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EQ2 Opinions from FFXI players?Follow

#27 Nov 08 2004 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I havent started on EQ2 yet, but Ive been playing MMORPGS since UO beta (which was just before EQ1 went live), and Ive recently expeienced the same feelings about FFXI as you.

When I look back at the game, there are a few things that they definately did wrong.

Travel - I like how they added Chocos to keep true to FFXI, but honestly, it made the game boring as hell. The travel times consumed a lot of playtime and Im sure this discouraged a lot of people. Now there were warps from WHMs and BLMs, but when one wasnt around, the game became tiresome. Airships were also in the game, but you werent able to access those until much later.

Partying - While the partying idea is fun, FFXI did it to death. If you didnt have a party in FFXI, there really werent a whole lot of things that you could do. On top of that, many people spent hours upon hours waiting for a party. Another thing that turns people off.

Repitition - So you play the game to level 18...Get a it all again?! I must have done some things in that game 5/10/15 times over and it just becomes so boring. For example, almost every experienced player had been through the Valkrum Dunes 10 times. Thats more that any player should.

These were just a few of my main concerns about the game. I had a few more, but these are some that stick out in my mind.
#28 Nov 08 2004 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
FFXI: You can be any class at any time with one character.
EQ2: You can be any class with any race, but only one class per character.
I personally like the FFXI way of doing things here. Being able to switch and still keep the same character is kinda cool; Although FFXI is the ONLY game that has ever done that.

Not true, SWG has the same type of system, where you can change professions at any time. Downfall in SWG with this system though was that once you mastered a profession that was it, there was nothing more you could do to enhance your profession. Though the ability to switch professions was fun in that you could try different ones without making new toons, I don't feel its a necessity to a MMORPG. EQlive seems to have faired well with its current system. I will continue playing EQlive as well as take on EQ2. Just from what I have seen in Beta Movies and read of Beta Players, EQ2 will be far more superior in content. See ya on EQ2.
#29 Nov 08 2004 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
I guess the best way to say what I'm looking forward to in EQ2 is to list what I didn't like about FFXI. These will probably be pretty much the same as everyone else, but it's just my 2 cent.

#1. Travel. As others have said, traveling anywhere just took too long in FFXI. Even with the addition of Chocobos, the fluctuating prices to rent them, plus the 6 hour quest to be able to use them in the first place leaves a sour taste in your mouth.

#2. Partying. Being forced to party once you reach level 10-13 unless you were a Beastmaster really sucked. In other mmorpgs I have played, I like to party sometimes, but others I just want to go out on my own. This wasn't an option in FFXI. Also it gets boring having to 'camp' to level, I'd rather be on the move myself, camping is very dull.

#3. Enemies. Whilst partying, leveling and going to ever harder areas, you can't help but notice that the things you are fighting are the same models as you fought at earlier levels, just with different names. Square Enix really could have done better at this, they recycled way to much, it made leveling even less interesting.

#4 Uniqueness. It's impossible to be unique in FFXI for a few reason. Firstly, there isn't enough character models (for my liking), so you end up having citys full of clones. Secondly, every job pretty much had to get certain equipment at certain levels, or they were considered 'gimped', so every job looked the same. And lastly every party had to be built a certain way or it just could not be successful. Meaning even when in an area going to your camp, you'd run past partys that were exactly the same as you were.

#5. Everyone starting at the same time. Now I don't hold any grudge again Japanese players, but they did get FFXI along time before everyone else. So by the time NA and then EU got on, they already had an economy going and were high levels. It doesn't bother me that much, but no matter what I did ingame, I couldn't help think, "Japanese players must have done this thousands of times already", that took some of the fun away for me.

From what I have read and heard, EQ2 seems to be much better in those five points, that's why I am looking forward to it.
#30 Nov 08 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
I played FFXI for about a month. Once I figured out the economy was screwed up and that there was no way to level without grouping after level 18 I quit it to play SWG. I only played it 4 months before I realized there was no meaning to the game. I'm sorry but I don't need mindless grinding to become a Jedi who can be wiped all over the floor by a Brawler template player. I played a little over a week of EQ2 beta a few hours a day and got to level 14 mainly by soloing. Once the game is live I'll probably play in groups about 75% of the time to level quicker this time around. That is unless I die a lot and could level quicker alone lol. EQ2 is by far the best MMO I've played of all the MMO's I've played.
#31 Nov 08 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
#4 Uniqueness. It's impossible to be unique in FFXI for a few reason. Firstly, there isn't enough character models (for my liking), so you end up having citys full of clones. Secondly, every job pretty much had to get certain equipment at certain levels, or they were considered 'gimped', so every job looked the same. And lastly every party had to be built a certain way or it just could not be successful. Meaning even when in an area going to your camp, you'd run past partys that were exactly the same as you were.
If I ever have to kill a tan coloured, buggy eyed rabbit again, it'll be too soon. Seriously, this was the major reason I couldn't stand FFXI after a month. I fought bunnies in Ronfaure W, LTP, V Dunes. I couldn't stand it to fight bunnies in 3 zones straight, every single time I got a new job. I ruined the game.
#32 Nov 08 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
:\ you guys shouldn't bash FFXI so much, especially when you didnt get very far. The fun really comes in during later levels, like getting AF (the non coffer ones XD, although sometimes the coffers can be fun if you already have a key) and getting stuff like carbuncle's mitts <-kick *** mitts ^.^ hey i've even heard people say "EQ doesnt start till post lvl 66" .. anyway i'm just saying someone could go in EQ2 for a month and die alot then resolve to bash in it every forum he can. I know alot of people that are sticking with FFXI, though I tried to persuade them to at leats take a look at EQ2. Its all about what you like. Maybe some people like grinding. o.O You can say you dont like FFXI, but you cant say its a horrible game and no one will like it when you only played till lvl 20. So just try to keep an open mind, and wait till tmw for EQ2! XD

Edit: oops double negative

Edited, Mon Nov 8 12:43:14 2004 by fandalg
#33 Nov 08 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
*raises hand*

I got to 70 monk. Sorry, probably should have mentioned that.
#34 Nov 08 2004 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
heh sorry I didnt really mean your post ..
just the ones after yours wich seemed to be poorly written (not that I write well) the ones that only fought rabbits....

Edited, Mon Nov 8 12:46:12 2004 by fandalg
#35 Nov 08 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
:\ you guys shouldn't bash FFXI so much, especially when you didnt get very far. The fun really comes in during later levels, like getting AF (the non coffer ones XD, although sometimes the coffers can be fun if you already have a key) and getting stuff like carbuncle's mitts <-kick *** mitts ^.^ hey i've even heard people say "EQ doesnt start till post lvl 66" .. anyway i'm just saying someone could go in EQ2 for a month and die alot then resolve to bash in it every forum he can. I know alot of people that are sticking with FFXI, though I tried to persuade them to at leats take a look at EQ2. Its all about what you like. Maybe some people like grinding. o.O You can say you dont like FFXI, but you cant say its a horrible game and no one will like it when you only played till lvl 20. So just try to keep an open mind, and wait till tmw for EQ2! XD

I agree, I'm a 65MNK 33WAR 33THF 33WHM 40BRD 26NIN 17BLM. I am not trying to bash this game, I'm just saying spending countless hours killing the same mobs so I can get a level, or make a key drop is just not exciting. The high level content is great, killing HNM and such, but only if you land yourself in a great HNM LS, in which case it is all popularity anyway.

The story is ok, but there realy isn't enough soloable content. And looking for a group as a 65 MNK makes me sick. How would you like to have to play for 7 hours to get 10 K experience points. 3 hours looking for a pick up group, and 3 hours of 3K exp an hour because you are in a pick up group.

I want to get to 75 as bad as the next person, but I wish the trip was more enjoyable.
#36 Nov 08 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't beta test EQ2, so I can only assume that it will be somewhat similar to EQ in design, and if it is that will be good.

Here is what I found irritating about FFXI:
- You can't solo above level 10 bascially at all because the mobs are so tough and time-consuming to kill.

- After that it also follows that grouping consists of nothing but pulling a single mob and killing it en-masse. Then you repeat pulling this same type of mob over and over again. Very boring.

- Every single item has a level requirement. This may be consdiered good because it stops twinking, but it is also bad because it leaves no real vareity in equipment between people at most levels.

- The auction system was nice, but what I noticed is that it really became an equipment rental system since the items you get from the auction house will often buy and sell for the same amount, you just get your money back after you are done with the item.

If EQ2 remains close to EQ1 it will be much better than FFXI in my opinion. At the very least it would be more interesting.
#37 Nov 08 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Well im a 75rdm in ffxi and HNM are not that fun, it is becomes very repeatitive, you go to sky constantly to get trigger drops for gods and fight the same gods millions of times to get the uber drops, and the only god that looks different from all the mobs in the game is Genbu a big ninja turtle.

Not to bash on ffxi but it really is repeatitive, and ive been looking at the EQ2 fighting style it looks so much more fun than going into and dungeon and having mages sneak/invis all the melee and trying not to get aggro so you can sit at a camp for, god ive been at 1 camp for 8 hours before, and killing the same mobs over and over again.

Where as Eq2 from what i have seen anyways you get to walk around and kill mobs throughout the dungeon advancing and not sitting at one camp for endless hours
#38 Nov 08 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, but that right there bothers me. There should be intersting content at all levels, not just 50+. This is something that EQ1 did wrong as well. Also about the mobs in FFXI what I found disappointing was the almost total lack of familiar enemies. Come on SquareEnix you have over a dozen FF games to take good monster ideas from, why do you need to use the same bee in seven different zones all the way from level 1 to 70.
#39 Nov 08 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
"FFXI: You can be any class at any time with one character.
EQ2: You can be any class with any race, but only one class per character.
I personally like the FFXI way of doing things here. Being able to switch and still keep the same character is kinda cool; Although FFXI is the ONLY game that has ever done that. "

SWG was the first game to do this FYI
#40 Nov 09 2004 at 12:43 AM Rating: Good
You can change everything but bust size

lol ~_~
#41 Nov 09 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
Been playing MMO's a while myself, 3+ years on EQ (post luclin, FFXI since it launched in the states, and even UO way back when. Only reason I left EQ1 was cause I had a Bard max level and nearly toped off on AAs, a high levl BL and a high level mage. Wasn't much left to be done and got board of it, LDoN was a nice diversion but I wanted to try new things. FFXI was nice at the begining, but after a while the economy started to really get screwed up (maybe it was already this bad and I hadn't noticed it cause I wasn't looking at the right things). The switching roles was kinda cool, but it also took away as much as it put in IMO. 1 person who can be anything tends to wear on stuff after a bit. You have to have room for your red mage gear, then for your ninja equip, not to mention the black mage equip. then you need to suport the gear needs for all those suub classes you need to build. FFXI also has that xp grind feeling untul you get up to level 60, then you can finaly start some of the fun stuff. I havn't started EQ2 yet, will when the store opens today, but I am looking forward to it and I am hoping that SOE will deliver what they have been boasting about for the last year an a half. Here is keeping my fingers crossed.
#42 Nov 09 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
I played FFXI for a year. I loved it for a while but then it got repetitive. I'm not gonna bash it, I think its a great game. The reason I quit was the waiting for parties for hours thing. I only have a few hours a day to play, I want to have fun not stand around doing nothing waiting for parties. I love the fact that EQ2 is solo-able alot. I love to party but I cant Always party when I play.
I think that being able to switch jobs constantly is fun but like others said you wind up with people doing jobs they arent good at.
I also didnt like the fact that you could have several linkshells. It seemed like a good idea at first but it makes it so hard to get a good LS going. People always have that "the grass is greener on the other side" thing going on. So they switch back and forth between LS's thinking they are missing something on the other one. There's no loyalty. I think the guild system is so much better.

A bunch of us who met on ffxi (siren) are making a guild together in EQ2, its gonna be great!
#43 Nov 09 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
some ffxi background:

i'm a lvl75 war with arguably the best gear for my job in the game(minus stuff thats insane(read noone has it yet) hard to get like relic weapon). ive been through almost all of the issues listed above, including inability to find parties, the language barrier, fighting the same mob over and over again, etc..

Now my question is, i've finally gotten past all of the leveling BS in FFXI, im at endgame, my character is awesome, and from what i've seen of EQ2 at my friend's looks like a ton of fun. But all the reports i've seen of leveling and so forth have been of very early levels. As far as I remember FFXI was a blast to level from like 1-20/30ish, but after that it just SUCKS. What is the deal with EQ2's leveling system after the 'first hump', does it slow down tremoundously? Do you need to level with parties for a long long time mid-game in order to level? Now don't say its possible to solo but partying is faster, i've heard that before. HOW much faster is partying when you are trying to level?

I don't mind leveling if its fun to level, but after about lvl30, leveling in FFXI was just a chore and a half and that's my biggest concern with EQ2. Anyone that can shed light on levels past the novice stage of the game(if its even possible, i dont know what the lvl the beta was capped at) please let us hear what you thought.
#44 Nov 12 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
I played EQ for 2 years and then moved on to FFXI because of my love of Final Fantasy (and because my hubby stopped playing EQ).
Also, my highest level character in EQ was 11 or 12, while my highest in FFXI is 57 (and it took me far less time to get there), so I may have missed out on some stuff here....

What I missed about EQ:
Character customization
Swimming (heh)

What I didn't:
Having to retrieve your corpse when you died
Being able to fall out of Kelethin to your death
Took too long to level
Expansion after expansion after expansion....

What I think I would miss about FFXI:
Auction house
Mog house
One character for all jobs
Awesome story and cut scenes for quests
LFG system

What I wouldn't:
Gil sellers camping NMs
Everything about the dunes, including getting there
Everyone being expected to have certain equipment & subjobs

From what I've heard, EQ2 has houses, some form of skillchains, the controversial TLC that prevents high level players from camping low level mobs, and is more adventure/quest-based than the original EQ. I've enjoyed FFXI very much, but even now I miss some things about EQ - still debating making the switch to EQ2, though. I'm dying to try it, though....

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