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EQ2 not ready for release!Follow

#1 Nov 11 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
The few hours I've gotten to play the game has been great! In fact its so great I am craving more... but I can't play because the damn servers are down again.

I chose the Oasis server, and yesterday night it kept lagging out. I got up this morning to play and it was down. I get home for work, play for 10 minutes and it goes down. WTF!!!??!

I can understand, it's their first week released... but what the hell did they do beta testing and stress testing for?!? It was my understanding companies did this so when paying customers started paying real-life money the game would be available....

#2 Nov 11 2004 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
21 posts
well i am ON Oasis and everything has been fine but guess what? after 3 days of leveling to lvl 9... and i was JUST ABOUT finished my class-selection quest when my character has just up and POOF! Freakin disappeared! Its gone! I am staring at a "Create character" screen... hows THAT for a "rushed-release- by-Sony-to-capitalize-on-the-possible-loss-of-customers-to-WoW-attitude".... YES... YER DAMN RIGHT IM PISSED OFF!!!!
#3 Nov 11 2004 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Welcome to another classic EQ release and another entry on the "wall of shame." The EQ community knew what they were in for when the platinum classic editions (ordered directly from SOE's own website) got held up in customs to the point that they missed the launch date. What the @#$@ is the point in ordering a starter kit if it doesn't arrive until AFTER the product goes gold?
#4 Nov 11 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
...and why is it my vid card is more then enough for WoW and FFXI, but not EQ2. I know the graphics are something else, but a new vid card is 100 dollars MINIMUM. :( Some of us high school students can't shell out 100 dollars whenever games come out.

#5 Nov 11 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Because the best graphical settings for EQ2 are much more intensive than the best graphic settings for any game I've seen. I haven't gotten a new computer game in a while, though. Stupid Warhammer 40k and it's expensive troops meh.

EQ2 is not meant to be run at full settings yet, they are planning in advance so that when you do buy a new video card in the future, you have all the options that take advantage of that power without having to wait for a new patch or expansion.

As far as server instability - it happens to pretty much every game on launch week at least. I would be very surprised if it is still an issue by next tuesday.

Every time a new game comes out there is a group of people that say it's not ready for release and why couldn't they test this stuff in beta eheh. But by the end of the month the game will be great.

I'm willing to go through a little bit of hell now because I know a month from now the game will be much better off than if they just kept it 'in development' for another month because they now have the real launch experience to devote to it's development. No testing can give you that.
#6 Nov 11 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Yeah i have used this card for a while and it was been great but no its not good enough for EQ2 and $100 for me which i am in HS is hard lol
#7 Nov 11 2004 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
Actually, the a new videocard to run EQ... its not 100$ more around 400$ to run it ok and maybe 600 to run it a bit more ok :)

Now sure you can go run WoW on other vid cards much wqeaker but hey, 3 polygons for a castle dosent ask too much vid card power :)

EQ2 went for the long run, their name is already established while WoW went for spectacular release so they give all they have at the moment. In a year WoW graphics will already be old, well they are already it just looks like a warcraft3 zoomed world. EQ2 should then be pretty impressive with patched tweak and bigger player systems.

I understand your point though, and if i didnt had the money to upgrade my pc every years it would **** me off too, well actually it disappoint me a little i would like to run EQ2 full graphical power now but i just wont be able.
They made a choice and they are cibling a certain playerbase, i am pretty sure those kind of choice are well though out.

Like this release ( not bad at all if you ask me havent played shadowbane, horizon, anarchy, everquest, worldwar2 online and other release ). The game as already a very decent content. You got to understand also that new bug/exploit will pop up at a release and its normal, player doing the beta dosent work that hard to hack/exploit a game, they beta test it because they like the project. Now send in a couple hundreds of morons at release, usually dosent take them too long to go all diablofreaking :).

They dont do any worst than any other company, sure the grass looks greener everywhereelse until you go there. Try to find a board not ******** about its game bug ( mmorpg ) pretty hard to find. Sure now you have the congregation of EQ hater on WoW world that are trying to make you beleive everything is better there, actually i am sure they even convince themselves but i can tell you its not.
#8 Nov 11 2004 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you Arvec, you are the voice of reason and I agree completely with you.

No video card today will run this game at full or even anywhere near full. It is by design, for growth purposes.

None of us have the 1337 system required (barring maybe a SGI workstation, lol).

If your expensive video card is not running the game well at the levels you have manually set, then let the game reset to the defaults that the program set originally based on its scan of your system.

From what I have seen using the defaults it gave me, the game is beautiful and lag free. It tries to give you the best performance based on your system and the game's needs, so try letting it do it's job and you will likely be surprised (I was, usually those auto config programs don't ever work right).
#9 Nov 12 2004 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Actually, the high settings required for EQ2 are pretty typical for the EQ line. I always seem to just barely manage to get my system up to the level where I can run the game comfortably without lag except in extreme situations (my current system could run at full speed and 70% clip in the bazaar on a busy night with no skipping once the card was all loaded.. but it gets jumpy in EQ2 from time to time), then they go and dump something igger in my lap, lol. This started around the release of Kunark...

Anyway, for the person who commented about beta testers not being concerned about exploits, you're wrong. I abused several in beta, just to find out as much as could about them and then give a detailed report. I had some that were very interesting. One example: zone into Forest Ruins, kill a snake, get xp and 22c, zone out, zone in again, kill and same thing... as many times as I wanted. Bugged with all those details.

Also made several comments to the community on the trade skill system and how much profit recipes were being made for tradeskillers. It was obscene in beta up until the last couple weeks. You could make over 100% profit on a single combine. The response was a bit harsher than I had hoped for, but oh well.. at least you won't see people running around with 2p in the bank in less than a week of live release.

Of course, I'm not syaing that all the exploits were caught. But at the low levels, I'm willing to bet that most if not all of them were tightened up. There is still one I plan on checking once I get to Qeynos... lol. Nice quick multi-g profit if it still works =)
#10 Nov 12 2004 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
Yes i am not saying beta testers arent concerned as much as they are not as concerned.
Crooks have twisted imaginations :)

Btw in eq 2 is 100cp = 1s ? or 10cp= 1s
#11 Nov 12 2004 at 5:48 AM Rating: Default
Intermittent power problems in one server rack in one datacenter does not equal "EQ2 not ready for release."

This is still the smoothest launch of an MMORPG, ever. Hell, at this point, one datacenter could burn down and it would still be smoother than the SWG launch.
#12 Nov 12 2004 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Thread on EQ2 currency rates... hope it helps =)
#13 Nov 12 2004 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
Intermittent power problems

I was up early this morning hoping to get in an hour or two of fun before work, but nope....

All servers are up except:
.:bunch of servers:.
.:bunch of other servers:.

The servers being down more than they are up... I would hardly call this intermittent.
#14 Nov 12 2004 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Ummm, I know I probably shouldn't post this.. but try logging on anyway.

I kept trying to get in when it said all the servers were down and eventually it let me in to character creation.

So I made a character, and when I got to the end it said all servers were locked. I kept trying to create on the server I wanted even though it said locked. After maybe 20 mins I got in.

So I started playing on down servers... for about 3 hours...

Yeah, I learned this in beta. Don't know what it's about, but it's interesting,lol
#15 Nov 12 2004 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
You may want to Right-click in the text area with the "Servers Up/Down" message, and hit update. It's just a regular webpage displayed in a fancy window, and might not update automatically every time.

Kind regards
#16 Nov 12 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,930 posts
Sometimes I read these posts and I have to come to the conclusion that some people just don't have any sense. Of course the game is ready for release. You quite obviously have no clue whatsoever about IT rollout.

Stress testing in beta is so not even near what it is like when you go live that's it's not even funny. How exactly are they supposed to stress test 200,000 new players in a the first few days? I'm sure they would love to have your insight as to how they could do better at launch.

As for the guy who said his character is gone. Do some research, when your server is down your character list will not come up for that server. They highlited that fact in the forums yesterday.

And finally to guy who needs a new video card. Did you think that card would work forever? What made you think that when you bought it? Did it say so on the box? EQ 2 has stiff graphics requirements. No game Blizzard has ever come out with has had particularly stiff req. And as for FFXI, it's a PS2 port....

Quit complaining and enjoy the game when you can. So far it has been wonderful. And lots of fun.

edit -- I apologize for my rude tone..

Edited, Fri Nov 12 09:06:13 2004 by Jute
#17 Nov 12 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
All servers are up except:
.:bunch of servers:.
.:bunch of other servers:.

The servers being down more than they are up... I would hardly call this intermittent.

The servers are down right NOW. They usually aren't. You should look up the word "intermittent" in the dictionary.
#18 Nov 12 2004 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
The greedy people in charge of SOE are truly genius. They rush out a game that is riddled with bugs and not really ready for release (as all their products are), fill the game box with advertisements for other companies (for a small fee, of course), put more advertisements on the login screens, then the servers are never basically we pay $15 a month to see commercials and never get to actually use the game. It is like the mob only legal.
#19 Nov 12 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
oh someone didn't like my explanation. It's true though. Sorry!
#20 Nov 12 2004 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
220 posts
Sometimes I read these posts and I have to come to the conclusion that some people just don't have any sense. Of course the game is ready for release. You quite obviously have no clue whatsoever about IT rollout.

As someone who supervises an IT department that builds and manages server farms I would have to say that you are way offbase.

The game may have been ready for release, but the server infrastructure to support the playerbase may not have been ready (assuming thats what the problem has been). I know I would be in some serious trouble if I oversaw a project that had this much downtime when it was publically released.

Stress testing in beta is so not even near what it is like when you go live that's it's not even funny. How exactly are they supposed to stress test 200,000 new players in a the first few days?

We design programs and scripts to "simulate" any number of clients performing any number of tasks and monitor the servers under different kinds of loads, and if there are problems they are fixed before we toss it out to the public.

I can see two reasons this may have been rushed to release:
1. World of Warcraft
2. Christmas

Quit complaining and enjoy the game when you can. So far it has been wonderful. And lots of fun.

I'm complaining because the game is awesome and I can't play it! I really hope they get those servers back up before I get home from work... grrrrr.

^^ Hoping for a crash/maintainence free weekend ^^

#21 Nov 12 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
let's see, 50 dollars for game, 130 dollars for new Ati radeon video card and 1 hour play time due to being down on the hours i'm actually off working my 13 hour shifts, yes definatly a waste. And to the people who say video cards don't last forever, my last one was only 5 months old and i can't tell the difference with the new one. it all looks the same to me
#22 Nov 12 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
Shadowbane release was 1000 times worse then this, there were servers down all the time, bugs that made you die, and charactor rollbacks nonstop. Not to even start on crashing and lag. As for stress test, yes their was alot of stress testing but you also have to take into consider span of levels. in beta, they let people in in batches, the people who were already in had leveled and moved to other places as new people came in. while on release everyone jumped in at the same places. this would in my opinion cause some instability. As for them rushing a game out, i think it might have been a little rushed, but in no way was it just a money making scam. if they were rushing it out for christmas, they could have still released it at normal date and had over a month for sales before christmas, as for world of warcraft, rushing it out to beat another game is not sony's style. everquest is a name known widely in the mmorpg world and world of warcraft is a first attempt game. even with people buying WoW everquest would have enough people to make more then enough profits, stealing maybe a hundred or so players from world of warcraft wouldn't be a considerable profit anyway, in comparison to everyone else. as for the shameless advertising i can completely understand outrage in that. For shame sony.... you should be better then that.
#23 Nov 12 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
I have no idea what you are all talking about. I have been playing the game from the point of release atleast 6 hours a day. From 4 -> 11 or 11:30 and i have not had any problems.. The only thing I can even think of as a "crash" is every now and then when ive done alot of zoneing my game slows to a stop clocks for a few min then picks back up. I enjoy the game greatly.. I have verry little if any lag and the only lag i do get is when im either just zoneing in, or in a big fight with a group and every one is spaming spells / abilitys.. <i have partical effects turned all the way up cauz they are pretty lol> other than that i am running it on the default settings and it still the best game ive seen. im useing a G Force FX 5200 so i dont have the best out there. only 756 ram and a 1.8 athlon.

As far as it being a rushed release.. This is probably the best game ive ever played on during the first week.. And i have alot of them..

Eq 1 <ewww i was a rogue poor me>
Shadowbane <Was down all but like 3 hours a day>
EvE <alot of minor problems with this game nothing major>
DAOC <started the 1st month.. missed relase>
City Of heroes <Ok this one might have been a smother launch but its not all that complex of a game>
FFXI <eh. its a PS2 port.. What "could" go wrong i mean jeez>
Neocron <Ok dont even go there.. this game was fun.. but DAM you zone 2 times and crash.. Atleast it was a fast log in process>
Planetside <laggey as hell. not to mention i lost my character like 13 times>
SWG <Shoot me now.. Just shoot me.. It would have been nicer than allowing me to play. first week i stoped playing came back a month later and it was "better" but not by much. This game was MAJOR rush job.>

I think thats it.. but im not shure Lol i have no life :(

Either way For those of you complaning about your vid cards
DONT RUN IT AT MAX SETTINGS! i mean for real this is a very very pretty game.. I cant wait in about 2-3 years if the video industry keeps up this will be sweet.. Just imagine seeing the sweat on a goblin as he's engaged in battle or seeing the breez blow the nose hairs of an orc..

ok that might not be the best image but any ways you get the point..
#24 Nov 12 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
I have no idea what you are all talking about. I have been playing the game from the point of release atleast 6 hours a day. From 4 -> 11 or 11:30 and i have not had any problems..

One of my main play windows is 5:45 am to 8am est. I've been kicked out of the game every morning ~6am (this is one of my rants) only to find a notice about maintainence lasting 4 hours+ on the sony website.

My rant about being kicked is that there is no ingame notice or warning prior to this "kick", which makes it appear to be a crash.

Eventually they'll get it patched up and running smoothly, buts it my new toy and its broken everytime I try and use it! lol... oh well.
#25 Nov 12 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts

While I don't doubt what you say about the server farms. That is most likely what it is. They have already said they have intermittant power issues. It can probably be chalked up to that. However, "simulating" with scripts is far from going live. The sheer amount of bandwidth that 200,000 users create is not testable with a script. Sorry but it's just not.

^^ Hoping for a crash/maintainence free weekend ^^

As am I!
#26 Nov 12 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
theres still no game, I mean NO game(neither in English, Chinese, Japanese nor Korean), is as big as EQ or EQ 2. Im "fine" with the server down because its a huge game. Maybe EQ 2 was and going to server down more than evey game you had played before. but as I said theres still no game in this market have that many quest, that many NPCs, that many dialogs with real life person speech, etc. And I also know these game developers are doing the hard work to fix all the bugs. Not like other games that developers just leave the bugs behind even some players were getting benefits from the bugs(like Diablo 2 copy money, I donno why they still cant fix it when this bug was already happened on Diablo 1, thats why I dont even border to try WoW, shrug)
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