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EQ2 Opinions from FFXI players?Follow

#1 Oct 27 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good

I've been playing FFXI since March of this year. I play often, and I'd like to think well. FFXI is my first MMORPG, and while it has been exciting, I kind of feel as if I have reached the end of my time with it.

I'm not fully sure why. I guess it's because FFXI feels more like a job than a game. And player personalities are contributing to make my time there less and less enjoyable. I'm looking for a change. I don't particularly care for the look of WoW, but EQ2 seems intriguing to me. I've discovered that I enjoy playing MMORPGs, so while I may quit FFXI, I'd like to find a new game to play.^^

I was hoping to get some feedback from other fellow or former FFXI players on EQ2. What are some high points? Low points? For those of you in the beta, how does it compare? I don't have a ton of money to just throw around, but if EQ2 is worth it, I'm willing to shell out some cash come November 8th. So, let me know what you think!^^

Thanks in advance for any and all replies.
#2 Oct 27 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
2,268 posts
First off a little background...

I played EQ off and on for about 5 years. I then moved to FFXI and have been playing since November of '03.

I just pre-ordered my copy on Monday, although I'm not in Beta.

But I still have oppinions on the game itself. =) (if anyone in beta wants to put my points down, I'm all for it. They _may_ not be right.)

Well, here goes:

FFXI: You can't solo for experience at all.
EQ2: You can solo, although grouping is faster.

FFXI: The story is good, but doesn't start till higher levels.
EQ2: The EQ world has 5 years of history and development behind it. IMO, it's one of the most developed and richest story of almost any MMO to date. I love the FFXI story, but it's just not the same.

FFXI: You can place things up on bazaar and log off, and come back when they're sold.
EQ2: Supposedly you have to be online in your house to bazaar things. This is more akin to the bazaar in original EQ, when you would sit your character in a stall and wait for people to buy your stuff.
I love the bazaar system in FFXI. I like comming back online to see my stuff sold. But with the advent of broadband (and college internet) I don't see it being a big deal to have to leave my character logged on.

FFXI: You can be any class at any time with one character.
EQ2: You can be any class with any race, but only one class per character.
I personally like the FFXI way of doing things here. Being able to switch and still keep the same character is kinda cool; Although FFXI is the ONLY game that has ever done that.

I am, by my own admitance, an EQ fanboi, but FFXI was definitly fun. I agree, it almost feels like a second job though.

Classically, in EQ, you could make enough money to atleast support yourself in leveling. Granted, you couldn't have the best gear and you could craft (without farming) but you atleast got enough money to basically support yourself. I'd assume that EQ2 will be the same way, since there is a trivial loot code on ALL monsters (if you don't get exp, you don't get stuff. So no farming lower level mobs, although you could farm solo mobs, I suppose.)

Anyway, good luck with your choice. Hopefully more people can shed some more light on the subject for you. =)

Edited, Mon Nov 1 11:10:01 2004 by Lewskinslayer
#3 Oct 27 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
I have played EQ for most of the last 4 years. And I've played FFXI off and on for about a year, but nowhere near as much as EQ. There are things that I like and dislike about both. But I recently got into the EQ2 beta and I love it. It's got a lot of the stuff I loved about EQ and FFXI, as well as Dark Age of Camelot. I like to solo, and EQ2 gives you that option to do pretty easily (at least in the early levels, I'm only to level 9). And the fact that you can level up strictly on quests if you want (some do involve killing things, but it's much more enjoyable killing rats when you have a goal). Like one quest you get from the guard to Antonia Bayle's castle entrance. He wants you to prove your worth to Qeynos by ridding them of the vermin outside the gate. Kill 10 rats, 10 snakes and 10 beetles. Not only did I gain almost a whole level by killing those 30 mobs, but I gained a good half a level when I returned to the guard afterwards. Plus you get experience from visiting new places. When you're wandering around Qeynos, everytime you enter a new area, you get experience. Most zones have dozens of "mini-zones" that you get experience just for walking through (the first time only of course). And some quests are centered on that. One is called "Tour of Antonica", which is a book that describes all these "mini-zones" in Antonica that you can go and find and you get experience for each place you find. This makes the game so much more fun, because you can just go adventuring (and hiding from the high level mobs) to get experience without having to fight a thing!

As you can probably tell, I love EQ2. I loved FFXI too, and I played two characters over the past year to about level 15 or so (and a few others up to 5 or 8). But I can see EQ2 having a much stronger hold on me than EQ1 or FFXI ever did.

But I've also played the WoW stress test, so I have that preordered too. Both EQ2 and WoW seem to be good for either short or long play sessions. I played EQ2 for two hours last night and got from level 7 to 9, mostly from that quest I mentioned above (the 10 rats, 10 snakes and 10 beetles one).

I hope that answers some of you questions. Although perhaps I just pimped out EQ2 and avoided your question. :)
#4 Oct 27 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent

I played EQ off and on for about 5 years. I then moved to FFXI and have been playing since November of '04.

Wow, that's a neat trick.
#5 Oct 27 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
I'm sure he meant 2003. Honestly.
#6 Oct 30 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
I played EQ1 for 3 years and now FFXI for 10months.
It is safe to say I truly miss EQ1.
There are a few things about FFXI I like and will miss. I like the fact you can change your job when needed/desired. I liked the ability to post something for sale and logging off. I liked the rank structure.

EQ1 did not have any of the above, but after that, FFXI really dropped. Unless you were a specific job, you could spend HOURS waiting on a group.
Reading EQ2, there are many new implementations that are improved over EQ1. Granted, only 1 job per character, and no offline sales (I think, I could be wrong), everything else seems to be positive, and I truly am looking forward to playing this game next week!!
#7 Nov 01 2004 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
RPZip wrote:

I played EQ off and on for about 5 years. I then moved to FFXI and have been playing since November of '04.

Wow, that's a neat trick.


I have the l33t time traveling skillz. =P

OP fixed. '03 it is.
#8 Nov 01 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
Well I did not play EQ I, although I have friends that have and I've heard much about it. I've been playing FFXI since it's release, and I can say that I have opinions on FFXI alone that I can share, and how my interest moved to EQ II recently.

Although FFXI wasn't my first MMO (Earth & Beyond Veteran), I got into FFXI only because of being a diehard FF fan. After many hours spent in-game with FFXI, I'm deciding to move on not because it's not a good game (or potentially could be a better game) but because it seems like yes, a second job, to go any further. I'm sure I'll have a hard time parting with the ability to change jobs on the fly and enjoy the difference's, but I'm tired of the manipulated Economy that FFXI is now offering. I've worked hard in my crafting and leveling efforts, only to come to a point that requires more progression to gain any reward from doing so. I know most MMO's work in a similar fashion, especially when it comes to a player based economy...but I'm interested in moving on to a fresh start rather than continuing the headache involved with FFXI.

EQ II seems like a fantastic upgrade from the original, and I'm very very excited to start playing. I've even recently purchased a new second PC and pre-ordered my 2 copies of EQ II to prepare for the release. I'm sure I'll return to FFXI here and there to see friends and LS mates, I look forward to a full change in Gameplay to EQ II ^^
#9 Nov 01 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
I played EQ1 for 3+ years, FFXI for nearly a year now. I got a chance to try EQ2 this weekend some on a friend's Beta account.

My chief impression is that EQ2 is a totally new game which shares lore with EQ1. Meaning the race, class, place and spell names are different. Some of my chief complaints about EQ1 seem to be fixed. Twinking, PLing and multiboxing are less practical, which is good. At times, EQ1 seemed like a race to 65, so you could play the "real" game. Meh.

Also, game play is very different then the original. Quests are the chief driver of xp, not grinding. It is possible to solo, but I don't know to what level. Mobs drop no coin, but they do drop loot. It will be interesting to see, but I seriously doubt will see the rigid grouping requirements and gil-making time sinks that I found to be FFXI's most seriously flaws.

When I moved to FFXI, I remember being very impressed by the stability and relatively error free state of the game. Of course, it was released a year prior in Japan, so lots of the kinks had been worked out. The economy seemed stable and jobs seemed balanced. EQ2 will definitely be rough when it ships with lots of broken or unimplemented bits. Please consider this before making the jump.
#10 Nov 03 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
39 posts
I appologise in advance for being scatter-brained. It's the end of the workday and I screwed up my caffiene intake today (too little, too late).

I played FF XI from Christmas 2003 to about July 2004. I had a good run at it, getting my Dark Knight to 49, Warrior to 40, and various other jobs to decent levels (25 whm, 20 nin). I've been a Final Fantasy fan for YEARS (since FF I US). I had originally avoided EQ 1 due to having previously recovered from a MUD (Realms of Despair) addiction.

A friend of mine on FF XI gave me his EQ 2 Beta invite because he couldn't use it. I've been playing for a few weeks now and I _love_ the game. I sorta miss being able to switch jobs and fart around, but then again, I wasted a lot of time levelling DRK to find that I missed tanking and switched back to WAR.

One of the important things for an FF XI player to consider when looking at EQ 2 from the job-changing aspect is that you will be able to determine reputations for players. One of the primary problems with FF XI (esp. at lower levels) is that you have no idea if a player is any good at thier job. One can switch to any number of jobs and suck at them all or maybe only be good at one. Of course, people can still suck at their only function in life, but it's much less likely when they have a reputation as a healer/DD/tank/mezzer on the line.

Graphics: The graphics are stunning and NOT built to support an end-of-life platform like the PS2. This means you can push your PC into melting itself into a pile of slag if you want to. The EQ 2 developers have said that they don't expect anybody to be able to turn everything all the way up for a couple years yet.

Customization: EQ 2 totally blows FF XI out of the water with character customization. You can change everything but bust size. Eye slant, color, cheek bone height, ear size, ear height, chin width, nose width ... it goes on and on. No more "oh, another #3 Mithra."

Heroic Opportunities: I bet FF XI players catch onto this much faster than old EQ 1 players. It's a blatant ripoff of skill chains, but much easier to grok. The game gives you all of the information necessary to put together a nice HO without having to resort to arcane charts like we had to on FF XI. Also, every archetype can solo them.

Archetypes: there are only really 4 different base classes (archetypes) in EQ 2. These break out into a bunch of different forms, but the purpose of the archetype remains consistent. There is a lot of info out on the EQ2 boards about this, and much of it is still controversial, so I'll leave this as it is.

Quests: The quest system is far superior to FF XI - instead of having to rely entirely on allakhazam to be able to complete quests in a reasonable amount of time, the game helps you track them. I've only played up to level 14, so I can't comment on the total number, but I've found it'd be easy to accept and complete well over 100 quests before level 15.

Travel: This is my least favorite part of FF XI. Travelling from one point to another can take 10 minutes or even an hour depending on where it is. In EQ 2, at least for your first 15-20 levels you never have to walk more than 5 or so minutes to get to a good levelling zone (think about travelling to the dunes before level 20!). They also give everybody "Call of Qeynos" or "Call of the Overlord" so that you can go home after a long night of adventuring. This is one feature that helps a LOT for leaving a good taste in your mouth at the end of your play time. Has anybody else been wasted on their way home after levelling (think Dunes or Crawler's Nest).

Well, if anybody wants more, post below and say what you want to know about specifically. I'll try to oblige.

#12 Nov 03 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Hey, heh I've looked at and read your posts, and it Eq2 looks fun. Still, I dont know if I should give up FFXI for it. Mainly because two of my friends play FFXI. Is EQ2 alot better then FFXI? Also, to understand more about EQ2 I've looked into EQ1 and most reviews complain about it. Lol, sounds funny to say, but can you talk me into gettin EQ2? Also, how can I talk my friends into getting it?

Is it like diablo sorta? Heh I miss those Mephesto runs and such. I think I miss them because FFXI doesnt really have those fun bosses to beat up with your friends, its all leveling. I gues BCNM is kinda like that, or the Shadow Lord, but they're not the same. I mean if your not trying to get money if FFXI its leveling and thats like "Pull!" "ok!" "Kill it!" over and over and over and over 80 times for one level. I got my dragoon to 50, and I might be a tiny bit bored of FFXI, but my subconscience wont admit it. Well, I gues I'm just rambling, but I'm stuck. EQ2 looks nice, but I dont want it to totaly blow. Help will be really appreciated. Thanks.

Edited, Wed Nov 3 19:29:20 2004 by fandalg
#13 Nov 04 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
39 posts
Well, one big difference from FFXI that I've seen already in EQ2 is that this crap about "get high level help" will be less common. Powerlevelling is damn near impossible. Most quests for your level are soloable - even though there are some that should be partied, there are so many quests that you can just go choose another one. Hell, you can level up just by doing quests. I think I only fought a few easy monsters between level 9 and 10 - the quest for brawler filled up the rest of the exp bar.

So, if you get sick of the grind, go do some solo or duo quests.

Another thing I've really enjoyed in EQ2 compared to FFXI is that you don't camp every friggin time you go out to level. You have to move through the zone. Camping is possible, it just is impractical in a lot of zones. I'm sure there'll be plenty of those risk-averse players that will refuse the dungeon crawl, but that's not my style (hence one of the things I hated about FF XI).

The trivial loot code is another advantage of EQ2. If you have friends or a guild and want to go get some uber level 20 armor, go get it. You don't have to worry as much about some level 60 jerk camping it (like the valkurm emporer) - they won't ever get the uber item, only crap items and gold. I'm not sure how this will play out in retail, but it certainly looks good on paper.

As for BCNM like battles, I've already experienced a bunch of similar encounters and I haven't played beyond level 15. Even on the Isle of Refuge, there are a few named mobs to fight to get cool stuff. The lighthouse basement was a lot of fun to do in a group. The trivial loot code also means that you won't be stuck BCNM 40 ALL THE DAMNED TIME like in FFXI. Who else is sick of sprouts? Another thing to remember is that partying in EQ2 will involve a lot of encounters. An encounter means that you're likely to have to fight more than one monster at a time, which makes the entire strategy different. Hate control is more complex because one beastie might yell (with voiceover!) "Get the cleric!" and run over and start beating on your healer. The tank then has to fart around with targets and such to get that beastie back on him or rely on a sub-tank to do that. It's crazy, it's chaotic, and it's very fun. I'm not sure if it'll ever get old - it all depends on how the NPC AI improves as I level up.

Anyways, let me know if you have any further questions.
#14 Nov 04 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts

I've been playing FFXI since Feb/March this year and it has been alot of fun... alot lately alot of the timesinks and gilsinks have been turning the "fun" of the game into job like work.

I tried City of Heroes for about a month this year as well, but after awhile a month that got old (to me anyways).

I never played EQ, but I am looking forward to trying EQ2 (I have it pre-ordered), but I don't plan on canceling my FFXI account anytime soon. I'll probably end up playing both games for awhile and see which one I like better.

I had originally avoided EQ 1 due to having previously recovered from a MUD (Realms of Despair) addiction.

I still log on to RoD every now and then, and have been playing it since mid-late 90's ^^
#15 Nov 04 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
EQ2 is far supperior
#16 Nov 05 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
I cant believe nobody has mentioned language. I like knowing I can understand everyone I am playing with. Not trying to sound predjudice =( but it was pretty weird for me in ffxi not knowing japanese. /shrug
#17 Nov 05 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
So, I wont have to spend hours farming, or hours looking for a balanced group?

But what about leveling with people higher or lower level? Can I do every quest with 2 people? Can those 2 people be one level 50 and one level 20?

How does EQ2 work to bridge the gap between levels of characters.

What stops a level 60 from farming all the low level zones and selling all the equipment?

What is the respawn rate of the mobs like?

I'm seriously almost sold on the idea. I have a 65MNK and tonight a friend wants my help with genkai 1. Do you think I look forward to logging on and killing liches for 5 hours and maybe get one piece of papyrus? It's just not fun any more.
#18 Nov 05 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
SingBismark wrote:
So, I wont have to spend hours farming, or hours looking for a balanced group?

But what about leveling with people higher or lower level? Can I do every quest with 2 people? Can those 2 people be one level 50 and one level 20?

How does EQ2 work to bridge the gap between levels of characters.

What stops a level 60 from farming all the low level zones and selling all the equipment?

What is the respawn rate of the mobs like?

I'm seriously almost sold on the idea. I have a 65MNK and tonight a friend wants my help with genkai 1. Do you think I look forward to logging on and killing liches for 5 hours and maybe get one piece of papyrus? It's just not fun any more.

Three words:

Trival Loot Code

Basically if you don't get exp, you don't get a drop. Period.

So the only mobs you can "farm" on are the ones you get exp from (there are mobs marked soloable, with a con that's ment for a solo person.)
#19 Nov 05 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
I had been playing EQ for 5 years too. and spent around 1 year on FF11. now Im playing City of Heroes.

Online games could be addictive if you donno how to manage your life. if EQ2 gonna have the similar game style as EQ 1 and you are those guys who can and willing to skip work or school 1 or 2 days a week to play, you better setup a time schedule if you gonna try EQ2.

when you still at low lvl, you wont feel this game is a "job". but once you are guilded and this guild raid nearly 360 days a year , again you better know how to manage your time schedule.

again, many thing can be addictive to someone but not to others. depense on how you handle it.
#20 Nov 05 2004 at 8:45 PM Rating: Good
806 posts
I quit FFXI because my progress stopped to a halt when I could no longer play un-godly amounts of hours per week. It really felt like a job, and quitting the game was a great decision.

I did a test in EQ2. I was talking to a friend, and we logged on to see how fast we would be in a zone making xp after logging in. Took 3 minutes. Score. (I HATED the run to Valkurm from sandoria, it took what, 15 minutes? timesink in FFXI where harsh. Really harsh.)

I also really love having fights where it's a 4 on 6 or even worse (I remember a fight where we were 3 on 7, thank god they were all blue). I got really tired of the 6 on 1 fights in FFXI.
#21 Nov 06 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
i played pretty much all the mmorpg's out now and in eq2 and WoW beta, wow is a great game but....but if you play eq2 wow is kinda of an disapointment, heres the thing, if your not sure what to do, just play eq2 for one month and get too lvl 20, if your not addicted and dont think its the best around by then, then there is no hope for you :)
#22 Nov 06 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Just a note one soloing exp. Dureing Fan Fare, there was an EQ2 marathon. Those compeating had 24 hours to get as much exp as possible. Some even had notes. The person that won soloed the whole way. Lesson, a good solo player will do better then a bad group in EQ2.
#23 Nov 06 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
I played FFXI for a few months and I really enjoyed many aspects of that game. The big selling points in that game to me were the following:

- Quests, great stories and variety in the quests, loved the cutscenes.
- Graphics, that game is beautiful.

I think EQ2 is a vastly superior game. I don't think the quests are nearly as varied as in FFXI, but they are plentiful and the ways of obtaining quests are also sometimes very unique :). I have gotten a quest from a broken weapon that drops off a monster (to fix the weapon so it is useable), I have gotten quests from notes floating in a bottle in the sewer, sometimes NPC's yell at me to help them, but other times I might find a clue that starts me on a quest on a skeleton lying in a dungon. I once got some fruit from killing a bat, and got a quest to get more such fruit. Once I got enough fruit, my reward was PIE! hehe.

The graphics in EQ2 are superior in my opinion, although both games are beautiful. EQ2's biggest drawback in this area is that many gamers are going to be spending a lot of green to run it. You are going to want a good graphics card, a good processor and at least a gig of Ram to run this puppy.

The biggest reason I left FFXI and absolutely love EQ2? Downtime. I HATED the downtime in FFXI. I only managed to make level 24 and by that time the between fight downtime was unbareable to me. EQ2 downtime is more like City of Heroes. Mana and Hps regenerate very fast while not in combat making downtime minimal. Downtime is the biggest fun killer for me in a MMORPG.

I highly recommend switching to EQ2 and bring your friends with you :). It will not be the game for everyone, but I think if you give it a try you will be hooked.

22 Troubador
Beta 1

#24 Nov 06 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
Three words:

Trival Loot Code

Basically if you don't get exp, you don't get a drop. Period.

So the only mobs you can "farm" on are the ones you get exp from (there are mobs marked soloable, with a con that's ment for a solo person.)

This isn't entierly true. If you want to complete a quest, many can be done solo, but if not then you can easily come back and complete them when you are a level or two higher solo. Even if the monster is grey (no experience) to you, you will beable to complete quests by killing them. You will also get tradskilling resources off monsters that are grey to you. The only thing you will not get is the chest (spells, armor, weapons, quest starters) random drops you will get if you are killing monsters worth experience to you.

However quest drops are not drops off of monsters you need to compete over. This is one of the nicest aspects of the new quest system. Lets say you have a quest to get 5 sandstones off of stone giants, and so does your buddy. If you both go kill giants you will both get the quest drops randomly as you kill giants, usually off the same giants. This means no competition for who gets the quests done first.

22 Troubador
Beta 1
#25 Nov 06 2004 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
806 posts
However quest drops are not drops off of monsters you need to compete over. This is one of the nicest aspects of the new quest system. Lets say you have a quest to get 5 sandstones off of stone giants, and so does your buddy. If you both go kill giants you will both get the quest drops randomly as you kill giants, usually off the same giants. This means no competition for who gets the quests done first.

That's the most beautiful thing. Instead of competing for quest drops, people can just group together and complete it way faster because every drop counts for every player. A good example is the bone chip quest on the isle of refuge, instead of fighting with the other players, get together, you'll be out of there in no time.
#26 Nov 08 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, that is beautiful!!! No complaining about /random on l33ts! Thats just nutz. Anyways, I have been an EQ player for a long time. When Final Fantasy came out (I had been having a rough time with EQ cause of my work and all my friends had gotten way ahead of me so it was like I was all by myself at that point) I decided to start playing....and I didn't get very far..I didn't have too. What to say is, I liked the graphics very much, they were superior to EQ obviously, and the actual character /emotes and fight movements were far superior to that of EQ. The Auction House was another wonderful incorporation to that game that I really liked, no rolling into the bazaar and lagging out cause of 200+ people, or having to leave your account on all day to sell stuff (not that much of a hassle but still sucked). But, no matter how many people disagree/agree with this, Final Fantasy to me was a complete hack of EQ, not in a bad way either, it was like they were trying to correct all the problems with original EQ and add some of their own content, new ideas, instanced raid mobs and so on. But I quickly got sick of Final Fantasy for 2 reasons mainly....runtime and exp was a drag to me, it just seemed to take forever. Second, newbies...OMG, I hate to sound elitist about all this, but because of the mad amount of people who were completly inexperienced with MMORPG's in general seemed to greatly out-number the experienced players, and begging, one of my all time most hated thing for someone to do, was more than a common occurence on FFXI. In the end, the people who were playing the game ruined it for me, and when PS2 connected to the PC servers, the game went down the crapper IMO. The many times I tried to explain skill chains to people....ahh yes I picked up on that rather quickly, I researched as much as I could about that game and all that went in to it, but people just couldn't seem to understand, and places like the dunes was a nightmare. I was more than slightly astonished at how friendly and helpful the Japanease people who were on the American servers at the begging (the high lvl ones) went more than out of their way to help people for hours at a time in most cases to camp things such as Magik'd Skulls or whatever for the multiclass quest and various other things that people asked them to help them with. I'm not apposed to helping someone in need but I rarely go out of my way for hours at a time to help people me unfriendly, oh well, so I'm not =p I don't know though, with the way FFXI at the time, I quickly got disheartned with the game, and made my way back to Everquest, and it was like a relief when I started playing EQ again. Not to mention, I love doing quests, and FFXI doesn't get close to holding a candle as far as content is conscerned, which is understandable, EQ has been around for quite some time with 9, I think expansions out now, the last 2 with mad amount of content. Regardless, though, I am more than ready for EQ2. Not just the graphics are far superior, but from everything I've heard so far my expectations just keep rising. They have gone out of their way to fix the many deficeincies that EQ has to make it a more enjoyable online experience, and the fight sequences, I must say, tickle me to death everytime I see them on the various video clips that are out. I almost find it hard to believe that they are even like that LOL. Oh well, I'll stop now.
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