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EQ 2 = more lies from Sony.Follow

#52 Nov 13 2004 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
Wait a second. I you can have more than one istance of a zone, then people could camp the same creature more than one at a time. This would solve the camping problem so the TLC should have nothing to do with camping or selling the item.

Just a thought
#53 Nov 13 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
Wait a second. I you can have more than one istance of a zone, then people could camp the same creature more than one at a time. This would solve the camping problem so the TLC should have nothing to do with camping or selling the item.

Yeah I mentioned this earlier in the post. It is a very good point, however an instance zone only opens when a zone begins to overflow with people so you still may have to share the zone with 10 other people.
#54 Nov 13 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing EQ1 when it first came out in '99. The game was a blast, the economy worked (to a point) and that cracked staff was like gold to my druid because no one had much better so ya had to learn your job in a group or die (alot) trying. But as the game progressed and twinkers were born the game went steadly down hill from there. The looting system in EQ2 seems to have corrected alot of those problems. If ya havent learned yet, the part of these games that is suppose to be fun is PLAYING them. Getting the uber gear is a reward for playing your char well. If you think farming is the fun part of the game go play FFXI. Good luck beating the botters for that uber gear though. You'll more than likely spend endless hours farming crap that you can sell on the AH so you can buy that uber gear from some cheating botter.

Can't wait to read your post when ya learn ya can't be power leveled either in EQ2. HAHAHA Ya might actually have to learn to play your character instead of depending on twink gear and high level friends. Kudos to Sony - I think ya might have gotten it right this time!!

As far as the JBoots go - get over it! The best reason to buy the preorder game wasnt for a cheap pair of boots anyway. It was being able to spend hours customizing your character's appearance (and dreaming about the many adventures s/he will have) - or at least thats what I had fun doing with it. Plus, on a more practical note, it broke up a little of the ititial cost...ya didnt have to pay that $10. again when ya bought the live game. I'm sure that there are those that have money coming out their ying yang and $10. doesnt really make a difference but for me thats 2 maybe even 3 nites worth of dinners for my family. Either way, my family wouldnt have gone without dinner for it but I guess thats just how I think when I spend money... I blame my husband!!

Well, thats my 2 cents - Ayaxi; Permafrost server
#55 Nov 13 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Guess mine are not working then, or lag is greater than the speed boost I am getting. Maybe people don't understand this, but if you have, say, a 500ms ping, well, you're losing half a second whereas the MOB that's chasing you does not. If this 500ms lag spike lasts 4 seconds, the MOB is now 2 seconds ahead of you. Which means he catches and kills you.

Also, yeah, as far as pre-ordering goes, I went into Best Buy to get my copy at the customer service desk, like they initially told me, and guess what? It was not there. They said, go get a copy off the shelf and bring it back here. WTF?! How could they possibly know how many copies they'd sell? The lady at the desk also said, "The only pre-orders we have back here are Halo2". Not sure how or why all this happened, but anyway, there was a copy on the shelf.

Lastly, I'd like to clarify a couple things. As I said, I was NOT in beta, I have only been playing this game since release, and all of you telling me to "grow up", "get a life", "go play something else", etc etc need to stop being SOE fanboys and actually read what people post. Take an honest look at things, and realize that others have a brain besides you. I know this game's new, an I know things may change over time. I am not one to just stop here in the early stages. I may come to like TLC when I get into the game more. At this point I just don't see how it can work any better or different than it has in the past.

#56 Nov 13 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
I feel that at 3 AM or some other late time it should go off so all of the high levels or other late dwellers could go grab some stuff, take for example the Hill Giants in EQ.

What's 3am? Don't forget that EQ is a worldwide thing. What's 3am to someone in CA is still 7 in the evening in the UK.
#57 Nov 13 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Default
I'm not sure what the whole "they aren't jboots" thing is about. I have the jboots, they have made an appreciable difference in my speed and the best thing about them is that you don't have to cast the effect. I pre-ordered, got my jboots and put them on. So all you people who are under the impression that SOE lied and said you'd get them, please use your common sense. If SOE said they were giving jboots with pre-orders and then didn't, that would be false advertising and they'd get their asses sued.
#58 Nov 13 2004 at 9:29 PM Rating: Default
There WAS a little bit of camping during beta in the newbie instanced zones. That was only because everyone was trying to do the same quests at the same time. We ALL needed 10 snakes or badgers or whatever was assigned. It got a lot better when we discovered that you can put together a group where everyone is working on the same quest and you ALL get credit for all of the kills whether you get much exp or not. That sped up the newbie quests a LOT.

#59 Nov 13 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Zephar, you yourself said that you are new to the game and were not in beta... so how then can you come here and start ranting and raving over things that you don't yet understand?

You are upset that people are telling you to grow up and that they are treating you like a newbie, yet that's what you are. Came here yelling your head off over something that you don't even know about because you weren't in beta and you just started playing the game.

Maybe you would be treated differently had you come here and ask questions instead of posts "EQ 2 = more lies from Sony" and trying to sound like you know what you are saying when in fact you have no idea.

You said it yourself, maybe the TLC will grow on you... Then why did you even start this post? Maybe you should have simply asked what others (beta testers) thought of the TLC in this game.
#60 Nov 14 2004 at 5:35 AM Rating: Good
786 posts
You know Zephar Toco is right. You came up with this thread and started ranting about it. Then when you get responses with valid backing you squeal that we are all a bunch of fanboys.You dont try to validate your problems very well, you just throw a rant out and expect people to rally round you. In all honesty YOU sound more like a SOE basher more then ne one of us sound like a fanboy. I dont know about anyone else on here but im not fond of being called a fanboy because i argue against someone. Think before you rant.
#61 Nov 14 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Default
Coming from FFXI, I'm all for TLC :)
#62 Nov 14 2004 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
You might actually have to learn to play your character instead of depending on twink gear and high level friends.

That was so good, I read it four times.

At any rate, yes, the JBoots work, but the difference in speed is not that noticeable. I'd estimate it at about 10%.

The original poster never mentioned what archetype he was. If he is a scout then he has pathfinding. The effect from the JBoots does not stack with any other speed buffs. If he is a scout, then the JBoots have no effect for him.

It's still not a lie from SoE though, as they stated multiple times they would not stack with other speed effects.

Edit: Something I didn't think about that I read in another post...did you make sure to attune the boots before you equipped them by right-clicking on them and clicking attune? If you don't attune them they wont give you any bonus. Be aware that attuning an item will insantly make it untradeable.

Edited, Sun Nov 14 14:53:41 2004 by Arvec
#63 Nov 14 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
Everything that ever came from SoE about the Jboots included with pre-ordered stated that no one should expect them to be anything like the originals.

I like the TLC. It bombed badly in EQ1 for the simple reason that they implemented it years after the game's release.

It'll work well here I think. They don't seem to have it going for everything, mainly just chests and the "special" stuff. Generic loot for ts'ing and the like still seems to drop off greys.
#64 Nov 14 2004 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Your entitled to your own playstyle, but boy have you got your facts wrong on a few things. First of all, the jboots promo was 1. free with the two preorder discs. Whatever money you put down(usually $5 is all that's required) was put towards the balance of the cost of the game. SOE specificly said that the items in EQ2 that share the same name as items in EQLive,WOULD NOT necessarily have the same stats or effects. That included the jboots, which you got for free.There is absolutely no way someone can argue this point. If you don't like them, don't use them. If you had read the FAQ you would know all this.

As far as the TLC goes, it is there for a damn good reason. To prevent camping, specificly, camping by higher level characters, thus preventing those of the desired level said items are MEANT FOR , from being able to procure them. Twinking and the farming of lower level item drops not only disrupts gameplay and the economy, it prevents those that play casually or on limited time tables from being able to achieve alot of the things they should be able to at their level. So, you have to work a little and get the items you want the hard way, by working for it.Nothing unfair about that, and it provides balance in the game.
#65 Nov 15 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Default

It is a game. Some treat it like its life and death. Jboots in EQ2 ARE INDEED faster than normal running. That plus sprinting has saved my **** more than once. (yes I have tested jboots speed)
#66 Nov 15 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
TLC is prob one of the best tools to get rig of money sellers.

Take a look of ffxi and how its being affected by botters and farmers. Square is doing nothing to stop this and many named mobs that drop awsome stuff are overcamped.

Now look at Linage 2 , areas are taken over by farmers, this games rotting alive because of these people and companies like IGE that support and hire them, also by the people buying the money because they are quite forced to do so since items and money is hard to get.

EQ2 and even WOW are 2 very popular games, both are bringing new people to the MMO world and both are gonna be targeted by companies like IGE.

Luckly SOE and Blizzard are doing somthing about it. TLC , Intances and "soulbinding" are tools to deter people who farm to sell money and items for a real life profit. They are also trying to save their crations from being destroied.

Unlike square-enix and ncsoft, who dont give a crap and are the real money hogs who will let these botters and farm abusers do what they want bewcause they are "paid subscribers" SOE and Blizzard will prefer to weed out the scum to keep hundreds of thousands of players happy and stay in their games.

so kudos for SOE going the extra mile to keep thuier costumers happy.
#67 Nov 15 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
I kinda have a little problem with this TLC thing in the way that I camped the Black Asp in forest ruins until i was 13-14 tryin to get the Guardians Dagger and the short sword it drops for my scout only to have it go from green to grey on me and now that time has been wasted.....altho Im sure that there is plenty of other useful weapons out there, just wished i knewof this before i wastedmy time with it :) but other than that this game rocks...if you dont like it go to WoW, CoH, back to EQ1, AC, or whereever you came from.
#68 Nov 15 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
786 posts
Lokim, it wont help now but you can turn off battle xp so when it goes green turn it off and farm to your hearts content. Just right click on your xp bar and itll give you the option. Great for future referance. 8)
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