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EQ 2 = more lies from Sony.Follow

#27 Nov 12 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
Would the original poster of this thread like some cheese with that whine?


>< Stupid Double posting crap!

Edited, Fri Nov 12 15:36:25 2004 by TheOutlawStar
#28 Nov 12 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
Would the original poster of this thread like some cheese with that whine?

Honestly complaining about something so trivial will get you nowhere. Just go play WoW if you love it so much. Haha, that's a joke though since all you do is quest in that game, and char. custimization is laughable compared to EQ2. I better stop here, before the WoW fan boys and girls rate me down =/

Good luck to you though, but you just have to suck it up, and move on.
#29 Nov 12 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
Have to agree with most posters here. The tlc actually seems to be a good idea. Kinda sux to have a high level come clear out the newbie yard just to be greedy and want to sell other items or twink with them. Have to realize that your need is not as important as the 30 other newbies needs taht you are taking their mobs from. So go SoE!! (thought id never say that) :P
<And no Im not saying taht cause i was a newb in EQ,cause I was far from it...just think its fair is all>

There are bugs be sure of that but over all SoE has done an EXCELLENT job on this...I rember the Luclin days which forced me to quit for a while after that disater of a release :)

The boots kinda suck but thats not really why i preordered anyway. I preordered just so i was gauranteed a copy and i thought the chacter creation disc was awsome. So kinda disapointing but I think EQ1 just spoiled us to speed and we will have to get used to be a bit slower :)

-Anestacia Mindmelter - Legions of Valhalla - Morrel Thule Level 70 Enchanter
-Anestacia - Najena - Level 12 Enchanter
#30 Nov 12 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
You can disable combat experience, which i believe allows you to get items without gaining experience off grey mobs. Right Click the experience bar to find out ^^.
#31 Nov 13 2004 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
Please stop whining - PLAY your char and donĀ“t TWINK him, so you wont get in troubles in higher levels, when its necessary to know the facilities of your char and not only win fights due to your uba-equipment.
In EQ1 there are a flock of very well equipped chars, but the player had no idea how to play.
#32 Nov 13 2004 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
In EQ1 there are a flock of very well equipped chars, but the player had no idea how to play

Probaly the greatest statement ever made :)

-Anestacia Mindmelter - Legions of Valhalla - Morrel Thule Level 70 Enchanter
-Anestacia - Najena - Level 12 Enchanter

Edited, Sat Nov 13 03:57:49 2004 by Anestacia
#33 Nov 13 2004 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
Something I think alot of people are missing here is that the money system has undergone a huge change. Coins increment in value based on hundreds now, not tens. Coppers actually have value and all that cheap loot you used to let rot on corpses is now precious. I'm lvl 11 Predator now and I've yet to see more than 15 silver in my hand at one time. I had to bank aside the 5s for house maintainance just to make sure I would have it when it was due (not sure what will happen if you dont have it, not anxious to find out.) And many of the things you used to have to buy (ie lumber for tradeskills) you now mine or harvest at no cost.

If you want a real clue as to the shift in funds value, go to the stables and look at how much a horse costs. It aint 10K+pp, by a long shot.

So far my only real problem is the fact that many of the quests are bugged and not paying off at all. And that the raw material spawn rates are unbalanced. Gathering elm once in freeport is almost impossible. I've been trying to fulfill my first guild quest of 15 elm since day one and only gotten 11 so far. But herb gardens and rocks are all over the place.

We'll just have to see what we see. I think the real complaints will start rolling in after the second or third week when people achieve that specialized level 20 and start screaming for "What Now!!!"

#34 Nov 13 2004 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
Dont sell your armor drops to merchants, sell them to players for like 10-15s each. I've made well over 90 silver last night by leaving merchant mode on and selling about 4 bags of armor drops that I had accumulated while leveling to 14.

Now that the drops are getting better they will sell for even more, so yes, its tight, but not tight enough to have anyone worrying over a measly 5s.
#35 Nov 13 2004 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
261 posts
Hopefully it will be easy to farm greens, or do quests for gear to get you by until you can get your guild into permafrost for some vox loot :)

When I first read this I got mad about TLC, but then realized that in other games, I rarely farmed low level mobs, I wanted to farm raid zone mobs (or solo, the toughest mobs i could) to have the chance at the best loot i could get.

I guess the counter point is, there may be a few really uber low level items that people wont hear about until later, and because of TLC will either have to pay the price gougers or start an alt :/ But hopefully gear gets better with level, and your access to better gear thereby goes up with level.

#36 Nov 13 2004 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
I have no doubt that we will miss some really great items early on and have to pay lower levels for it, or as you said, start an alt to get it. That is what a player driven economy is all about.

Give the tlc a chance, Im sure it will be just fine.

Get your *** out of EQ1 mode. As stated before - this isn't EQ1, it's a totally different game set in the EQ universe.

Edited, Sat Nov 13 07:42:01 2004 by gxm
#37 Nov 13 2004 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
I'm mad too! They promised this game would be much better than Everquest 1, but when I logged into the game my character was level 1, had no epic, no time dropped gear, and 0 aas! >:(
#38 Nov 13 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
Seems like the whole TLC is probably just going to be fairly helpful for getting people to be able to get things since low level people will still have things they can kill for loot and higher level people are supposed to be able to solo at least somewhat which means they'd get their own loot.
#39 Nov 13 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
One of my big problems with mmorpgs is the economy and the huge advantage power players get from playing so much. It wasnt just about the love the the game for some but the love of exploiting the game. In this I mean if you are level 20 and keep going back and camping that same mob over and over to get that item to sell, you had a huge advantage over a group of level 10s that wanted to camp it and get exp and loot. Not only because you are more powerful, but because you dont have to form a group and don't have to get organized and show up and do the job.

One thing that seems to have been lost in EQ 1 is that it lost its focus of what it's original intent was. I dont think they intended for players to be able (or want to) exploit the sytem for personal gain. The game is supposed to be fun. Why don't people just play it instead of complaining about every little thing they would do differently. Not to say that there arent things that need changing or updating, just when it comes to feeling you are entitled to something, or that things have to be a certain way, remember there are always two sides to the coin. It's very hard to look back to how you felt when you first came into EQ and all the other players seemed sooooo powerful and rich and you were a big huge nothing. For some this is inspiration, for others it is just too overwhelming. And for others, they say, heck with this, how can I exploit this system so I can catch up to all the uber gods on the game.

By the way, I was never in favor of companies giving gear away so you would pay more for the CD's. I think gear should be earned in game. Why complain about something you didn't earn. And if thats the reason for buying a collectors edition, remember that the whole concept behind collectors edition is that it is a marketing ploy. Rarely have I seen it be worth it, but for those true enthusiasts, its a good deal.

Wow what a rant...thanks for letting me share...I in no way mean any disrespect to the original poster.

#40 Nov 13 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
I'm still a newbie to the EQ game thing, so I don't really know what TLC is. But as far as the player saying your not getting drops from grey mobs is not true. I was killing a grey mob for three quest last night that I found, I was able to get drops (body parts/stuff use in crafting) along with the quest item just fine. I don't see the problem here unless I'm that big of a noob. Again sorry that I am.

Again for the chest thing... I haven't really since anything worth while drop for me since I been playing. Only twice in a PT that I have seen an item I could use/have and lost the darn lotto on... why does lotto hate me so? :)
#41 Nov 13 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
270 posts
The only problem with the TLC and I know that there was at least one instance where it became a problem was where an item drops in the form of the chest that is needed for an access quest. I had heard about this during beta where and I don't remember which access quest, but the person needed an item that dropped from a particular mob and it dropped as a chest item. but when he eventually got around to the mob it was already gray to him and he couldn't get the mob to drop the quest item. Now I don't know if SOE has corrected this problem. I do know it was reported during beta.

But others are correct. With other factors in play also, the TLC is not that major a factor as some make it out to be.
Voelfgar Fireforge
105 Beserker
#42 Nov 13 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
I will tell you why people would rather ***** than play>>>>>>>>>>>Cause they don't have real jobs, they don't do real work outside of there house, they are school children who have nothing better to do, they are mama's boy's who've been given everything by they're parents and think that everything should be handed to them, or they think that the way they would do something should be gospel. Look all you whining little ******* that can't find your way away from your puter more than an hour a day to sleep and rarely do anything be play games and whine about how you'd do something different. if you hate the game so much that your not having fun, LEAVE, I won't shed a tear for you. Sony did not lie about the boots. they said they would not be a large advantage over running without them from the beginning, or did you fail to read the small print morons. And as far as all the other whining going on. This game is so much more complete at 5 days than SWG was or is right now at 18 months old. So shut up, play the game or leave. stop clogging up all the forums with useless ******** and give us some information about the game as you find it. Your all supposed to have to do some looking to find out stuff, if you have forgot what the game is called>>>>>>>>everQUEST, get it.

Braxis Stormborn
60 Guardian (EQ2)

Tbath Thunderpaw
56th LvL Beastlord of the Darkflame Knights
Rodcet Knife Server
#43 Nov 13 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
Ok, about that suicidal kid. I know this is off topic but still...

He had a warrior on the PvP server who was almost never defeated. He was finally killed while carrying all of his money (amounting to 200-300k, somewhere in there) and all was taken. Apparently he had been saving that money for months. He DID have a long term mental condition (manic depressive) which had just began treatment. His mother, just like a guy posted, tried to blame the game and, taking advantage of the horrable situation, sued SoE. Upon SoE showing solid medical evidence of his mental condition, the case was dismissed.

I only know this because a friend of mine was in the same guild as him and his toon died in the same fight.

As for the TLC thing, it is and isnt a good idea. I feel that at 3 AM or some other late time it should go off so all of the high levels or other late dwellers could go grab some stuff, take for example the Hill Giants in EQ.

My 2 cents worth.

Edited, Sat Nov 13 12:03:12 2004 by graynomas
#44 Nov 13 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
I have to wait 20 days before i can play EQII because I just updated my account and must wait untill next billing cycle...

Anyway, Im going to have to say that I will enjoy the TLC. In EQI, everyone had problems with High-Lvs farming and PowerLeveling... When I got to be lv 65+ I became one of those farmers. Thats the way I had to work. It was really f*cked up. The economy is terrible and you have to. (don't get me wrong, I love EQI)

EQII has a great thing going. With the TLC that means no more farmers. I was reading the rule-book for EQII and i saw somthing about encounter locking -- you can't get help from an outside source while fighting! This will eliminate high-lv PowerLevelers and will stop KSers (kill stealers)! Im never quitting EQI but i've got to say I'm going to love EQII!
#45 Nov 13 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
ueltschi wrote:
I'm still a newbie to the EQ game thing, so I don't really know what TLC is.

TLC: Trivial Loot Code that supposedly affects drop rates on grey mobs and is mostly concerned with chests dropping I believe.
#46 Nov 13 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
.. why wouldnt you like TLC? Did you ever play FFXI? The Emperor was camped 24/7 by EVERYBODY who could kill it. Every NM could be camped by anyone who could kill it, meaning people would bot more because nm camping was more profitable. In EQ2 they got rid of the lvl 60 person camping the lvl 10 spawn. Thats good not bad. Go back to WoW and quit complaining.
#47 Nov 13 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
so let me get this straight, the TLC system makes it so you can't get the armor or special item drops if you're higher level but you can still get the craft items? if that's the case, i like that idea.
#48 Nov 13 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
graynomas; the information about what exactly triggered it has never been released, along with his character name and/or server. If it were on PvP and he killed himself over it, it would probably cause, y'know, some guilt on the part of the person who did the actual killing.

Then again, maybe not. There is literally zero reason for anyone to ever carry 200-300k, period, unless they're in the Bazaar, and especially not on a PvP server.
#49 Nov 13 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
196 posts
To the original poster. I really don't know what you are talking about. They said " A LITTLE BURST OF SPEED" for when you need to get somewhere or if mobs are chasing you.

Yea sprint works, but that only lasts so long, and the mobs if they havent given up on you yet WILL CATCH YOU. I throw my J boots on when I need to run, yea it takes about 3 secs to get away..... But guess what, they can't catch me. SO YES it does help and does increase your speed.. I don't feel gipped at all. Besides, it's a pre-order, that's all. Not like you paid more. You just put 5-10 dollars towards your purchase and garantees you a copy...which they seemed to drop the ball on, but thats a diffrent story....
#50 Nov 13 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
The problem that I see with the TLC is simple. At 55th level and three years of playing in EQ1 there were still things that I would have loved to have that came from 30th level guys.

I know that in EQ1 there was no way that I could get an item for each slot for each level that I went up. My flowing black silk sash? that gave me haste from guk was a 20th? level item, that I wouldn't think of giving up. I couldn't get it until I was in my 30's.
#51 Nov 13 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
786 posts
It maybe that you wanted a particulerly useful lower lvl item to use, but for every one of you there was 30 other bastards who wanted it to line thier pockets with some obscene amount of pp. The world is full of these ppl and this is SOEs way of trying to level the playing field for everyone.

Edited, Sat Nov 13 17:43:42 2004 by WasteOfSpace
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