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#152 Mar 16 2016 at 7:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Or that there's a grey area between "everything is perfect, SE is a golden god" and "worst game of all time, it's literally giving me turbo cancer."

What if I told you that gaming was my grey area?

I'd have done the Morpheus meme, but I'm too lazy after nine hours of working and mowing the lawn.

Edited, Mar 16th 2016 6:48pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#153 Mar 17 2016 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Not so much related to the thread, at least directly, but EQ Next is dead. I bring it up because I think it speaks to the state of MMOs and supports many of the pervious claims I've made about the genre declining as of late. Not sure it'll ever be clear exactly why it's happening, but I still suspect that the nature of casual gamers doesn't line up with the persistent nature of MMOs. That and a dash of 'too lazy to form a group' mentality that's found in almost everything these days.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#154 Mar 17 2016 at 12:59 AM Rating: Excellent
That is too bad about EQ Next. That is a title that I checked up on from time to time.

As for the genre as a whole, it's definitely in a bit of a lull, but games like XIV show there is still plenty of demand. But this isn't 2004 anymore, and MMORPG players just don't have as much time to treat their games like second jobs. It's not a matter of desire. It's a matter of logistics.

Fun is fun though, which is why I don't worry about xiv. But I definitely worry about the genre. What has more brand recognition than EQ, especially among die-hard gamers?
Thayos Redblade
#155 Mar 17 2016 at 1:23 AM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Callinon wrote:
Or that there's a grey area between "everything is perfect, SE is a golden god" and "worst game of all time, it's literally giving me turbo cancer."

Yeah. I've never seen anyone claim that the game is perfect. We all know it has issues, some of them serious. Many of us find the game fun anyway though, which is why we are willing to put up with the parts we don't like as much.

Edited, Mar 17th 2016 2:25am by Karlina
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#156 Mar 17 2016 at 1:43 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
On a side note.. how would you guys feel about the devs adding a bunch of sandboxy content to the game? For some reason, these days I don't give a **** about raiding. I couldn't even bring myself to finish a ring in WoW. I just don't care. I end up spending all my time looking for "other" things to do and usually have a good time.

Honestly, SE adding climbing or swimming to the game (or both) would have me 10x as excited as I would be about another raid. I want to explore, find treasure, do low man content, OPEN WORLD content. That is what I miss the most about FFXI. I was all about instanced **** when it was new to the scene. I loved it long time. These days, I'm really tired of it though.

"But sitting in chat and putting groups together for stuff sucks."
Not if it's interesting and enough people do it.

I tried playing this game called Black Desert Online. It's crap, but it has some cool stuff that reminds me of old MMOs. I couldn't help but wish that I could have those things in this game. I really want to make Eorzea my home, the way Vanadiel was. I want to meet people and make friends. Go out and do stuff together. Not just max out statz and killz super hard bossman. Put simply, I'm sick of that **** to my core. I'm tired of raids and I'm tired of the ****** community of narcissistic idiots that comes along with it.

It's fine if it exists, just create a separate progression model for those of us who want to do other things. Not sitting in town with a hammer going tink tink all day praying for an HQ. I mean open world stuff that doesn't breed infantile asshattery like hunts did.

I know I'm ranting, but I just hope others can make some sense of what I'm saying and perhaps more eloquently expand on my view.
#157 Mar 17 2016 at 3:24 AM Rating: Default
591 posts
Deleted topic I'll tell you what happen to these forums even if they don't like the answer I give.

Defaulted <--- When Someone gives time in posting and someone defaults them they decide they can go some place else to post where it doesn't defaulted actually why I stopped coming here.

I don't even know why I made a huge post, knew it would be default gave it a chance oh well, time to not look back and look forward.

Edited, Mar 18th 2016 6:39am by ZanonX

Wife: Akirah
#158 Mar 17 2016 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
Where did it say that exactly?

It doesn't.

I think Hio just has a very hard time understanding that some people find this game to be relaxing and fun.

And where did I state that? Oh right..I didn't. It's really easy to deny that people are more sold on the idea of this game rather than what it offers. You can find it fun and relaxing..which means DESPITE THE FACT there's issues THE GUY IN CHARGE INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT OF SQUARE ENIX constantly tells us, you'll continue to find it fun and relaxing. Nothing wrong with that, just don't be surprised when the people more inclined to not bow down to YoshiP realize this game needs a lot of changes.

I posed the question, never got an answer:

What did Heavensward do for FFXIV? The people who hardcore defend this game are very quick to brush off the problems. The game isn't perfect and it's not horrible, but when you go to Official Forums and some hot topics on Reddit and really get the idea there's nothing wrong with the game because too many people are busy trying to shoo off anyone who finds it otherwise. As said:

Archmage Callinon wrote:
I think Hio just has a very hard time understanding that some people find this game to be relaxing and fun.

Or that there's a grey area between "everything is perfect, SE is a golden god" and "worst game of all time, it's literally giving me turbo cancer."

So I can understand it perfectly fine: However despite the President of SE posting information about FFXIV that Yoshida loves to try to hide or flatout deny (look at the developer diary, even stated there they said there's over 5 million ADVENTURERS..not characters..actual people, we all know this is ******** because anyone not finding SE our lord and savior parsed character data and there's sub 700k players that are actually active and even lost a good 300k during the 3.0-3.1 5 month downtime on content.)

Quite honestly and I'm going to agree with the Japanese playerbase here; The people who find nothing wrong with this game or "it's fine as is" are akin to the people who are voting for Trump for president. People are absolutely sold on the idea of the game and sold on the charisma of YoshiP that they're not really caring about the faults. Which is fine, you do you as the cool kids say, but the fact the game hasn't evolved at all in between 2013-2016 (prove me wrong that they changed the formula besides downsizing) and people can still enjoy it or write articles that it's one of the best MMOs? How does that not say people will still decide to enjoy it even if it goes no where?

The president himself has said HW under performed and they need to step it up big time. I'm sorry, but when you have the project lead tell you flatout they won't do something or they can't do something because of shoddy infrastructure or lack of team members...despite most MMOs running off of a handful of people pumping out can't really deny that someone would enjoy the game even when they cut more content if they're finding it an awesome game now. Maybe after this period completely closes they'll hire someone to help make the content or push more team members onto it because it's very clear when ARR was being relaunched, aside the 1.x content, they had plenty of people working on it compared to now..when there's only 1-2 people at best working on content. Content that doesn't even last half of the patch cycle.

Notice how one of the main arguments always tend to fall under 2 things:

"I don't rush (you can't rush in a game designed to lock you out at every step of the way to mask the lack of content)"


"Well there's plenty of content, I don't care about doing x content."

You can ignore a portion of the content if you want, that's your decision, however when the developer continues to pump out content regarding that, especially content found in every MMORPG to ever exist, even the oddball ones like Hello Kitty, it's very hard to try to brush off that problems regarding it, unless you truly do believe this game will survive on glamour alone.

Look at how quickly they adjusted The Feast compared to important areas of the game by adding a NEW PATCH to the entire cycle (very rarely does a ".22" patch get added that was done IN RESPONSE to feedback.) That proves they clearly have the capacity and capability to do more...and simply choose not to; Oh and don't even say "this proves they're changing their formula or stance!" doesn't prove that sadly, because why 3 years later instead of when the game was actually growing? What about all of the feedback on the homogenization of this game? What about all of the feedback on the fact HW fates were ABYSMAL and it took them until around 3.1 (5 months later) to do something about it? That would have been a quicker fix than what they did today for the Feast.

Karlina wrote:
We all know it has issues, some of them serious. Many of us find the game fun anyway though, which is why we are willing to put up with the parts we don't like as much.

However, the problem comes when people bring up said issues where SE is more likely to look.

"Don't read this topic SE, it's just another hater."
"They're mad because casuals get gear and content"
"They're mad it's not FFXI because that's the only MMO to ever exist between 2002-2010, I refuse to accept the fact I'm actually the one being bitter about SE having the skill to do better but not."
"YoshiP is my god and savior, how dare you say anything is wrong with the game, gtfo these forums."

The serious issues need to be corrected and if this was named "Elemental Gods Online" or something, the game wouldn't have lasted and we all know this. I mean, go to any FFXIV community and see what happens when people bring up FFXI, the first response tends to be: "this is not FFXI" all the while ignoring the fact when someone used XI for their comparison they're talking about features this game, a modern MMORPG, developed on an engine not designed in 1998, should have.

We get it, it's not FFXI, but that doesn't justify this game lacking features and content concepts that even some of the oldest games have. We got our share of "PS2 limitations" when they didn't want to do something (because they did a lot of those features 2-7 years later while still supporting it) but we've never once got told "no one on our team can create the content." That's honestly the first time I've heard a company who willingly wants to run an MMO, let alone 3, state that.

FilthMcNasty wrote:
Not so much related to the thread, at least directly, but EQ Next is dead. I bring it up because I think it speaks to the state of MMOs and supports many of the pervious claims I've made about the genre declining as of late. Not sure it'll ever be clear exactly why it's happening, but I still suspect that the nature of casual gamers doesn't line up with the persistent nature of MMOs. That and a dash of 'too lazy to form a group' mentality that's found in almost everything these days.

Yep, what they stated when they cancelled it was as they started to get to a point in development they didn't find it would be fun, because yeah, what is "fun" these days are..well, just look at the fact people get pissed off if you so much as to have to do a little bit of work for a good reward instead of it being handed to you. I don't mean "grind 9.7 million fates" work, I mean having to actually know how to play the game instead of running content like Void Ark that you only need 8 good people to do in content SUPPOSEDLY designed for 24 people.

I love casual gaming...but notice how casual gaming is more of a money grab these days. Which is fine, we all love money..but that's why this game hasn't and won't evolve. Once they start losing that money, that's when you'll see XIV evolve.

Edited, Mar 17th 2016 5:18am by Theonehio

#159 Mar 17 2016 at 7:12 AM Rating: Excellent
And now we circle back to the fact that nobody on this forum has ever said the game is 100 percent fine. But some of us really love it and we don't want fundamental changes in its design. Other than maybe a less hardcore endgame option.

HW brought a great new storyline into the game and did a great job of making the world feel bigger. The level cap increase was great for most jobs. We got a complete refresh of dungeons and raids. Diadem might be cool someday. For me and thousands of others, HW was well worth the money.

Another poster up above asked a great question about SE adding more sandbox elements to the world. I like that approach!
Thayos Redblade
#160 Mar 17 2016 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
And now we circle back to the fact that nobody on this forum has ever said the game is 100 percent fine. But some of us really love it and we don't want fundamental changes in its design.

This kind of contradicts. Fundamental changes are required. Every MMO needs them and every MMO has done it especially in the span of 3+ years. But if you don't want changes to the're basically stating the game is fine, that is what I mean. The Investors and even president of SE weren't telling them to push XIV harder for no reason, after all which is why I said hopefully after the fiscal year completely ends they'll re-evaluate.

HW brought a great new storyline into the game and did a great job of making the world feel bigger. The level cap increase was great for most jobs. We got a complete refresh of dungeons and raids. Diadem might be cool someday. For me and thousands of others, HW was well worth the money.

It made the world feel bigger...but also did an excellent job making the majority of HW zones worthless to the overall game. Once you finished the storyline (and sidequests if you did them) unless you love doing fates or RP, you literally have no reason to visit the majority of HW zones, ever again. Some updates force you to backtrack, but for the most part you're, as usual, going to be hanging in a hub city (where SE dumps all the important stuff people care for) or inside of a city/house and just loading up duty finder.

I liked the design of some of the new's depressing you literally have no reason to go there once you're done.

Another poster up above asked a great question about SE adding more sandbox elements to the world. I like that approach!

This requires fundamental changes to the game, though. That's what I mean by they have to seriously change the game if it's going to evolve, otherwise, if you enjoy it now and say you will even without fundamental changes, you'll enjoy no matter what they do even if it's to do less (which yoshi has gone on record to state will happen.)

Diadem I won't touch on as I made my stance clear on that, but HW was honestly more of a patch they charged us for than an expansion since even in XI with Zilart/CoP and the like we still had more use for those zones when we were said and done except for the "instanced" areas like Promyvion since a lot of story based zones no one wanted to go back to lol.

Even when I want to go back to the Forelands or Sea of Clouds...I have no reason to be there (and beast tribes are a terrible incentive because they even limit you on that for no reason other than to stretch out content.)

Edited, Mar 17th 2016 7:51am by Theonehio

#161 Mar 17 2016 at 9:30 AM Rating: Excellent
This kind of contradicts. Fundamental changes are required. Every MMO needs them and every MMO has done it especially in the span of 3+ years. But if you don't want changes to the're basically stating the game is fine, that is what I mean. The Investors and even president of SE weren't telling them to push XIV harder for no reason, after all which is why I said hopefully after the fiscal year completely ends they'll re-evaluate.

It doesn't contradict at all. SE just needs to do more of what it has been doing. And I wouldn't mind seeing new systems of content that are in line with the game's design philosophies.

FFXIV already did undergo a fundamental change when 1.x was scrapped and ARR was built. The failure of 1.x is when most games would just go F2P or go offline entirely. SE, though, made fundamental changes and created ARR.

It made the world feel bigger...but also did an excellent job making the majority of HW zones worthless to the overall game. Once you finished the storyline (and sidequests if you did them) unless you love doing fates or RP, you literally have no reason to visit the majority of HW zones, ever again. Some updates force you to backtrack, but for the most part you're, as usual, going to be hanging in a hub city (where SE dumps all the important stuff people care for) or inside of a city/house and just loading up duty finder.

And this is very similar to all the other MMOs I've played, which feeds into what Filth said about the genre having inherent problems. This is not a FFXIV problem.

That said, I've revisited older zones frequently for leveling jobs, mining, beastman dailies and hunt parties. That's actually a good amount of value in those zones. I'd visit them even more if I had time to do treasure maps. The newer zones I visit more for hunting/mining/beastmen. Again, would eventually like to do maps there as well, though I don't figure to do much leveling in the new zones.

Regarding the sandbox changes:

This requires fundamental changes to the game, though. That's what I mean by they have to seriously change the game if it's going to evolve, otherwise, if you enjoy it now and say you will even without fundamental changes, you'll enjoy no matter what they do even if it's to do less (which yoshi has gone on record to state will happen.)

But they don't need to make fundamental changes to do things that are in line with the game's development direction. They just need to grow the game, just as HW grew and continued the concepts created in ARR. Adding more sandbox elements to the game would be a great way for this game to evolve. Focusing any more than they do on hardcore endgame elements would be unwise.

Diadem I won't touch on as I made my stance clear on that, but HW was honestly more of a patch they charged us for than an expansion since even in XI with Zilart/CoP and the like we still had more use for those zones when we were said and done except for the "instanced" areas like Promyvion since a lot of story based zones no one wanted to go back to lol.

I have big problems with Diadem too, but they are unrelated to this discussion, so I won't touch it either.

But after that, you're saying HW wasn't a real expansion, and/or that it wasn't a high-quality expansion? Don't know what to say, other than a clear majority of gaming critics disagree with you. Heavensward was most definitely an expansion. It doubled the size of the game world, brought in many new dungeons, an entirely new (and kickass) story, new jobs, flying, changes to key systems, etc. And as updates to the base expansion, so far we've had a new 24-man raid and a new raid dungeon, in addition to new forms of PvP (which are actually quite fun). Yes, that's called an expansion. And as stated above, people do reuse HW's zones. I see people all over the place when I travel around.

You seem to forget that I was a hardcore FFXI player... so don't try to sell me on this notion that areas in FFXI were overflowing with replay value. Both games have crafting/gathering that require traveling the world. Both games let you level multiple jobs, which require traveling the world (although XIV beats XI on this, since with XI you just hopped from one ultra-specific leveling spot to the next). FFXI had NMs, but most people didn't bother with them. FFXIV has treasure maps, also which most people don't do. FFXI's zones were giant and empty, so people usually took the shortest distances to get through them. Traveling through one empty zone to reach your destination in another zone doesn't really count as "reason to revisit."

Even when I want to go back to the Forelands or Sea of Clouds...I have no reason to be there (and beast tribes are a terrible incentive because they even limit you on that for no reason other than to stretch out content.)

Well, I'm really not sure what to tell you other than what I've told you before.

Your posts here are constantly permeated by hopelessness and negativity; makes me wonder if you have a little gray raincloud minion that follows you around in game (joking, but it's a fun image). I know you claim to enjoy FFXIV, and I've tried my hardest to see where you're coming from... but I just don't see it.

Try completing this sentence: "My name is Hio and I enjoy playing FFXIV because..."

And I'm seriously not trying to be confrontational; I'm just trying to understand you better. I know we've gone back and forth on this, and you insist you don't hate the game, but I honestly don't understand how you possibly enjoy it. You really don't seem to enjoy anything about FFXIV.

Think of it like Indian food. I don't "hate" Indian food. But, if I'm being real, I don't really enjoy it. There's nothing about Indian food that makes me want to eat it over all the other things I could dine on. So.... I almost never eat Indian food. Doesn't mean I find it gross or repulsive -- that's far from the truth. I've actually had some Indian food that has been quite good. There's just nothing about it that really stands out to me as worth revisiting.

I feel like Indian food is to me as FFXIV is to you. But for some reason, you keep playing FFXIV.

Is it that you really liked 1.x, and you're putting up with not liking FFXIV in hopes that someday it goes back to its old ways? Or do you just play because friends play it? Have you played so much that you don't feel you can quit without having wasted too much time? Or are there things you enjoy that you just don't feel the need to talk about?

Edited, Mar 17th 2016 9:01am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#162 Mar 17 2016 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
It sounds more like you are trying to convince yourself this game is good.
A couple months ago you were talking about quitting and were irritated by as much of the game as we are.
I think this game is in trouble long term, very few are actually sticking with this game.
There are allot of players but allot of new players. Eventually the well will run dry, there are only so many new players.
Fact is allot of people still play because there aint much better out there not because it is a good game.
I know I still play and I try and convince myself because I do not want to quit playing video games.
All I know is when I get in a instance it really does not feel like people are having fun.. Half or more are rushing or pissy because they are bored and want to just get the instance over. To me it feels like most people are not happy with the actual content of the game.

Do some people like it sure but I think it is less than you think.. a lot of people do when they first pick it up but I have never seen the turn over in a game like this before.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#163 Mar 17 2016 at 3:06 PM Rating: Excellent
It sounds more like you are trying to convince yourself this game is good.
A couple months ago you were talking about quitting and were irritated by as much of the game as we are.

Not even remotely true.

I was upset with the Diadem and the lack of an appropriate endgame for most of the game's players. I was REALLY excited about the Diadem, and it totally fell flat of my expectations. So between that and an ultra-busy December in which I was only home for like three of the first 20 days (was out of state on a few different trips), I ended up "taking a break" that I probably wouldn't have taken had it been a normal month. (After the holidays, I resumed playing and January was just like any other month.)

I did contemplate quitting, but even then I still enjoyed many aspects of the game -- probably more than you and Hio combined. Smiley: lol But as I always say... if I don't REALLY enjoy something, then why waste time with it? It's just a video game, and it doesn't own any of us. We can walk away at any time; virtual items and experience points were never real things to be lost.

You guys seem to just be in disbelief that people can have fun playing the game.

Nash, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are more than welcome to transfer to Hyperion and join my FC. I think you'd really like it. You and Tess could even be my roommates in The Goblet... I never touch my house, so Tess could do whatever she wants with it. I think your perspective would really change if you had a cool group of people to play with who all genuinely enjoy logging in each day.

Not being sarcastic at all... come on over and see what you've been missing.

Fact is allot of people still play because there aint much better out there not because it is a good game.

If this is how you really feel though, then quit. Don't waste your life being bitter about a fake world that you spend too much time in. For real, yo. I couldn't imagine spending so much time playing a game that I'm unhappy with. It really makes no logical sense, and you're just going to get more resentful.

Even more so than Hio, it's pretty obvious that you're completely over FFXIV -- you just have to make the decision to walk away. But if you're going to hang on and hope something changes, then you've got to try doing something different. You know the saying about insanity, right?

Edited, Mar 17th 2016 2:24pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#164 Mar 17 2016 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Fact is allot of people still play because there aint much better out there not because it is a good game.

That doesn't really make sense. It assumes that a person simply MUST have an MMO to play (and pay for). I've had several periods in my life where I wasn't happy with any of the MMOs I was playing and so I stopped playing all of them. I focused on single player games for a while, I went after my Steam backlog (a Sisyphean endeavor if ever there was one), I kept an eye on what was going on in case something caught my interest.

Also there are a metric crapton of MMOs out there now. The odds that someone can't find one that fits their interests are pretty awful.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#165 Mar 18 2016 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Thayos wrote:
You know the saying about insanity, right?
Rare in individuals, the rule in groups?
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#166 Mar 18 2016 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Fact is allot of people still play because there aint much better out there not because it is a good game.

That doesn't really make sense. It assumes that a person simply MUST have an MMO to play (and pay for). I've had several periods in my life where I wasn't happy with any of the MMOs I was playing and so I stopped playing all of them. I focused on single player games for a while, I went after my Steam backlog (a Sisyphean endeavor if ever there was one), I kept an eye on what was going on in case something caught my interest.

Also there are a metric crapton of MMOs out there now. The odds that someone can't find one that fits their interests are pretty awful.

For people who like MMOs and prefer it as their genre of games to play? Yeah, they MUST have an MMO to play. Just like people who love shooters will shop around for shooter type games to play but usually fall back to x major shooter in the end because very few are even out of "early access". Same with survival games, you have Minecraft and Terraria, then comes games like ARK and so on. So for someone who must have a survival type game to play, they'll end up looking strictly for that kind of game to play, so it does make sense.

Considering MMOs are the current cash cow (TERA is damn near competing with Maplestory in terms of profit in short bursts apparently) it's hard to find an MMO that wasn't just shoved out the door. You can find tons of MMOs, but most are the exactly same, yet at the same time many are still ahead of this game, with far less support but also far behind because they only shoved out an MMO to try to make a quick buck and the game is built on the typical grind template.

lolgaxe wrote:
Thayos wrote:
You know the saying about insanity, right?
Rare in individuals, the rule in groups?


#167 Mar 18 2016 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
For people who like MMOs and prefer it as their genre of games to play? Yeah, they MUST have an MMO to play.

There you go with your assumptions again.

No, I don't think most people would continue grinding a way on games they don't enjoy -- especially not one of the only titles that requires a subscription fee.

I don't mean this is a "GO BACK TO FFXI!!!" sort of way, but... if the only reason you're playing FFXIV is to occupy yourself until a game you enjoy comes along, then really, why not play FFXI instead? Based on what you've said, don't you think you'd enjoy XI significantly more?

Or why not play Blade n' Soul for awhile? I hear that's decent and F2P, as well. Also, the core game of Guild Wars 2 is now F2P, and you only need to pay if you want to play the expansion area.

I have an incredibly difficult time believing that FFXIV is the game you'd enjoy most on the entire MMORPG market. And if that's really the case... then are you sure you're a person who honestly prefers MMOs now?

And regarding the insanity adage, I was referring to "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If you're going to continue playing a game you don't like in hopes you suddenly start liking it, then you've got to change up your in-game experience or you're just going to get more resentful.
Thayos Redblade
#168 Mar 18 2016 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
For people who like MMOs and prefer it as their genre of games to play? Yeah, they MUST have an MMO to play.

There you go with your assumptions again

"Assumptions"...really. So you're saying people who like playing MMORPGs wouldn't find MMOs to play? I'm sure you have your favorite genres of games too. There are no assumptions. I don't play genres of games I have no interest in, so why would I, for example, find and play zombie games if I have zero interest in them? If you play video games, your favorite genre to play is MMORPGs, obviously you WANT TO play them, so there are people out there who do have the "Must play" trait. You'd be lying if you said you have never in your life known someone like that or read/heard about people who live/breathe gaming.

The point he was getting at is, compared to localized games currently, the offerings of MMOs is extremely slim, especially because the companies who handle the localization of some of them ****** up pretty terribly in one way or another. That's why he was saying for example "XIV is currently one of the better ones" when you have so few to choose from. EQN would have been a really good MMO, but the "casual" market really couldn't handle anything beyond what XIV offers, which is depressing but realistic.

It just seems because it's "MMORPG" it's to be considered separate from gaming.

I don't mean this is a "GO BACK TO FFXI!!!" sort of way, but... if the only reason you're playing FFXIV is to occupy yourself until a game you enjoy comes along, then really, why not play FFXI instead? Based on what you've said, don't you think you'd enjoy XI significantly more?

Since when do I not play XI nor enjoy it?

Or why not play Blade n' Soul for awhile? I hear that's decent and F2P, as well. Also, the core game of Guild Wars 2 is now F2P, and you only need to pay if you want to play the expansion area.

BnS I already played for 2 years. The PvP is far more refined than the PvE so I long stopped playing it when the PvE dropped off dramatically. GW2 was too generic for my liking so I didn't really get into the expansion content outside of guild stuff.


#169 Mar 18 2016 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
"Assumptions"...really. So you're saying people who like playing MMORPGs wouldn't find MMOs to play?

I didn't say that at all.

You said people who prefer MMOs "must" have an MMO to play, and this isn't true. The world is full of so many video/PC games (and other things to do) that you could certainly find better and more enjoyable ways to spend your time than to play a game that you don't like.
Thayos Redblade
#170 Mar 18 2016 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Been saying it for a long time now, but any gamer who focuses on a singular game for too long isn't really doing themselves any favors. And MMOs tend to thrive on this behavior, especially if subscription-based. So, I can't bring myself to feign surprise that others are coming to the conclusion that the genre is hurting because some mix of pride and ignorance has stymied the needed evolution that hasn't happened.

I still suspect that the nature of casual gamers doesn't line up with the persistent nature of MMOs. That and a dash of 'too lazy to form a group' mentality that's found in almost everything these days.

For the first point, it's not that they can't line up, it's that they're intentionally designed not to. I harp on Raiders because too often they don't realize the damage they're doing to their own communities by trying to make everything about themselves. So, it's not that people don't want to group, it's that grouping is often time consuming and highly subjective to who needs what and when. The fact a lot of raiding guilds, to this day, still demand applications from people should serve as testament to setting an unreasonable standard of long-term play where, if you don't mesh, you're boned. And I say boned because you don't want DPS at varied levels because DPS checks make the lesser geared characters a liability, or tanks unable to tank well enough because their mitigation isn't as hot. When you then combine this with lockouts, caps, and other gating mechanisms, it's not hard to see why people don't even WANT to try.

Trans' earlier post is where I see a lot of people I play and talk to falling in line with things, presuming you try to step outside the vocal minority of a given game's OF. MMOs have a lot of potential to be more worldly, but you can't really be funneling people off into instances and effectively discouraging variability in builds and play styles through harsh checks and fixed party sizes. The end result may indeed translate into an "easier" game, but there are also people utterly fed up with the toxicity and politics more difficult content evokes.

Lastly, the desire to make some sort of impact on the world itself through some form of user-generated content is really the last frontier no game has yet to really get a handle on. Neverwinter's system simply wasn't user friendly. Rift's Dimensions are too limiting and in-game resource hungry. I've basically argued to death why XIV's housing system here is ****. Being positive and remembered for it is a Herculean endeavor, but be an *** and stir up drama? Too often these titles almost seem to support that.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#171 Mar 19 2016 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Seriha wrote:
I harp on Raiders because too often they don't realize the damage they're doing to their own communities by trying to make everything about themselves.

However, if you read this game's official forums, reddit and FB you'll see it's the opposite. Even some posts here are saying the game should be focused AWAY from anything but casual gameplay. So harping on raider's is more of a personal thing than what's happening. You can blame SE though for the fact the raid content is the only thing that lasts every patch cycle, as everything else is barely able to be called content.

I mean, look at the fact they force us to farm outdated content. Take the Bird Mounts for example - They were added to primals we have no reason to fight ever again with the exception of Sephirot EX being a new one, however what did they decide to do? They made the whistle an insanely low drop rate instead of adding it to the currency loot list simply because there are already players who have a stack or more of totems because a lot of the "big bad raiders" farmed Ravana and Thordan for example as it's extremely quick Eso and for FIVE MONTHS the only "raid" content was Bismack, Ravana, Alexander Normal and Alexander Savage, so you can kind of see why the "community was hurting", not because of the raiders but because of the game design. When you have no content to do..what happens? Especially when what little content IS there is terribly designed? Nothing prevented SE from adding Whistles to be 50-99 Totems from the HW ex primals as they're forcing us to farm them anyway if we wanted that mount, but adding an "expiration date" on the content would just make it all the more obvious what they're doing, as people seem to still deny it.

The fact a lot of raiding guilds, to this day, still demand applications from people

The game itself has an application process. The Free Company system itself allows you to set "standards" and set what your Free Company focuses on. You must have been kicked or were rejected from raiding guilds in MMORPGs to have such contempt for a group of people, because focusing less on raiding content isn't the solution when your casual content and lack of middleground content is non-existent and usually outdated upon implementation in terms of XIV specifically. (Seriously - Look at the rewards of everything added in major updates.) Yoshida has proven he's not going to swap his formula now if he hadn't in 3 years, but as I said, once that money starts to dip that is when we're going to see evolution. Let's be honest, GW2's expansion for example actually felt like an expansion. It actually felt like they were pushing the game forward. HW may have brought 3 jobs, but it's the same Tank, Healer and Ranged DPS we already had with new animations for the same skills. I mean, if the jobs were actually different from prior jobs, it would have been awesome, but SE/Yoshida wants this game extremely homogenized.

Lastly, the desire to make some sort of impact on the world itself through some form of user-generated content is really the last frontier no game has yet to really get a handle on

This is why EverQuest Next would have been pretty awesome if they got the designs implemented perfectly or at least to a point it's not a failed concept that the entire game was being based around.

#172 Mar 19 2016 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
The game itself has an application process. The Free Company system itself allows you to set "standards" and set what your Free Company focuses on. You must have been kicked or were rejected from raiding guilds in MMORPGs to have such contempt for a group of people, because focusing less on raiding content isn't the solution when your casual content and lack of middleground content is non-existent and usually outdated upon implementation in terms of XIV specifically.

Really? I know a ton of people who have participated in "hardcore" raiding, never been kicked and still find the whole process ridiculous. There's a reason why FCs like Bluegartr get so much flak everywhere. They're often led by ********, half the "leaders" from FFXI endgame shells were complete douche canoes. Now, not everyone lets it get to their head that they're "good" at this game, but a ton do. Don't tell me this is just generalized statement that holds no truth. I've participated in enough end game to know there's always that one leader who's a total wad.

The hardcore endgame scene didn't get its reputation from nothing. It's there for a reason. Are there non ridiculous people in end game, absolutely. Finding 7 of them to play with? That's tough. The amount of yelling I've heard over voice chat over the most mundane things is incredible. Unfortunately, it's happened multiple times across multiple shells/FCs.

I take Street Fighter pretty seriously, so I get why some people take raiding seriously. That being said, if a newer player asks for advice, I don't **** on them. I play some sets and politely point out what they can change. The end game community with MMOs is often hurr durr, you have no experience, come back later! Even some of the best players in fighting games have their ego in check and often help if you have questions/run sets with them.

Edited, Mar 19th 2016 3:16pm by Montsegurnephcreep

#173 Mar 19 2016 at 4:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Hio, you are totally proving Seriha's point.
Thayos Redblade
#174 Mar 19 2016 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
11,159 posts
Thayos wrote:
Hio, you are totally proving Seriha's point.

Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#175 Mar 19 2016 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Even some of the best players in fighting games have their ego in check and often help if you have questions/run sets with them.

Edited, Mar 19th 2016 3:16pm by Montsegurnephcreep

Hm, no not really. Some of the best players in the current fighting circuit are, as you say:

complete douche canoes

Fighting and MOBAs are far worse than MMOs ever will be, you just hardly see it because unlike MMOs, they actually have televised events and very few people want to look like a complete *** on sometimes international TV, especially over a video game. Should we also compare shooters which too have their particular reputation?

The amount of yelling I've heard over voice chat over the most mundane things is incredible.

Let's put it this way: If you're still standing in AoEs at the level of play required for endgame, it's pretty obvious why "yelling" happens. If you've lost a clear because your DPS chose to ignore bombs (Midas 1 Savage for example), they will get yelled at. That happens in any game and sadly, I've seen far more yelling and "toxic" players doing DF normal on Aether than I have doing the actual savage content.


#176 Mar 19 2016 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Fighting games have their own competitive sphere, sure, but they're also not reliant on the trappings of MMO gear standards. Some even go out of their way to deliberately dumb down the experience like Smash and the whole, "Fox only, no items, Final Destination!" meme. A lot of time, the skill needed for MMOs is overstated (or handled by add-ons, even!) where practice and repetition tends to handle the rest. It's when the endgame sphere wants nothing to do with people who are in that phase where I and others find issue since it's cyclical with tiering.

I've seen it enough in other games, some PUG raid encounter is being advertised and the leader wants people to link the completion achievement. Don't have it? They don't want you unless they're absolutely desperate for a body. If this excluded person tries to set up a newbie run, maybe they'll get some interest from others in the same position, but the timing of it all puts completion more in the hands of those bored and patient enough to backtrack. If the group finally does get set up, success can be iffy for reasons related to gear, personal reaction speed, lag (yes, it's valid no matter how many "pros" want to call it an excuse), or even how long someone may be able to commit to a specific run. If your idea of a functional MMO is one where you must always have 2-3 hours minimum to set aside to play, then we're going to be forever at a disconnect when it comes to giving people things to do and methods to progress.

None of this is me calling XIV godly or that Yoshi is without fault. Historically, I just happen to think him better than Tanaka. Bluntly, I've been one of more the critical voices around here about what XIV should or shouldn't be doing, particularly when it comes to their gating practices, housing, and activities for those without a guild/linkshell continuously at their disposal. The loner player, the couple, that small group of friends, they're still important players in their own ways even if they don't happen to fall into the raiding scene and want more than cosmetics or pet mini-games. The welfare rhetoric is not representative of people who want something meaningful to do. Trying to concoct reasons for why they don't need to be at a certain item tier offers no benefit other than preserving their ego. If the question of, "Why would anyone do X is Y is better?" is answered with anything other than, "For fun, of course!" then we're failing in conveying what we want from devs. Or perhaps what we don't want. And I think we all know the really casual and laid back players aren't the one habitually flooding forums with their feedback, good or not.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
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