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General "Tank" GuidelinesFollow

#52 Nov 17 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default

My original post wasn't a reply to any of your arguments. I made an argument and you responded to it. That means we are debating my argument.


Your replies to my post were in line with what I've been debating this whole time. I'll quote you again (third time now):

I thought you'd like it. It's true. I enjoy the group I'm in a lot better if there isn't a pissed off Enchanter in the group...

That's a reply to my statement and is indicative of the subsequent threads and points I've made.

You really do think I was talking to you?

Wow, and you think I've been reading your posts on other threads and just waited till now to respond to you?
#53 Nov 17 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
I feel sorry for you now.
#54 Nov 17 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
Sorry GXM for your thread going like this. I promise I am done talking to this guy here.
#55 Nov 17 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
You really do think I was talking to you?

I find it extremely odd that you can't remember what you've wrote but let me quote you again now for the fourth time.

esamatti wrote:
subvert wrote:

esamatti wrote:
I thought you'd like it. It's true. I enjoy the group I'm in a lot better if there isn't a pissed off Enchanter in the group... Unless they understand the following:

From your response, it's clear that you statement was directly geared towards me and what I said.

No when I wrote my post your's wasn't up yet. But once I saw what you had managed to get in before mine, I anticipated your responce.

There you confirm that the statement "I thought you'd like it. It's true. I enjoy the group I'm in a lot better if there isn't a pissed off Enchanter in the group" was directed at me. which has been the base of my problem with your statements.

Edited, Wed Nov 17 14:27:37 2004 by subvert
#56 Nov 17 2004 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
LOL. Guys just stop lol. Lesson today is:

Don't Tell Jokes.

Avoid Serious People

Don't Knock on Other Classes

Don't Reply to Ppl Who Can't Be Reasoned With

Let it die. You are both right. Shake hands. Get a beer.
Go kill something.
#57 Nov 17 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
512 posts
I'm not a tank, but when 3/4 mobs are mezzed, it doesn't matter who has hate.
#58 Nov 17 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
Another note for tanks. I was in a party last night that went through 2 tanks. The first was very good, and with the second, we had more deaths.

We had 3 scouts in the party, myself (predator), a bard and a rogue.

In order for scouts to deal their real potential damage, especially with predator and rogue, the mob really needs to stay in one place.

The second tank we had last night kept repositioning himself. So, Id break combat and sneak to do ambush or shadowblade, and he'd move. Since I'm in sneak, Im crawling along trying to get to the mob. Or I have to break sneak and waste the opportunity. The rogues running around trying to stay flanked on the mob too.

I'd run back a few steps to do a back shot, and by the time I got there, the tank had managed to turn the mob completely around so I have to run to the other end of the mob to do it. But by then, sneak/track were available again, so just a wasted opportunity on the back shot.

From what I've seen, us predators/rogues are the main damage dealers in the game (mages do damage too, but our power doesn't drain nearly as fast). If you really want to get the benefit of having one in the party, please stand still as the tank.
#59 Nov 17 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
Don't group with enchanters. They are living in a EQ1 dream world where they want to keep everything mezzed and will constantly be pissed off at everyone. :P

One thing I learned playing EQ, and MMORPGS in general, is a well balanced disciplined (sp) group accomplishes the most, in the least amount of time.

IE Don't play slop.

Taking 1 mob at a time in a group of 3-5 is always going to be faster and less downtime then otherwise. Less damage = less downtime = faster xp.

Vanhin - 16 Crusader - Lifetime Tank

Now we'll see if I'm correct, but if I were a betting man (and Im not), I'd say that a Crusader, or brawler who was tanking would benefit most from an enchanter due to the lack of hold the line and other higher end taunts. A mez'd mob needs not be pulled off others/taunted (yet). We'll see how high end comes but I dont know how my war would hold agro without some of these abilities.

Now again I don't consider myself an elitist, and all classes find their place in a group. I think every class compliments the others wonderfully, I really wish there were 8 party groups. 2 tanks, 2 mages, 2 rogues, 2 priests. But you cant have it all...
#60 Nov 17 2004 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
Just gonna chime in here from a caster, with AoE's, viewpoint.

I play a wizard. The best group I have been in to date - that is to say the fastest and most efficient - has been ONE Gaurdian, THREE wizards, ONE ranger, and ONE Templar. The Guardian was able to hold agro so well that we casters could burn linked encounters to pieces with AE's and pepper what he had targeted with single DD's in between. He kept agro so well that we could just about chain our AE's and never get any attention from the mobs. We casters killed them so fast that the Templar seldom got below half power. The old method of CC is no longer truly needed as long as you don't get crazy with pulls. That is NOT to say that an enchanter isn't needed. Because if you get a group of orange cons or too many yellow, and I am talking about 5 to 10, an enchanter will be the difference in life and death. Besides, to say that all an enchanter brings to the table are mez's is just short sighted.

The problem is that most of the enchanters are from the old school and seem unwilling to try other methods. Downtime is no longer a real issue so saving the cleric power to avoid that isn't needed. Mana regen is slowed during combat anyway, so it is an unnecessary tactic. A Gaurdian's damage mitigation is crazy in this game and so many classes have so many ways of debuffing mob strength, that mez's really should be saved for a less than ideal group or emergencies.

Tanks have all these AE taunts and attacks for a REASON people. Learn to think a different way. Try it, I'll bet you'll like it.
#61 Nov 18 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Good
100 posts
At the low levels I have experienced, which is up to 15 as a Warrior, the AE damage abilties don't do nearly enough damage or add enough hate to justify breaking an enchanter's mez.


Esamatti got pwned!

#62 Nov 18 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Default
Just gonna chime in here from a caster, with AoE's, viewpoint.

I play a wizard. The best group I have been in to date - that is to say the fastest and most efficient - has been ONE Gaurdian, THREE wizards, ONE ranger, and ONE Templar. The Guardian was able to hold agro so well that we casters could burn linked encounters to pieces with AE's and pepper what he had targeted with single DD's in between. He kept agro so well that we could just about chain our AE's and never get any attention from the mobs. We casters killed them so fast that the Templar seldom got below half power. The old method of CC is no longer truly needed as long as you don't get crazy with pulls.

That is NOT to say that an enchanter isn't needed. Because if you get a group of orange cons or too many yellow, and I am talking about 5 to 10, an enchanter will be the difference in life and death. Besides, to say that all an enchanter brings to the table are mez's is just short sighted.

The problem is that most of the enchanters are from the old school and seem unwilling to try other methods. Downtime is no longer a real issue so saving the cleric power to avoid that isn't needed. Mana regen is slowed during combat anyway, so it is an unnecessary tactic. A Gaurdian's damage mitigation is crazy in this game and so many classes have so many ways of debuffing mob strength, that mez's really should be saved for a less than ideal group or emergencies.

Tanks have all these AE taunts and attacks for a REASON people. Learn to think a different way. Try it, I'll bet you'll like it.

This is exactly right. I think those who haven't realized this yet, will eventually, after they get a little more experience playing the game.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 08:40:04 2004 by esamatti
#63 Nov 18 2004 at 8:52 AM Rating: Default
Now we'll see if I'm correct, but if I were a betting man (and Im not), I'd say that a Crusader, or brawler who was tanking would benefit most from an enchanter due to the lack of hold the line and other higher end taunts. A mez'd mob needs not be pulled off others/taunted (yet). We'll see how high end comes but I dont know how my war would hold agro without some of these abilities.

Now again I don't consider myself an elitist, and all classes find their place in a group. I think every class compliments the others wonderfully, I really wish there were 8 party groups. 2 tanks, 2 mages, 2 rogues, 2 priests. But you cant have it all...

All I can do is speak from my own experience so far, and what I have said works really well. My brother plays a Warrior, and I will readily admit he is more suited for the task, but Brawlers and Crusaders are both quite capable of holding the line.

All the advice against Fighters and other classes using their AOE attacks or abilities is simply not applicable to EQ2.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 08:53:20 2004 by esamatti
#64 Nov 18 2004 at 9:20 AM Rating: Default
Esamatti got pwned!

Not hardly! Or atleast I haven't seen any compelling argument based on EQ2 experience that even comes close pwning esamatti.

Esamatti roxors and is extremely l33t, and knows what he is talking about. :P

P.S :P <--- Means I am being lighthearted about the preceding comment.
#65 Nov 18 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
Agreed, crowd control is always important, now more then ever. I am not at the level to play with guardians yet (getting close), but I have seen the sadistic tactics this AI can and will use. And I don't care how insane the guardian damage mitagation is, all you need is to pull a group with a few scouts in it and your tank is gona be hurting. For all of you who are not aware, if the mob has a scout class on it, it will try to come up behind you and sneak attack ya. The variouse taunts may help control hate, but I have seen times where the warrior could not regain hate at all just because the AI change tatics on us because we focused on the mages and healer. This AI is adaptable and the old ragtag groups charging to victory and winning with dumb luck and sloppy tactics is a thing of the past. Only way it is gona work is if you are in one of those parties pulling the solo content, sure it will work.
#66 Nov 18 2004 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Its always nice to have an enchanter but so far it seems like most enchanters I group with just want to chain mez and contribute nothing else to the group. This is just dumb. I'd way rather have somebody contributing heals or dmg then somebody sitting there doing nothing and taking up a slot.

Furthermore, whether I tank 3 or 4 mobs it makes no difference to me as a Warrior (soon Gaurdian). I've played with 1 healer or 2 and my armor is such that I don't take a ton of hurt from 1 extra monster bashing on me. It won't make or break a group to have a mezed mob in every fight especially if you could just replace that Enchanter with a scout or sorcerer and bring down one of the mobs much quicker.

I don't find it hard to play with enchanters. I don't use assault anyways so AoE coming from me isn't a problem. My job as a warrior is very simple. I pull with shout, press hold the line, and tank for the rest of the battle. Everybody else should be assisting me. If we have a chanter or not I play the same because I don't trust assualt or AoE anyways because it leads to problems and doesn't mean much in terms of dmg to my warrior. Everybody should be assisting the Main Tank anyways so if we have a chanter it is the same deal (just some of the nukers can't use the AoEs but those aren't that great anyways from what I hear).

Overall I think AoE is over-rated unless you are pulling some super HO that does incredible damage. If you kill all 4 mobs slowly with AoEs you wind up taking much more damage then if you concentrate all fire onto one target at at time. Think about it.
#67 Nov 18 2004 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
All I can do is speak from my own experience so far, and what I have said works really well. My brother plays a Warrior, and I will readily admit he is more suited for the task, but Brawlers and Crusaders are both quite capable of holding the line.

Perhaps I should have been more clear, "Hold the Line" is a warrior class skill, it roots the tank and turns everyone of his blows into a taunt.

Also as far as AOE and enchanters go, I pull with a bow. So I start out rooted. I get close, "Hold the Line", bow caster (or whichever mob I want dead), they come a running, I use "shout", and my AOE. If we have a chanter or not, this gives enough time to gain control of agro off mobs so he can mez away and not pull mob off me and get made into paste. Again not recommended on AOE if there are mobs nearby you dont want eatting you. VERY VERY bad experiences in Vermin Snye with grey scorpions eatting me alive when using AOE attack so do use with caution.
#68 Nov 18 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
All I can do is speak from my own experience so far, and what I have said works really well. My brother plays a Warrior, and I will readily admit he is more suited for the task, but Brawlers and Crusaders are both quite capable of holding the line.

Perhaps I should have been more clear, "Hold the Line" is a warrior class skill, it roots the tank and turns everyone of his blows into a taunt.

Also as far as AOE and enchanters go, I pull with a bow. So I start out rooted. I get close, "Hold the Line", bow caster (or whichever mob I want dead), they come a running, I use "shout", and my AOE. If we have a chanter or not, this gives enough time to gain control of agro off mobs so he can mez away and not pull mob off me and get made into paste. Again not recommended on AOE if there are mobs nearby you dont want eatting you. VERY VERY bad experiences in Vermin Snye with grey scorpions eatting me alive when using AOE attack so do use with caution.

Yeah you are right. I picked up on that after the fact. "Hold the Line" must be a Warrior ability. hehee.

I agree with your above post. I definetly shows that you have been there.
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