonesia it would not have mattered. The end result would have been exactly the same.

However, that said I have to disagree with you. The Japanese don't play black mages or red mages any better than anyone else. Yuniko played a black mage, and I was in a static party with her from 1-63. At times we played with Japanese black mages, and NA black mages and she put them all to shame.

I also don't agree with the politeness thing. Sure, a JP would bow upon entering your party. But the JP party you were not in had no problem camping right on top of your party even if there were only enough mobs to support one group. This was especially annoying when they would pull mobs with AOEs that would hit your party.

The free for all mentality had already been set by them when we started playing the game, whereas in say Everquest live it was more of a first come first serve attitude. If you were camping a certain mob, and someone else showed up they left. If they didn't they were considered an *******, and word spread about them quickly.

If FF it was whoever could click the fastest, and that sort of mentality really hurt the community.

Edited, Mon Nov 22 10:41:06 2004 by Arkelias
#32 Nov 22 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
409 posts
It was me who reposted this on the FFXI forums. I did it without Yuni's permission, and I probably should have asked. I guess I really should not be surprised how it turned out.

Maybe two people saw her point. The rest turned it into a Japanese vs. NA debate and an EQ2 vs FFXI debate. It was interesting to see how vehemently they defend FF, and how the only problem anyone will acknowledge is the gil selling.
#33 Nov 22 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
In one word, timesink. It's like SE sat down and thought up ways to extend your playing time even more just to grab some more loot out of your wallet.

I loved how it took forever to craft because 'You must wait longer to preform that action.'

I loved those times I died because I killed my target too fast, tried to attack the add I had too quickly, and it said 'You must wait longer to preform that action.'

You could group for about 4 hour and still get maybe 5k in items, if you're lucky. A Ninja couldn't even buy another stack of Shishei for Utsusemi with that and forget about ammo for a Ranger for his next few levels.

I won't even start on mobs spawning claimed.

I was enjoyable leveling off crabs, goblins and pugils every few levels. I mean, why would you want to fight anything else? Yeah, I know there are other places to level, but no one is willing to go.

Dying was great! I loved losing about an hours worth of experience just because some idiot in my party got me killed, or maybe we just had a freak accident. Oh well, just another hour to kill!

/end rant

There's a lot more but I'm done for now o.O
#34 Nov 22 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
You guys make an excellent point with the way our views on FFXI were skewed from the beginning. From your sigs (those of you that have info in there) most of you ex-FFXI players were around level 60... Well I'd like to say you made the right choice in leaving to EQ2. I played up to level 75 as quick as I could, I didnt want to buy gil so I fishbotted it for a while then camped NMs for it. Let me tell you, at the end-game is where this skewed perception of goals is most obvious. What do you do at 75? You join an HNMLS and go camp NMs together. The Dragon's Aery is a god damned gang fight. Your LS stands on one side of the room, another LS on the opposite side. Then you proceed to spend 3 hours facing these people (often a JP linkshell with 2 years more experience) and staring at the armor you want to get. This is where trying to get money to twink your character is no longer an issue. Items that are no-trade no-sell, items that drop off the very monster you are camping. And what happens after staring at them for 3 hours? You watch the monster spawn claimed. Why? Maybe a little of it is JP lag being less than NA lag... the mian reason is even when NA use bots, the JPs have been using those bots for 2 years. Using and upgrading them to claim that monster much faster than you can. At least with an HNM like Fafnir if you manage to grab it when the JP take a day off or they lag a bit and you get it, there is some skill required in beating it. Think about an HNM like Simurgh or Roc or Serket. All three of these can be beaten by 2 players, Serket can probably be solod by a ninja with some meds... the ONLY amount of skill required is the luck in getting the claim, and the ability not to **** up horribly. The only thing left to do that's fun is Dynamis, because at least there the JP advantage isn't so obvious. NA groups have had enough time to catch up a bit and have some fun. It's fun playing against the computer. The computer's unfair advantage is understandable, we can work together against it.
#35 Nov 22 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
262 posts
My personal opinion as a former EQI player, and a current FFXI player (I play it for the storyline myself, not to be Uber).

The whole elitism idea is something I've noticed in EVERY MMORPG I've played, it's neither an American, Japanese, or any cultures idea. The only reason it hasn't appeared yet in EQII is that the game is still fresh enough that people are still learning the basics. Soon enough people will start setting party guidelines, and set the bar for equipment... elitism isn't going to go away, no game can do that, you see it even in non-MMORPG games (just listen to FPS players talking about pwning n00bs with their mad skillz). It's just part of human nature.

You can talk all you want about being careful, but this board is still a minority, I seriously doubt there is anything you can do to change the elitism that will eventually hit this game... and elitism isn't really a bad thing, you want players to have enough pride to try and get their character to be as good as possible. It's just when it's taken to extreme measures that it becomes a problem.
#36 Nov 22 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Amen. I also felt that ffxi was kinda shallow as far as content. At first it seems that the content is endless, and is exciting. However as you get into the game you find that most mobs are the same as you go, just diff names and lvl. To me it just seemed liked going in a large circle. Especially lvling job after job. Just became to repetitve.
#37 Nov 22 2004 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone saw the pics of a japenese Bard that kept Roc claimed and slept during the NA times, just so it can be killed in jp time, and controlled so it wont spawn during NA times?

That is just one of the many ways of the overall Japanese community racism towards us. Sure there are some nice jp players, but most still have that "Pearl Harbor, Atom Bomb" attitude.
#38 Nov 22 2004 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Rarely is the moment I rate down, but here is one such case.

GeorgeWierdBush, your comment is not appreciated [by me]. I feel that it is inappropriate to the conversation at hand and thus will get a rate down from me.

You cannot be serious about your comment, and if you are, then I find that very sad.

1. The actions of one does not speak for the many.

2. One catastrophic event does not cancel out another. Think real hard why such an event occurred in Japan those many years ago. Racism, bad sentiments and a whole slew of other things go back and forth. It's on both sides of the fence.

3. The catastrophic events, although with some merit, should not be brought up in a forum where it is inappropriate, unless proven by some facts to be directly the cause of any issues.

I find what you wrote as troll bait. It has no place here. Neither does my response, but as people like to know why rate downs occur, here are my reasons.

Some grammar fixes. Most likely others abound, but whatever.

Edited, Mon Nov 22 19:07:50 2004 by ArcosKojin
#39 Nov 22 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
It was posted online on the message boards, the bard even admitted to it in broken english in the pics, even mocking everyone around him/her (female hume character). Ask in the Froums if you don't believe me.

I don't take kindly to unneeded rate downs, this isnt FFXI general boards.
#40 Nov 22 2004 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
You're right. I read the threads. However, as I said before, what that person did and how s/he felt does not reflect the "overall Japanese community". Unless that person shows proof that s/he is the spokesperson of said community, you made an assumption.

This assumption has garnered a rate down from me only because it does not belong in this particular thread. This thread is not about racism.

And I agree. This is not the FFXI General Forums. Please be mindful of what you said and try to see what my point is.
#41 Nov 22 2004 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
Nice post, I agree at 100%. I tryed to get all those good, hmm BEST equipments at such low levels that farming was taking most of the play time.
magangel, you are so right, FFXI was also VERY repetitive.
This is what makes EQ2 so nice to play, the variety of mobs and stuff to do. In FFXI you could play ALL crafts and Jobs and in someway you get mixed up in what you really want to do. EQ2 makes you focus on what your playing and makes it more "simple" and fun to play.

Props on that post Yuniko.
#42 Nov 22 2004 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
This is all true to an extent, but Everquest and probably Everquest 2 is no less evil in terms of equipment expectations than FFXI. What I like about FFXI is that it's up to the individual to make something of themselves. There isn't the crucial applications to big name guilds where it takes 72 good players to get a few people a couple pieces of equipment after hours of playing.

Sadly in any Mmorpg you are going to have to collect money to get items. The whole concept of the game ultimately revolves around gearing up when you hit that final level. Raid after raid... people complain about farming in FFXI but let's not forget about farming PoTime for several months every day with your guild. I can't even count the number of guilds I saw fall apart over trivial "loot" issues.

I admit that having NA only servers may have been a good idea, but in the end, over time, many mmorpgs boil down to the common things of equipment and money once your level is capped.
#43 Nov 22 2004 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
A splendid post, M'lady Yuniko! And very good observations of how some aspects of the NA release became unbalanced.

I would ask that FFXI players don't just look at the shortcomings of starting on the Japanese servers, but also the bonuses.

SquareEnix (SquareSoft) was, and still is a very avant-garde company. They are willing to take risks, even at the risk their detriment, to try to reach ideals of harmony and perfection that other companies do not even attempt.

True, we entered servers populated by successful or high level players, but, in a year won't new EQ2 player face the same issues? Only we'll be the elite players, and they will be the ones compensating.

The most important, and amazing issue, though, is how two completely different countries came together to play a game in which they found common interest. With the help of the auto-translator, I could group with players that spoke absolutely no English, and vice versa! I got to meet some of the nicest people, people I'd never have met otherwise.

FFXI is not just a MMORPG, it is an experiment in cross-cultural harmony, an experiment that I feel is a great success.

When I first began FFXI, a day or two after I started, (I started day 1 of the NA release) a high level JP player gave me 1000 gil (FF currency) so I could buy oranges and fruit to take part in the Halloween event that was going on. I got a staff with a spooky little bat on the top. This is something that would have never happened otherwise, and I'm sure there are others that can share similar experiences.

For these reasons, and many others, FFXI cannot be compared to other games based solely on its stats or game play (Which are excellent already), because it is not just a game, it is a community that would be hard to find in the real world, where all languages and all nations can meet in harmony, and be happy together.

Were some aspects of the economy unbalanced, or were some players driven to over-farming because they wanted to accepted by more experienced players? Perhaps. But I'd not trade the friends I've made for anything, nor the grand adventures I've shared with people from across the sea, without even always being able to speak each others language.

-Best wishes, Taarak.

#44 Nov 22 2004 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
DrTaarak welcome to California ^_^ The Bay Area is full of culture from all around the world and you don't need a video game to enrich that. FFXI isn't doing something ground breaking, all countries are multi-cultural now. 3rd world countries may be less accepting of other's culture than most, but that does not stop the individual.

FFXI did do a great job with the auto-translator but it wasn't that difficult or ground breaking. Just preprogram a bunch of words and phrases to display when a certain string of characters is entered. This is just like pressing keys on your keyboard so your character would stand up and sit down. I'm not knocking them for it, like I said, its a great thing... it just doesn't require a lot of technology to do so it doesn't really impress me. Anyway, this is not a thread about the auto-translator.

I have to agree that entering into an established economy did force everyone to feel like they were playing catch up from the start. This was made worse by the fact that players were already killing super high level creatures and farming high level items. Seeing posts like "First NA guild to enter Sky" made me feel like I was playing someone else's adventure. An old game if you will. I guess knowing someone else had been playing the game for over a year made me feel like a second class citizen.

Sorry for my long winded post.
#45 Nov 22 2004 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
I suppose I'll have to disagree about the translator. Yes, the *program* is easy, but as someone who has been playing MMORPG's for 8 years, I can say this easy concept has never been implemented with such brilliance.

The bottom line is that in no other game is it so easy to form groups with such a diverse group of people. When is the last time you raided Plane of Torment or Crushbone with groups of players that don't even use the same alphabet? There is no way to play down that achievement; it is unique, and phenomenal.

I do not live in California, and you have to remember that neither do most online gamers. :-P I live in New Jersey, and I'll welcome you to find such civil harmony here, or in the majority of the country. ;-)

We must be careful not to assume all people live in such an accepting environment.

Good luck! Best wishes, Taarak.
#46 Nov 23 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
262 posts
Yes, there was racism in FFXI, I remember hearing horror stories about some of the fights between the Japanese and American players... personally I believe that the JP and NA releases should have been timed together, but there's no sense whining about that now.

Anyway this isn't about racism anyway, it's about elitism... and more or less the differences between EQII and FFXI. Since I don't play EQII I can't really compare the two, but I can say that after playing EQI FFXI was like a breath of fresh air... for two reasons.

1. Job Change, you start the game and decide to be a Nuke Class, after 35 levels you realize you don't like nuking, what do you do? Switch to another class! No need to create a new character, all your skills stay the same (even if your stats don't)... EQI didn't have this, and from what I've seen of EQII, it doesn't either (though I will say that EQII's system looks good, like you slowly build up your character bit by bit along different branches).

2. The storyline, EQI had a great backplot... that was about it, the only time I actually felt like the "Adventurer" my character was supposed to be was in the rare GM event... I found EQI's quests to be bland and boring ("We're at war with the Orcs, bring me 4 orc necklaces"), and their staged quests to be rather stupid too (the Velious ring quest). FFXI at least gave the illusion of progressing the plot, with cutscenes involving your character, NPCs remembering your previous actions, and the ability to actually make a difference in the world (with Conquest). EQII also looks like it will do a better job of this, but that's beside the point.

I've been rambling, but I'll just close with this. EQII looks like a good MMORPG, but atm I'm still happy with FFXI, maybe when I get bored of FFXI I'll switch, but until then Lindain of Bastok will still walk the lands of Vana'diel.
#47 Nov 23 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I quit FFXI before level 40 so I'm almost certainly less qualified to comment than most, but here I am anyway.

While I agree with the original post, there really were benefits to coming onto pre-populated servers. Tons of people that are ready (and often willing) to help you with every aspect of the game, groups at all levels, equipment available for purchase off the player market, the list goes on.

One of the biggest points of contrast between FFXI and EQ2 will be the diversity of available items. I can't tell if EQ2 will follow EQ1's example, but it seems to be heading in that direction, and that encourages me because in EQ1, there were HUNDREDS of different viable items you could use. There wasn't one set weapon for a set class at a set level that was considered the best, there were tons. FFXI had such a limited pool of equipment that there were generally three to four options at any given time: the absolute crap, the poor, the passable, and the elite. The price difference between the passable and the elite would always be amazingly ridiculous, because of the extraordinary rarity of those items.

For that reason alone, I doubt EQ2 will follow the trend of the FFXI draconian attitude toward equipment. There are many more options, and they can be exercised. If you don't have the ultra-uber items for every slot at every level, that's ok, because there's probably an item close to as good that you can use as an alternative. Not to mention that there are items at every level that can viably be obtained through all three primary means of acquisition: questing, crafting and looting.
#48 Nov 23 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Racism is FFXI went both ways, don't place it on the Japanese players alone. I've booted many of players for saying '***'. It got to a point where everything was blamed on the Japanese players. 'Oh the economy sucks so bad! The Japanese got to start the economy! Blah, blah, blah.' So how's the economy now? Inflated by gil farmers! I bet they wish they had the old economy back ^^

I never had one bad experience with a Japanese player in the year I played...possibly because I was a Tarutaru? I did have a Hume though, heh. I couldn't even begin to start on how many North American players I had problems with, though.
#49 Nov 23 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
409 posts
How did we manage to turn this into an NA vs JP thread? As was mentioned before this thread had nothing to do with race. It was about prepopulated servers with people who did not speak our language.

Since you are talking about race I had a number of bad experiences with Japanese players. They became more and more frequent as you got to be higher level, because suddenly you were hunting in the same zones and competing for the same HNMs.

I lost track of the number of times JP parties tried to MPK us, or drive us off by camping on us and bringing AOE mobs. It seemed to me that most JP I dealt with were fine helping with subjob items, Genkai and advanced jobs. But once you got high enough to be a threat that attitude quickly changed.

I also had many friends who joined JP HNM linkshells, and the rules were simple. As an NA you only got the item after all JP already had it.
#50 Nov 23 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
The other huge problem with leveling in FFXI that was noticeable (especially post 50) was that only certain jobs were needed for parties. I am talking RDM, BRD, or NIN, PLD. If you picked NIN you never had problems getting invites because you were a less downtime oriented tank or you didn't need a RDM/WHM (compared to PLDs). PLDs got invites as well, they were just a second choice to NINs. RDMs (refresh) and especially BRDs(no MP needed) got invites for buffing. Why did these jobs get invites, because everyone wanted to be damage dealers.

Nobody wanted to tank or buff. They just wanted their uber DRKs or RNGs. Even BLMs had problems getting parties if the buffer and tank were not already a part of the group. This is what sucked about FFXI as far as partying went.

Sure people will say "get a staic and STFU". Honestly though, how many of you can honestly say you had a long lasting static party? The exp grinding in this game was so insane. I would spend 6 hours at a time in Altepa or Crawlers Nest(exping, not forming, meeting, or camping) and be grateful if I got a level.

A high percentage of players cannot devote that much uninterrupted time for gameplay. Now compound that by finding 5 other people that not only can meet the same playing time requirements you have, but have the neccessary jobs/abilities to fill out your party (i.e. everyone isn't a DRK or DRG).

This is a big reason why even at 40ish people started to quit the game. They just got tired of waiting 6 hours at a time looking for a party every weekend and then having minimal progress to show for it.
#51 Nov 23 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
To the above poster. I was in a very large LS (70+ members) and to say PLD was "second choice" to NIN is, not true. There were two people in my LS that preferred Ninja tanks. The rest were all Pro-Pld, NIN second. It was a matter of playing style, but NIN were definately NOT picked over PLDs, and PLDs NOT picked over NIN. It was about equal. With a NIN tank you needed to be GOOD, and unfortunately there weren't that many that could keep the hate like a pld, so you got downtime anyway because so much Ping ponging with the mob made it attack your drk, rng, mnk (mnk especially!!) that the whm would be burning MP to heal them. Of course, many NIN's didn't quite understand that you had to spend a LOT of gil to be a NIN tank, and just got it because at the was the trend. The best NIN tanks were mostly JP players who had 2 or 3 other jobs leveled past 60 and could AFFORD all that gear, and I'm talking shurikens during battle and the whole nine yards. As an ex Pld to say we were chosen second is definately not quite true.

And btw ^^ I loved tanking as a PLD. But for your other points you made, I agree with you.
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