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Heroic OpportunitiesFollow

#1 Nov 16 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Just wonder what Heroic Oportunities people have done and what there effects are. Trying to make a list of all the available ones and how do do them.

Scout Starter


Bravos Dance - Increase Attack Rate Rare to get at lvl 14
Swindlers luck - Increses Scouts abilities for short time
Ringing Blow - Damage


Strenght of Unity - Group Buff
Done the same way as above there is one that does AoE for 147 to white con groups.

Fighter Starter


Sky Cleave - single target hit - Fighting chance, wild swing
Crushing Anvil - AoE hit - Fighting chance, wild swing
Hero's Armor - defense buff - Fighting chance, wild swing


Lucks Bite - Additional Damage - tank starter, Scout Coin
Swindlers Gift - Increases groups abilities for short time
- Tank starter, Scout Coin

Mage Starter


Arcane Trickery - Not sure what it does. Had other effects turned off.
- Mage starter, Scout Coin

When I do some more I will start to write down how to trigger them. If you have anymore just post them and how to do them if you know how and I will edit this post and add them to this post. Thanks. Hopefully we can get a good list going for people to look at.

Info Provided by

Rrikor, Izzozz, Ashura

Edited, Fri Nov 19 09:07:14 2004 by Rrikor
#2 Nov 16 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I've got a lvl 10 enchanter. I almost always use the lighting one, occasionally it will come up with the Star symbol so I have to use the Storm one. Both of them seem to just throw in an extra lightning bolt that increases the overall damage of your spell by about 50%.

I haven't had a chance to try it with a mez. I bet that'll be interesting.
#3 Nov 16 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
I havent been in a group that understand how to put them together yet. They have to be done in a group correct?
#4 Nov 16 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
You can do them solo. You use the HO ability and thenw atch for what skills blink. You then use that skill and wait to see what other skill blinks. Thats the basics. You can dish out some serious damage with this in most cases and it makes you a very effective solo'ist.
#5 Nov 17 2004 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
The group ones are a little harder to do. If you want to do it in a group you have to decide ahead of time. Set up an order on how to start. Everyone go in pure melee. Tank taunts. Pick someone to use there starter. Pick who goes second see what happens and so on. Once you get it down it goes pretty smoothly. One thing i notice is if someone doesnt want to do them they just spam all there abilities so its worthless. When you are doing HOs you pretty much have to say only do an ability if it is your turn unless you are the cleric and have to heal or the tank and you need to taunt because it is beating the crap out of someone.
#6 Nov 17 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
I for some reason just don't get how to make HO's work. I see the image come up, but how do I know which attack I am supposed to use?
#7 Nov 17 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
As a crusader soloing I have managed to get two of them off. One does double damage of my best attack and makes the enemy go all shimmery (cant remember th name off the top of my head) and another one which I have no idea how to replicate and seems to arrive after a certain degree of button spamming gives a hero sheild buff.

The damnage one is done using Wild swing to kick off the ring and Taunt to complete it...amongst other combos!

I wish my memory were better :(

#8 Nov 17 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
The abilities you need to do next should be flashing in your hotbar. If you want to know the symbol for each ability you will need to right click on the ability and go to examine.

The second crusader one is probobly the same as how you do the first ones seem how solos only go one deep. It is just probobly a rare ability. As you level up you should see it more. When i started i could only get Swindlers luck. Now i get ringing blow most the time with the occasional other 2.
#9 Nov 17 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
220 posts
The damnage one is done using Wild swing to kick off the ring and Taunt to complete it...amongst other combos!

Level 13 (almost 14!) Crusader

I constantly use HO when soloing...Fighting Chance to open, then Wild swing/Righteous Blow/Righteous Anger/Blessed Weapon, followed by Taunt/Shout:

Sky Cleave (single target hit)
Crushing Anvil (AoE hit)
Hero's Armor (defense buff, lasts ~2min I think)

When the HO window is open the abilities you can use to trigger it at each step will be flashing in your selection bar.

p.s. You can get in a Kick between HO's for nonstop damage ^^
#10 Nov 17 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
494 posts
Any of the fighters offensive HOs can be made AoE by using Shout. Correwct me if I am wrong, but that is what I have seen so far.
#11 Nov 17 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sure my crusader HO was called something different..need to check. But the Hero Shield one is the one that appears every so often. I didnt know it was random.

I usually run the following routine in a solo fight

Fighting Chance
Wild Swing
Taunt (HO kicks in)
Fighting Chance
Righteous Blow
Taunt (HO kicks in)

and so on...

Thats a constant stream of HO's with kicks in between for constant damage. I then litter that with the odd Righteous Anger if found waiting for an action to refresh.

I can normally take a yellow con and stay on 75% health. If i use my various buffs beforehand I can often finish on at least 90% health. Only problem is, I drain my power so end up sitting and healing up anyway.


PS. will have to try the shout one for AoE. There's something to try tonight :)

Edited, Wed Nov 17 12:20:40 2004 by Izzozz
#12 Nov 17 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Anyone have any HO's for a soloing shaman? I am level 12 1/2 and still haven't been able to fiqure them out.
#13 Nov 17 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
To figure out the HO yourself... simply get all your abilities on a hotbar. click fighting chance and see what icons glow on and off. One of them is required to start off the wheel. then a different icon will glow showing you how to finish it off. More than one icon may glow and i dont think it matters which one you press.

Sometimes it may fail so dont be disheartened...just try again.

#14 Nov 17 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
HO lists for Fighter, Scout, Mage and Priest.

You'll notice that Priests & Mages are considerably less versatile than Scouts & Fighters and really shouldn't be doing any HO starting in groups. Out of the two good classes, Scouts have the better effects but all their group effects have starter chains of two or more skills and are therefore a bit of an effort to set up. They're effective, but in my opinion not effective enough to warrant the waiting time until the wheel pops up.

As a Brawler, I get mostly duo chains and so I usually just watch out for lightning or chalice spells being cast and hit my starter when I see 'em to guarantee a chain. Doesn't require any setup and doesn't interrupt the flow of the fight. Now, if only my fellow fighters would stop wasting Power on useless crap like Wild Strike all the time. . .
#15 Nov 17 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
Can someone give me the symbol for the wild skill abilities and stuff. Seams how there are multiple abilities for each symbol i think the symbols will work the best.

As for some of them taking to long once you get a good group going you should have them coming up in less the 5 seconds. Exspecially with team speak and if you are doing the same ones over and over. When we were doing strength of unity it is 4 deep i think but in a battle we have it up right away and then the only wait was if someone interupted and i had to restart other then that maybe 8 seconds between them. Groups just need practice with it and to get used to setting them up ahead of time so people know what they have to do when.
#16 Nov 17 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
If you right click a skill and examine it, the disc gives you two images for the skill. The top one is obviously the image that shows up in your skill bar. But the bottom one is the important one. When doing HO's you have a skill that is only useful for starting them this is the first skill you use. On the lower right hand side of you screen a chain image shows up when you have used the HO starter skill with pictures of what skill to use next,a sword, a chalice, a foot, and another one I can't remember at the moment. Anyhow you use a skill that matches one of those images to complete the chain and bring up the HO wheel. The second image in the skill disc shows which skill match to the chain completing images.

Next you will need to use a skill that matches the image that shows up in the wheel.

It is also important to note that your skill in the skill bar will flash as noted in an above post, indicating that the will either complete the chain, or the HO, as you go throught the motions of each succesive skill. However you can get HO's off faster by having skills que'd as you finish up a previous skill. This speeds up the battle by allowing you to utilize the HO more often as your skills recharge. So knowing the type of skills you have and the order in which to use them will make your life much easier.

I don't know much about group HO's because I can't group effectivly do to my lack of RAM and a slow computer. Hehe, but someday I will. Group HO's are suppose to be spectacular when you have a skilled group.
#17 Nov 17 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
good post, Xerophyte.

if you are in a group that you are not familiar with, it is best if the fighter begins the chains. they have many more possibilities of starting a chain off of their HO starter. the next step is to have the rest of peeps in group only use abilities that will make the HO go to the next level... which luckily happens to be the skills the classes want to use.

Example, fighter starts chain and off of that chain you will see a chalice (which works with priest heal spells which they probably will be casting on the tank) as well as the hammer for smite line, mage lightning strike which will also start a chain and allow them to do their damage part, or else the war can just start a solo chain with his own skills. sorry scouts, no link for u to advance the HO when fighters start it.

just communicate with the group that the first abilities they should use should only be ones with the symbols that pop up with the fighter chain. tell your scouts to not use any specials until the wheel is opened. also, come up with a timing that the fighter will start the HO once he attacks. perhaps 2 seconds after target arrives. this will allow time for everyone to get in place, then begin casting their spells which will advance the chain. with some luck and practice, you will be popping up wheels many times in battles.

summary: Battle begins... 1) fighters use HO ability to start chain immediately 2) scouts refrain from using abilities until the wheel is up 3) priests cast either heal or smite line of spells 4) Mages use lighting strike line of spells only until the HO wheel arrives.

Voila! you have HO's all over the place LOL hope this helps
#18 Nov 17 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
Scouts can go off of the fighter. Its the coin in the bottom right triggers luck bite or swindlers gift.
#19 Nov 17 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
Rrikor wrote:
Scouts can go off of the fighter. Its the coin in the bottom right triggers luck bite or swindlers gift.

Even better! guess i've always missed the coin...
#20 Nov 17 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know how to do a HO for a Druid... I can't seem to get one to pop up???
#21 Nov 17 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
For those that want a simplified explanation: I figured this out by myself. It wasn't too hard for me, but I played FFXI for a long time, and they have something called 'Skillchains' which is very similar.

Basically, when you start the option for a heroic oppurtunity, an icon comes up, surrounding this icon are small flashing icons in different colors. Depending on your job, your icon is either blue, green, yellow, or red (I believe these are the colors.) For example.... a blue sword icon means to initiate the chain, a warrior class (meaning a melee that picked fighter at the start of their game) needs to initiate a skill that uses a sword. Wild Swing for a common example. After this...a new icon will appear in the center of a large circle. If you are playing solo that means you'll have to finish your own chain. A horn icon means you need to use a "sound" shout or taunt. I don't know the other icons very well for the other jobs... but say for instance A warrior starts a chain, and a yellow hammer in a circle comes up. That means a cleric(their color is yellow) needs to perform a weapon skill that involves his/her hammer to finish the "Heroic Oppurtunity".

It's pretty easy once you figure it out, and at least it shows you the icon of what to follow with. In FFXI you had to memorize the combonations...time them 3 seconds apart, and the mages had to know what Magic to cast 3 seconds after the Skillchain to create a Magic Burst (which did a lot of damage if done right...etc etc) This really is pretty simple. Everyone should learn how to do it, because you really can kill mobs a lot faster with less downtime this way.

Also to initiate a Heroic Oppurtunity...there is a little icon that should be in your "Knowledge" tab somewhere, just hot key it. Sometimes I've noticed it doesn't always pop up.... but 80 percent of the time you can start one.

Edited, Wed Nov 17 15:29:18 2004 by Ivven
#22 Nov 17 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Well, the skill-icon relation isn't always trivial. For example, the Priest Hammer symbol is for their nukes (I.e. Smite for the lowbies) and as a Brawler I get plenty of Hand-to-Hand skills that use the Sword icon - notably Power Strike which has a hand for skill icon but is associated with Sword and not Fist in HOs. There seems to be some consistency, but it's not entirely opaque. A chart 'd be nice to have.

It's easy to check the icons for skill you have, at least. Just examine the skill in the hotbar or in the knowledge menu, it'll show the icon.
#23 Nov 19 2004 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
Added one more. Wasnt able to test anymore because I was sick and the one group I was in was doing free for all after trying a few times and getting stuck on cup due to not having a healer.
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