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Are you in the dog house yet?Follow

#27 Nov 17 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
My wife looks at my gaming time as time for her to do crap alone that I hate to do..

e.g. Going out shopping with her girlfriends, having the girlfriends over to watch TV, etc...

My gaming time = her time with the girls
#28 Nov 17 2004 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
Rotacidare wrote:
Those that have wives that play you don't know how lucky you are......

I knew I wasn't going to have any issues with my wife when we started playing EQ... She was a D&D gamer already for a few years, so this was just a '+' weapon on a silver platter to her. *chuckle* She was as excited about EQII coming out as I was...
#29 Nov 17 2004 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
98 posts
My wife played with me on FFXI which was awesome. I sat there on my PC and cliked away and she did the same on our ps2 (notice the my and our). But know with EQ2 having only one PC its all of a sudden or PC and she wants her turn on her character. Now I'm stuck sitting on X-box live playing halo 2 looking at the clock swapping every 2 hours on the pc. 2 HOURS on the game thats it. I can't do $hi7 in 2 hours


Note: this is for the weekends, who has time on the weekdays at my age anyway >_<

Edited, Wed Nov 17 23:49:56 2004 by rockiesbluetaco
#30 Nov 18 2004 at 12:02 AM Rating: Good
61 posts
My finace and I play together, we have two computers in our office room, so it isn't a problem. I was never into computer/console gaming until he got me started on EQI shortly after we started dating. We played that, FFXI, COH and now EQII together. Sadly enough EQII was part of my birthday present this year.

When I'm grouping with someone that says they need to leave because their significant other is getting angry I always give them a hard time and just tell them to get them started playing and they won't have any more problems ;)
#31 Nov 18 2004 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
Even spouses that play together get mad at each other on occasion. The problem is, it's not because we play too much, it's more along the lines of "I TOLD you we couldn't handle all of them.... I DIED THANK YOU VERY MUCH".... 10 minutes later and three shard recovery runs (and shared debt xp) later because you died in a very bad spot...... "the evil eye" starts lol
#32 Nov 18 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
Luckily my husband does play with me :), but the above poster is right. We still fight over how fast I pull, when we run ect. :). But mostly we just make fun of the morons in our group who don't have the slightest clue what they are doing.

Quote from a level 20 Shadowknight who was our main tank: "Plate is a waste of money"

20 Berserker
Antonia Bayle
#33 Nov 18 2004 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
I got a good laugh at those that share with me the "wait till the wife is asleep" game play. I am also lucky that she tends to head off to bed much earlier then I do.
#34 Nov 18 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
My wife goes to bed around 7-8, and I usually go to bed aroun 10-12 so I got a little time, problem is I usually am far to into the game if I stay up till 12 and end up playing till 3 at such a time she generally wakes up comes and gives me grief goes back to bed. Than and hour later gets up to go to work and just laughs at me because I need to go to work in another 2 hours and am dead beat tired. Hehe. I attempted to get her into the game by letting her kill some things with my main, but she wasn't all to into it. And I'm not sure she would be if we could afford another comp for her to play with me. I just make sure to give her her time and she lets me have mine.
#35 Nov 18 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Even spouses that play together get mad at each other on occasion. The problem is, it's not because we play too much, it's more along the lines of "I TOLD you we couldn't handle all of them.... I DIED THANK YOU VERY MUCH".... 10 minutes later and three shard recovery runs (and shared debt xp) later because you died in a very bad spot...... "the evil eye" starts lol

Smiley: laugh
How true!

I get the "didnt you hear me say I needed a heal???"
and I usually retort with "well what kind of pull was that? You think you're frikking Superman or something?"

yeah things can get tense but in the end youre still spending quality time together and are arguing about little things instead of issues of a higher status. I'll pick arguing over whose fault we died anytime over why we dont spend tiem together.
#36 Nov 18 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
38 posts
I got a friend who has a serious relationship going on. We used to play FFXI together, and now we're trying to play EQ2 together. But his girlfriend calls him... a lot. I mean, they've spent like 120% of every day together for the past 3 years, and she just spoke to him an hour ago. What does she have to say?

Not a damn thing. Ever. She could get abducted by aliens, call him from their spaceship, and still manage to chatter about something uninteresting.

Then she's mad at him for playing video games; for using his time on something he wants to do. If he was reading a book for 3-4 hours, he'd be doing it without her, and she wouldn't complain. But she's making a judgment call about something which isn't her business.

I tell you, man, if you get this kind of grief from the girlfriend, do this in return: call her whenever her favorite TV show is on, or when she's out shopping, or when she's trying to chat with one of her friends. Talk to her about INANE BS, stuff you know for a fact doesn't interest her, and get mad at her for wanting to return to whatever relaxing passtime she was involved in before you came rummaging into her bubble.

Hopefully, she'll see the resemblance.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 13:24:40 2004 by MJB
#37 Nov 18 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
My wife has been pretty good about EQ2. She's not a gamer. I'm very envious of you people with gamer spouses. I make up for it by creating media for her busines with my Mac G5 dual 2.0GHZ which sits next to my PC.

*edit business card logo*
*edit business card text*

#38 Nov 18 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
186 posts
well I usually don't have problem playing games because I never get really addicted and have much time spend together with my gf. I was playing Sims2 beore the release of EQ2; I let my gf tried and she likes it so much I needa buy her another copy. Now she's really into Sims2 while I play my EQ2. She could play even longer hours with sims2 than I can play EQ2 so I guess that won't get me into the dog house, but I definitely would let her try out EQ2. We played lineage together a few years ago for a little while and she seems to like that kinda game. The problem is if there is a monthly fee I afraid she'll be turn off by the monthly fee.
#39 Nov 18 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
Why are we assuming that only the men are the ones who end up in the dog house because of their love of the games? Although my Husband plays as well he works third shift, so therefore I get to play more often...and I get to advance higher than him, which causes its on set of problems. Right now we are the same Lvl I'm a 14 Half-Elf Warrior and he a 14 Barb Crusader and I try not to play too much without him......But boy it's hard not to turn on the computer and advance your toon. :)

Haha! Well more women are getting into these games now but for the longest time they wern't ever seen. My girlfriend also plays, I can't say shes more into it then me, but she doesn enjoy it very much. I am already about 2 levels above her IE in big trouble so I have to find things to occupie me in the meantime, I got 2 levels ahead by doing innocent "quests" which netted me gobs of xp. I found a solution, craft. Craft your heart away. =) Harvest and craft and craft some more. ;0 I made myself a 6 slot backpack with 10% weight reduction last night. Woot!
#40 Nov 18 2004 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
This has been an issue in my house as well.

My wife's idea of sharing is me watching a show I have no interest in seeing, HGTV, Design on a get the picture. Her point is I'm sharing with her. I asked how is that sharing if we are doing what you want to do with no regard to me and what I want.

This went on for 5 years with EQ and WWII. Not to mention the 15 to 20 games I've helped beta test.

I finally won this argument. I told her I was feeling neglected because she wasn't playing the computer games online with me. I had the ads for the local computer part stores and their sales. She asked what that was for I said I was going to build her a computer and order the game for her so we could "SHARE" the experience together. She said I don't like computer games and will not play.

And I said bingo, now you know how I feel about watching the same channel 24/7 about home decorating and yet you want me to SHARE on that.

She practically drove me to the store so I could get my game.

I know she would like it, anyone who like Ms. Packman has some nerd in her........

Edited, Thu Nov 18 17:04:38 2004 by Aatari

Edited, Thu Nov 18 17:08:55 2004 by Aatari
#41 Nov 18 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
Been single for a year now thanks to FFXI. Now that I'm off of that POS game, I have 3 girls who are crushing on me. But EQ2 is here, and my video card is 4 weeks away :( So I still have time before I open the big pearly gates to the dog house :D

lol, someone should buy me a new vid card :S I have bills and a car related problem that have to be attended to first, and thus I won't have the moola to pay for a new one for at least another month.

Help! *cries*
#42 Nov 18 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
If I dont watch out, I might be on my way to a divorce.

We will be moving from North Carolina to Alabama in 3 weeks and Ive been playing EQ2 semi-consistently since release.

The problem is that my wife never sat down with me to plan out how we would move...she just started and now she's pissed that Im not helping. Soooo much of this is baggage from my playing EQ1 for nights on end.

It really pisses me off that she doesnt have a hobby she loves as much as EQ.

And now, despite I have issues that SHE never addresses...if I dont start spending "all my time helping move" (an actual quote) the yelling will get louder.

God, I should have married a girl that plays EQ. Any out there?
#43 Nov 18 2004 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
My boyfriend has started threatening to ban TV in the office so that I can't play EQ2 and watch CSI at the same time. Forcing me to not play as much and let him catch up. So far he has not carried through with this threat, but he did make me stand around in the Graveyard and watch him kill skeletons last night as punishment for leveling up too high.

We both play so we can group and spend time together, but at this point if we group he does not get xp (he is level 8, I'm level 12) so he makes me watch him fight and be there when he needs to yell for help. Oh yes and listen to him complain that if there was PvP he would be happier :)
#44 Nov 18 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
OH How I wish my wife would play. Y'all have it SOOOOOO great. I do have this to say he did approve my $399.00 ATI Radion X800 256mb upgrade video card. and she knows I'll calm down soon almost 36 hours play in 8 days boy am I tired. Oh and yes I'm in the doghouse I get "The LOOK" everytime she walks by the computer room.
#45 Nov 18 2004 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
I'm actually kind of afraid to get my wife interested. First off I only have one comp and don't like sharing, secondly if we did get a second comp she'd want me to always play (if she was interested) and I do get tired of gaming every now and then. Getting her to like EQ2 would be a dangerous gamble.
#46 Nov 18 2004 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
Lol, I decided not to play last night, the wife is already scowling ready to attack me for 5 years of Everquest.

She wanted to slap me after she saw the EQ2 box three nights ago.

Luckily I get most of my play time in while at work. I'll try my luck out tonight, maybe bring home something to distract her, like a girl movie or something.
#47 Nov 19 2004 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Well, my experience - I am a woman and I was VERY much in the dog house with my boyfriend for playing Everquest. It even led to our break-up (he didn't like me leveling ahead of him & grouping with others). Prior to Everquest he spent more time playing computer & PS2 games which I was understanding of. I've only played for 3 months and I'm SO ADDICTED I spend about 30hrs a week playing (and work!) - so it's not only men.

Both men and women are capable of sulking instead of telling you what they want and that doesn't make time spent with them more enjoyable. Women win the arguments true, that's because we naturally talk more therefore we are better at it (read 'skill-up' lol).

In my opinion the words 'you're playing that stupid game again' should never be spoken. If the person you love enjoys something & it makes them happy, that has to be respected. Try pointing out that it's your hobby - and a relaxing/thought-provoking one too. Of course spending time together is needed, I submit this should be something you're both interested in + hugs + compliments. One more thing - women don't actually ENJOY nagging & get fed up of themselves, maybe you just need to talk the problems through and agree a solution.

NB I play EQ1 not EQ2, just looked here to see what EQ2 was like and no I have no plans to switch over, way too much to do in EQ1, but I like to join in interesting threads.
#48 Nov 19 2004 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
My wife and I have been gaming together for about 6yrs now. She solved the problem of not out leveling me while I'm at work with crafting.
Now the only problem is trying to get her to stop crafting and come group with me when I'm home.
#49 Nov 19 2004 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
Luckily i have a pretty understanding gf (it wasn't always that way). She is used to me sometimes playing for hours and hours because of EQlive. When we first got together I don't think she realized I played as much as I did but after a while, and a bit of explaining that computers and computer games were my hobby she slowly began to understand. If i plan on playing more than 3+ hours i try to set it up so that she is working, going to school, or has her own plans all day. I also try to mix it up a bit, for instance, if one night i go overboard and play all day/night while we could be spending time together, the next day I will pull myself away from the computer for the day so that we can do something together. While I do love the game I try to remember that it is just that, a game.
#50 Nov 19 2004 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
Since the wife and I are splitting up (non-eq related), I'm free to play as much as I want. If things were different, my ears would be bleeding by now, lol. Sadly, I'm a little too bummed to play as much as I would like but I'll get over it eventually.
#51 Nov 19 2004 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Me and my fiance play, not at the same time. While we would get anouther PC and play together..we would never get off, and the kids(we have 2) would be neglected. So we share, he plays during the day, during most of the week(he works 12 hours shifts Sat. Sun amd Mon), while I take care of the kids, and household chores(I am a stay at home mom). After suppertime, I play while he gets kids set and put in bed. On weekends when he works..I play a little in the morning while the kids play and have their breakfast..until lunch time-then take kids out and whatever. Once my fiance gets home around 6pm he plays unitl 10pm then goes to bed..and I play til 2 am. LOL We stay at the same lvls by doing so. He just turned 19, and I am almost 19(2 yellow bubbles). It works out good for us.
We got addicted to EQOA after a friend he worked with gave us the game(he was a diehard EQ1 player, and didn't like eqoa). We played it for about 2 years and tried EQ1, but didnt care for it that much. We also had FFXI, played if for a 2 weeks and sold it on ebay-we hated it, then we got at first, but way too easy and repetative. We were both very excited and couldn't wait for EQ2..and we are soooo addicted. :) No dog house here for us......we still have "us" time also. :)
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