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Frame rate poor even with top notch systemFollow

#1 Nov 11 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
Have a new alienware with latest nvidia card, latest drivers, Dx9.0c, 2 gig ram, plenty of hard drive space, great cable modem connection and frame rate is so poor most settings are down to about 40%.

Anyone else noticing?
#2 Nov 11 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
Just because its alienwarez and you paid a lot for it dosnt make it a great system....and btw, no system can really run it at max graphics yet, thats how they designed the game, that way it looks better over time, if you run it around balanced, to high grahpics, thats pretty good, you wont run this game like doom machine ate doom 3 in a heartbeat...i can run eq2 in high quality....nothing up...or else its lag city
#3 Nov 11 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
I run City of Heros/Doom 3, etc. at max everything w/no hiccups, EQ2 is the only game that I have a problem with, graphics-wise.
#4 Nov 11 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
EQ2 was designed with future video card upgrades in mind, it's designed so that you will NOT be able to run it at max with any cards that existed during it's development - this way they will not have to patch future graphical upgrades, they are already built into the client waiting to be taken advantage of.

Also, you forget to mention your processor. Not all instructions are handled through the video card, if your processor is out of date that could cause extra lag as well. It varies from game to game, some games are processor-heavy on graphics while others work with the video card more.

At any rate, try examining your options. Some options like shadows and lighting gobble up your video processor while providing (at least in my opinion) little benefit for their processing requirement. I would turn those down or off completely and increase my view range, for example. But I've always preferred smoother vs better looking.
#5 Nov 11 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Ech double post, sorry.

Edited, Thu Nov 11 18:52:08 2004 by Arvec
#6 Nov 11 2004 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Holy freaking whoa, triple post - was getting weird error messages. Sorry about that.

Edited, Thu Nov 11 18:49:26 2004 by Arvec
#7 Nov 11 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
In his defense. With an Alienware and 2 Gig of RAM. It would be safe to assume his CPU is up to it. More likely it is 3Ghz HT or better. If it runs Doom 3 w/maxed settings. He has a good enough PC. Maybe EQ 2 settings are just way to much. turn them all down to low and start there. Turn up the things you want most and see how it effects preformance. work your way up to a balance of good looks and performance.
#8 Nov 11 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Wasn't trying to say his CPU was bad eheh, but just saying that if it is low that may be causing lag.

But yes, EQ2 settings are too much - they were designed that way intentionally.

As far as I could tell, it sets your graphics automatically based on what it thinks your computer can handle. Several options were off on mine, but they were the ones I didn't want anyway (several lightning options, shadows, fancy water, etc). Either that or it was the default setting and I liked it anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say his computer is bad or anything, because I know mine is worse. I also just noticed he said he has a 'new' alienware, so the processor is most likely up there as well.

I would start by picking one of the default settings that is smooth, and then tinker it up from there.

Edited, Thu Nov 11 19:00:30 2004 by Arvec
#9 Nov 11 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
Have a 3.4 g Intel CPU. I understand that they spec out to the future but I'm still getting tons of slowdown with all settings at 40%, no bloom, low water effects, etc.
#10 Nov 11 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Ahhhh if you do have everything toned down, then there is a problem.

I'm going to assume it's windows XP because it's new. Depending on exactly how new it is, maybe you need to upgrade your drivers? I don't think it would cause such a slowness problem. That would be unusual. I'm honestly stumped. Is your resolution excessively high?

I'm at work so I can't really check to see what other graphic options might be causing this. Do you have 4x anti-aliasing and things like that cranked up in your video card settings? Maybe try tuning those down if you do.

But now I'm pretty much just making shots in the dark. Sorry I can't really help you any more. Try checking technical forums for someone who has had a similar problem. ( tech support board)
#11 Nov 11 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Don't think I mentioned this yet, but since the game is so freaking large, defragging your hard drive should help a lot. It should also decrease the amount of time it takes to scan files when the game first starts up.
#12 Nov 11 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I've been checking other forums...

Have defragged this week, have the latest drivers and updates for XP SP2 and my nvidia card.

If other games slowed down like this I'd understand but I play COH, SWG, Doom 3, Counter Strike Source, Homeworld 2, Star Wars Battlefront and Far Cry all with excellent results.

Don't see an anti-aliasing option in the game.
#13 Nov 11 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
The option probably wouldn't be in the game then, but the settings for the video card through windows.

Go to the forum I pointed out earlier, there is a post on graphics settings which points out the most processor-intensive ones and also gives additional tips, even some programs to download. I plan to re-do all my settings based on it, and I need it because my machine is much worse than yours eheh.

Not really much more I can say, you've already been through everything I could think to tell you.
#14 Nov 11 2004 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
nVidia is the suxx0rz
#15 Nov 12 2004 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
Double check u dont have virus software running as this causes horrendous gfx stuttering. I have a top end system (3Ghtz 2 gig ram, 6800GT) and run the game on high quality with no problems.
#16 Nov 12 2004 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
I have a 6800gt too but in dense area it still lags. I guess my CPU is the bottleneck (AMD 3000XP). I'll probably get myself an AMD64 at christmas
#17 Nov 12 2004 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
no one on Mistmoore can run through Qeynos without horrible lag, thats just the way it is...for some reason there are 10 times as many people on that server then any other server, its really messed up.
#18 Nov 12 2004 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
One thing that could help you is turning off shadows it was one of the suggestions we got in beta.
#19 Nov 12 2004 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
I know this probably won't help any but...

First go to the "Performance" section of the settings options and set it to something like "High Performance". That's what mine is set at with a 5700, 1G ram, and a 2.8G processor.

What I found was that I could run just fine as long as I kept my resolution setting capped out. I don't know why dropping resolution causes issues (at least for me), but it really fooked things up, plus made it all look like mega-crap.

IIRC the resolution setting is manually set on a slider bar (not talking about the drop down menus for texture resolution). I'd give you a more detailed description but I'm writing this at work ;-)
#20 Nov 12 2004 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
465 posts
On Mistmoore it takes me like 10 minutes to get through each section of Qeynos due to the lag... really really sucks!

What's worse is that I really enjoy the crafting system, and plan on devoting most of my time to that, but it means I'll have to spend a bunch of time in town... and.... well... yeah, it sucks. :P
#21 Nov 12 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
Nice EQ2 graphics tweak guide at the sony site :
#22 Nov 12 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
You mentioned XP SP2.. did you make sure that Everquest has exceptions for the Firewall.. I know some people are having issues with that. Remember SP2 (unless you turn it off) will automatically firewall your system. I had issues with CoH when sp2 first came out because of the firewall (I ended up killing the whole forewall and using the hardware based one on my router instead)

Just a suggestion.

I'm not having any real graphics lag or network lag..

Running Custom however.. I tweaked everything to my liking.. tested it, etc. rinse repeat.

Athlon XP (not 64.. yet!) 2800+
1 gig o ram
Geforce FX 5950
2 WD Raptor 10,000 RPM SATA HD in a Raid O setting (Striped)

I have water effects on, heat effects, bloom, some shadows.. running the newest nvidia drivers 66.93 and have had no issues to speak of. I had one blue screen last night but that was my wife's fault, she got spyware on the system 8p

Hope the Firewall helps you.
#23 Nov 12 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
I was thinking SP2 might be it also. I have a lesser system then you and have yet to experience any real problem.

2.8 HT
512 RAM at 800 Mhz FSB
GeForce FX 5700 Ultra

I would think yours would have more go juice than mine.

Edited, Fri Nov 12 09:37:51 2004 by Jute
#24 Nov 12 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
Ugh, I can't imagine a situation where I would keep the Microsoft firewall on :-) I have turned off shadows as suggested and that has helped some.
#25 Nov 12 2004 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
Don't really know why, but rebooting every few hours seems to help with lag. Yesterday it took me, on average, one minute to zone. About four hours of play later, the lag became horrible, and it took five minutes on average. I eventually just killed the game to restart. Logged back in, and it was back to the speed it was running at earlier.

I can run the game fine on "Balanced" ("High performance" sometimes needed in cities) with 1.9GHz P4 (no HT), 512MB RDRAM, radeon 9800pro 128.
#26 Nov 12 2004 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
I experience the same thing, my setup is a 2.4ghz P4, 1GB/RAM and a GeForce 6800OC. logging to the desktop and re-entering the game usually helps and virutally eliminates all the lag I experience.
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