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Tales from the Duty FinderFollow

#1 Oct 19 2016 at 10:16 AM Rating: Excellent
We need an ongoing Duty Finder thread. Here it is!

Share your stories of hilarity and woe. And because this isn't the OFs, we don't need to be bashful about screenshots, either, should the opportunity arise to post. :)
Thayos Redblade
#2 Oct 19 2016 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
I could write a thousand words about trying to farm Sophia Ex with one of my balmung alts, but...this about sums it up:

Edited, Oct 19th 2016 1:24pm by Theonehio
#3 Oct 19 2016 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
A few days ago I was on SCH and got Titan HM in trial roulette. Everyone level 60, no new player bonus. Should be quick and easy, right? The very first landslide knocks every single DPS and one of the tanks off the platform. Have we really fallen so far?
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#4 Oct 19 2016 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Yep...pray you never land in Titan Ex for mentor roulette or have it as an objective..let's just say it's worse than trying to do Titan HM back at 2.0 unless you unsync it.

#5 Oct 19 2016 at 5:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Get into A10 NM the other day... right away I ask if the other tank wants to MT or OT. He says he'll MT. He runs in, grabs the boss and proceeds to tank it with the boss standing right on the button. Spikes are flying up and down the arena, and a couple of us are trying to tell him to move. He steps back into the spikes and must have got hit with the tank buster. Dies.

Then, he accidentally hits the button to go back to the starting point, locking him out of the raid.

I cleaned up the mess, but got a good chuckle out of that. He pretty much did everything wrong.
Thayos Redblade
#6 Oct 19 2016 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Theonehio wrote:
I could write a thousand words about trying to farm Sophia Ex with one of my balmung alts, but...this about sums it up:

Edited, Oct 19th 2016 1:24pm by Theonehio

and I can write a thousand words about ppl who use duty finder and expect greatness. If I want a party that wont suck I make a preformed one with people i KNOW dont suck. If I use duty finder then I lower my expectations and expect not everyone would pull like i would, or skip the fights Id skip, or not DPS like id expect etc etc
#7 Oct 20 2016 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
A while back I ran A1 on my esoteric geared WAR alt. Other tank takes the first robot. Second bot spawns, I start spamming my enmity combo, nothing's happening cause the other tank outgears me by a ton.

"Huh?? Oh wait a minute..."

"Tank wtf"

I forgot to level PLD for Provoke Smiley: lol You never need it once tanking from 1-60 so it just slipped my mind.

Second round I just pulled the first robot and everything went as normal though

Edited, Oct 20th 2016 6:38am by BrokenFox
#8 Oct 21 2016 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I was doing the Halloween event today and got into a group with one moron that apparently didn't understand the concept of avoiding aggro. That's literally the only thing you have to do in the Mansion and it's practically impossible not to finish if you do it. This one genius single handedly ran through the entire party's sanity bar by himself. I personally watched him run directly into aggro, making no effort at all to go around three times in a row.

Edited, Oct 21st 2016 10:52pm by Turin
#9 Oct 22 2016 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Turin wrote:
I was doing the Halloween event today and got into a group with one moron that apparently didn't understand the concept of avoiding aggro. That's literally the only thing you have to do in the Mansion and it's practically impossible not to finish if you do it. This one genius single handedly ran through the entire party's sanity bar by himself. I personally watched him run directly into aggro, making no effort at all to go around three times in a row.

Edited, Oct 21st 2016 10:52pm by Turin

This doesnt surprise me considering the amount of stuff I see ppl aggro in Amdapor's Keep these days that we used to skip... you know... like those dogs in the corner at the start that you have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to go near in the first place? Or what about the hippogryph and the two blue guys that are in the back of the room after the room with the huge DUllahan that again you have no reason to go near because the second you enter than room you should be taking a sharp left instead of running into the back of said room to aggro them.
#10 Oct 28 2016 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
I'm waiting on XCOM 2 to download right now so I thought I'd come in and relate this story that just happened last night.

I've just gotten my last job to 51, so now I can start using the level 50 roulette as a second leveling roulette on my journey to all-60. Since my main at the moment is BLM and that's where my gear is, I've decided that SMN will be next to 60 (currently 54). So I queued in for level 50 roulette and got Keeper of the Lake. Get in and everything outwardly appears fine. The WAR tank is pulling a little over-cautiously perhaps but that's just because I'm used to farming this instance with people who are used to farming this instance. So he's not super comfortable with it, that's cool.

And then I pull aggro.

Wait what? Let me just double check that here.... yep.... red dots.... face punching... I've got aggro all right. Bear in mind I'm not actually that good at SMN. I dot up a primary target (usually the one the tank pulls) and then Bane the dots to the other targets before running in for a Miasma 2. Then I Ruin spam the primary target until something needs to be renewed or I need to push Fester or whatever. Half the time I forget what Shadow Flare even is. I suck at SMN. Somehow this pulled aggro.

So the primary target dies and I expect the tank to wake up and realize he's lost aggro on the rest of the pack. He doesn't. We manage to kill the rest of the pack with my face tanking them because our healer was exceptionally good. During this whole thing I just typed out an "uh..." in party chat hoping to draw the tank's attention to the fact that something was not quite right here.

After that pack the way to the first boss was clear, I stood there and stared at the tank while he didn't move for a solid 2 minutes. Eventually he says in party chat: "Please don't kick me for not knowing a specific combo."

I'm not even sure what to do with a line like that. It was simultaneously defensive and completely out of place. Remember the only thing anyone's said apart from "hi" was my "uh..." earlier when I was tanking enormous toads with my face. So from this I draw the conclusion that he knows he's not very good AND people have kicked him from parties before albeit perhaps for contrived reasons (or he just doesn't understand why he was kicked). My reply to this was: "I'm not worried about you knowing specific combos, but please generate aoe threat on trash." This to me seems like a completely reasonable thing to ask a tank to do at level 51 (I had ample time to check his levels while waiting for him to do something... 51 WAR, 15 GLA... and that's it).

The first boss of Keeper of the Lake is, of course, the gunship... hoo boy. This dude stood in ALL THE THINGS. He also didn't pick up any of the adds at all even when the healer would run them right to him (or I would). I don't know how but eventually we managed to beat the boss.. Once again our healer was exceptional.

The other trash packs and bosses go much like the previous ones did. I'm not going to stop being a SMN. But I did end up tanking about half the trash in the place. Every once in a while the tank would say something like "cut me some slack." Dude... you're level 51. You've had 51 levels to figure out how to WAR and you have totally failed to do that AND it's somehow OUR fault that you suck. Cool.

The last boss was, of course, a complete cluster. Tank avoided the first shield like the damn plague and of course died horribly. For some reason the healer picked him up (I was getting ready to just summon Titan and tank the stupid thing myself when he res'd the tank). The tank then proceeded to tank the second dragon as far away from the boss as possible, so we were all doing like 25% of our normal damage to it. We probably fought that boss for 10 minutes. We did manage to finish the instance, though I'm pretty sure we all aged about 2 years in the hour or so it took to do that.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#11 Nov 06 2016 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
Got a couple minutes to burn, so may as well. Short happy story.

Couple weeks ago, when Library was still new i ended up in it on an Ex roulette. No one was super comfortable with the dungeon yet, so we decided to take things slow and carefully. Along the way we were also reading all the books, only to deem them smut. The first book you can imagine, but from there on every single book we encountered was explained as smut. From the mating rituals of the mamool ja to the culinarian preparation of Coblyn's being "food ****". Even that there must be thousands of books in every room, but the only one that stood out to us (thus was clickable) was apparently smut. It was hilarious. We spend the entire dungeon laughing and having fun together. Duty finder has a way to bring random people/perverts together like that. No one was overly concerned about the time the dungeon took. It reminded me why i liked this game and the people in it so much.
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#12 Nov 07 2016 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
This happened yesterday - dungeon entered, to the astonishment to everyone, tank was already gone. How can someone quit the dungeon so quickly, assuming load time is comparable for a reasonable PC and PS4 (I know PS3 is slow because I used to play on PS3)? And why would anyone even do that as I am sure there are penalties for doing so?
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#13 Dec 24 2016 at 10:31 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Somewhat of a necropost, BUT...

So I finally got to the end of the MSQ, those two raids, the first where you go in to disable to magitek shield and then the one after it where you gotta kill Ultima Weapon, right?

I'm a PLD with 71 avg. item level, with 5600-ish health. The first time, I'm in there with a Warrior with 10k+ health, which means that surely his Item Level is much higher than mine. The trash pulls are rather chaotic, and then we come up to the first boss, and it goes like this:

1). I let the other tank run up first, and then I follow a second later. I slap a Fast Blade on, and then Spirits Within, and then Circle of Scorn.
2). I use Savage Blade. I glance up at the threat meter, and I notice I've got yellow threat, I'm almost tied with the other tank.
3). I use Rage of Halone, we're tied (it keeps going between us for a sec because of auto-attacks)
4). I do Fast Blade, it goes to the WAR.
5). I do Savage Blade, it goes to me.
6). I do Rage of Halone, now the WAR only has 75% threat

And it just goes down-hill from there, the WAR doesn't seem to be able to break 50% of my threat. I'm like "how could this possibly be happening?"

So I wind up main-tanking the thing without even really trying (wasn't spamming Flash, didn't use Provoke).

This keeps going on the rest of the dungeon.

So, next up, the Ultima Weapon raid. Dark Knight, 8500HP and I'm still at 5600. The same exact thing happens, again.

Both tanks acted like they knew the dungeon, and they knew the pulls, and they knew where/how to go, but then both had Mandy Sprouts next to their names.

I'm kinda wondering how you can get enough item-level to get that much health, but yet not be able to hold hate against a tank that's got half your health, not even using all of their threat buttons, lol. How is that possible? I don't know anything about a DRK, but I know WARs should not be that bad at holding hate on single-targets.
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#14 Dec 25 2016 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Did they not have their tanking stances on? That's about the only thing I can think of.

As for how you get gear without knowing what you're doing.... I dinged 60 PLD and instantly had about i210 or so because of gear accumulated from running dungeons on other jobs. That'd probably put me about where those tanks were once it all got sync'd down. Now I was paying attention while I was leveling and so I know what I'm doing but who knows what those guys were doing.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#15 Dec 25 2016 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Warriors, especially geared, can and will almost always take hate off of even a tank stance tank simply because their main DPS also happens to be their enmity combo too, largely why a particular set of war tanks almost never want to play "tank" and instead "DPS" even though they can do both. So it falls down to simply not trying unless they're an absolutely fresh war tank that doesn't know the ins and out of tanking yet (somehow.)

However I will say this, unless it's current raid content (savage) or current ex primals farming, don't expect people to know what they're doing based around gear/ilvl, there's a saying: "it's not new players that are the issue in roulette/alliance/msq trial content, it's the lazy veteran players."

You see that with DRK and WARs mainly, especially DRK because it's the 'cool class' that everyone jumped to and have no idea how to play, and WAR because well, as said, they love thinking they're a DPS class and not a tank class.

#16 Dec 25 2016 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
I wouldn't expect a Mandy Sprout to have i200+ gear from running dungeons, because dude... these people play 24/7 or something? lol.

The MSQ takes quite a long time to get through alone, let alone getting one job and then another up to 50+ to start getting stuff from HW to equip on another job...

But, perhaps that could be it.
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