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What happened to these forums?Follow

#1 Feb 07 2016 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
20 posts
It used to be so active and I lurked daily, but now seems to be only the same 5 people posting, kinda dead. What's going on?

Edited, Apr 25th 2016 9:06am by Thayos Lock Thread: discussion has ran its course.
#2 Feb 07 2016 at 7:26 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm going to go out on a limb and say most of us don't play anymore, or, if we do, very little. Problem with the game right now, there isn't all that much to discuss. It's the same thing, patch after patch, and all is pretty self explanatory. If you're seeking advice on end game raids, there's other forums/youtube videos for that. Reddit and the official forums are highly active, but most of the discussions there are on glamour (OF) and "art projects" (reddit).

I'm still waiting for a massive change to happen OR another expansion that'll suck up a solid 50-60 hours of story/leveling. Heavensward was great for a month or two, and has faded into nothingness for me.

#3 Feb 07 2016 at 9:11 AM Rating: Excellent
12,820 posts
Combination of:

1. As much as some people may hate to admit it, QUITE A LOT of people stopped playing XIV and XI.
2. Most people use the Official Forums these days, but if you check there, a lot of "hot topics" are usually regarding insignificant things the game needs, thus lets you know the active playerbase currently isn't even worried about an MMO with content or not.
3. Reddit as well, but Reddit is like Official Forums Lite, but equally as likely for you to get ran off if you don't state the game is amazing. However after 7 months of a new expansion and nothing changed...even the most hardcore "defender" of this game up and quit or realized the honeymoon phase is over.

4. As said above, there's a lot who quit that just lurk and wait to see what's happening with the game.

#4 Feb 07 2016 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Wish they'd bring in some new blood. Yoshida's team did a great job rebuilding the ship but this game needs some fresh ideas, and they seem to be out of those.

Edited, Feb 7th 2016 10:57am by BrokenFox
#5 Feb 07 2016 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
20 posts
I see. I've been avoiding using the OF since I had friends being banned for very little reason, such as saying the f-word or that SE is greedy due to retainers not being a one -time purchase thing.
#6 Feb 07 2016 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
Wish they'd bring in some new blood. Yoshida's team did a great job rebuilding the ship but this game needs some fresh ideas, and they seem to be out of those.

Edited, Feb 7th 2016 10:57am by BrokenFox

My understanding is that SE won't give them enough money to fund a real MMO team. Some variation of "you did great with this team, why do you need more?" Which is the typically myopic view I've come to expect from Japanese companies in general and SE in particular. They just aren't willing to treat FFXIV like a big boy MMO that needs to develop and expand beyond its original formula.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#7 Feb 07 2016 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
Wish they'd bring in some new blood. Yoshida's team did a great job rebuilding the ship but this game needs some fresh ideas, and they seem to be out of those.

Edited, Feb 7th 2016 10:57am by BrokenFox

My understanding is that SE won't give them enough money to fund a real MMO team. Some variation of "you did great with this team, why do you need more?" Which is the typically myopic view I've come to expect from Japanese companies in general and SE in particular. They just aren't willing to treat FFXIV like a big boy MMO that needs to develop and expand beyond its original formula.

Well, considering Yoshida said he made it clear XIV is "his" project now and he won't let what happened to Tanaka happen to him, I don't think it's that really. Look at what Matsui is doing with basically nil support from SE (since they were trying to get rid of XI for XIV after all), so realistically, Yoshida is just too set in keeping things as is because, well, why would they need to do anything else when it's oh so successful now?

As proven, they'd easily dump millions and put every division onto the project if they see fit. Once XIV starts sinking faster then we'll see some changes.

#8 Feb 07 2016 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
863 posts
SE is still making XIV for the new players it can get not for those it has/had playing it. I have a feeling that as long as there is a steady influx of new players they won't change much because they are doing okay, but when the new players aren't there anymore is when they start caring about player retention and hopefully it sparks a will to make some changes.
#9 Feb 09 2016 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Holhorse wrote:
It used to be so active and I lurked daily, but now seems to be only the same 5 people posting, kinda dead. What's going on?

Well allot of us seem to have gone back to XI. I am still subbed for FFXIV but there is nothing too do new other than the same stuff over and over. I have no desire to log on anymore.
FFXIV does not suffer from lack of content it suffers from lack of something different to do.

For others that still play Nothing new to talk about. You need new stuff to have something to discuss.

BrokenFox wrote:
Wish they'd bring in some new blood. Yoshida's team did a great job rebuilding the ship but this game needs some fresh ideas, and they seem to be out of those.

Edited, Feb 7th 2016 10:57am by BrokenFox

I agree now going back to FFXI and even though it is just a shell of its former self you really see how lacking FFXIV is.

FFXIV is more about glamour and that is cool for those that are into it. I myself am not into playing dress up, it is not me. The game needs more.

Why is there not a merit point system?

FFXI added sparks system which gives you things to do and strive for like goals. But while doing sparks you are also working to merits and job points. You are accomplishing 3 things at once so you feel like your accomplishing something and working toward something. In FFXIV you run dungeons to upgrade gear that will be obsolete by the time you get it.

Belcrono wrote:
SE is still making XIV for the new players it can get not for those it has/had playing it. I have a feeling that as long as there is a steady influx of new players they won't change much because they are doing okay, but when the new players aren't there anymore is when they start caring about player retention and hopefully it sparks a will to make some changes.

It does feel that way. The game still feels busy and there are always new players on my server. Eventually that runs out though. FFXI biggest downfall is it was so hard for new players. FFXIV maybe it is too easy. Makes veterans fell like why bother, We have been playing since launch and someone can catch up in several months.

Also the reason it does not bother us to take off and play FFXI for several months. We know we can catch up in a week.

Edited, Feb 9th 2016 12:20pm by Nashred

Edited, Feb 9th 2016 12:33pm by Nashred

Edited, Feb 9th 2016 12:36pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#10 Feb 09 2016 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Archmage Callinon wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
Wish they'd bring in some new blood. Yoshida's team did a great job rebuilding the ship but this game needs some fresh ideas, and they seem to be out of those.

Edited, Feb 7th 2016 10:57am by BrokenFox

My understanding is that SE won't give them enough money to fund a real MMO team. Some variation of "you did great with this team, why do you need more?" Which is the typically myopic view I've come to expect from Japanese companies in general and SE in particular. They just aren't willing to treat FFXIV like a big boy MMO that needs to develop and expand beyond its original formula.

Well, considering Yoshida said he made it clear XIV is "his" project now and he won't let what happened to Tanaka happen to him, I don't think it's that really. Look at what Matsui is doing with basically nil support from SE (since they were trying to get rid of XI for XIV after all), so realistically, Yoshida is just too set in keeping things as is because, well, why would they need to do anything else when it's oh so successful now?

As proven, they'd easily dump millions and put every division onto the project if they see fit. Once XIV starts sinking faster then we'll see some changes.

What amazes me is the two years or so away from FFXI playing FFXIV there has been more new stuff added to FFXI that FFXIV. FFXIV is a new game and should be easier to add stuff to, they could just steal a ton from FFXI, plus FFXI has a skeleton crew.

How can you expect them to add something new when they can not even fix the problems with FFXIV like housing.

Tesee loves and is addicted to that mog garden and monster raising, It is really cool.

I will say this FFXI may have more to do and be more fun but the game does feel old and need of a face lift and especially after playing FFXIV. You realize how clunky the menu system is and how much it could steal from FFXIV. Honestly I think it would be cool if they redid FFXI with FFXIV engine. Hell just for the compare and search features. Plus my god crafting is horrible in FFXI. I honestly think it would be cool to redoo FFXI with the FFXIV engine and have the exact same expansion and so forth. I would love to replay FFXI again with all the new features and better crafting etc. They could do it slightly easier than before for mass appeal and a glamour system.

Tesee plays xbox and that would mean a new computer. Plus we still sub FFXIV and Tesee does not want to loose her house incase we go back. We have decision time. Right now we still enjoy FFXI more than FFXIV and maybe if they dropped the fees on FFXI it would maybe draw us to stay longer, paying 12.00 a month for not much new is a little high.. I know they announced some new stuff coming to the pc now but it sounds like a few fights and some armor upgrades and if we just wanted to do that we can play FFXIV. There are still some quest lines we would like to finish.

Edited, Feb 9th 2016 1:09pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#11 Feb 09 2016 at 12:29 PM Rating: Excellent
I'd love for them to drop the fees on XI! But at this point, I'm guessing most FFXI players who are going to start playing XIV have already done so, and I'm also guessing the data isn't showing more than a trickle of new players into XI. With no growth and no reason to incentivize people to play/try both games, there's not really a financial reason for SE to lower XI's subscription rate.
Thayos Redblade
#12 Feb 09 2016 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'd love for them to drop the fees on XI! But at this point, I'm guessing most FFXI players who are going to start playing XIV have already done so, and I'm also guessing the data isn't showing more than a trickle of new players into XI. With no growth and no reason to incentivize people to play/try both games, there's not really a financial reason for SE to lower XI's subscription rate.

I know what you are saying plus those that are there will always pretty much play because it is all they know.
I would though, If it were fewer dollars I would stay even if I did not play much.. I think with retainers were at like 18.00 for FFXIV and 12.00 for FFXI or something. If it were 4.00 I would stay subscribed and play it when there was nothing else to do..

I think with PS2 and xbox drop the game is going into a slow death. Some might get a computer some might not. Some will leave on the PC because their friends are on the xbox or ps2. With little being added people will log on less and less.

I am guessing there will be server merges followed by mass people changing servers. My server right now is mainly Japanese players. It seems Asura is mainly NA from what I hear..

I have talked to a few in the game lately and allot think the same thing I think.

End it all together.
Have a final day maybe with a week of free access before the final day. This way people can log on for the final day so you can see old friends, chat a little or what ever and have a final day with events, parades, fireworks and a countdown till servers go dark.

Of coarse there are those who want it to go on forever and even some of them agree they just really need closure.

I do not know what too do Thayos. I had played FFXI for so long and so did Tesee before we met in game. We played together for a long time then met in RL and after a few years moved in together and played FFXI. We then played FFXIV when beta started. We play SE MMO's: it what we do but neither game will have enough to keep us busy. In the winter it is pretty much what we do and in summer we play less. As a couple it it what we do, we do not watch much tv. Once we finish most of the content FFXI wont have enough to keep us busy because especially in winter we play allot. FFXIV does not have enough o hold us either..

I really wished we liked FFXIV more. It does allot right that is for sure and you see that playing FFXI because every day you see what FFXI could be if they decided to update the game because it is just more fun too play.

We wish in FFXIV it was easier to switch servers. We would sell our house and move to the server our old LS from FFXI plays on. It is so hard to move the money, we had offers for our house several times now. Plus the house is what Tesee really likes about FFXIV and changing servers she wont have a house because it is another thing they wont fix and do it right. If we could take our money and buy a house on another server we would move in a instant. I think FFXIV would be more fun with our old friends.

Edited, Feb 9th 2016 2:55pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#13 Feb 09 2016 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'd love for them to drop the fees on XI! But at this point, I'm guessing most FFXI players who are going to start playing XIV have already done so, and I'm also guessing the data isn't showing more than a trickle of new players into XI. With no growth and no reason to incentivize people to play/try both games, there's not really a financial reason for SE to lower XI's subscription rate.

Pride/stubbornness. This is Square were talking about.

At this point XI really should come free with a subscription to XIV.

Edited, Feb 9th 2016 4:17pm by BrokenFox
#14 Feb 09 2016 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
At this point XI really should come free with a subscription to XIV.

I still don't really see the point for SE though. There seem to be a lot of XIV players who'd dabble in FFXI if it were free, but I still wouldn't see FFXI players starting up in FFXIV. Unless the later part of the equation pans out, then there's just no reason for SE to change anything.

Of course, all bets are off if SE were to ever reconsider cutting off significant content updates for XI.
Thayos Redblade
#15 Feb 09 2016 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
At this point XI really should come free with a subscription to XIV.

I still don't really see the point for SE though. There seem to be a lot of XIV players who'd dabble in FFXI if it were free, but I still wouldn't see FFXI players starting up in FFXIV. Unless the later part of the equation pans out, then there's just no reason for SE to change anything.

Of course, all bets are off if SE were to ever reconsider cutting off significant content updates for XI.

I thought there was not going to be any major updates anymore. At first they said none but revised it..

what have you been playing lately?

FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#16 Feb 09 2016 at 9:08 PM Rating: Excellent
I thought there was not going to be any major updates anymore. At first they said none but revised it..

They're still updating FFXI, and people who enjoy the game should still find plenty to do. But they've said they're done with significant storyline content. There might still be small-scale lore quests, though.

I've been focusing on FFXIV since the start of the year to get caught up on my relic... started the quest about a month late, and I want to get caught up. But I should be caught up as of this week, and then I'll spend more time in FFXI again.
Thayos Redblade
#17 Feb 10 2016 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Back in Dec or January matsui announced once they dropped 360 support in April 2016 they're going to continue to work on battle content and adding addition side content through Records of Eminence, since at this point until they move XI development to a new platform (PC) they can't expand it much further beyond the style of updates they've been doing.

By the way, XI's data was updated to include 4 more slots where expansion data is stored, so there's a good possibility of more mini-add ons like ACP/Moogle/Shanttoto/Abyssea style "expansions."


#18 Feb 10 2016 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Back in Dec or January matsui announced once they dropped 360 support in April 2016 they're going to continue to work on battle content and adding addition side content through Records of Eminence, since at this point until they move XI development to a new platform (PC) they can't expand it much further beyond the style of updates they've been doing.

By the way, XI's data was updated to include 4 more slots where expansion data is stored, so there's a good possibility of more mini-add ons like ACP/Moogle/Shanttoto/Abyssea style "expansions."

Theo you got a link?
I had seen something too but can not find it anymore.
Also thought 360 was going down in March? Is it April now?
Think by now there would be a exact date. If it is latter now that would be great!

Thayos wrote:
I thought there was not going to be any major updates anymore. At first they said none but revised it..

They're still updating FFXI, and people who enjoy the game should still find plenty to do. But they've said they're done with significant storyline content. There might still be small-scale lore quests, though.

I've been focusing on FFXIV since the start of the year to get caught up on my relic... started the quest about a month late, and I want to get caught up. But I should be caught up as of this week, and then I'll spend more time in FFXI again.

The relic in FFXIV is what did us in..
We figured we would go back to FFXI to see the end of the game and play Rhapsodies for some closure. We figured the relic in FFXIV would be nerfed in no time anyway like last time in a few months and we could catch up fast. Why beat are heads against the wall with content we really do not like anyway. Then 1/2 through rhapsodies we hit a snag and you had to be so far through Adoulin and we did almost none of it. One of the quest required 8 fame and slowed us down bad, actually worried now we may not have time to finish Rhapsodies since we are gone for a while. Never thought we would have so much fun playing FFXI again though.

You know Tesee said something to me the other day. She said when we play FFXIV and get off the game we are ready to get off. With FFXI it is always one more thing, just one more thing.

Both games are loaded with Grind but FFXI grind does not feel so bad because there is so much different grind. Like sparks you can do so many different things.FFXIV grind just feels so much worse.

As crafters mainly in FFXIV I think if they fixed the nq/hq craftables and made melding a little easier it would not feel so bad. When you are crafting something worth a million or more and hit 98 percent and it goes NQ it is real disheartening. It is horrible when you craft something and hit 100 percent and the next time cant get over 30 percent for the same item range plays to big of a role. It should be you are good enough to hit 90 percent it should HQ automatically.

When you are over 30 tries for a meld that is just too much. it is insane, I have seen some over 40 times.

Edited, Feb 10th 2016 9:50am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#19 Feb 10 2016 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
I've actually had fun grinding for this relic. Been through many dungeons I hadn't touched in ages. Also, it may be a few months yet before they start needing the relic steps. Either way, I just want to be current.
Thayos Redblade
#20 Feb 10 2016 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts

#21 Feb 10 2016 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Theonehio wrote:

Any idea when the 360 is dropped?

FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#22 Feb 10 2016 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Nashred wrote:
Theonehio wrote:

Any idea when the 360 is dropped?

In March, it's just on the JP side they usually "add+1" since it won't be relevant for the update following it, so they usually just reference April 2016 as when all services but PC will be discontinued support wise.

#23 Feb 10 2016 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
I've always thought that XI and XIV should be unified under one subscription fee. Though I'd only feel like I were getting that value from XI lately, it's something that would retain customers regardless of their preference of game rather than losing them to other F2P games.

As far as future development goes, I wouldn't be surprised if Matsui was just withholding info about exactly what they're planning for XI. It seems like a formality of being respectful to console players by not highlighting that content additions and improvements are coming almost as soon as support is dropped.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#24 Feb 10 2016 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
863 posts
Like as much as I know a XI remake with some tweaks isn't going to happen, man would I jump at an opportunity to play it if did. Like holy moly.
#25 Feb 10 2016 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Thayos wrote:
I've actually had fun grinding for this relic. Been through many dungeons I hadn't touched in ages. Also, it may be a few months yet before they start needing the relic steps. Either way, I just want to be current.

Pretty much said nah the second I saw the first step of the quest, especially now that it's a month+ later and the FATE waves are gone. I'd rather level Fishing (which I am :D )
#26 Feb 10 2016 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
Belcrono wrote:
Like as much as I know a XI remake with some tweaks isn't going to happen, man would I jump at an opportunity to play it if did. Like holy moly.

Totally. Even if they released a pre-abyssea/level cap raise type server I'd be there in a heartbeat.
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