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Preorded gameFollow

#27 Nov 09 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
On EB, it shows only the char creation (read crap) shipped. However, my credit card shows (by balance) that I'm low by the ordered amount. Also, EB has a section that says that because they utilize drop shipppers for many items, it's possible I or anyone else could receive an item before it actually shows shipped because they have to wait for the dropper to notify them.
#28 Nov 09 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
I am a little ticked at every game retailer in the KC area for having no idea what the heck there talking about. I purchased a "pre-order" from best buy knowing that it wouldnt nessarly reserve me a copy but at least figured they would have this game available on it release date. Come to find out, None of the bestbuy stores will have it for at least a week, and they don't know how many they are even getting. So oh well, I'll go buy it somewhere else, or so I thought. Called local EB games (normaly very knowledgeable) opening at midnight for halo 2 asking if they will have everquest as well, absoulutly they said, "come on up, we got in stock and will sell it after midnight" In my excitement arrived there 45 minutes later to see how big the hype was gonna be and how early I needed to get there. Everquest 2? they said? what system is that for? Ohh I dont see any here, we don't have any of those to sell". "I don't know when thats coming in." Try back next week. Left frustrated but still hopeful, so I proceeded to call everygame retailer within 50 miles of my home. Smaller gaming outfits promised more comming in within the 2 days. The funny part of this story is Wal-mart told me they had it and would be putting it out at midnight, arrived there around 9:00 pm spoke with 3 employees in eletronics who swore up and down they had 100's of copy in the back just waiting to be sold. A small crowd begain to form, and while waiting in excitment and feelings of complete joy, I had a thought....No other retailer, especily the big ones, had this game, and didnt expect it in till up to 2 weeks in some case's. Hmmm.. Decided to grab a store manager to verify that there employees did know the difference between Halo 2 and Everquest 2. He looked frighted...seeing the small army of sweaty geeks and MMORPG nuts begain to get larger. Running to the back room to check not wanting to admit there mistake, verified that EVerquest 2 not only wasnt there but the didnt have it on there new release list for the next 2 weeks. I smiled and desided that I would not mention this to the crowd, better the let them find out after waiting another 2 hours. Even more comical, I called 3 other supercenters in the area...They were all stating that they had it ready to go at midnight...

And i'm spent...

I leave you with a question though... Is EQ 2 really ready? Its seems strange that no major retailer recived the game to sell on its offical release date, trickling in stock over the course of 4 weeks before you can walk in and buy readily. Let the small retailer's (where only true hardcore fans would go to seek out the game, most of which expect and can forgive gliches) have stock. Wait to give it to the big boys until we are really ready for the unforgiveing masses.

#29 Nov 09 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Yes, people are playing the game. And as of right now, I can't find one person who pre-ordered through SOE that has gotten the game yet. Call out if that is wrong, I am interested to know.

SOE is not replying to my emails, and thier phone system sucks.

Here is another thread from some poor souls that have not recived the game yet too.

On another note, now I understand why the official EQ2 Forums are only availabe to those that have the game. The numer one post would be "WERE IS MY GAME!!!!!!!!!!"
#30 Nov 09 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Here is a link to the official EQ2 Forum from a concerned fellow player that has put forth a voice for those of us who can not do so yet.

Thank you Padashar for saying this for us. And I agree that SOE owes us ALL a formal apology.
#31 Nov 09 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
Since i cannot agree with Padashar on the eqplayers forum, because i didn't get my friggin CE of EQ2, i can't post on those boards, i will agree with Padashar here :)

Update:SOE apologizes

Edited, Tue Nov 9 14:14:03 2004 by Xcargo
#32 Nov 09 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
My husband preordered the EQ2 collectors addition and it hasnt even been shipped yet. The release was today. I went out this morning to hit the gaming stores and out of 4 stores I went to, only one store was even carrying it and it was only for those who had them on reserve.The line was out the door by the way for that and Halo 2.

Circuit City, Best Buy,and Walmart weren't even carrying it. Walmart had never even heard of the game!!!!

SO I finally had to order it from Amazon and they say they'll ship it today and should be here tomorrow.

Im frankly surprised Sony didnt have the games shipped sooner to the stores for release day. All of the stores expecting EQ2 were sitting there twiddling their thumbs and had no clue when the game was supposed to come in. Bad planning I think
#33 Nov 09 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
It appears that alot of the Collectors Edition boxes are being held up by US Customs because of the metal tins that they where shipped in. This would explain the delay for delivery for these. The above information came from a news release from SoE.
#34 Nov 09 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
I preordered from the station store. My order was shipped out yesterday (8th) and arrived this morning at my house. Of course I am at work and can't play until tomorrow, but I had 0 issues with my preorder.

If you want to be playing as soon as a game goes live, then I would not preorder the game from any company where you rely on shipping. Preorder it from a store around you, that way you will have it on launch day!

#35 Nov 09 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
460 posts
This was on the Official SOE Website:


We Apologize for EQ II: Collectors Edition Customs Delays

To Station Store customers who have pre-ordered or ordered the EverQuest II: Collectors Edition:

We experienced an unfortunate delay with U.S. Customs in clearing importation of recent shipments of the "tin" in which it is packaged. As a result we will not begin shipping the orders for these units until late this week.

We offer you our apology. At this time we would like to offer you the ability to cancel your Station Store pre-order or order. No refund is necessary as your product has not been shipped and you have not been charged for the purchase.

To cancel send your Station Name and Order number to Requests for cancellation must be received by 6:00 PM PST on Wednesday, November 10, 2004. Once you request the cancellation you will be unable to reinstate that order. If you decide you want the product you will need to visit the Station Store to repurchase it.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.


Sony Online Entertainment

So it looks like those who ordered the CE have two choices:
1. Wait for Customs to release the shipment.
2. Cancel the Pre-Order and run around town looking for a store that sells it.

Edited, Tue Nov 9 15:33:48 2004 by Buffaholic
#36 Nov 09 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
Just venting, but like a fool, way back in July I pre-ordered from EB Games. While I never expected immediate deliver, even with next day shipping I have been tracking my order. Nominall EBGAmes shipped on the 8th as it reacehd FedEx at 7:39PM in Louisville where is sat nine hours until it reached Columbus, Ohio which would not be too bad, execpt that I live in Brooklyn NY. As I type this [3:44PM EST} the game is still lingering in Columbus.
All of which has hardened me to nevefr ever ordernig a game via on-line merchnats again, no matter how appealing the allahkazam discount appears.
Of course when the game arrives tomorrow real-life will prevent even installing the game until Friday afternoon. Had I been of sound mind I would have boughht the game today from a human being in an actual store.
As Scottie once said, 'fool me once shame on you, fool me tiwce shame on me.'
#37 Nov 09 2004 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
I do not understand the message from Sony at all. I got an email last week telling me they HAD my product and it was being fulfilled. They also charged me that day. How can that email have been true if they did not even HAVE them yet?
#38 Nov 09 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
well i worked at a gameing store once and the orders always come on tuesday,and they always hook friends and family up 1st no matter if they preordered or not ,just alittle tip
#39 Nov 09 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
I preordered the DVD version of EQ2 from Gamestop. I paid the $9.99 for overnight shipping (FedEx) and there is a delay. I called them (Gamestop) up and they are refunding the shipping. Just FYI for those also having this problem.
#40 Nov 09 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
I guess this thread makes me feel a bit better. I also preordered, but the DVD version, not the CE. I am ticked that Gamestop sent me an email saying that it shipped yesterday, (the 8th,) and I paid for overnight. I made arrangements to have someone at home all day to sign and take delivery, can't tommorrow. I called Fedex after it didn't arrive, and was told that Gamestop did not get it to them in time to guarantee overnight delivery. I paid extra for overnight, should have just ordered it as 2 day delivery I guess. That would have been UPS and I know the delivery guy, he would leave it for me. This has happened to me before, so NEVER again will I order anything from Gamestop.I live at least 25 miles from Fedex depot, so I may not get till later in the week. I feel sorry for you guys that ordered the CE and didn't receive it and may have to wait till the 10th or later. I think that letting people on early (the 8th) that just walked in and bought it really isn't right. Kinda a kick in the teeth for the people that pre-ordered and can't play till days later. By the way, was Beta good? I played EQ for 2 years and then got into Star Wars Beta, and played it since launch. SWG is really getting to be a grind now, everyone and their brother grinding out Jedi, and the economy is really borked I think. If you don't have a million credits or more you are considered poor. LOL
#41 Nov 09 2004 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
I was just at Best Buy in Spokane, Wa. (11/9/04 1:30pm) They must have had 20 collectors edition Tins and many more regular versions on the shelf. I dont know what the problem is in the rest of the country.....
#42 Nov 09 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Dont feel bad if youre not gonna get yours until tomorrow.. mine hasnt even been shipped yet.. No matter how good the game is.. its hard to justify playing it when treated so poorly.
Ive been in WoW Beta for some time.. and I always said it was just for the Beta and then Id be playing EQ2 by the time it went live.. but now IM not so sure.. I may just put my copy up for sale before I ever open it
#43 Nov 09 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
NO pre-ordering shouldnt mean you get it BEFORE anyone else.. but it SHOULD mean you get it at least AS SOON as everyone else...not almost a week later
#44 Nov 09 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
The US customs stuff is a lie.. plain and simple.. Ive seen BOXES of the CE edition being delivered to the store here.. its only the individual shipments that seem late, and since IM in stae.. and Sonys in stae.. US customs dont effect my shipoment
#45 Nov 09 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
I pre-ordered from Gamestop in Aug., and they sent me this email

"Dear Customer,
Due to short supply by the manufacturer, we were unable to fill all
orders for Everquest 2 on Monday November 8th including your order. This
problem affects all retailers selling Everquest 2 and is not unique to We anticipate more supply in the next 1-3 days and your
order will be shipped as soon as possible. We apologize for this
uncontrollable delay, but are diligently working on getting you your game as
quickly as we can.
Thank you, Customer Service"

Meanwhile my friend wakes up, goes to the EB games store at 10 a.m. and buys it with no problems. It sucks hardcore.

#46 Nov 09 2004 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
I just got another email that clarified that LAST WEEKS email was a LIE. They DID NOT have them yet. Unfortunately our local Gamespot will not know if they even have enough for their own preorders until after the deadline to cancel the Sony order. They should make it available for download for all of the people who ordered it directly from THEM immediatly after it was announced. I downloaded the beta with no problems. It should NOT take that long.
#47 Nov 09 2004 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
This whole pre-order hype just proves how inept the entire retail and "customer service" model is in the US.

American (and I assume at least western countries) are incredibly fast at taking money, and equally fast at excuses.

My particular sob story is paying for overnight shipping, only to have tracking show 2nd day because "it was left in a container".

In defense of humans in general, mistakes happen. But the customer shouldnt have to fix mistakes.

If I said many statements that were not true (such as the "we have it" stories I'm reading, I wouldn't have a job long.

So if EB can't explain why they didn't pony up a refund before I found out, I guess I'll have to move to a different pathetic retailer.
#48 Nov 09 2004 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
I find it hard to believe that the "tin" thing is also stopping shipment of "PRE-ORDERED" DVD versions when all the retail stores in my area have had all the versions on the shelves for two days now.
#49 Nov 09 2004 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
let me share my story. I didn't preordered the game because I just decided to play a few days ago, so it's a bit too late for me to preorder. Yesterday I went to EB (I'm in Vancouver, Canada) and asked if they have the game, they said no but would be getting them on Nov 8th. THen I asked them would they have enough copies to fill both the preorders and the shelves. The guy checked the computer and said "yea we got plenty of copies coming in tomorrow so you should be able to get it." I then aksed if it's too late for me to preorder mine since I heard there's a shortage out there. The guy just told me to come in tomorrow and I would be able to pick up the game. No need to preorder.

Then today when I phoned them at noon they told me if I didn't preorder it then I'm out of luck cuz they only have enough copies for the preorder. Then I know that guy I talked to yesterday was lying. Then I called another local EB but still preorder only. Then I tried other 3 local Futureshop (Best Buy in US) but they all said the game won't arrive until later this week. The earliest date I got is tomorrow.

Later on I decided to preorder at that futureshop since the people said the game will arrive tomorrow (EB says the next shipment will arrive on Friday). But then when I went to the store I see like 10 copies of DVD version sitting on the shelf!!! Of cuz I bought the game right away.

Lesson of the day: EB sales are liars whereas Futureshop sales don't know what they are talking about.
#50 Nov 09 2004 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Yea, I just got my "APOLOGY" email tonight. What a load of CROCK. Especially because I recived an Email on the 5th saying that the item was in stock and was being shipped.

SOE Store Quote:


Thank you for contacting Sony Online Entertainment.

We experienced an unfortunate delay with U.S. Customs in clearing
importation of recent shipments of the "tin" in which it is packaged.
As a result we will not begin shipping the orders for these units until
late this week.

We offer you our apology.

At this time we would like to offer you the ability to cancel your
Station Store pre-order or order. No refund is necessary as your
product has not been shipped and you have not been charged for the

#51 Nov 09 2004 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
This is just a scam by Sony to earn extra money. I am furious. They know those people who ordered the Collectors Edition are the ones who would want to be playing when the game launched, so now they think we will go buy a local copy as well as wait for the Collectors Edition!!!

If Sony really cared for its customers (Everyone laugh now), and this tin issue really is true, they would send the stuff now and send us the tin later. This is absolutely ridiculous and I am going to cancel my order.
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