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What is wrong with you people?!Follow

#1 Nov 18 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
Sharing is goooood. If you see someone harvesting anything please make a point to stop and share.

Edited, Fri Nov 19 07:32:34 2004 by iostorms
#2 Nov 18 2004 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
There was another thread started on this topic less than an hour ago. And it was worded in a less offensive manner.

Also, people stole mining and logging points in FFXI all the time. So you must have just been really lucky.

It sucks. It's a crappy thing to do to people, and I hope that the devs change it so that it can be "locked" like an encounter. However, since you can get multiple harvests from one spot, I think that is probably unlikely. So, that means that we as players have to work to make it standard practice to not "steal" harvesting points.
#3 Nov 18 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
Courtesy, sharing, respect for others... all signs of the weak. To excel you must grind all about you into the ground, when no more competition remains all the L337 loot will be yours and yours alone!

lol you've got it good bud, back in the pre-Trammel days of Ultima Online, a PKer would come up, kill your toon, and loot all that ore you just worked so hard mining for 3 hours.
#4 Nov 18 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
Personal opinion.

they did a great job on balancing and making everything fair in EQ 2 than EQ 1. its a good thing but nothing is perfect in this world.

I always do the tradeskill items collection after the peak hour. or switch to second/third zone map if its up and tried to avoid the crowds.

So for those of you were first into Everquest, tried to be tough and be ready to .... ummm..... yeah... tough.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 19:16:16 2004 by Cheerboy

Edited, Thu Nov 18 19:20:33 2004 by Cheerboy
#5 Nov 18 2004 at 7:18 PM Rating: Excellent
17 posts
I think also in the first few months of any game things are going to be hectic - it will calm down soon enough...

patience is a virtue
#6 Nov 18 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
Back in the day in Everquest, not too long after it started but long enough that people were max level, people would actually come up to me while I was levelling in newbie zones and offer me decent equipment. Nothing earthshattering mind you, but stuff they could no longer use that were great pieces of equipment for me.

Also, while playing FFXI I seemed to have no problem being able to get a mining point to myself. Only one time did someone try to mine the same mining point I was working on - and they apologized afterwards.


Courtesy, sharing, respect for others... all signs of the weak. To excel you must grind all about you into the ground, when no more competition remains all the L337 loot will be yours and yours alone!

In that case, I hope you don't get angry when someone steals your things. They're just trying to "excel" the same way you do.
#7 Nov 18 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Given that any farming point will only yield 3 results and they are few and far between in the lower zones... I can almost never exclusively harvest a spot.

Maybe you would like to share instead of trying to hog all the resources just because you were there first. This sounds like the "Leave the camp, my group was here first. We started killing here first and are not going to share." thing.

There's a reason that SOE made the spot spawn 3 resources only and its not locked. Learn to share. Some people are just so greedy and want it all for themselves. And then you ask what's wrong with us...

Finding Nemo seagulls said it best...
#8 Nov 18 2004 at 8:10 PM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
In FFXI it was pretty much common courtesy to just keep moving if someone was standing at a harvesting/mining/logging point.

I don't know what server you played on, but it was just as bad, if not worse on the Ragnarok server.
#9 Nov 18 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
299 posts
It's interesting that people consider it rude for others to harvest from "their" point. It's actually not theirs, as it's not locked. In fact, to consider it "mine, all mine; you can't have any" is just pure greed.

Get over it.

There is a reason that A) Harvest points NOT locked and B) Harvest points can be harvested multiple times.

By doing it this way, there isn't any way for ninja-clickers to completely monopolize every single harvest point. Unless you have 4 or more people trying to harvest from that point, each person will get at least one harvest from that point. It's called... are you with me? Sharing.

Sharing isn't rude, what's rude is to assume that you alone are entitled to every resource you can see. A given resource becomes "yours" after a single condition: your succesful harvest.
#10 Nov 18 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
Tocopheryl wrote:
[quote] Given that any farming point will only yield 3 results and they are few and far between in the lower zones... I can almost never exclusively harvest a spot.

Welcome to the wonderful world of unrestricted competition. Everyone needs the same skill ups and/or resources you do, don't expect any "courtesy" in regards to this. Nodes are pure FFA to whomever can harvest them first and fastest, not something "exclusive" to the first person to find it. If they were meant to be owned, they'd be locked to the first person to start harvesting from them.
#11 Nov 18 2004 at 8:39 PM Rating: Excellent
18 posts
I think you'll find that people are much more courteous than you might expect. For example, especially in newbie zones, if you ask the person if they need the resource in question, sometimes you'll get the response "no, not really" and, if you explain that you're a crafter and need it in order to make items, most smart people will let you go about your business, since it's in their interest to allow crafters to get better.

Communicate with others you see running around doing what you're doing! For example, I tailor, so I primarily trap and gather, but I also mine for the raw resources to sell. Another guy in Forest Ruins was snapping up everything in sight. I asked him what points he was after, and he wanted mining and logging, so I surrendered mining and we divided the zone between us, much to our mutual benefit.
#12 Nov 18 2004 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
465 posts
When I mine/gather/forest/etc., I go for all three instances. If someone runs up and starts interacting with the point I'm at, I move on. Irritated? Yes, I am. When I see someone mine/gather/forest/etc. a spot, I go find another. I'd prefer if one finds a point, s/he gets to use it up. Shouldn't be a big deal for other people to go find another point. Think I'm stupid for doing this, fine. But to me, it's courtesy. You don't feel the same way, that's just as well.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 20:48:12 2004 by ArcosKojin
#13 Nov 18 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Nov 19 07:29:59 2004 by iostorms
#14 Nov 18 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Excellent
138 posts
its common courtesy, if you see someone at a harvesting point, go find another one. I dont steal from peoples harvesting points i think its rude. Therefore i dont like when people steal from me.
#15 Nov 18 2004 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
Nice logic, how old are you.. 5? 6? Yes.. It must be alright because I can!!!!

Shouldn't you be asking yourself that question? It really isn't yours. I wouldn't care if someone came up and started harvesting, it's common courtesy to help others.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 21:23:21 2004 by Ascended
#16 Nov 18 2004 at 9:30 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Fri Nov 19 07:30:12 2004 by iostorms
#17 Nov 18 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
465 posts
iostorms, easy easy. While I agree with the harvesting point thing, let's keep flaming down. This forum section on Alla is new and it would be nice to keep it as friendly as possible.

I find EQ2 to be a lot more relaxing than FFXI (don't ask, I don't know why), and the forums here have been pretty good and easy going. If I may ask, let's try to keep this area cool. A good debate is awesome, but flame fests doesn't benefit anyone, other than those that take pleasure in ruffling the feathers of others.
#18 Nov 18 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
935 posts
Of course I can see how you might get lonely and need mommy or some positive reinforcement being all alone in a big bad scary place.. n00b.

The second you have to start talking about someone's mother, being lonely, or calling them or a n00b, your probably starting to lose a fair amount of credibility.
#19 Nov 18 2004 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Fri Nov 19 07:30:28 2004 by iostorms
#20 Nov 18 2004 at 10:23 PM Rating: Good
Well, there are certainly nicer ways of going about it. And I still disagree about people being courteous in FFXI. Players fought over mining and logging points like ******** I envy you for playing on a server where that didn't happen.
#21 Nov 18 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Nov 19 07:30:46 2004 by iostorms
#22 Nov 18 2004 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
465 posts
Don't worry much about the ratings. Alla Karma is a fickle thing. hehehe. See, you got rated up. <.<

But seriously, what server are you on? I suppose because I'm still only on tier 1, I don't meet too much heated competition for points. Many people I've come across on Lucan DLere have been pleasant. I've experienced some people hopping on the points I'm at, but oh well, that's how they'll be.

I'm sorry you're being met with hostility and frustration, this game really is pretty cool. If you're having problems in one instance, try another. It may not help much, but considering how many people are out there, you may encounter the nice ones. If you do find cool people, see if they are willing to trade components with you. Or maybe there's a crafting guild on your server you can join.
#23 Nov 19 2004 at 4:46 AM Rating: Excellent
I have to say I spent my first three days of harvesting/mining using the basic rules of common courtesy, but 75% of the time someone would charge over and start using my spot! In the end I got really peeved and decided to just go for it, after all there is no lock on these spots. No sooner had I jumped in on one when i got a tell having a go at me for not being cool! This person later shouted out for pelts and I gave them 8 as an apology for upsetting them and went about my business the courteous way again...and BAM...the first three spots i worked on, someone joined in.

So, I have decided, it's every man/woman for themselves in the world of mining. People can get upset if they want, but in my opinion they need to grow up. It's only a game, there will be another spot along in a minute. I would assume that soon people will have skilled up and will be heading out to farm the non-newbie areas to alleviate this problem, but until then it's a dog eat dog world out there.

If i jump your spot sometime soon...don't be offended....I'm just trying to get along like you.

#24 Nov 19 2004 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
You want Common Courtesy? Try this.

Don't insult other people simply because they don't all follow your personal code of ethics.

Suck it up, people. Very few people actually *enjoy* having to "share" a resource point with anyone else. But apparently the Devs feel that locking a resource point is unfair to the vast majority of players going on clicking sprees throughout the land. Whether you agree with the Devs choice in this matter or not, point sharing will happen, and can be considered in some ways to be encouraged (because of the conscious decision on their part to leave it intact).

Don't complain at other players who are just as unhappy as you are to have some stranger race up and snag a bit of your point - complain to the Devs who made it possible, and did so on purpose.

What do I do? If I spot a point all by it's lonesome, I'm going to snag every little bit up. If I see a resource point already in use, I run off to the next spot.

I may be unhappy if someone races up and takes a bite out, but I never actually EXPECT anyone to live by my personal moral code. I'm always surprised when others not only expect it, but toss around insults because the world at large doesn't live up to their expectations.

As for,

Also, people stole mining and logging points in FFXI all the time.

I never said they didn't, I just said it was much rarer to find a point thief in FFXI than in EQ2... where everyone "shares".

Call me nuts, but "all the time" doesn't sound the least bit rare to me. I played on Diabolos for a bit, and I gotta tell you, it was actually RARE to get a point that no one else took a bite out of. Perhaps it's rare when there's... no one else around. But when there were other harvesters about, it was a flat out surprise if any were willing to wait their turn for a new point.

It's interesting that people consider it rude for others to harvest from "their" point. It's actually not theirs, as it's not locked.

Nice logic, how old are you.. 5? 6? Yes.. It must be alright because I can!!!!

I understand it's not alright for you, yourself, to use this to your own personal advantage, but again - don't throw your expectations at other people who are in the same boat you are. Apparently it is alright for them, or they wouldn't be doing it.

And finally... flames get flamed. You can't expect a great outpouring of sympathy when the thread gets titled, "What is wrong with your people?!". So you're unhappy with everyone else's behavior, and end with, "You all hate me. I'll sink to your level now." Welcome to the locked downward spiral.

Set an example by sticking to your principles.
#25 Nov 19 2004 at 6:49 AM Rating: Good
i feel the same to come and havest is ks'ing bottom line do what i do follow them around for 30 min and havest what ever thay hit thay learn fast
#26 Nov 19 2004 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
100 posts
Of course I can see how you might get lonely and need mommy or some positive reinforcement being all alone in a big bad scary place.. n00b.

Whoah there hoss, don't you think you're going a little overboard with the flaming?

Maybe you have some issues of your own, because that was just uncalled for.
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