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Newest unofficial census numbersFollow

#77 Apr 28 2016 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
My problems with FFXI are as they were before - team Metas pushing out other jobs and methods due to people obsessed with taking the route of least chance of 'losing' even if that route means much more work, hassle, and waiting. And that's as much a community perception issue as it is a mechanical one.

This btw is why Yoshi P has such a thing about keeping everything in balance. Because this was a disaster for those jobs that weren't flavor of the month.

I see 10 percent as an incredibly low completion rate for content that has been outdated now for several months.

It's really not though. 10% of all active players having completed something like that is pretty good... I'd say it's probably above expectations for that kind of content. I'd like to know what the completion rate was before the next tier was released, but 10% is really good for hardcore content. If you want a picture of what the raiding scene actually looks like, what are the completion rates for AS5? The first fight of a new tier gives you a pretty good idea of how many people are making the effort to raid at that level (not a perfect view since you can't account for the people trying but not able to clear the fight for whatever reason).
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#78 Apr 28 2016 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
There are others, which does merit FFXIV taking what was there in the 'golden days' with a heavy chunk of salt. But a lot of previous issues have also been resolved in FFXI due to ease of access. Trusts in particular was one of the best implementations they've made, but I don't know how well it would work in FFXIV.

I love Trusts!

I've always wondered why MMOs don't do more with NPCs. Imagine if in FFXIV, you could summon your alt characters as NPCs to fight alongside of you? That would give a ton of incentive to play through the game's content on multiple characters (although it wouldn't make as much sense from a lore perspective, because you'd all be the Warrior of Light). But I do like the concept of being able to level up alts and actually put them to use.

That said, NPCs ultimately wouldn't be too useful in any meaningful FFXIV content because of the game's reliance on punishing jump-rope mechanics. The NPCs would just instantly die, and you'd follow soon after.

It's really not though. 10% of all active players having completed something like that is pretty good... I'd say it's probably above expectations for that kind of content. I'd like to know what the completion rate was before the next tier was released, but 10% is really good for hardcore content. If you want a picture of what the raiding scene actually looks like, what are the completion rates for AS5? The first fight of a new tier gives you a pretty good idea of how many people are making the effort to raid at that level (not a perfect view since you can't account for the people trying but not able to clear the fight for whatever reason).

Oh yeah, I totally agree. Only like 30 people on the Chocobo server have cleared the current raid content, and that's a server of nearly 13,000 people. It's crazy low -- yet that's the best completion percentage of the current tier by a country mile.

I only used the 10 percent example just to show that even the old, nerfed content isn't being completed by masses of players.

The hardcore raids and Ex primals are FFXIV's only real endgame activities, and the Ex primals are "obsoleted" much more quickly, which does remove the incentive of many people to do them -- which makes finding statics to beat them even harder. FFXI, by comparison, had all kinds of endgame activities.

I'd be willing to bet the endgame participation rate in FFXI was significantly higher than the endgame participation rate in XIV. And that's largely because your ability to succeed in endgame in XI wasn't predicated on finding seven other people with matching goals and schedules.

Edited, Apr 28th 2016 11:11am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#79 Apr 28 2016 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
While I agree that the ability to "raise" NPCs to use in a party when people aren't around should be more of an MMO standard, it's simply going to meet resistance from the people who think that because this is an online genre, we must always play with people. It doesn't matter if they ignore qualifiers like how often or when someone can play, or that it can significantly up success rates on content someone might not be able to do normally.

Meanwhile, completion rates of 10-15% of top-tier content tend to be the norm prior to nerfs or further tiers getting implemented. Even if this is the case with other games, I can't bring myself to find it an acceptable number. It's similar to how MMOs launch expecting 1/3 of the people who try it to stick around. It's almost as if they build more anticipating failure than they do success. Perhaps there's a reason you don't frequently see MMO census data like SE did around ToAU time. It shows a lot of what people can't or won't do.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#80 Apr 28 2016 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Meanwhile, completion rates of 10-15% of top-tier content tend to be the norm prior to nerfs or further tiers getting implemented.

In this case, that 10 percent completion rate is for top-tier content AFTER it has been nerfed via increased item levels. And that rate only exists on one outlying server... the rate is far lower for other Japanese servers and even lower for NA/EU servers. Overall, the completion rate for that content is abysmal.

I'm guessing the completion rate for coil would be equally abysmal if you could somehow factor in former subscribers who got discouraged and gave up.

Edited, Apr 28th 2016 12:02pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#81 Apr 28 2016 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
There is one server that has a 10 percent A4S completion rate, and there's another handful with 5 percent completion rates, and then it drops to around 3 percent for the others

And that % won't go any higher now that there's 0 reason to do it because the only people who truly cared to clear A4S/8S are the ones who gunned for world first, which ARE the actual hardcore players you so love to talk about.

Thayos wrote:

It's really not though. 10% of all active players having completed something like that is pretty good... I'd say it's probably above expectations for that kind of content. I'd like to know what the completion rate was before the next tier was released, but 10% is really good for hardcore content. If you want a picture of what the raiding scene actually looks like, what are the completion rates for AS5? The first fight of a new tier gives you a pretty good idea of how many people are making the effort to raid at that level (not a perfect view since you can't account for the people trying but not able to clear the fight for whatever reason).

Oh yeah, I totally agree. Only like 30 people on the Chocobo server have cleared the current raid content

You do realize overall the numbers for A4S and A8S are incorrect, right? The only way to "legally" parse that data is by the ONCE A WEEK minion/mount drop which only ONE person per group can get, which means unless it's the same handful of people and everyone is getting the minion/mount, that number will never be accurate unless SE releases numbers, and even then who says they wouldn't falsify information?

If you want a picture of what the raiding scene actually looks like

You have to actually raid to get a picture of what it looks like because everyone that's actually raiding can get through A5S because the boss is SIGNIFICANTLY easier than Faust, which is ironic. What you meant to say, was check how A6S clears are, because that's when you have to put on the big boy pants for this raid cycle until A8S. (kind of why they nerfed it in cycle because they wanted A7S to be harder than A6S.)

wasn't predicated on finding seven other people with matching goals and schedules.

Which you don't now..but I know you're talking about NA servers which seems to be built around statics and considering my Sarga and Balmung characters I have active on the NA side, I can see why they live by "statics or gtfo."

Really, it's on SE to either provide a fun, accessible endgame experience or be satisfied with only appealing to a very small sliver of the playerbase, which certainly results in the loss of subscriptions.

Based on the unofficial parse, they've lost over 100k subs already just this patch cycle and that's not including the high loss between 3.0-3.1 which some likely came back and left again and they certainly added far more than Midas to 3.2 and 3.2x. So if you're talking about loss of subs, the fact "Hardcore raids" is such a tiny percentage...means people are unsubbing for quite a lot of other reasons than a set of content but, if it's because of "focusing on a tiny playerbase" as you like to say..I guess the focus on Midas and The Feast were a huge mistake for them. And don't even try to say "PvP community is bigger" to try to further trivialize those who like to raid.

That says there's far more other problems, because it takes literally no work at all to complete the patch content that isn't raid related, especially based on how they parse that number to begin with.

#82 Apr 28 2016 at 1:16 PM Rating: Excellent
And that % won't go any higher now that there's 0 reason to do it because the only people who truly cared to clear A4S/8S are the ones who gunned for world first, which ARE the actual hardcore players you so love to talk about.

Actually, there are many players who want to clear these raids, but they're unable to because they can't find statics. But that's beside the point.

What matters here is that you can say what you did above, yet you're still missing the point (which is actually buried within your own words).

Don't you see the problem? Aside from hardcore raiders, nobody else can realistically participate in this content -- it's so bad that even as the content ages, casual/midcore players STILL can't beat it because they don't have statics, and the sliver of hardcore players who do complete these raids have no interest in helping them. SE is still trying to shove a giant square peg into a little round hole. This content does not fit the needs of FFXIV's core playerbase. Your own words make this extremely evident.

You do realize overall the numbers for A4S and A8S are incorrect, right? The only way to "legally" parse that data is by the ONCE A WEEK minion/mount drop which only ONE person per group can get, which means unless it's the same handful of people and everyone is getting the minion/mount, that number will never be accurate unless SE releases numbers, and even then who says they wouldn't falsify information?

This is just a smokescreen to the fact that very few people have cleared these raids. Would you be happier if I said the current raid tier had a 2.2 percent clear rating rather than a .22 percent clear rating?

Keep in mind, the clear rating for A4S on some JP servers is below 2.2 percent. So I highly doubt the current clear rate is even close to that.

Based on the unofficial parse, they've lost over 100k subs already just this patch cycle and that's not including the high loss between 3.0-3.1 which some likely came back and left again and they certainly added far more than Midas to 3.2 and 3.2x. So if you're talking about loss of subs, the fact "Hardcore raids" is such a tiny percentage...means people are unsubbing for quite a lot of other reasons than a set of content but, if it's because of "focusing on a tiny playerbase" as you like to say..I guess the focus on Midas and The Feast were a huge mistake for them. And don't even try to say "PvP community is bigger" to try to further trivialize those who like to raid.

That says there's far more other problems, because it takes literally no work at all to complete the patch content that isn't raid related, especially based on how they parse that number to begin with.

So what you're saying is that people are clearing all the grind content quickly, then leaving the game because there's nothing left for them to do.


So... we agree.

And we should also agree that the most logical way to stem those losses would be for SE to expand endgame in a way the core playerbase can engage in.

I honestly don't get why you're defending SE so hard on this.

Edited, Apr 28th 2016 12:34pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#83 Apr 28 2016 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
What you meant to say, was check how A6S clears are

I meant exactly what I said. That's why I said it.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#84 Apr 28 2016 at 2:15 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
And that % won't go any higher now that there's 0 reason to do it because the only people who truly cared to clear A4S/8S are the ones who gunned for world first, which ARE the actual hardcore players you so love to talk about.

Actually, there are many players who want to clear these raids, but they're unable to because they can't find statics. But that's beside the point.

What matters here is that you can say what you did above, yet you're still missing the point (which is actually buried within your own words).

Don't you see the problem? Aside from hardcore raiders, nobody else can realistically participate in this content

Well, as I stated numerous time, Coil, despite being on the easy side near the end (Final Coil) was the better design. However, there's actually nothing wrong with the current layout because the fights are actually FUN, it's just the difficulty is silly.

There are people who probably want to clear it just like the new players who joined my FC yesterday want to do the old EX primals to experience it. However, when talking specifically about raid content...the only reason to do them is for bragging rights and a mount because you can get 220 gear off the MB..significantly negating the need to get Gordias gear; Either version at that, but you do have to clear Gordias Story quest wise to actually get Midas Story I believe.

This is just a smokescreen to the fact that very few people have cleared these raids. Would you be happier if I said the current raid tier had a 2.2 percent clear rating rather than a .22 percent clear rating?

The problem is: The only way currently to see the numbers is based on the minion/mount drop, so no matter what, that number will never be accurate unless you choose to expose yourself by basically hacking SE's servers lol or wait till TGS when SE reveals the numbers.

So what you're saying is that people are clearing all the grind content quickly, then leaving the game because there's nothing left for them to do.


So... we agree.

Yep, the only thing I don't agree on is that the raids have anything to do with it mainly because:

This content does not fit the needs of FFXIV's core playerbase

Anything that takes ANY kind of skill or coordination doesn't fit the core playerbase, which is why I said before, being so used to MMOs handing out gear then suddenly changing that doesn't go over well. I never once said that's a bad thing in terms of handouts because that's just modern gaming and MMORPGs, but in terms of THIS game's specific setup, it's bad, which is why creating content :for their core playerbase" means handing out gear for little to no work. I'm not even saying it to be mean, there are just so many TERRIBLE players because the game DOES NOT create a need for you to actually be good at your job UNTIL you hit savage which prior to that, was Coil, but you had "readiness" because chances are you were gearing up through Ex Primals and the dungeons that dropped gear you could actually use in your progression.

Now that every dungeon drop useless gear because its 10-20+ ilvl behind, there's no way to truly gear up unless you do tougher content. This wasn't done for anybody other than Yoshi's own desire, because not one person stated they wanted something harder than coil and wanted dungeons to drop gear you can't even really use while you can easily buy stuff off the market board or run allianced based content. Hell pretty much everyone want more routes, because they did it perfectly fine in XI and DQX...there should be no issues with XIV other than the fact despite everything, they make so much money (especially on mog station..if you actually check out some houses since the update 3 days ago), they don't..have to change anything.

What was wrong with 2.x setup? Nothing. People asked for an accessible version of story mode not realizing that's just going to **** up the actual raid version...It's not their fault either - because if this was any other MMORPG, it would be multi tiered like usual. Even XI does it now and does it beautifully because you can even do it with NPCs.

#85 Apr 28 2016 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Anything that takes ANY kind of skill or coordination doesn't fit the core playerbase

I stopped reading there. How can I take anything you say seriously if that is your leading statement?
Thayos Redblade
#86 Apr 28 2016 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Except they're not ramping up the difficulty, they're just turning the hamster wheel to make you walk a bit more. The gear is irrelevant when the relative difficulty between the gear you have and the content your fighting remains about the same, and it's just didgets getting higher. You're having the wool being put over your eyes so you think that grinding longer makes you better, where all they're really doing is just moving the carrot a bit each time.

You're right that it isn't what SE is doing, but that's more a product of them just trying to copy something from other games without going all the way in understanding how and why it works. It's true that in WoW the carrot is moved the same distance ahead, but that's only for the first few bosses. As you get deeper into a raid the bosses start scaling upward in terms of difficulty. That's how it's supposed to be but SE missed the mark.

More "how it's supposed to be done" vs "how SE interprets it and implements it into XIV".

It's really not though. 10% of all active players having completed something like that is pretty good.

If you consider that it's more than 10 times the completion rate of WoW, it's ******* huge. Unless SE had been shooting for a much higher number then they should be patting themselves on the back because they're doing much better here than most. Unfortunately it speaks to the player base, their patience and more importantly their skill.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#87 Apr 29 2016 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
If you consider that it's more than 10 times the completion rate of WoW, it's ******* huge.

Not really. To do mythic, you're required to grind normal, heroic for your tier sets/trinkets, the legendary quest and deal with the logistics of moving from 10 man to 20 man.

For a game that's so lax in terms of entrance requirements, 10% is very low. If you want to compare with WoW, it's better to compare with heroic HFC, which has around 30% completion rate.

Not that I like what WoW does. Grinding the same raid over and over is even worse.
#88 Apr 29 2016 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
If you want to compare with WoW, it's better to compare with heroic HFC, which has around 30% completion rate.

I'd say a better comparison would probably be Mythic BRF clears prior to HFC opening. I don't have the numbers on that right now but it's probably a better apples-to-apples comparison.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#89 Apr 29 2016 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Holhorse wrote:
If you consider that it's more than 10 times the completion rate of WoW, it's ******* huge.

Not really. To do mythic, you're required to grind normal, heroic for your tier sets/trinkets, the legendary quest and deal with the logistics of moving from 10 man to 20 man.

For a game that's so lax in terms of entrance requirements, 10% is very low. If you want to compare with WoW, it's better to compare with heroic HFC, which has around 30% completion rate.

Not that I like what WoW does. Grinding the same raid over and over is even worse.

You didn't need sets, you only needed the item level requirement. You didn't even need clears of prior content to access the next tier. There was no other requirement to entering raids other than having the proper item level which could be supplemented by crafted/AH bought items(which were increased to allow even easier access later).

You did need to defeat the second proving grounds in order to enter heroic dungeons so that was a barrier. That said, if you had a full set of heroic dungeon gear along with upgraded crafted gear and/or weapons, you could skip directly to heroic raids(what would be considered as 'normal' prior to mythic which would be 'hardmode').

I also forgot about the legendary ring which did have some raid requirements. That said, you didn't have to go any higher than LFR(pretty much AFK) until the last leg of the quest. By that point, you're geared enough to run pretty much any difficulty.

Callinon wrote:
I'd say a better comparison would probably be Mythic BRF clears prior to HFC opening. I don't have the numbers on that right now but it's probably a better apples-to-apples comparison.

Ask and you shall receive...
The reason I omitted it in the first place was that there was only a period of 2 months between it's launch and the posting of this data. If I had to eyeball this chart I would adjust my statement to say that the completion for XIV's savage raids are several hundred times higher.

10 times or 500 times higher, the point is that what people are calling 'abysmal' for XIV is several(hundred?) times better than what other games call acceptable.

Edited, Apr 29th 2016 9:20pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#90 Apr 29 2016 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
The only thing "abysmal" in XIV is the content base in general. I have nothing against the yo-kai collab event, but yet again, the near 2 years working on that collab could have been better spent on other things.

Take that time, effort and resources and slap it into properly balancing raid content or recreating the coil+ex primal format and no one can complain, aside those who complain regardless.

#91 Apr 29 2016 at 6:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Abysmal or more abysmal. What's the difference?

Filth, wasn't it you who recently wrote a thoughtful post about how the MMO industry was in a massive rut and in need of serious innovation? Whoever wrote that, I think the low clear rate of raids is a good indication of that concept, especially in a game like FFXIV with no real progression content for anyone but hardcore players.

More difficulty tiers would help, but that also seems like putting a bandaid on a much deeper problem.


Why do you guys think the clear rates in XIV are so much... errr... "less abysmal" than in other games? Is it something that FFXIV does right? Is it a playerbase thing? Is it a lack of other things to do at endgame?

Edited, Apr 29th 2016 6:01pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#92 Apr 29 2016 at 7:01 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Low clear rates on raids (which has always been a thing simply because it's like tackling any hard game, not everyone can do it) paired with extraordinarily high "handout" rates of modern MMOs is an indication something needs to change for sure with the current formula of mainstream MMOs.

Thayos wrote:

Why do you guys think the clear rates in XIV are so much... errr... "less abysmal" than in other games? Is it something that FFXIV does right? Is it a playerbase thing? Is it a lack of other things to do at endgame?

Edited, Apr 29th 2016 6:01pm by Thayos

XIV is more song and dance than other MMOs. That aides greatly in clearing content compared to a lot of WoW's raids. (Since XIV is designed after WoW after all.)

Edited, Apr 29th 2016 6:05pm by Theonehio

#93 Apr 29 2016 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Filth, wasn't it you who recently wrote a thoughtful post about how the MMO industry was in a massive rut and in need of serious innovation? Whoever wrote that, I think the low clear rate of raids is a good indication of that concept, especially in a game like FFXIV with no real progression content for anyone but hardcore players.

I do think that MMOs are on the decline but it was never because of completion rate. That's always been low and was never really meant to be something common. I'm not really here to finger poor play as the culprit because there will always be varying levels of skill in any genre.

My comments were more a reflection of the community and how it remains stagnant despite the tools that facilitate communication becoming better and much more common. There are quite a few players who have the time and complain that they don't. There are quite a few players who don't have the skill, but say they do. Not only do players not want to put in the time and effort required to clear raids successfully, but they generally want to earn the same rewards for little to no challenge.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#94 Apr 29 2016 at 7:44 PM Rating: Excellent
I do think that MMOs are on the decline but it was never because of completion rate. That's always been low and was never really meant to be something common. I'm not really here to finger poor play as the culprit because there will always be varying levels of skill in any genre.

And don't get me wrong... I actually don't have much of a problem with raids designed for the upper echelon of players, or other kinds of content that don't jive with either my playstyle or lifestyle. My main reason for bringing this up often is the XIV dev team seems fixated on a low-completion system, despite what seems like a pretty obvious need to create true endgame content that's not so rigorous. The high volume of players who come and go with each patch tells me two things:

1) That people remain interested in playing FFXIV, and
2) That there's not an adequate endgame/progression scene to hold their interest.

As much as I appreciate what Yoshi-P has done for the game, he seems to be a much better manager than he is an innovator. This game really needs something outside the box.

Keep in mind that most MMOs today are free-to-play so judging numbers of players is basically impossible.

That's actually a very good point. But yeah, no way to know.

Edited, Apr 29th 2016 6:46pm by Thayos

Edited, Apr 29th 2016 6:48pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#95 Apr 29 2016 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts

Why do you guys think the clear rates in XIV are so much... errr... "less abysmal" than in other games? Is it something that FFXIV does right? Is it a playerbase thing? Is it a lack of other things to do at endgame?

I don't have enough data to draw a conclusion. If I were to speculate it's probably a statistical anomaly caused by XIV's small subscriber base relative to other mainstream MMOs. Keep in mind that most MMOs today are free-to-play so judging numbers of players is basically impossible. Couple that with lack of reliable data across the board and you're left grasping at straws for why anything is anything.

Maybe Chocobo only looks like it has high clear rates when what it actually has is high rates of people buying clears. There's really no way to know.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#96 Apr 29 2016 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Maybe Chocobo only looks like it has high clear rates when what it actually has is high rates of people buying clears. There's really no way to know.

Well, this could be dispelled because that's actually looked down upon in JP communities (by Japanese players anyway, SEA/Australian players still do it.) lol (also why RMT is nearly non-existent on JP data centers.) But XIV certainly does have a tiny playerbase so just in terms of numbers it'll seem overall higher, but at the same time, XIV is also on their easier side (even the "hardcore raids" are easier compared to other MMOs) so it's hard to say without SE's actual numbers and even then those numbers may not be accurate since they don't like revealing real numbers (as proven by almost any PR despite parsing their database showing otherwise.)


#97 Apr 29 2016 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
I actually don't have much of a problem with raids designed for the upper echelon of players, or other kinds of content that don't jive with either my playstyle or lifestyle. My main reason for bringing this up often is the XIV dev team seems fixated on a low-completion system, despite what seems like a pretty obvious need to create true endgame content that's not so rigorous.

Raids are developed from the top down because fundamentally it makes more sense. Developers (almost)always find the ceiling and then work down from there. Where is the test server? Wouldn't that help out here?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#98 Apr 29 2016 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
3,737 posts
Well, this could be dispelled because that's actually looked down upon in JP communities

And people never do things that society disapproves of. Never. Nope. Can't happen. Literally impossible. Glad the Japanese are so much more civilized (and probably more hygienic) than the rest of us poor barbarians. Now where did I put my cudgel? Need to go bash me some dinner.

XIV is also on their easier side (even the "hardcore raids" are easier compared to other MMOs)

It's funny because I was just thinking while I was writing the last post about how the opposite is true. XIV's raids are actually a lot harder than say WoW's raids. WoW's raids tend to have more interesting mechanics, but XIV's leave basically zero margin for error. It's rare to find a WoW raid boss these days where a single mistake by a single raid member equals a wipe. Those bosses still exist but they're pretty rare. In XIV that's the norm especially at Savage level. XIV's fights also tend to take a lot longer, increasing the chance for error.

As an example of that, look at AS4. How long did it take for a world first clear of that fight? Compare that to umm... every WoW tier ever. A WoW tier will generally take a week or two tops for the best guilds in the world to knock over. AS4 took like two months or something ridiculous like that. And I don't think it's because XIV's raiders suck either.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#99 Apr 30 2016 at 1:49 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
I could be wrong here but wasn't AS4 just not possible without the gear they had to wait to get? If so that doesn't really have anything to do with being difficult (because skill is not even a factor then) as much as being poorly balanced.
#100 Apr 30 2016 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Bosses ramping up makes a little more sense in games where gear gives you other substantial boosts (ie. set bonuses, procs, ect.). SE admitted that they overshot the mark there.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#101 Apr 30 2016 at 6:15 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Well, this could be dispelled because that's actually looked down upon in JP communities

And people never do things that society disapproves of. Never. Nope.

I guess NA server communities in MMOs tend to really be so terrible it's become hard to believe it's possible for a community to have...dare I say, standards? I guess you'd also argue RMT isn't a huge problem in Korean MMOs and are a large problem on NA/EU servers. Since you know..stuff is so hard to believe and all. Oh, and I promise you until every is Ilvl240+, there will be no selling of Midas 8, ever, without cheesing mechanics because M8 is designed to stall us, so you actually need all 8 people pulling their weight. The only reason A4S had any sales at all is because mechanically it's not HARD, it just has high HP and DPS checks. M8..however, is mechanically hard.

As an example of that, look at AS4. How long did it take for a world first clear of that fight?

Ah..A4S, the fight where one of the main strategies is to literally commit suicide.....

Oh..wait you were serious?

Belcrono wrote:
I could be wrong here but wasn't AS4 just not possible without the gear they had to wait to get? If so that doesn't really have anything to do with being difficult (because skill is not even a factor then) as much as being poorly balanced.

A3S and A4S were only difficult because they not only didn't properly test it but they tuned it EXTREMELY high in order to keep us busy those 5 months without an update (anyone who didn't buy into Yoshi's every word realizes this.)

So it was difficult without gear, but much like the current Midas Savage, people were able to do majority of it with the "standard" gear you went into the raid cycle with. By time Savage Alexander was out people had enough gear to squeak by BUT, the HP check was borderline impossible without Vit melds for progression then later being actually geared up.

I remember there was a time, even on these forums, people considered instant kill mechanics and "one person dying = all dying" the furthest thing from "difficulty." So suffice to say, XIV is one of the easier MMOs because unlike most other MMOs, it's HEAVILY script based to the point if you can find a way to break even one line of the script, the monster just sits there because it doesn't know what to do.

That is why "suicide" is one of the main strats in A4S because it cheeses the script. From my time in WoW, I definitely can say WoW was far harder because there was less homogenization so the battles weren't all balanced around everyone being "the same", but at the same time, it depended on which add-ons you were rocking.

Edited, Apr 30th 2016 5:21am by Theonehio

Edited, Apr 30th 2016 5:46am by Theonehio

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