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is getting lucius crafting and artisan full melded set worthFollow

#1 Feb 12 2015 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
it right now?

I ask because come may (a the latest) heavesward will be out and all that gil we spent getting to that point will have been for naught as the level cap will be increasing to 60..

Now you may say "well you could say the same thing about an couoil gear you spend time getting or poetics gear you spend your time grinding tomes to get... however I degress, the difference between those two is getting coil/poetics gear only costs you time not gil, whereas crafting isnt cheap in the gil department sooo is throwing all that gil away right now at this point worth it if you havent already done it?
#2 Feb 12 2015 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
What do you mean by worth it? Crafting only exists in this game to support itself. If you like the idea of being able to make stuff, then it's worth it. If you can read the market and need some money, then it's worth it. If you want to get awesome gear by not doing dungeons and raids, then it's not. Until the devs decide to make crafted gear worth a damn, that will always be the answer, no matter what other changes they may make.
#3 Feb 12 2015 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
thats not the question... the question isnt whether or not crafting as a whole is worth it the question is whether or not getting al the current crafting gear, melds and tools worth the COST when theyll all be obsolete and replaced by something else most likely in 3 months when the expansion hits and the level cap is raised
#4 Feb 12 2015 at 5:48 PM Rating: Excellent
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
thats not the question... the question isnt whether or not crafting as a whole is worth it the question is whether or not getting al the current crafting gear, melds and tools worth the COST when theyll all be obsolete and replaced by something else most likely in 3 months when the expansion hits and the level cap is raised

I think you just answered your own question.
#5DuoMaxwellxx, Posted: Feb 12 2015 at 6:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) no not really because if that answers the question then you may as well say NOTHING in the game is worth doing since itll be obsolete in 3 months (which is why i liked FFXI stuff lasted longer). But the question would be more like... when the expansion comes out can you get your craft to ll 60 plus get whatever new craftin gear the expansion has without having gotten luciius and a fully melded full artisan set (in which case if you could do it without that stuff then yes getting artisans fully melded and lucius now WOULDNT be worth it) however if like all the other stuff in this game.. you NEED to get the previous set before you can get the newest one... then the answer would be getting lucius and fully melded artisans now would be worth it because without it you cant get whats new.
#6 Feb 12 2015 at 7:56 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Catwho wrote:
I think you just answered your own question.

He usually does. I think he's just looking for validation.
#7 Feb 12 2015 at 8:17 PM Rating: Excellent
618 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
the difference between those two is getting coil/poetics gear only costs you time not gil, whereas crafting isnt cheap in the gil department sooo is throwing all that gil away right now at this point worth it if you havent already done it?

Ever hear of making your own gear and doing your own spiritbonding for materia? This is the same as you mentioned with coil/poetics, it takes time to do this. Only a person in a rush will sit there and thrown millions in gil out for melding when they can take the time and make it themselves.

I only just recently started doing more with crafts and I'm working on getting the last one to 50, yes I will max gear 3 of them and spend millions less than someone trying to power level their gear.

#8 Feb 12 2015 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
you do know making your own gear and spiritbonding your own materia (especially when youre not guaranteed to get the materia you want) is about 10 times more work that running coil weekly for drops and capping/spending poetic weekly right? you could probably make the gil to powerlevel your craft MUCH faster then trying to spirit bond and make your own gear
#9 Feb 12 2015 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,674 posts
Hello there. Crafter/Gatherer with every Lucis tool and fully melded Artisan's gear/offhand tools.

For me FFXIV's crafting portion of the game is itself worth it. I actually have fun making stuff and putting it on the market, or making stuff and using it myself. Back before 2.4 I went and made full sets of i90 gear for my non-main and secondary jobs, and I'm in the process of i110'ing them right now. I would have done so sooner, but I was using my ability to craft so well to make a ton of stuff to buy both myself and my girlfriend a medium house for each of us.

So my own experience aside ... is this all worth it?

The Artisan gear, definitely. That gear isn't too hard to make these days or even afford to make by buying a few materials here or there and not breaking the bank in the process. Just as an example whenever I make gear to sell, I'll buy the Mastercraft required to avoid the tedium of desynthesizing i70 primary tools or Artisan Glasses, and just take care of the rest myself since you can get one Ehcatl Sealant a day now thanks to the upping of Oaknot rewards in 2.5. It will make crafting for profit a modest bit easier and faster, since 1 to 2-star crafts, which you'll still be doing bridge synths of (materials and all), are plentiful when making 3 and 4-star stuff.

Additionally, what also makes the Artisan gear worthwhile is that ... if, in the end, you don't HQ your attempt to make your own stuff? No big deal! That gear is designed to be able to still be fully melded to cap stats even when NQ'd, even if it takes a few higher tier materia and maybe 1 or 2 extra total materia depending on which piece it is. Artisan Apron excluded from that since that piece is just ... weird, and un-cappable even as an HQ.

tl;dr - If you're making the gear yourself, totally worth it.

The Lucis tools, however ... well, I'll be honest. Anything you can do with fully melded Artisan, Supra tools, and whatnot, you can do with a Lucis, just a modest amount easier. I'd be surprised if they added any more difficult stuff to make that would require a Lucis to take on given this is the final patch before Heavensward, even if there are two medium-sized mid-patches coming up as well.

I got all of them because I just freaking love crafting, and also because crafting is my end game while I dawdle around sitting on my hands not doing "true" end game content while waiting on friends to be around/catch up so we can do stuff together. So I had the time and the obsession to turn in enough stuff to my Grand Company to accrue over 800,000 Seals in a week, which I needed for all 220 Moonstones you'd need for all the tools (each one requires 20).

(Seriously, it's insane how many GC Seals I needed, as exhibitied riiiiight here.)

The other aspects of the Lucis tool requirements are pretty 'eh'. You make 20 HQ items with 3-star quality requirements but with a 40/40 difficulty instead of 80/80. If you NQ the item you can turn it in to Talan for a do over that gives you back everythinjg except the one non-rare material (e.g. if you're a Weaver making Camlet you'll get back the 3 Camel Hair and 1 Cashmere fleece it requires, but not the Diluted Vitriol or Clusters). The unique item for each craft you can either do like I did with Moonstones and spam your GC to death with i55 crafted gear turn-ins, or go to Saint Coinarch and plow away at Level 45 craft leves since you get 1-3 of said item (you need a total of 60) each time you turn in items.


... long story short, do Lucis tools if you like a craft challenge and have way too much time on your hands. Don't do it if you're putting a lot of your time and energy in game in to other things, like end game raids or leveling or Hunts or whatever the cool kids do these days.

EVEN MORE BABBLE EDITED IN: Oh and all this talk about needing to spiritbond materia for the Artisan's gear is pretty ... moot, I guess? If you HQ the gear you'll never need anything more than a Tier III, and even then you can try and skimp and overmeld using Tier IIs and Is. You only need to worry about Tier IVs and those sick prices if you NQ a bunch of the pieces.

Edited, Feb 12th 2015 10:20pm by Satisiun
#10 Feb 12 2015 at 11:07 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
"I'd be surprised if they added any more difficult stuff to make that would require a Lucis to take on given this is the final patch before Heavensward, even if there are two medium-sized mid-patches coming up as well."

thats the thing Im asking about crafting AFTER heavensward comes out. I know getting lucis and all that stuff now will keep your crafting relevant until Heavensward is released but what about afterwards? Its not like Heavensward is still a year off.

I mean I dont wanna (for example) spend 20 mil getting all the crafting stuff, only for in 3 months that 20mil worth of stuff is now not good enough to craft any of the newer stuff HQ and I have to instead get the new 30+ mil set to be revelant again, when in that case I could held on to my 20mil for 3 months waited until then THEN got the new se that comes with Heavensward for example

Thats one thing I miss about XI, sure t might have taken decades to get the best piece of gear or that 17mil gil thiefs knife (back when it was hard to get) or that relic weapon, but once you got it you didnt NEED anything new for at LEAST a year to still be relevant/BiS..

that way you can use the next 12 months to concentrate on actually playing the game/having fun instead of "working" as most of us already do that 40 hours a week already lol
#11 Feb 13 2015 at 1:40 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Thats one thing I miss about XI, sure t might have taken decades to get the best piece of gear or that 17mil gil thiefs knife (back when it was hard to get) or that relic weapon, but once you got it you didnt NEED anything new for at LEAST a year to still be relevant/BiS..

Know what's worse than having new gear obsoleting old gear? Having old gear obsoleting new gear.
#12 Feb 13 2015 at 2:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Pretty much every time 3 months rolls around there is always the risk that old stuff in the game will be devalued/invalidated to the point where you'll kick yourself for having taken any time investing in it. You just have to roll with it otherwise there's pretty much no point in playing the game at all.

I think it's worth getting BiS stuff for crafters/gatherers right now because chances are you will need that BiS stuff just to be able to have a chance at obtaining some of the newer stuff, but who knows how it'll turn out. Melds on the foragers/artisans stuff are not so bad imo due to the fact that they have 3 slots, and that if you have HQ armor you won't even need much tier IV materia to max the stats out.

The only thing I wouldn't go nuts with melding atm are the offhands. They can be potentially very expensive. My policy on those is that IV materia pretty much only goes in the first (guaranteed) slot. :/
#13 Feb 13 2015 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
618 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
you do know making your own gear and spiritbonding your own materia (especially when youre not guaranteed to get the materia you want) is about 10 times more work that running coil weekly for drops and capping/spending poetic weekly right? you could probably make the gil to powerlevel your craft MUCH faster then trying to spirit bond and make your own gear

Duo if you read my post above your you will see that I said it takes time to go the route of making own gear and spiritbonding your own materia. Now let me break it down for you another way to see if its worth it.

* Make own gear and spiritbond to get the materia I need spending next to nothing in gil (yes very time consuming, but if you have all content on farm what else are you using your time for)
* Make gil to powerlevel your gear to max stats (takes less time but takes more gil out of your pocket).

With 3.0 right around the corner (April - June: We don't have a set date yet) no one knows yet what is going to happen with crafting when it comes to gear, ilvl, materia (new ones perhaps Tier 5/6?). Wouldnt it be better having all the gil you didn't spend maxing out whatever craft to use for the possible new gear/materia's or something else like housing?

For me it is going to be worth it to max out the 3 maybe a 4th (havent decided yet on the 4th) for the following reason

* I can SB 10 or more full sets (all slot except off-hand as I do mine as brd) in less than a full day
* Out of the 120 or more materia I should get some of the items I'm after (depends on rng), the ones I dont need I turn around and use to meld onto next SB session for faster SB (elemental materias), the others I will sell on the MB
* Have all content on farm status (more time to SB for materia's)
* Can sell items on MB that I make with the maxed out craft as we approach 3.0

I have the time so with this route I will have more gil going into 3.0 to spend on whatever is needed to keep crafting current unlike I have done in the past.

#14 Feb 13 2015 at 8:15 AM Rating: Excellent
For me it is going to be worth it to max out the 3 maybe a 4th (havent decided yet on the 4th) for the following reason

* I can SB 10 or more full sets (all slot except off-hand as I do mine as brd) in less than a full day
* Out of the 120 or more materia I should get some of the items I'm after (depends on rng), the ones I dont need I turn around and use to meld onto next SB session for faster SB (elemental materias), the others I will sell on the MB
* Have all content on farm status (more time to SB for materia's)
* Can sell items on MB that I make with the maxed out craft as we approach 3.0

I have the time so with this route I will have more gil going into 3.0 to spend on whatever is needed to keep crafting current unlike I have done in the past.

Exactly, and there's still money to be made with crafting until the expansion actually drops. If you have all crafts at 50 and gathering at 50, getting one up to artisan level with max gear will probably just get you more gil from here until release. Spiritbonding isn't THAT time consuming. If you HQ and materia all your pieces, you're looking at 30 mins MAX with a full party to get 100%. Heck, even if you don't materia or HQ, it's still pretty quick. You're almost guaranteed one from your full set to be a tier IV (sometimes it's a silly elemental, but a IV nonetheless). Some runs I've gotten 2 Savage or Craftman IVs and made a quick 500k+.

I personally find spiritbonding pretty relaxing and reminiscent of old school 1.0 parties. People actually talk, you just mass pull and AOE down. You can then take the gil from useless materia to play the MB with your crafts or keep SBing.

It's a good way to break the monotony of endgame/dungeon raiding over and over and over again.

#15 Feb 13 2015 at 8:49 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Well the thing about crafting is the gear does not come out as fast and does last longer than fighting classes...
The new Artisan set is not needed over the I55 set it just allows you to use one for all classes saving you allot of melding. The stats are not very different.. Now they did just release the Artisan apron which is a game changer because it allows more craftsmanship that is easier to meld than the offhand requiring less on the offhand.. The offhand is very very hard to meld.

The new Lucis tool now is another way to actually make crafting simpler again by requiring less off hand melding again or allowing you to use a lesser tier of materia on off hand. The Lucis is also not needed if you have fully melded off hands already. Again it just makes things easier and gives people something too do...

I hear you on spirit bonding and melding. Last weekend we spent almost a whole day spirit bonding and not one of them stuck on my off hand. Anyone that thinks you can go out and spirit bind a whole set for every crafting job has not even attempted to meld much crafting gear to fully melded.. You would have to give up your life to meld every job through spirit binding ( I am sure some have done it but the average person doesn't or anyone that does other content too). Off hands can easily have 50 or more fails for the last two slots and sometimes that much alone for just one slot. The other issue is gathering and crafting gear that gives tier IV materia is not easy to make with out being melded. Most have to purchase materia by crafting stuff to make money...

Edit: Also you can sell the materia you dont need from spirit bonding for what you do need.

There is now another option too.. The new token non crafted artisan gear in which is super easy to get. It will require some melding to get of one job.. With this job you can create the token items to get this set. This gear is not as good as I55 or Artisan gear fully melded but it aint bad either and can be used on all crafting jobs... This is a nice step for allot of people. Also allot will mix it with I55 or crafted artisan gear.

Another idea is you specialize. You dont need to have every crafting job at the max.

The thing is crafting gear does not change as much as gear for fighting classes, matter of fact allot of times it just a pieces here and there. With fighting classes its every accessory and piece of gear.

To me crafting has become one of the most fun things to do.. Range on melding should be fixed some and is ridiculous sometimes and range plays a little too much into higher level crafting but I still like it.

Edited, Feb 13th 2015 10:34am by Nashred

Edited, Feb 13th 2015 12:38pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#16 Feb 13 2015 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
So I guess what it boils down to is...

Do you like crafting? Do you plan on doing a LOT of crafting, especially 3-4 star crafting, prior to the expansion?

if so, the Artisan's set is worth it. If you aren't going to be doing 3-4 star crafting, it's probably not worth it.

Personally, I picked up 3/4 pieces of the Artisan's set solely because I didn't have anything else to spend my gil on. It was an upgrade for my non goldsmith gear sets (I was still wearing a ratty old overmelded Patrician's set on all my other classes), and while I don't focus on 3/4 star crafting, it has allowed me to more consistently HQ my 45-49 gear money makers.
#17 Feb 13 2015 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
I know it was missed by many but there is another new set of crafting gear that is also called artisan (this is non meld-able token gear Item level 70 that is used by all crafting jobs). I wish they would have named it different so it is not confused with the meld-able artisan gear.

This is for more casual that want to do some harder crafting with out all the melding. Maybe mix them with the meld-able artisan body and artisan off hand with a supra and be able to do pretty much everything.

For some reason it slipped through the cracks for allot of people and they never realized this was added. This is obtained the same way the artisan main hand and artisan glasses are obtained. This gear compares to the Ehcatl Smithing Gloves It is for those who do not want to Meld all their gear. I use a piece along with the meld-able artisan gear.





You only need to get one craft high enough to get these items too and they all require the same turn in from that craft.

To get these I recommend leveling culinary high enough to craft Spicy Tomato Relish.
This requires no hard to get Items like peacock ore/hardened sap/potash etc.
It only requires 10 Spicy tomato relish per piece.

This gear can make the step much easier especially to get that supra...

Edited, Feb 13th 2015 12:30pm by Nashred

Edited, Feb 13th 2015 12:35pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#18 Feb 13 2015 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Fynlar wrote:
Pretty much every time 3 months rolls around there is always the risk that old stuff in the game will be devalued/invalidated to the point where you'll kick yourself for having taken any time investing in it. You just have to roll with it otherwise there's pretty much no point in playing the game at all.

I think it's best to always view things as a time investment. Even for things that cost gil, you have to spend time to raise that gil. And investing time is equivalent to playing the game. So if you enjoy what you're doing as part of the time investment (whether it's running Coil, spamming CT/ST/WoD, or crafting), then it's worth the investment even if it gets replaced eventually.

I don't view gil as having any kind of long term value that I need to maintain. And other than housing, what else are you going to spend gil on? If you hoard the gil that you have now for fear that the gear you put your gil into now will get replaced the next expansion, you just wind up in the same situation for the first major patch after the expansion, and then the next one, and then the next one.
#19 Feb 13 2015 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Time = Money.

Money gets you things faster.

Spend money to make money.

Money buys you shiny things that impress, or more effective tools to help you stay alive, save time, and save money.

Money buys shelter, which as far as the game is concerned, gets you access to everything you need in one spot, saving you time, which saves money.

Money makes things easier. Money makes getting money easier. Money saves you time. It all comes full circle.
#20 Feb 13 2015 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Money buys you shiny things that impress, or more effective tools to help you stay alive, save time, and save money.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#21 Feb 13 2015 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Money buys you shiny things that impress, or more effective tools to help you stay alive, save time, and save money.

Smiley: yippee Smiley: clap Smiley: yippee
#22 Feb 15 2015 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
826 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Catwho wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
thats not the question... the question isnt whether or not crafting as a whole is worth it the question is whether or not getting al the current crafting gear, melds and tools worth the COST when theyll all be obsolete and replaced by something else most likely in 3 months when the expansion hits and the level cap is raised

I think you just answered your own question.

no not really because if that answers the question then you may as well say NOTHING in the game is worth doing since itll be obsolete in 3 months (which is why i liked FFXI stuff lasted longer). But the question would be more like... when the expansion comes out can you get your craft to ll 60 plus get whatever new craftin gear the expansion has without having gotten luciius and a fully melded full artisan set (in which case if you could do it without that stuff then yes getting artisans fully melded and lucius now WOULDNT be worth it) however if like all the other stuff in this game.. you NEED to get the previous set before you can get the newest one... then the answer would be getting lucius and fully melded artisans now would be worth it because without it you cant get whats new.

Se weve never had a level cap increase before only an IL increase s we dunno how the new level cap will effect the way we're usd to progression (where you cant skip steps and NEED to do the previous step before moving onto the next one) etc etc.

The major difference here though, is that for someone who's an update or two behind in ilvl, it's intrinsically easier for them to catch up on battle content/gear than craft/gather gear. So while there may be the current ilvl requirement for all jobs/classes at the expansion (though I seriously doubt it), a lot of folks simply don't want to/can't devote what amounts to roughly ten times' the effort to catch up the final tier increase. I'm not saying it's not worth it for various reasons (personal satisfaction, money-making, etc.), just that it's highly unlikely that the expac is going to have that kind of a curve thrown at it to start. Were we talking about XI, i'd be more inclined to agree, but this is ARR.

Edited, Feb 15th 2015 10:00pm by Dallie
#23 Feb 16 2015 at 3:07 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
I'd personally hold off with the expansion looming, largely due to the lacking impact crafting has on the combat endgame. Get your classes to 50, sure, and level desired deynths if you haven't, but I'm with others in feeling leveling from 50-60 won't require current high end gear. Heck, people could probably leve cheese, assuming no preventative measures put in there.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#24 Feb 16 2015 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Seriha wrote:
I'd personally hold off with the expansion looming, largely due to the lacking impact crafting has on the combat endgame. Get your classes to 50, sure, and level desired deynths if you haven't, but I'm with others in feeling leveling from 50-60 won't require current high end gear. Heck, people could probably leve cheese, assuming no preventative measures put in there.

I disagree... There is always something new around the corner and if you wait you will never catch up.. Plus the farther ahead you are the easier it will be to get what ever new gear is released. This is not battle gear that is bought with tomes it is crafting gear and either you craft it or you craft items to get it. So the farther along you are the easier it will be to get the new items. There is a chance you can buy the gear if it is craft-able and not turn ins. It like what came first the chicken or the egg..

Plus you need to learn 3 and 4 star crafting.. You dont just go out and buy the gear and start there.. 3 and 4 star goes more by feel than some macro rotation. You need to develop the skills. If you are too over geared you Don't learn anything either.

You also need to get all your master books depending how far you take it.

Crafting takes allot of dedication. To me it has more of a feel like FFXI than anything else. Crafting it self is far better than FFXI but it really feels like a accomplishment when you finish stuff like in FFXI. It always feels like there is something to do, gathering stuff to make things, making spicy tomato relish for turn in for artisan spectical's for Desyth. etc. It can take over your life...

Plus the new expansion may not be out for a while. I dont think there is a release date yet.

Edited, Feb 16th 2015 9:37am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#25 Feb 16 2015 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Yet if you look ahead, forcing people to hit 50 and then grind through the current process just to hit 51+ is probably the worst thing they can do for progression. The combat equivalent would basically be forcing people to beat BCoB before they can level their combat classes. Realistically, we'll probably only see one-star gear at 60 cap for a while, maybe a few two-star synths. With this higher gear also comes differing CP and Craftmanship levels, which will ultimately dictate the best rotation barring other possible new abilities. What we may know now simply may not matter and playing with things like crafting simulators would be just as effective in teaching. Current 3/4-star gear will likely fall into the category of never being crafted again unless it's reshuffled into the 51+ crafting tree as maybe level 54-55 synths with possibly diminished requirements all around, including book costs.

This isn't XI. You can't treat this process like it's a Limit Break. Doing so simply puts enormous favor on both the rich and early adopters, nevermind the fact expansions traditionally serve as universal resets in the MMO world.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#26 Feb 16 2015 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Seriha wrote:
Yet if you look ahead, forcing people to hit 50 and then grind through the current process just to hit 51+ is probably the worst thing they can do for progression. The combat equivalent would basically be forcing people to beat BCoB before they can level their combat classes. Realistically, we'll probably only see one-star gear at 60 cap for a while, maybe a few two-star synths. With this higher gear also comes differing CP and Craftmanship levels, which will ultimately dictate the best rotation barring other possible new abilities. What we may know now simply may not matter and playing with things like crafting simulators would be just as effective in teaching. Current 3/4-star gear will likely fall into the category of never being crafted again unless it's reshuffled into the 51+ crafting tree as maybe level 54-55 synths with possibly diminished requirements all around, including book costs.

This isn't XI. You can't treat this process like it's a Limit Break. Doing so simply puts enormous favor on both the rich and early adopters, nevermind the fact expansions traditionally serve as universal resets in the MMO world.

First of we have no idea about new gear for crafting. But I really doubt it will be a 1 or 2 star recipe. I really doubt it will be a recipe lower than artisan gear now. My guess is it will be harder to make especially with a level cap increase. Of coarse SE will nerf older content making it easier to catch up and I am guessing that will be 60 vs level 50. The level increase alone will be enough to make older content/recipes easier.. But I am guessing you will have to be a relatively high crafter with relatively high gear to get new gear. If not it would anger allot of high level people if they just hand gear to lower levels. But it is speculation right now since SE has really been tight lipped about it.

I also think the Lucis and the new token artisan gear is a way to help those already to catch up for the new expansion.

Basically I think there will be higher level recipe and in those will be the new gear either token or crafted, most likely crafted but it is going to require being 60 and being pretty well equipped to make.

Edited, Feb 16th 2015 3:07pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
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