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#127 Mar 09 2016 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
lol I won't talk anymore **** about Savage content. I'm sure it's fun I'm just too lazy/uninterested to get that committed to a guild right now. Extreme Primals have always been my favorite fights anyway.

And why would anyone roll a Paladin if they weren't MTing? The whole point of the Job is to be a living shieldwall haha.
#128 Mar 09 2016 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
That's why it pisses me off whenever I switch to my Sarga character and run DF stuff, it's like:

"Oh looks like PLD and DRK for tanks..and the PLD has better ge-"

(PLD swaps to Sword Oath and sits there.)

"Oh, of course I'm MT."

In our tests in Midas 1-3 Savage PLD has a FAR better time, so the update changes were really good overall. Even in Seph EX...cuz even the ADDs hit like a damn truck lol.

(Oh and on a side note, Sephirot Ex is harder than Savage Midas 1 and 2 mechanically, so if you can get through that, you've basically beaten the DPS, Heal and Tank check for the first 2 Savage Midas floors, since we found out the Dummy for Savage Midas and Seph Ex are same HP.)

Edited, Mar 9th 2016 8:41am by Theonehio

#129 Mar 09 2016 at 10:43 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm sure Savage Mode is fun! But in my personal experience, I've only really had fun with it when running with a static and EVERYONE shows up... and that rarely happened with my previous static. So far, it hasn't happened in my current static, either.

I'd rather just enjoy the game and get content done. My new static might eventually do Savage Mode, but we're going to wait at least until we get buffed up through iLevels and the content itself gets the echo nerf. We're in no rush to beat it now.

Edited, Mar 9th 2016 8:43am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#130 Mar 09 2016 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Theonehio wrote:
That's why it ****** me off whenever I switch to my Sarga character and run DF stuff, it's like:

"Oh looks like PLD and DRK for tanks..and the PLD has better ge-"

(PLD swaps to Sword Oath and sits there.)

"Oh, of course I'm MT."

In our tests in Midas 1-3 Savage PLD has a FAR better time, so the update changes were really good overall. Even in Seph EX...cuz even the ADDs hit like a **** truck lol.

That's lame. If I were you I would just turn off Grit and have a standoff with the other guy Smiley: lol

Edited, Mar 9th 2016 11:51am by BrokenFox
#131 Mar 09 2016 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'm sure Savage Mode is fun! But in my personal experience, I've only really had fun with it when running with a static and EVERYONE shows up... and that rarely happened with my previous static. So far, it hasn't happened in my current static, either.

Edited, Mar 9th 2016 8:43am by Thayos

This. Being capable of clearing is only half of it. Unless you're running with a group of people you enjoy playing with it just isn't fun. I've raided with ****** groups before, it really does suck the soul out of the game.
#132 Mar 09 2016 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I havent posted here in months... If not well over a year. Im a little shocked that after reading this entire thread, that stuff I complained about and would get flamed for and down voted into oblivion because of, is now the general consensus of the community. I quit back during ilvl 110 days. I tried heavensward and was unfortunatley surprised to see nothing has changed. And still hasn't.

I still think vertical gear progression is what makes the game stale. That and the boring gear. Yeah there is variation in their design, which is a good thing. But no item feels different from the next. When i was almost decked out in ilvl 110 gear back when it was relevant, i wasn't happy that I was decked out. I didn't really care to be honest. Thats one thin ffxi got right that i really wish they would take a look at. When I got my hagun for the first time it meant something. It made me feel powerful. I neger felt that way in xiv. That and making crafting relevant. Which in turn would make gil relevant. (I literally only ever bought food off the AH).

Anyway back into the shadows...
#133 Mar 11 2016 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Holhorse wrote:
It used to be so active and I lurked daily, but now seems to be only the same 5 people posting, kinda dead. What's going on?

As others have said, I think it mirrors the state of the game as well. Too many things I looked forward to, only to be let down over the past 6 years. It doesn't quite have the soul that FFXI did, nor does it have the plethora of things to do as with WoW. I think I'm just done with "Square Enix" to be honest. I realized that I just don't like their games anymore. WoW is crumbling too (in my opinion), but it's so old and accessible that I can always find something enjoyable to do when I have time to play, so I still log in to it.

I was hoping for more from FFXIV I suppose, and it just hasn't made me feel the way I thought it would. So that's why I haven't been around. I think for others it's something similar or they've moved on to other games and genres.
#134 Mar 11 2016 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
1,104 posts
ZAM is just a very old site. Check out reddit/gamefaqs/the official forums for higher traffic.
#137 Mar 12 2016 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
2,153 posts
Holhorse wrote:
That and the boring gear. Yeah there is variation in their design, which is a good thing. But no item feels different from the next.

Yeah, I can agree with that, although I have no remedy for it. I always dreamt of being a "unique" character in a MMO - which, given the focus on maximization and gear-peer-pressure was possibly not very realistic to begin with.

This game is afflicted by the "awesome generic weapon +172" virus. 172 being the most boring number I managed to come up with.
#138 Mar 14 2016 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
I havent posted here in months... If not well over a year. Im a little shocked that after reading this entire thread, that stuff I complained about and would get flamed for and down voted into oblivion because of, is now the general consensus of the community. I quit back during ilvl 110 days. I tried heavensward and was unfortunatley surprised to see nothing has changed. And still hasn't.

I still think vertical gear progression is what makes the game stale. That and the boring gear. Yeah there is variation in their design, which is a good thing. But no item feels different from the next. When i was almost decked out in ilvl 110 gear back when it was relevant, i wasn't happy that I was decked out. I didn't really care to be honest. Thats one thin ffxi got right that i really wish they would take a look at. When I got my hagun for the first time it meant something. It made me feel powerful. I neger felt that way in xiv. That and making crafting relevant. Which in turn would make gil relevant. (I literally only ever bought food off the AH).

Anyway back into the shadows...

Yea I quit FFXIV for the last 3 months. I went back to FFXI and it is amazing, not playing for two years we still had some best in slot gear., FFXIV that is less than a month.
What is great is sparks gear allows a fast way to catch up with out still being the best gear but good enough to get by for now. You can still up grade AF gear, relic gear etc.
There are so many routes to take to upgrade gear instead of just one, but wait with FFXIV there is always glamour.

We have now comeback to FFXIV mainly because the xbox is going down on FFXI and we do not want to buy another PC just to play FFXI if updates are slim.
Plus the game is not what it used to be either but still more fun than FFXIV. Anyway I forgot how many people in FFXIV game are just plain jack asses.
This weekend duty finder Expert dungeons I tried to run 4 times and only had one finish. If it aint a perfect run people just leave. A little short on dps bye. People play the game but obviously are not having fun doing it or they would not act like this. Just shows how bored people are that if a dungeon might last 5 min longer they would rather leave.

I have been back to FFXIV only two weeks and I already had to walk away from the game. Yesterday after the first battle in a dungeon the tank just stops after we beat it and wants to be kicked.

Edited, Mar 14th 2016 1:10pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#139 Mar 14 2016 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Rinsui wrote:
Holhorse wrote:
That and the boring gear. Yeah there is variation in their design, which is a good thing. But no item feels different from the next.

Yeah, I can agree with that, although I have no remedy for it. I always dreamt of being a "unique" character in a MMO - which, given the focus on maximization and gear-peer-pressure was possibly not very realistic to begin with.

This game is afflicted by the "awesome generic weapon +172" virus. 172 being the most boring number I managed to come up with.

They do look nice.. One thing about FFXIV is it does look nice.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#140 Mar 14 2016 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
826 posts
Transmigration wrote:
Holhorse wrote:
It used to be so active and I lurked daily, but now seems to be only the same 5 people posting, kinda dead. What's going on?

As others have said, I think it mirrors the state of the game as well. Too many things I looked forward to, only to be let down over the past 6 years. It doesn't quite have the soul that FFXI did, nor does it have the plethora of things to do as with WoW. I think I'm just done with "Square Enix" to be honest. I realized that I just don't like their games anymore. WoW is crumbling too (in my opinion), but it's so old and accessible that I can always find something enjoyable to do when I have time to play, so I still log in to it.

I was hoping for more from FFXIV I suppose, and it just hasn't made me feel the way I thought it would. So that's why I haven't been around. I think for others it's something similar or they've moved on to other games and genres.

Exactly, the soul has been completely missing from it since the revamp. Even 1.0 had some soul (though nowhere near XI's), and i've been saying just that since re-launch. I haven't ever been able to place my finger on what the precise missing piece or pieces are....I find myself subbing for shorter and shorter periods of time since 2.0, and while I normally give expacs a good three months' time for stuff to settle and WAI, HW only got 1.5 from me, playing infrequently. It's just become the same, which without any substance, isn't worth a lot of people's time or investment.
#141 Mar 14 2016 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
Dallie wrote:

Exactly, the soul has been completely missing from it since the revamp. Even 1.0 had some soul (though nowhere near XI's), and i've been saying just that since re-launch. I haven't ever been able to place my finger on what the precise missing piece or pieces are....I find myself subbing for shorter and shorter periods of time since 2.0, and while I normally give expacs a good three months' time for stuff to settle and WAI, HW only got 1.5 from me, playing infrequently. It's just become the same, which without any substance, isn't worth a lot of people's time or investment.

Honestly, I don't think there's anything missing from XIV that makes it different in terms of "feels". It's probably just the fact that you're no longer 14, 15, whatever young age, and experiencing this style of game for the first time. My fondest MMO memories are PSO and FFXI (as they were my first two online RPGs). The same goes for the first RPGs I actually played through. Sure I played FF1 as a 6 year old, but didn't get very far (mostly because it was a one day rental from the corner store). Link to the Past, FF6, Chrono Trigger though, I played through and feel they're some of the best games ever. No other game has since really given me the same feeling, mostly because I didn't play them in my formative years. Same goes with music from your teen years, that stuff seems to stick around you forever. You then proceed to act like an old man or woman claiming everything else is garbage.

#142 Mar 15 2016 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Dallie wrote:

Exactly, the soul has been completely missing from it since the revamp. Even 1.0 had some soul (though nowhere near XI's), and i've been saying just that since re-launch. I haven't ever been able to place my finger on what the precise missing piece or pieces are....I find myself subbing for shorter and shorter periods of time since 2.0, and while I normally give expacs a good three months' time for stuff to settle and WAI, HW only got 1.5 from me, playing infrequently. It's just become the same, which without any substance, isn't worth a lot of people's time or investment.

Honestly, I don't think there's anything missing from XIV that makes it different in terms of "feels". It's probably just the fact that you're no longer 14, 15, whatever young age, and experiencing this style of game for the first time. My fondest MMO memories are PSO and FFXI (as they were my first two online RPGs). The same goes for the first RPGs I actually played through. Sure I played FF1 as a 6 year old, but didn't get very far (mostly because it was a one day rental from the corner store). Link to the Past, FF6, Chrono Trigger though, I played through and feel they're some of the best games ever. No other game has since really given me the same feeling, mostly because I didn't play them in my formative years. Same goes with music from your teen years, that stuff seems to stick around you forever. You then proceed to act like an old man or woman claiming everything else is garbage.

I am going to totally disagree with this.
I started playing FFXI in my mid 30's.
Now my late 40's and going back to FFXI it still feels like a better game as far as things to do and fun factor.
The whole sparks system is awsume and you can get sparks by doing so many different things not just the same thing over and over.
Tesee loved the new monster raising and the new mog garden, I could not get her to stop playing.
There has been more added at least more fun things to FFXI than FFXIV in the same time and on a skeleton crew.
It still not the game it used to be but it just has something FFXIV does not.
They can not even fix the housing issue in FFXIV. By the way we should be at the point in FFXIV where all these people loose their homes and I do not see a bunch of vacant lots.
Tesee agrees when she went back to ffxi I would come home and she would be playing, be ready for bed and she still was playing.
She said with FFXI there always seems to be the one last thing you want to do before logging off and with FFXIV you are just tired of playing when you log off.
FFXI=fun FFXIV=work

I still occasionally get that feeling when I pick up a game that is different. I had it when I started FFXIV but lost it so fast at end game. I even had it with coil till we hit turn 5 and it sucked the life out of me. Games are all trying to be the same with no risk. I picked up the new Rainbow six and it has lost that feeling to, it aint no different than COD. They took away the cover system and that is what made that series different. It defiantly is harder and harder to get that feeling but mainly because everything is a copy, it has nothing to do with peoples age.

For me FFXI was the greatest gaming experience of my life since playing Venture.
Doom was another highlight that changed gaming.

I wish SE actually would see these types of posts so they can change the game.

Edited, Mar 15th 2016 10:38am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#143 Mar 15 2016 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Nash, SE isn't going to change a winning formula over posts like this.

You just like XI more than you like XIV -- and that's fine.

I enjoy XI too. I'm actually an active subscriber, although I haven't logged in since December. And I definitely enjoy FFXIV more. I can log in after a ton of freelance work, play for just 30 minutes and make measurable progress doing a variety of things. The sparks system in XI is cool, but in the end, it's just another grind that pushes people to the path of least resistance. I found it getting boring pretty quick.

I do intend to start logging back into XI soon -- I've just been really busy.

For every post like yours, though, there are others from people who are enjoying the game and want to see it continue growing as it has been for two years. Sure, everyone wants to see improvement -- that was the case back in the XI days, as well -- but SE isn't going to change the game because people who prefer XI want it to happen.
Thayos Redblade
#144 Mar 15 2016 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
Nashred wrote:
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Dallie wrote:

Exactly, the soul has been completely missing from it since the revamp. Even 1.0 had some soul (though nowhere near XI's), and i've been saying just that since re-launch. I haven't ever been able to place my finger on what the precise missing piece or pieces are....I find myself subbing for shorter and shorter periods of time since 2.0, and while I normally give expacs a good three months' time for stuff to settle and WAI, HW only got 1.5 from me, playing infrequently. It's just become the same, which without any substance, isn't worth a lot of people's time or investment.

Honestly, I don't think there's anything missing from XIV that makes it different in terms of "feels". It's probably just the fact that you're no longer 14, 15, whatever young age, and experiencing this style of game for the first time. My fondest MMO memories are PSO and FFXI (as they were my first two online RPGs). The same goes for the first RPGs I actually played through. Sure I played FF1 as a 6 year old, but didn't get very far (mostly because it was a one day rental from the corner store). Link to the Past, FF6, Chrono Trigger though, I played through and feel they're some of the best games ever. No other game has since really given me the same feeling, mostly because I didn't play them in my formative years. Same goes with music from your teen years, that stuff seems to stick around you forever. You then proceed to act like an old man or woman claiming everything else is garbage.

I am going to totally disagree with this.
I started playing FFXI in my mid 30's.
Now my late 40's and going back to FFXI it still feels like a better game as far as things to do and fun factor.
The whole sparks system is awsume and you can get sparks by doing so many different things not just the same thing over and over.
Tesee loved the new monster raising and the new mog garden, I could not get her to stop playing.
There has been more added at least more fun things to FFXI than FFXIV in the same time and on a skeleton crew.
It still not the game it used to be but it just has something FFXIV does not.
They can not even fix the housing issue in FFXIV. By the way we should be at the point in FFXIV where all these people loose their homes and I do not see a bunch of vacant lots.
Tesee agrees when she went back to ffxi I would come home and she would be playing, be ready for bed and she still was playing.
She said with FFXI there always seems to be the one last thing you want to do before logging off and with FFXIV you are just tired of playing when you log off.
FFXI=fun FFXIV=work

I still occasionally get that feeling when I pick up a game that is different. I had it when I started FFXIV but lost it so fast at end game. I even had it with coil till we hit turn 5 and it sucked the life out of me. Games are all trying to be the same with no risk. I picked up the new Rainbow six and it has lost that feeling to, it aint no different than COD. They took away the cover system and that is what made that series different. It defiantly is harder and harder to get that feeling but mainly because everything is a copy, it has nothing to do with peoples age.

For me FFXI was the greatest gaming experience of my life since playing Venture.
Doom was another highlight that changed gaming.

I wish SE actually would see these types of posts so they can change the game.

Edited, Mar 15th 2016 10:38am by Nashred

I agree XI has more to do (and more fun things to do), but I'm talking about hitting you right in the nostalgia. XI for me, just walking into Sarutabaruta triggers something I can't explain. Forget about systems, who does what better. Just the world, the music, what it does in terms of nostalgia. I've played some great games in the past 15 years, but non have stuck in my head nearly as much. Had I played them 20 years ago, I think they might have. Xenoblade Chronicles, Ni No Kuni, etc. If you started playing XI in your 30s, and every time you log on and hear that music you get that that awesome feeling, then that's great. No game has personally done that for me in the last 10-15 years though, even though there's some great ones in there.

Because when you think of Vanilla XI up until about the rise of Abyssea...there were some pretty ridiculous systems in place. Yet we all still clamor about how great the game was. XI is no longer what XI was.

Edited, Mar 15th 2016 12:38pm by Montsegurnephcreep

#145 Mar 15 2016 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
You're totally right about XI hitting the nostalgia button.

That said, when I log in I no longer think, "I'm home!" More like, "This used to be home, but it's totally different now."

Art mirrors life in so many ways. A year ago, I moved back to the Portland area, where I was born and raised. It's great being back home -- but after being gone for like 14 years, nothing is really the same as it used to be. Sure, I have lots of memories, and things continue to come back to me as I spend more time here... but "home" as I knew it is long gone. Now, I'm learning to appreciate Portland as a home in ways that wouldn't make sense as a child and teenager.

It took time for that connection with XI to grow. And to be honest, I'm starting to feel it with XIV. It's not exactly the same, but better in its own way.
Thayos Redblade
#146 Mar 15 2016 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
Nash, SE isn't going to change a winning formula over posts like this.

You just like XI more than you like XIV -- and that's fine.

I enjoy XI too. I'm actually an active subscriber, although I haven't logged in since December. And I definitely enjoy FFXIV more. I can log in after a ton of freelance work, play for just 30 minutes and make measurable progress doing a variety of things. The sparks system in XI is cool, but in the end, it's just another grind that pushes people to the path of least resistance. I found it getting boring pretty quick.

I do intend to start logging back into XI soon -- I've just been really busy.

For every post like yours, though, there are others from people who are enjoying the game and want to see it continue growing as it has been for two years. Sure, everyone wants to see improvement -- that was the case back in the XI days, as well -- but SE isn't going to change the game because people who prefer XI want it to happen.

It's a bit more than "because people who prefer XI want it to."

This game is barely even past 2005 era design. Games that come and go in the span of 3 months offered more than XIV currently does and neither of them have EVER used the excuse "Well the servers would crash and..well sorry we don't have anyone on the team who can create this content."

The fact people ACCEPT those excuses and still say this game is "perfect" or "one of the best MMOs ever" goes far beyond people who enjoyed XI more. People realistically are "settled" or "content" with how XIV HW is and don't want it to change, even though MMOs tend to actually dramatically change (those that survive that is.) XI changed quite a bit with every expansion while maintaining the basic status quo. ToAU had the most dramatic system changes by offering "instanced" content, which in terms of when XI was out and in 2006? Was indeed a system improvement. What honestly...did HW do for the game? They still force you into 3 year old content that per vertical progression deisgn, we should not be touching.

Edited, Mar 15th 2016 12:11pm by Theonehio

#147 Mar 15 2016 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
The fact people ACCEPT those excuses

I really enjoy FFXIV because I really enjoy it.
Thayos Redblade
#148 Mar 16 2016 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
The fact people ACCEPT those excuses

I really enjoy FFXIV because I really enjoy it.

That's cool - Doesn't change the fact that it's being accepted there's foundation problems that most gamers normally wouldn't stand for and history has shown they wouldn't, but that is the power "Final Fantasy" has..unless of course, it's Final Fantasy XIII, Mystic Quest or XI. All that says is you enjoy the game and will enjoy the game even if they further scale back updates and never evolve systems.

#149 Mar 16 2016 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Theonehio wrote:
All that says is you enjoy the game and will enjoy the game even if they further scale back updates and never evolve systems.

Where did it say that exactly?
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#150 Mar 16 2016 at 5:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Where did it say that exactly?

It doesn't.

I think Hio just has a very hard time understanding that some people find this game to be relaxing and fun.
Thayos Redblade
#151 Mar 16 2016 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
I think Hio just has a very hard time understanding that some people find this game to be relaxing and fun.

Or that there's a grey area between "everything is perfect, SE is a golden god" and "worst game of all time, it's literally giving me turbo cancer."
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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