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EQ2 - EQ - WoWFollow

#1 Nov 12 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
Okay I got EQ2 and been playing for awhile. Here is "my opinion" on the gaming of what is out there.
As for the "new" generation of gaming. WoW (which is beta only at this point)) greatly surpasses EQ2 in look/feel and adventuring. WoW is easily handled by my computer, has great graphics and overall is just alot more enjoyable playing. In WoW they seemed to have incoporated all the good things from all the other games. Just check out the link on the top of this page.
I have been playing EQ since it's release and as far as I'm concerned EQ is much better than EQ2. I plan on staying with EQ. The developers should have put their efforts into making EQ have the look of EQ2. The $50 for EQ2 was a waste, but I do like to check out what's out there.
So For me it's EQ, and for experiencing the new generation of gaming it's WoW.
#2 Nov 12 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
Well sorry ya did'nt like it, have fun in WoW. bye.
#3 Nov 12 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
okay i'd like to say that your opinion is very factual and respectable, however, EQ2 is not eq, it is a brand new experience. as for the graphics in WOW they may be nice on your computer but sony has put graphics in this as to keep them up to date with graphics for the next 2 years atleast. Without having to go out and buy new expansions to upgrade your graphics that way they can focus more on content then on graphics.
#4 Nov 12 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
Hail Siamm,

For me, it's that I feel more immersed in EQ2. The graphics, NPCs, and monsters seem more real - which allows me to play the game and feel "attatched" to it. I really enjoy the quests, monsters, locations, and social aspect of EQ2. I never played the first Everquest, so I can't compare there. Do you mind explaining a bit more on the differences from the two games for you? I hope you enjoy World of Warcraft though!
#5 Nov 12 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
For me, it's that I feel more immersed in EQ2. The graphics, NPCs, and monsters seem more real - which allows me to play the game and feel "attatched" to it. I really enjoy the quests, monsters, locations, and social aspect of EQ2. I never played the first Everquest, so I can't compare there. Do you mind explaining a bit more on the differences from the two games for you? I hope you enjoy World of Warcraft though!


EQ2 definately has the more 'mature' feel to it, despite it being a game. =) IMO, EQ2 is a bit of a step in the direction of keeping people 'happy', I.e. no KSing, TLC, basically stuff to prevent whining... which is good and bad at the same time.

On the same note, I think WoW went even further in that 'whine prevention' direction, which I do not like at all, there is definately a point I can tollerate up to. WoW's graphics also seem a little too cartoony, this coming from someone that used to draw comic books/cartoon shorts.

Like I said, I am of the opnion that EQ2 is a more mature, evolved gaming experience. Sure, it isn't for everyone, but so far from the time I have put in (maybe 10 hours or so, damn work!) I am very impressed with this product.
#6 Nov 12 2004 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
well.. one game isn't for everyone...

I'm noticing most people with EQ experience are upset that EQ2 is a different game.. something the dev's stated over and over..

most people with no EQ experience seem to greatly enjoy EQ2..

and honestly graphically there's simply no comparison... EQ2 > WoW. For me, WoW's graphics look dated now and as an artist and devout realism artist at that.. WoW was visually a complete turn off. I never bothered with it after seeing those first screen-shots.

but what doesn't work for me works fine for other people.. which is why there's more than one game in the world afterall. so enjoy WoW and I'll enjoy the heck out of EQ2.
#7 Nov 12 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
Hail gxm,

Sure, it isn't for everyone

That is definitely true. One of my friends in real life broke all 10 discs last night in fustration. His previous game was City of Heroes and he hasn't played any other MMORPGs o_O
#8 Nov 12 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
I enjoyed EQ and played it for a long time. I recently quit playing EQ and finally decided to try EQ2 Beta. At first I wasn't sure about it. It took about a week or so in beta for me to really begin to enjoy the game. Since that time I have loved every minute of it. Once you get past "omg it isn't eq" and start seeing it as an independent game then you can make a good decision on it.

I haven't tried WoW so I can't comment there.
#9 Nov 12 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
I love doing tradeskill and quest. that why I could stick on EQLive for 5 years. I donno if I can do the same as EQ 2 since I had just played for 3 days. but I love it so far. I have never tried WoW but pretty sure there wont be as many quest and tradeskill activities as EQ 2 or EQLive(EQ 1 but they changed its name). and after the Diablo and Diablo 2 serious I started to avoid playing any games from Blizzard.

personal opinion, dont need to argue with me. God knows your word wont change my mind
#10 Nov 12 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
I haven't played EQ before. The only MMORPG game I've played is FFXI (if you included PlanetSIde then that'll be 2). IMO EQ2 is an improved version of the FFXI. It fixes the problems in FFXI. I'm not in the open beta of WoW but my friend was in since the stress test and I tried it out at his place. It is quite fun to play I admit but to me the game is a bit too easy. Maybe that's because I haven't got to the higher level or the end game play but I expect I could enjoy every part of the game, not just the end game. Also, I cannot stand the graphics of WoW. It's way too cartoonish to me. EQ2 is more real, like FFXI, and not to mention if I upgrade my PC in the future I can make the game look better and better.
#11 Nov 12 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
While there are some very definite lines drawn between those who wanted EQ2 and those who are still waiting for WoW, there is a single aspect that stands out like the sun to me.

I won't play PvP. I don't like it and I don't like the community it draws. Many of my friends who weren't sure one way or the other -- those three letters were the only factor needed to push the decision.

As for graphics, it's not comparable. As many have stated, EQ2 set it's graphics standards way above the bar. However, if you prefer the look and feel of WoW, that's always personal preference and something that should be respected.

I originally thought they should have focused on improving EQ as well, but gradually warmed up to the idea of playing something new that still had the "feel" of something old. Our old familiar UI Interface quality (where many other games really haven't a hope in hell of comparing), the history of the old game riddled through out the new one, the environment and the quality of the players, all these things that feel like home really catered to some of our interests.
#12 Nov 12 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't played EQ2 yet, but my order shiped today and I should get it sometime tonight or tommorrow.

On the otherhand I have played WoW CB and it's a lot of fun. There are more quests then you can handle in the game and the lots of tradeskills to learn that make useful equipment.

One thing I like about this game over EQ is there is no zones which makes the world feel a bit more real.

Anyway I'm going to give EQ2 a try just to see which I like better.
#13 Nov 12 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
Yes this game won't be a great experience for everyone, and I'm sorry you have to be a part of the small percentage. Honestly though, the game hasn't been out that long, and can you really form a hard opinion over it without say 2 weeks of playing it?

The answer for some is yes, and I congratulate you on being very forward on your decisions. But if you are thinking no, and I really should give this game a little more time, then you are like me. So far for me though, this game definetly beats anything FFXI could hope to accomplish. Why is that? Because I know SOE puts amazing things in their expansion packs, where Square put out Chains of Promathia....enough said.

Does this game beat WoW? For me, most certainly. Being in beta for WoW I just felt bored and unammused all the time. Quest after quest, same old same old. However is that to say they might not fix this sort of thing when WoW actually hits store shelves? No, I'm sure Blizzard plans on making WoW better in many ways, but at this point in time EQ2 is way ahead in the MMO race with it.

For me EQ one was way too much, because I got into it and tried it like 4 months ago. At that point, the whole game is set in stone on where to go, and what to do. With EQ2 it's a whole new world to explore, places to level, quests to do, and other fun activites to undertake.

I may seem I'm forming hard opinions already too, but I feel confident in what I'm saying. Let's just hope SOE makes this game the best out there by listening to us.
#14 Nov 12 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
"Does this game beat WoW? For me, most certainly. Being in beta for WoW I just felt bored and unammused all the time. Quest after quest, same old same old. However is that to say they might not fix this sort of thing when WoW actually hits store shelves? No, I'm sure Blizzard plans on making WoW better in many ways, but at this point in time EQ2 is way ahead in the MMO race with it.

I'm not sure I get the problem here. EQ1 had a very boring quest system and I didn't like it much at all. There was no way to hide the grind as that was most of the game. I'm hoping EQ2 isn't like that. WoW at least gives you incentive to grind and travel to new areas with quest rewards and a lot of the quest give you good exp so it can add up to near half your level over 5 quests.
#15 Nov 12 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I think people that feel they need to post on what game is better or w/e need to stop. If you dont like the game dont play it play one you do like. You dont need to go saying what you feel is better or worst cause chances are we have read it 1000 times from people before you.
#16 Nov 12 2004 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
LOL for me the graphics suck T.T ... i turned everything up.. and when i tried to load my char >.> it uhh froze... yeah.... i want to like EQ2 but my computer sucks i think >< .. arggh!!!
#17 Nov 12 2004 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
Well so far I love EQ2.

I'd also love to give WoW a try but I'm afraid the "Blizzard" logo on the box will attract too many bnet people.....*shudders at the though of bnet*
#18 Nov 12 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Own EQ2 and tried WoW.

EQ2 is a more mature mmorpg with a alot more smarts to it. While WoW is alot easier game and the tradeskills... well suck. Not to mention Blizzard is coming up on release day and its still very buggy. Now saying WoW has better graphics than EQ2 is down right wrong. I would like to point out various effects. The water looks so amazing in eq2 it makes my mouth drool. The weather effects are superb, and everything is shaded properly. WoW has the warcraft 3 feel of graphics. Thus being they are very blocky, and full of vibrant colors and textures. WoW has no leveling depth as well. I leveled from 1-30 in about a week.

Edited, Fri Nov 12 16:57:16 2004 by rooker
#19 Nov 12 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
I played EQlive sice June of 2000. I enjoyed it so very much. but in the last year it finally got tireing and I dropped my accounts. I have only put in 15 hours into EQ2 but so far it is a great breath of fresh air. I am glad it is differant in some ways. I probally will not go back to EQ live but who knows I have saied that many many times ;)
#20 Nov 12 2004 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
I respect everyones opinions :) For my EQL guild there have been numerous posts about EQ2 vs WoW and most seem to lean toward WoW. To me I have to disagree. The graphics in EQ2 (in my opinion) blow WoW away. WoW is too kiddie looking and i hate the way the toons look. For me part of the mmorpg experince has been not only the leveling and quests but also the look. I strived to make my EQ Dark Elf Enchanter look as evil as possible :P and EQ2 s graphics are mindblowing compared to wow.

As far as game play I cannot judge because I have not played the beta for WoW but I think it would be hard to beat the game play of EQ2 for me simply because 90% of the gameplay and keyboard functions are identical to the EQL ones that I have grown used to over the past 4 years. So little for me to have to relearn :)

Im sure in the end both are great games and you just have to make your choice. I made mine with EQ2 and am extremly pleased for the moment :)

-Anestacia Mindmelter - Legions of Valhalla - Morrel Thule Level 70 Enchanter
-Anestacia - Najena - Level 12 Enchanter
#21 Nov 12 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
there have been many many posts stating clearly that you should NOT turn your graphix all the way up because....... it will freeze up your computer............... leave it at the default setting it wants to be happy at. few, if any, in the gaming community have access to the graphic horsepower neededt o utilize all the bells and whistles installed in the game at this time.
#22 Nov 12 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
having played both games, here are my opinions.

wow --> filled with lil kids...(thank god for /leave 1 command) immature people. conversation start with where is xxx located? then
it branch to "yo momma" jokes heh. also filled with whiners. chat at your own risk
eq2 --> more mature, friendlier *point*

wow ---> cartoony looking, but by no mean bad...great on older computers.
eq2 --> hands down, the gfx in here is superb...the riffle effects when swimming is nice *point*

wow --> pick up and go, very easy to get used to, newb can learn in matter of hours, veteran will lvl to 60quick to raid/pvp
eq2 ---> takes a while to get used to, too much depth/content (i'm still lost in qeynos :( )
***depends on the player prefence*** if you like pvp and is a casual gamer, go wow
hardcore mmorpg that doesn't care for pvp, eq2 is a better choice

wow --> the time i'm able to make a leather armor/etc...i've outgrown it :( i'd rather farm for "uber" items
eq2 --> more involved, better weapons/armor are crafted by user, very involving *point*

wow --- nice interface *point*
eq2 --- heh the raid window (yeah you can resize) but other aspects of the ui just doesn't cut it for me

character customization:
wow --- is nice enough for what it is. *point*
eq2 --- doesn't live up to it's hype, still 4-6 hairstyle, 4-6 features, etc...sure you can customize the lip, nose, cheek, but those features are overlooked when playing, it's not like you're gonna zoom up and inspect the guy's/girl's nose (are you?) but the streaking/hilite of the hair color is nice. it's too involved, a couple of "randomized all" does it for me :)

wow --- class and race restrictions, keeping it close to wc3...
eq2 --- no class restriction in game, but there are player restrictions to it :) i'm sure no one is gonna make an ogre priest , if there is one, no party would want it in a group at higher lvl :) thus restricting it. but still, more race = more unique

wow --- skill based (talent system)
eq2 --- branching
again...preference, i like both system... eh.

that's my take on it :)
#23 Nov 13 2004 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
i'm sure no one is gonna make an ogre priest , if there is one, no party would want it in a group at higher lvl :)

Hey some of my best EQ friends played Ogre shamans (a priest class) :P
#24 Nov 13 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
I beta tested for EQ 2 an thought it rocked at that point. Since it has been released It has already sucked me in big time, I greatly enjoy the game and I thank them for a job very well done.

#25 Nov 20 2004 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
I must say that everyone's response to this thread is very constructive and nice indeed. Sorry for mentioning this but if a same type of thread like this was posted in the WoW forums all I ll see is cursing and flaming...... Quite dissapointing indeed. (Just my 2 cents) Btw have fun in WoW.

Edited, Sat Nov 20 00:51:39 2004 by Bizarrezealot
#26 Nov 20 2004 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry for mentioning this but if a same type of thread like this was posted in the WoW forums all I ll see is cursing and flaming...... Quite dissapointing indeed. (Just my 2 cents)

Thats where the whole thing about EQ being a bit more "mature" of a game comes in. Stupid is as stupid does.
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