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General "Tank" GuidelinesFollow

#1 Nov 17 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
494 posts
Figured I would post a simple set of rules to follow to keep your non-tank group members happy. Here goes...

Rule #1
As a tank class your number one duty is to keep the aggro off of the non-tanks. Taunt and Shout are your friend, as well as any AoE attacks. Heroic Opps are good, but useless if your party members die. If you can get a HO off, wonderfull, if not - don't waste time waiting for your HO activator, or linking abilities to pop.

Single mobs are easy to hold aggro on, it takes some SERIOUS damage/healing to pull a mob away from you if you are using taunt. Durring these encounters you have a lot more room to work on getting HOs off without jeapordizing party members.

Multi-mob encounters, however are a little different. TRY to get a AoE HO off first thing. What I do when I start the encounter is start attacking at a distance, then run to the first mob (go for priest/caster classes first) as soon as I stop moving I activate my HO, follow it up with one of the linkers, then use shout to hit each mob, doing damage and taunting each in the process. I follow it up with Assult to further damage each mob and gain more aggro. After that I use my AoE Direct Damage spell to cause even more damage/hate.

To then maintain aggro, if I can get a HO off, I start the HO - if it gets broken I still continue the same path as if it were working, finishing with Shout to again gain more aggro.

Rule #2
Keep your gear updated. Keping your gear updated means less damage or also means you have more HP. This means the healers spend less time healing you and don't run out of power as fast.

Rule #3
Make sure your group members ASSIST YOU and only YOU. A few exceptions may apply, such as if you have someone to Off Tank any accidental encounter adds. Noone should be fighting any other mob except the one you are concentrating on. If you have an off tank, he/she should be the only one that might have to switch targets. One of several situations that may call for this would be if things went bad for some strange reason and a caster was being pummeled, at this point if your Shout does not pull it back, the off tank should engage that mob and get it off of the caster. Everyone else should still be attacking your mob.

Rule #4
Be fast in multi-mob encounters, when you see the main target is about to die, switch your focus to the next target and allow the rest of the group to kill the first one. Start building aggro on the next target so everyone can assist you as soon as the previous mob dies. This keeps the fight going smooth and allows you to direct priorities durring the fight.

Rule #5
Know your abilities and/or spells. If you don't know what they do or the best time to use those abilities then you really are of no use to the group, using the wrong abilities in the wrong situation can lead to major problems. AoE attacks/spells used when a non-aggressive mob wanders through the fight will hit that mob and bring it into the fight, adding unnecessary encounters which could cause a wipe.

Those are just some basic general rules, things I have found to work best and keep me getting groups. A lot of this is common MMO gaming strategies, but you would be surprised how many people really don't know this. If you are one of those people, it's nothing to be ashamed of, it's just something you need to work on. =)
#2 Nov 17 2004 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
I kind of disagree with the HO part. I was in a group and we would start with a HO right after the taunt. When we finished it either gave a really good group buff or an AoE spell that did 140ish to all the enemies. Seemed faster then everyone just mashing all of there abilites once we got the hang of it.
#3 Nov 17 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Good rules. As a fighter thread, I have a question that may be appropriate-

I have a 12th Crusader and an 11th warrior. The crusader is using an iron ******* sword (two handed on the fast side) and I am trying the dual-wield route as the warrior. I had originally thought that with two fast weapons (1.2 right now, iron short sword and dark brigand dagger) I would minimize the effect of any single MISS in combat, averaging out to the same damage over time, but having it come in reliable little chunks quickly.

Well, it doesn't seem to be working out like that, and I am wondering what other tanks think about weapon choice. My crusader, who does have a slightly higher AC since he is my first character, died innumerable times, so had more money, seems to kill the same critters easier than my warrior does. In fact, my warrior needs to run on occassion, if too many of his HO's miss or otherwise don't pan out.

The crusader seems far more reliable.

What tends to work out better in your experience? Big slow weapons, or smaller faster ones? Two or one?

#4 Nov 17 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
nm found answer on DW on another tread, please disregard this post

Edited, Wed Nov 17 09:39:02 2004 by Lexas
#5 Nov 17 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
You have to equip two "dual wield" swords. I messed up and bought an iron longsword and iron shortsword when I hit 10... you can't use the longsword in a dual-wield setup.

Both your weapons have to be tiny.
#6 Nov 17 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
You are probably a person who can't figure out why they die in BB all the time... AoE spells are terrible in heavy areas. Thats a quick way to get a couple extra ad-ons on you in a heartbeat. They are good if there are no other things around but you can't just default to using it first. People who use AoE's like crazy have a great quote when the respawn after dying... "Where did all those extra monsters come from?" DUH! :)
#7 Nov 17 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
1,576 posts
Good guide in general but I have one thing to point out.

Taunt and Shout are your friend, as well as any AoE attacks.

For the love of god, please watch the AoE attacks! Not just because of surrounding mobs but for your enchanter's (or anyone else attempting crowd control) benefit. Don't wake up the mez'd mobs.

If you have someone doing crowd control, you'll most likely find your AoE's worthless.

I also had someone try to tell me that shout effected all mobs in the area.. Not true, don't listen to that if someone tries to tell you. Feel free to spam shout at will because it only effects the mobs you're fighting and won't wake up any mez'd mobs (unless you finish a HO with it).

Edited, Wed Nov 17 10:18:38 2004 by subvert
#8 Nov 17 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
Whoever the main tank is, just run right up in the middle of thew spawn and shout. Pulling isn't a very good idea. So far all the spawns seem to be self contained and if you fight the mobs where they lay, it will be less risky than pulling to another location, as far as getting accidental adds.

Next hit em with AOE to sweeten the deal, and start beating on the 1st caster mob if it is there.

If you are a Crusader (like me), then the next thing to do is cast Demonstration of Faith on your self if you are main tank, or on the main tank if it is someone else. It is no hassle to cast because if you have a mob targetted it will cast on you, and if you are assisting someone it will cast on them. I cannot stress this spell enough for Crusaders! Healers will love you because it is a damage absorbing shield, and is almost as good as a heal. Every time it comes back up cast it again...

As long as you are the only person with the agro multiple mobs are not the problem. It makes the healers job easy. So AOE away - everyone!

I fight with groups in BB all the time exactly like this. Often the only Tank and everyone is completely satisfied, and no one dies... Except when someone else decides to be tank, :o

Don't group with enchanters. They are living in a EQ1 dream world where they want to keep everything mezzed and will constantly be pissed off at everyone. :P

Vanhin - 16 Crusader - Lifetime Tank
#9 Nov 17 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
1,576 posts
Don't group with enchanters. They are living in a EQ1 dream world where they want to keep everything mezzed and will constantly be pissed off at everyone. :P

That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day but it's still early.
#10 Nov 17 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
I thought you'd like it. It's true. I enjoy the group I'm in a lot better if there isn't a pissed off Enchanter in the group... Unless they understand the following:

Mezzing everything isn't the best thing to do every time.

Just ask anyone who I've ever grouped with me in BB on unrest. They will vouch that what I wrote in my post works.

Vanhin - 16 Crusader
#11 Nov 17 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
1,576 posts
If you'd rather have a crappy AoE then crowd control so be it, I'll be sure to /point and /laugh as they're trying to scrape the paste that was your body off the floor as I pass you.
#12 Nov 17 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
Well you obviously don't know what you are talking about. Oh, well you do what you want, I care not.
#13 Nov 17 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts

Taunt and Shout are your friend, as well as any AoE attacks.

For the love of god, please watch the AoE attacks! Not just because of surrounding mobs but for your enchanter's (or anyone else attempting crowd control) benefit. Don't wake up the mez'd mobs.

I agree, I addressed this in the information I provided however. AoE is good for certain situations, just watch what is going on, but if you dont have someone parking mobs AoE shout and AoE DD is awsome for keeping all the attention on yourself.
#14 Nov 17 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
Well you obviously don't know what you are talking about.

Yes, it's sooooo obvious that doing a tiny bit of extra damage is so much more important than having 1 mob beating on you than 4. I have no idea what I'm talking about. It's stupid to put the group's benefit before my own ego because that tiny extra AoE damage is so super important.

LOL, asshat.
#15 Nov 17 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
1,576 posts
When I see the Fighter type AoE's doing more damage I might rethink this but I just don't see it being worth it at this point. It's been pretty crappy so far.

Edited, Wed Nov 17 10:50:53 2004 by subvert
#16 Nov 17 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Default
agree, I addressed this in the information I provided however. AoE is good for certain situations, just watch what is going on, but if you dont have someone parking mobs AoE shout and AoE DD is awsome for keeping all the attention on yourself.


And I'd like to add that if you have a full group of 14+ with atleast one good tank and one good healer, there is not a spawn in Black Burrow that requires the use of and Enchanter mez to complete it successfully, and with ease.

Even the Brewery, Hero, or Captain.

Just have the tank go nuts with the shouts, and the AOE, plus Demo. of Faith, and you are all set. And everyone else do their thing, including AOE. No problem

Edited, Wed Nov 17 10:54:31 2004 by esamatti
#17 Nov 17 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
When I see the Fighter type AoE's doing more damage I might rethink this but I just don't see it being worth it at this point. It's been pretty crappy so far.

It's not about the damage. It's about the agro. Another fine example that you haven't a clue. You ever even fought in BB?
#18 Nov 17 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
The thing about fighter AoE Hos is that they end in a Shout, the shout does damage and causes extra hate. You are pulling the mobs to you while doing damage. I don't know about everyone else, but when I do 'Starter -> Attack -> Shout' I see most of the enemy bars drop by about 1/4. Call me a crazy tank, but so far I don't have much of a problem anywhere I go, unless the group is just completely outmatched in levels.
#19 Nov 17 2004 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
No you are right on.

They made the AOE stuff in this game right.

Also the HO AOE stuff rocks.

There are times when you need a mez When you are obviously fighting bigger stuff than the group, or you have a smaller group.
#20 Nov 17 2004 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
It's not about the damage. It's about the agro. Another fine example that you haven't a clue. You ever even fought in BB?

LOL, Don't *you* get it? Damage = Aggro! If you're doing crappy AoE damage, then you're not getting much extra aggro (unless the ability has extra hate increasing properties which I havn't seen any yet). Not worth waking up mobs and killing crowd control.

Doing a shout every time it's ready is more than enough to keep hate so far anyways if you have good crowd control. If the mobs are mez'd, they aren't getting hate from anyone but the enchanter and the shout's you do take care of that.

Crowd control isn't necessary at this point in the game, but it's nice. It makes things flow much faster and for you to say don't invite an Enchanter just because you want to do AoE's is asinine.

Edited, Wed Nov 17 11:05:25 2004 by subvert
#21 Nov 17 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
LOL, Don't *you* get it? Damage = Aggro! If you're doing crappy AoE damage, then you're not getting much extra aggro (unless the ability has extra hate increasing properties which I havn't seen any yet). Not worth waking up mobs and killing crowd control.

I believe he is referring to the same thing I am referring to, AoE HOs, not your normal AoE attacks - though when you chain 2 AoE regular attacks together, that is two fast simultanious multi-mob hits, every little bit helps to hold aggro - specially when you are not activly attacking that single mob.
#22 Nov 17 2004 at 10:58 AM Rating: Default
LOL, Don't *you* get it? Damage = Aggro! If you're doing crappy AoE damage, then you're not getting much extra aggro (unless the ability has extra hate increasing properties which I havn't seen any yet). Not worth waking up mobs and killing crowd control.

It also does good damage. Wrong again buddy

Edited, Wed Nov 17 11:02:27 2004 by esamatti
#23 Nov 17 2004 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Bottom line is you DON'T NEED an Enchanter necessarily.
#24 Nov 17 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
esamatti wrote:
LOL, Don't *you* get it? Damage = Aggro! If you're doing crappy AoE damage, then you're not getting much extra aggro (unless the ability has extra hate increasing properties which I havn't seen any yet). Not worth waking up mobs and killing crowd control.

It also does good damage. Wrong again buddy

Ya, umm... Assult = uber damage.. Get real. I just got App III for assult last night and it still sucks. Havn't got Cry of Conviction yet so I don't know about it. That's why I said that I'd have to reconsider if they got much better.
#25 Nov 17 2004 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
Bottom line is you DON'T NEED an Enchanter necessarily.

Nobody said you did need one. Just that if you do have one, it's not worth spamming AoE's because it's not worth it.

However, you said not to invite Enchanters because you can't be bothered with watching your AoE's. That is just a very stupid thing to say.

Edited, Wed Nov 17 11:09:09 2004 by subvert
#26 Nov 17 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
Ya, umm... Assult = uber damage.. Get real. I just got App III for assult last night and it still sucks. Havn't got Cry of Conviction yet so I don't know about it. That's why I said that I'd have to reconsider if they got much better.

More like "Cry of Conviction", Assault, HO AEO, and every other AOE that the various classes have; It all adds up and works just fine. Go play and find out for yourself.

Besides, I never said Assault, and I never said uber damage.

That's a red herring. You have changed the meaning of my argument and attacked the false version of the argument.

My argument is:

Tank should use shout and AOE to get mobs onto themselves, everyone else should use AOE too and we don't necessarily need an Enchanter. Specifically I used BB as an example since many of us should be familiar with it.

Edited, Wed Nov 17 11:16:46 2004 by esamatti
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